Dao Shuai

Chapter 211 Divine Intersection

The autumn wind is blowing, everything is in a depression, and the streets of Yuhuang City are sparsely populated. Three months have passed since the last war, and people have not yet been freed from that horrible war.

Hua Wuxin's cultivation has also been well consolidated for a period of time, and now she has begun to understand the law. Hua Wuxin only took the way of water to feel it. The progress is not bad. Just one step away, she can feel a move of the law of the water system. At that time, his magic power, magic and so on will be greatly advanced.

The withered yellow leaves fell to the ground, and Hua Wuxin was boxing under the tree alone. It was Taijiquan, but this Taijiquan was just a "water Taiji".

I saw his hands rubbing in front of him, and there seemed to be an invisible ball in the void. "Laozi" has a very good view on the characteristics of water. Hua Wuxin has already read it tens of thousands of times. Even on the wall of the living room, there are four big words "good as water" written by him.

I said: the good is like water, and water is good for all things without dispute, and it is evil of everyone, so it is almost the Tao.

He also said that no one in the world is weaker than water, and no one who attacks strong can win. This is soft virtue.

In just a few words, the character and law of water are told, but few people in the world can learn the virtue of water.

Although Hua Wuxin understands the literal meaning, it is another matter to understand it from boxing.

For a long time, he often fights with boxing power. Unlike virtual martial artists, they prefer the use of law tricks because of their habits.


A cool breeze blew up and rolled up the yellow leaves all over the ground. Hua Wuxin also closed her fist, stood still, and swallowed the saliva in her mouth into three mouths.

"The wind is blowing..."

"Young master, it's time!" Feng stood respectfully behind Hua Wuxin.

"Well, let's go!" After saying that, the two rolled up a whirlwind and disappeared into the water forest.

At the junction of Yuzhou, Rongzhou and Yanzhou, there is a mountain called: Zhelong.

From afar, Zhalong Mountain is like an ancient wild beast crawling on the earth. Humans generally avoid this mysterious mountain.


Before the person arrived, a roar could be heard dozens of miles away, and the sound contained a strong atmosphere, as if the ancient dragon was roaring and roaring.

"What is the sound in front of you?" Hua unintentionally walked in the wilderness with the wind. With his perceptual ability, the heavy roar came from the bottom of the earth as if it were real.

"A waterfall like the sea!" Feng glanced at the eyes and said unintentionally.

Hua's mindless mind quickly leaned out. There was indeed a silver waterfall in front of it, roaring, and hundreds of miles around it were shrouded in fog. The sun shone with purple air. The rainbow crossed it. Occasionally, you can see the white crane spreading its wings and the giant bear fishing, just like a fairyland.

"This...is so spectacular!" Hua Wuxin also made a deep admiration. When he was on the earth, he also saw the three major waterfalls in the world, but compared with the waterfall in front of him now, it is simply the difference between the sea and the stream.

The silver waterfall flew down from nine days, as if the dragons were flying. Hua Wuxin and the wind stood outside the waterfall and looked at this masterpiece of nature. How can people who have not seen this scene imagine that the power of water would have such a momentum to swallow up the wilderness?

In a trance, Hua Wuxin entered a mysterious state.

At the end of the distant time and space, there was a loud noise, and a world was born, and then the demons danced wildly. The three emperors created the world and the five emperors ruled the world. This majestic waterfall has always been silently stirring. With the geological changes and the flow of time, she became more and more majestic, and Hua Wuxin seems to have incarnated into this magical waterfall.

Following her source, she entered the forgotten era. No matter how time changes, no matter how all sentient beings evolve, she is still her, neither sad nor happy. She not only nurtures the hundreds of millions of creatures around her, but also nourishes the whole land of Kyushu...

Hua stood there silently, and tears flowed unconsciously. His consciousness drifted with this waterfall that had survived for a long time, and his free fist was also stimulated. Water is Tao, and Xiaoyao's fist is also Tao, one is heaven and the other is humanity.


