Dao Shuai

Chapter 78 Zhu Neng eats and asks for collection~~

After a night of sleeplessness, Hua Wuxin and Huang Moral flattered each other, making a person and a demon boil their blood every night, and they can't wait to realize the plan immediately.

Huang Daode got up early in the morning and caught a long black tiger. Hua Wuxin also finished practicing and habitually began to cook something to eat.

In fact, in his current state, eating a meal every seven or eight days is the best, which neither affects his combat effectiveness nor his martial arts cultivation due to the lack of energy in his body.

"This black tiger is a congenital monster. The tiger bone is good. Eat more morality." Hua Wuxin picked out a few tiger bones and let Huang eat them raw.

Huang Daodao stared and prayed with an ugly face, "It's unnecessary to eat raw. I'm not a wild dog."

"Don't talk nonsense. There is no energy you want to make cooked things. There are many treasures in this spinal bone. If you don't eat it, I will eat it for Qingyun. Anyway, she will definitely practice 'nine changes in Nirvana' in the future." Hua Wuxin shouted, looking like she didn't know the goods.

Sure enough, Huang Tao was very hostile to look at Qingyun, who had already got up to practice his skills, and reluctantly nibbled at the black tiger bone.

"Huh?! This..."

With a suction, the bone marrow in the bone was sucked into Huang Daode's throat, and an indescribable smell made him float all over.

"It's so delicious. How do you know?" A few minutes later, a wisp of light flashed in Huang Tao's eyes. He grew up in the forest. He had never eaten tiger meat, but he did not find the secret.

Hua unintentionally smiled mysteriously: "Hey, according to what I said, practice your skills. When the bones become as soft as ropes, you can probably try Nirvana."

"Uh-huh, okay, I'm going to practice." Huang Daode quickly nibbled the rest of the tiger bones, came to the waterfall and began to practice the most basic pile skills.

If there is a yoga master or a martial artist practicing red fist, he will be surprised to see it. The skills practiced by this cow are very similar to those they practice.

Hua Wuxin designed this link, mainly so that Huang Dao's bones, muscles and meridians can reach a perfect level of softness and unity, and the bones, muscles, and even blood of the whole body can be freely controlled.

It is even necessary to make sure that the bones are bent and constantly, and the teeth fall off and regenerate immediately. In this way, the basic physical requirements are enough, and the congenital qi and blood of life are also strong enough to test the taboo plan.

In fact, Hua Wuxin has maintained that amazing state since birth. Now he has also begun to extend his control and microcontrol until one day, he can control every cell and every hair in his body.

Everyone went to practice. Hua Wuxin followed the route said by Xiaolan and rushed to the opposite peak alone.

At this moment, he has mastered three kinds of ingenuity, and his spiritual thoughts have been reduced to more than 30,000, but his power is not the same every moment.

He took a step, and his figure had appeared ten feet away, and he could not even see his moving figure in the air. This was his way of understanding the earth and got a light skill.

However, it is still much worse than "wind and cloud decision", but he still has little understanding of the way of wind and clouds, so he can only practice "wind and cloud decision" step by step.

If it seems that Hua Wuxin is integrated with the earth, and in a while, he has disappeared on the opposite hill.


Hua Wuxin stood on the mountain, looked back at the morning sun in the east, remembered yesterday's scene, and laughed loudly, "The road is under my feet. My fate is not up to heaven and earth. What can I do?"

He jumped down the mountain and rushed to the cliff in front of him. Hua Wuxin was like a breeze, and the air was torn. Many monsters did not find him at all, but looked up at the cold wind above his head.

An hour later, Hua Xin came to the edge of the canyon. He raised his eyes and looked. There was a white fog in front of him. The sunlight penetrated in and was immediately decomposed, forming a colorful fog in the sea of fog.

"Beautiful scenery, but I don't know how wide the canyon is. The rumored four-foot fairy boy lives opposite. It seems that he is at least a virtual warrior."

The fog dissipated quickly under the sun, but the fog is still parallel to the valley, like a white cloud road.

Huh? Is there a vine? Hua Wuxin's eyes were red, and a green vine floated through the white fog for a moment.

"Hahaha... Who is peeping from the other side!" Suddenly, a loud shout came from the opposite valley. Just listening to the sound, I knew that he was a big man.

Hua Wuxin didn't think that she didn't find the enemy first under the "six blood eyes", but was found by others, and her face suddenly pulled down.

"In Hua Wuxin, he came to look for a wild magic doctor named a four-foot fairy boy and asked him for something."

In the sea of fog, a huge shadow came over. The man was more than nine feet tall, with a burly body and hair. He was eating with an unknown animal leg in his hand. The big eyes of the copper bell were like two light bulbs, staring at Hua Wuxin.


An inexplicable pressure came, and Hua Wuxin shouted secretly. The comer was extremely evil, which was simply heavier than anyone he had ever seen. He thought he could not kill few people, especially when he saved his mother in the Moon Lake, and when he killed the Iron-blood Sect, he was ruthless, but when he saw the giant in front of him, he felt himself He turned out to be a good citizen.

