Dao Shuai

Chapter 176


As soon as Hua Wuxin was about to remove it, she was interrupted by Wen Yuqiong, who was hidden behind her, and then she was hit by Zhao Hui's two moves.


"Cough... What an empathy." Hua Wuxin left and left her chest, as if she had been pierced by an awl, and two huge blood holes appeared, and the internal lungs and heart were broken.

Zhao Hui said with a sad look of the dead rabbit and the fox, "I'm sorry, my master did it again. I really admire you and look forward to fighting with you. Unfortunately... You are going to die, but I will bless you to return to the earth, hahaha..."

Hua Wuxin shouted to Wen Yuqiong, "Wen Yuqiong, you are a loser under my mother. Hahaha, but you come to kill me with this unseemination method. If you have the ability, kill me directly."

Wen Yuqiong came to the dying Hua Wuxin and said coldly, "I won't let you die so easily. I'm going to divide you into five pieces, leave a body, and then give it to your mother. Do you think it's okay, or cut off your limbs, put you in the jar, and wait for one day your parents to pick you up?"

"Without the invitation of Yue Xiantong, you can't use any streamer movies. There are still some bright moon forbidden spells. The six desires abstinence are all bullshit. I said that I want to spend thousands of years to regret for a lifetime. This is just the beginning." Wen Yuqiong looked ferocious and shouted crazily at Hua Wuxin.

Zhao Hui looked at Wen Yuqiong with a trace of eyes. He opened his mouth in surprise and lost his words. It was beautiful. If you talk about the appearance alone, Wen Yuqiong deserves to be the most beautiful in the world.

Unfortunately, the hatred at this moment makes Wen Yuqiong's beautiful face extremely evil and disgusting. Shishi, the beautiful woman created by Hua Wuxin is not only beautiful in appearance, but also makes men obsessed with her mysterious temperament.

"Huier, you now cut off his limbs and imprison him with a jar. I will torture him little by little to make his life worse than death!"

Zhao Hui looked at Wen Yuqiong and said, "What a crazy woman." He said respectfully, "It's the master."

He first transported the innocent yuan, and a silver Zhenyuan attached to his hand, forming a hand blade, which swelled. His hand fell, and his unintentional hands and legs separated, leaving only a bare body lying on the ground.

Wen Yuqiong then took out two pills, one black and one red, and stuffed them into the mouth of Hua Wuxin, which had already lost her pain.

"Let people find a big jar, imprison Hua Wuxin, and don't let others know my relationship with you, especially Li Nonxiao." Wen Yuqiong ordered coldly, and then used some vicious method to smash the unintentional meridians.

"The apprentice understands that he must help the master fulfill his wish." Zhao Hui looked at such a heartless flower and sighed. What's the use of the master at this moment? Isn't he still so depressed?

"Ha ha... Good apprentice, if you help as a teacher, you will naturally not treat you badly as a teacher, seize the Sanxiu Alliance, let you dominate Kyushu and work hard." Wen Yuqiong smiled beautifully and horribly, but Zhao Hui couldn't help but find out whether he was far away from this horrible queen early.

As soon as Wen Yuqiong left, Zhan Yi appeared behind Zhao Hui. Looking at Hua Wuxin's tragic appearance, she frowned and said, "Lord, that woman is suspicious and has no taboos. Does the Lord really want to follow her?"

"Don't talk nonsense, how can I do it now? If I am strong, how can I kneel at the feet of a woman... Remember my words, this woman is crazy, and we will go crazy with her. One day... Humph, you go find a jar and take him to the base in Yuzhou." Zhao Hui waved his hand and sat alone to recover his true anger.

As soon as the war sent a signal, four men carried a huge black porcelain vinegar jar. They first put Hua Wuxin's body into it and stuffed Hua Wuxin's arms and legs into it.

"All right, Lord."

"Well, go back and seal it, leave your head out, and don't let it die. And it's better to put some vinegar, salt water, scorpion and poisonous snakes in the jar, so that the smell will not overflow." Zhao Hui looked contemptuously at Hua Wuxin, who had already fainted, and took everyone away quickly.

The next day, Shi Shi got up early in the morning and felt an unknown feeling.