He opened his eyes and tasted the once-in-a-millennium "sympathy". He was moved by the life of this waterfall. At this moment, his perception of water underwent a spiritual transformation.

Water is not a dead thing, but has emotions, fluctuations and thoughts, which is exactly the same as the law of boxing.

"The mother of all laws, water law!" Hua Wuxin suddenly pinched the formula in front of her, and the fog seemed to be elf sending out happy and joy.

Hua unintentionally stepped into the waterfall. The wind wanted to scream and followed it after thinking about it.

The flower unintentionally opened her arms and floated in the fog. The surrounding water molecules beat in the void, and countless blue light spots in the sea were constantly absorbed by the two yuan gods.

The wind was surprised and said, "Is this...?"

Hua Wuxin is not a calculating person, but he abides by the most original heart. This mood, fist, body and so on all coincide with this waterfall, reaching the sense of heaven and man that is difficult for others to meet in ten lifetimes.

The wind looked at the water mist and waterfall around it and seemed to make a different cry around the young master. Although he had never seen this phenomenon, he knew with his buttocks that it must be a rare opportunity. He silently guarded Hua Wuxin to prevent monsters from hurting Hua Wuxin.

I don't know how long it took, Hua Wuxin came out of that comfortable feeling. He looked at the world as if it was different. He didn't even take any effort to walk. Even as long as he wanted to, the water molecules in the void would lead him to that place.

"Wonderful, my way of water has broken through like this?" Hua Wuxin still doesn't know what's going on at this moment, but feels as if he has integrated into the world without any resistance. With one punch, even without physical strength, it seems that he can destroy any virtual warrior with one punch.

"Wind..." Hua had no intention to let Feng inform the fifth brother. As soon as he returned to China, he found that the fifth brother was standing behind him.

Hua Wutian was very calm, and his eyes were full of wisdom. Hua Wuxin nodded and sat in the ethereal mist again.

This time, the two yuan gods began to check, and soon he understood that it was a little incredible to talk about his friendship with the gods, but that's what it was.

Half a day later, he woke up from his practice and told the fifth brother that he had broken through. As long as he wanted to, he could enter the virtual realm anytime and anywhere, and would enter the realm of great void.

The friendship between heaven and man not only gives the unintentional Taoist body the characteristics of water, but also the two yuan gods who know the sea have obtained unimaginable benefits, especially the Taoist yuan god. This yuan god is now a "human fruit", and even if it is separated from the physical combat effectiveness, it will not be reduced much. To put it bluntly, if Hua unintentionally dies, Dao Yiyuan can completely nurture an invincible body with the help of any life embryo.

Hua Wuxin, Wuge and Feng entered a cave in Zhalong Mountain.

There is a huge brass gate at the entrance of the cave. When the flower inadvertently entered it, she found that everything in the cave was actually a whole, completely made of bronze.

"Is this the relic of a great god in ancient times?" Hua Wuxin muttered to herself.

Feng said, "This is what your father did."

"My father? This...it's too crazy."

Hua Wutian said, "This hall was indeed cast by the second uncle."

Hua Wuxin finally understood why the twelve sun guards have achieved their own cultivation, and they have a great magic power and are so willing to submit to their father's feet. Be good, this is why it will be difficult for the strongest to do it.

"The second uncle saw a bronze boulder under the ground and felt good, so he pulled it up, melted the bronze boulder, attached it to this cave, and formed this hall." Hua Wutian came to the hall with Hua Wuxin and looked up, carving a huge bronze plaque engraved with "right and bright".

"What is his father's realm? Is he the strongest? So where has he gone?" A lot of doubts suddenly appeared in Hua Wuxin's heart.

"And Wen Yuqiong, this woman was used by others. Why didn't those who used her kill her?"

Just when Hua was thinking nonsense, twelve figures appeared in His Royal Highness. They wore a bright golden sun robe and a golden mask, and everyone's breath was completely different.

"Golden Sun Twelve Guards!" Hua Wuxin is also secretly shocked. What kind of power is this? I'm afraid it has been cultivated by the Hua family for five or six hundred years since Hua Wuji.