"No, he is not a virtual martial artist, a genius in the realm of Nirvana!" Hua Wuxin was suddenly shocked. He had once imitated the field of the Golden Flame King Beast with strong spiritual power, but there was no fluctuation in the rules of the field.

In human beings, in the secret realm of Qizong, one to three changes belong to the normal human range. As long as it breaks through the four changes, it means that the talent is unusual and can be called a little genius, just like a lifeless, extraordinary combat power, but also a warrior in the four-change advanced virtual realm.

According to Hua Wuxin's guess, the giant in front of him is at least a genius with more than four changes.

The giant ate the legs of the beast in his hand. The blood stained his body red, and the corners of his mouth also overflowed with red blood, which made people look extremely disgusting.

Fortunately, Hua Wuxin has also done this matter of eating raw meat in her last life. Although she was shocked, she could bear it.

"Come to my eldest brother, hey, let's talk about it first." The giant stood casually on the vines, but it was as stable as Mount Tai.

Hua had an ominous premonition and asked, "Oh, are you the brother of the four-foot magic doctor?" It is rumored that the four-foot strange doctor is only one meter tall, known as four feet. In fact, he has already boasted.

The giant opened his mouth and laughed, "We are the wild five immortals. I'm the fifth Zhu can eat. You outsiders, if you want to see my eldest brother, you can pass my pass first. Also, if you want to force it over, defeat me... and my companions."

"Come out, brother!"


With an arrogant roar, in the sea of fog, a strange wild boar with a bone spur in the middle of its back stepped on the fog and walked to Zhu Neng to eat.

Wild bone pig! And it's a virtual monster!

Hua took a deep breath, and then became excited. He also recorded and studied more than a thousand kinds of monsters, but this strange wild boar variant was only heard of it.

The wild bone pig, nearly two meters long, has four hooves thick and powerful, and its hair is as black as a needle. It has defense power, especially this kind of mutant, loves to eat all kinds of bones, and has a row of white bone spurs as hard as a sword on its back, and its attack power is not small.

Hua Wuxin is relieved. No wonder no one dares to provoke "four feet". This giant Zhu can eat and this mutant virtual bone pig, even the advanced virtual martial artist who has three changes. At least he must have the fighting power of Hua Wumei, and may be forced to go there.

However, Hua Wumei is not an ordinary person. He himself is a warrior with the four changes of Nirvana, and the power of blood, and his combat power is comparable to the great success of the virtual world.

"How to pass the test? I admit that I'm not your opponent." Hua Wuxin looked at the wild pig who was deeply hostile to him.

Zhu Neng smiled. Obviously, Hua's unintentional "conting defeat" made him a little flustered. "You are a smart boy. If you want to pass me, if you eat more than me, I will admit defeat and let you go."

"Look who eats more?" Hua Wuxin was a little surprised. If it was just this guy, Hua Wuxin really had the idea of forcing it. When he saw the virtual bone pig, he completely gave up the idea.

"Yes, the eldest brother told me that as long as anyone eats more than me, he can let him go."

Hua Xin smiled secretly. He usually maintained a certain eating habit, not that he could not eat. In terms of digestive function, he was not afraid of anyone, but the impurities in the food were a little troublesome and needed to practice to force him out of the body.

"Okay, I'll see who eats more than you." Hua Wuxin smiled mysteriously and said provocatively.

Zhu Neng was stunned and said happily, "Hahaha, I knew that you are also a foodie. Let's go. Let's get some food."

He pulled up the flower unintentionally, stood on the back of the wild bone pig, roared, and flew to the opposite side.

Hua Wuxin saw a tree house in the air on the opposite side, which was very wonderful. An ancient pine tree stretched out its branches, and the house just covered it.

Soon, Zhu Neng came back with a snow-white yak in each hand, which surprised Hua Wuxin. Is this guy going to compete with this thousand catties of yak?

"Little brother, if you are afraid, go back obediently. Haha, a snow mountain yak tastes cold and cool. Come and taste it." Zhu Neng threw two dead yaks aside, stabbed them in his hand, and a pair of 100 catties of ox legs were cut off.

Hua's unintentional hands bloomed a thin layer of blue true thorns. He gently scraped, and the whole cowhide fell down easily, revealing the white and red fresh meat inside.

He tore a piece, dipped it in salt, and put it in his mouth, "Hmm..."

"It melts in the mouth, and it's cool. It's really the best. Uh-huh, uh... What's going on?" Hua Wuxin put the meat in her mouth, just like a piece of soft snow meat, which is very delicious.

Hua Wuxin suddenly felt a chill in her stomach, followed by bursts of pain, and even a chill appeared in her spinal cord.


PS: Tomorrow is the last day of the promotion of the classification of Daoshuai. Mu Muxi is also going to work, but... The editor said that there will be a recommendation next week, so at least two changes every day, strive for three changes, and run to the fourth update... Are the prince's book empty? Clicking on a collection is the greatest motivation for Mu Muxi.

You keep the firepower, Mumuxi keeps **, ** will come soon~~~