"Ahuang, Ahuang..."

"Master, what's the matter?" Huang has recently broken through the five changes. His body can be adjusted and become the most powerful assistant of Shi Shi's subordinates.

Shi Shi was wearing a pajamas, her hair was fluffy, and she said anxiously, "Intentionally, didn't he say that he would have a martial arts competition with Zhao Hui? Why hasn't he come back yet?"

"Hua Shuai hasn't come back. Maybe he has encountered something else. The boss is now changing. Generally, the virtual warriors are not opponents at all. Even if he meets the cave virtual warriors, it is absolutely no problem to escape." Huang doesn't care at all. He absolutely worships Hua Wuxin and trusts his master very much.

"I feel depressed today. I have an ominous feeling. By the way, it's Wen Yuqiong. Wuxin mentioned it yesterday... Well, is it really that Wen Yuqiong vented his father's hatred on Wuxin..." Shi Shi said to herself, and the more she thought about it, the more likely it became.

Yesterday, she just mobilized information. Wen Yuqiong is the first king of the black list and a master of Dongxu. She was once under the personal guidance of thousands of years. Originally, she was a substitute for Sun Guard, but she fell in love with her by mistake, and the two got together.

Hua Wuxin was randomly stuffed into the black jar at this moment, and her limbs were quickly connected, sitting in the jar, pretending to be asleep.

When the birth gradually lit up, Hua Wuxin came out of her body and returned to the Mingyue Mansion.

Shi Shi sat in front of the dresser with a sad face, looked at the bright bronze mirror, and muttered to herself, "Bad mindless, stinky teacher, where are you? Is it okay? Come out and tell Shi Shi..."

Suddenly, a face appeared in the bronze mirror that made her yearnly. Hua Wuxin said, "Shi, it makes you worry."


Shi Shi looked at the person in the mirror and suddenly turned around, but didn't see anyone. She looked at the bronze mirror again and said anxiously, "Unintentionally, have you been harmed by the female demon of Yuqiong?"

"Don't worry, don't worry. I'm fine. I'm doing this just to resolve the hatred between Wen Yuqiong and my parents. Now you should understand my heart." The flowers in the bronze mirror showed a warm and bright smile.


A purple-gold light and shadow flew out of the bronze mirror and turned into a virtual shadow and said with a smile, "It's not that you haven't seen my yuan god, but your body is trapped. During this period, I want you to help me."

Shi Shi really realized that Hua Wuxin was fine and couldn't help crying anymore. Hua Wuxin frowned and said, "Why are you crying? I'm not dead. I have an important task for you."

"Oh, tell me, I won't cry." Shi Shi had tears on her face and stared at Hua Wuxin with her little mouth.

She is sometimes cute, sometimes charming, sometimes charming, sometimes sacred, but sometimes she can't stand it. I really want to eat this ghost girl.

"My plan is..."

Shi Shi said, "This is not good..."

Hua Wuxin comforted: "Do as I say, I'll do the rest, and don't be afraid. I have a split in Yuhuang City to protect you at any time. Under the cave, I'm invincible."

Taiyi's body is a demon with a virtual realm. If it really explodes, it will exert ten times the combat power. With the atomic cannon, even if he is a caved martial artist, he dares not be sharp.

"Really?" Shi Shi was surprised.

Hua Wuxin said, "Why did I lie to you? He will come to you later. He is another genh of mine."

Shi Shi said curiously, "Is he still you?"

Hua Wuxin explained speechlessly: "What do I say what you think? He is a part of me. We are already one, just like two hands. This is the body, and the Taiyi Yuanshen is like a separated right hand. We can be together at any time. People's thoughts are billions. Theoretically It can be divided infinitely.

"Then he won't rape me, will he?" Shi Shi listened to Hua inadtentionally say that the split was a demon body, and she was still somewhat worried.

"Mom, auntie, I beg you, don't challenge my IQ anymore. He is connected to my consciousness. That is to say, I know what he does, but he will also know what I do, because I am the master, he is my infinitely long arm, now do you understand?" Hua Wuxin was a little broken. He swore that he would make up lessons for this girl when he came back in the future.