Dao Shuai

Chapter 284 Handsome Eloquence


Two crisp sounds, and the "Ghost Master" grabbed the arms of the barren dragon and Yuer and suddenly exploded.

"Who!" Degu retreated quickly and shouted nervously.

"It's me..."

Hua had no intention to die and come back to life again, looking at the nervous Degu with a lazy look.

The barren dragon pointed to Hua Wuxin and said angrily, "You are not dead...?"

Hua Wuxin said, "Of course I'm not dead. I'm going to die. I guess you two will become shadows."

"What the hell is going on?" Huanglong was free, suppressed the anger of his brother's betrayal, and stared at Yuer and asked.

Yu'er looked at Huanglong calmly and said slowly, "This is my idea."

"Okay, one of you betrayed me, and the other is cheating on me, hahaha... I'm just an idiot, a fool, and a fart..." Huanglong said and became excited.

Degu beside him is quietly hiding in the shadow.

"I want to escape..."

The barren dragon stood in front of Degu and looked at Degu ruthlessly.


Degu knelt shamelessly at the feet of the barren dragon and crawled on the ground and prayed, "Brother, please let me go once."

"You should kill yourself!" Huanglong said indifferently.

Degu raised his head and looked up at the familiar face of Huanglong. He knew Huanglong very well. As long as he identified the enemy, he would never let it go.

"I'd rather die in your hands. You kill me."

"Good!" A streamer went straight to Degu's eyebrows.


A black skull rolled under the feet of the barren dragon.

The shadow world also disappeared. Hua Wuxin suddenly glanced at the head on the ground and frowned, "Yes... people have escaped!"

"Age!" Yuer also saw the frightened head.

Huanglong also found something wrong at this time. He slowly picked up the head of the armor and looked straight into the armor's eyes and said, "Go ahead. The eldest brother will kill him."

After saying that, he turned around and was ready to leave alone.

"Wild Dragon!" Hua Wuxin suddenly stopped the Huanglong.

"What's the matter?"

Hua said inadly, "Maybe I can save your brother."


"Brother Hua, are you telling the truth?" Yu'er also looked at Hua Wuxin excitedly.

"Have you forgotten why you came to arrest me?" Hua Wuxin asked the two with a mysterious smile.

The wild dragon said, "Do you really master the power of time and space?"

"Why, doesn't it look like it?" Hua Wuxin smiled.

Huanglong shook his head. Although he didn't want to see Hua carelessly and even wanted to beat this guy, he was awake and the truth was clear.

Hua Wuxin knew that he had won the victory and was happy and said, "What is the realm of both of you?"

Yu'er said, "I'm Tianshi Daoguo, and my eldest brother is at the peak of Tianshi Guojing."

"Well...very good, in this case, the three of us have a good discussion..." Hua Wuxin showed a treacherous smile.

The barren dragon stared at Hua Wuxin. He hated this guy to laugh.

Yuer said that all this was his idea. In fact, it was Hua Wuxin's lead.

Since Hua Wuxin met the first horse of the ancient times, he has also known the way of heaven and eternal life. Whether it can be turned into heavens or not, that is, Hua Wuxin does not believe it very much. After catching Yuer, he has talked with him several times and completely conquered it with his immortal free thought. This goddess who is soft on the outside and strong on the inside.

The next plan is very clear. Hua Wuxin and Yuer conspired once, hoping to awaken the confused hearts of the three brothers.

This is a very successful adventure for Hua Wuxin.

A few days later, Hua Wuxin, Huanglong and Yuer came to the place where the armor was attacked by Hua Wuxin.

"Are you sure your method can resurrect the armor?" Huanglong really doesn't believe this guy's words.

Hua Wuxin was really speechless. She scolded in her heart that I could come back in the future, and she came from the earth. It took me ten years to study the "array method", and this guy actually doubted himself.

Hua had no intention to look back and provoke, "Why don't we make a bet?"

"What bet?"

"Well... How about we bet that whoever loses will be a servant for a hundred years?" Hua Wuxin looked at the Huanglong and did not forget to wink at Yuer beside him.


The sweet laughter heard by Huanglong was almost crooked. How can it be? She was still seducing my goddess in front of me. He roared: "Hua Wuxin, I want to bet 10,000 years with you!"


Hua Wuxin suddenly laughed down. This guy has lived for tens of thousands of years and is really a standard jealousy emotionally.

"Okay, if I succeed in resurrecting the armor, you will be my servant for 10,000 years, are you sure?"

The wild dragon said, "You talk too much. I, the wild dragon, have never counted."

"It's okay. I believe in you and Yuer." Hua Wuxin said, looking sideways at the beautiful and kind rain.


The thick black smoke of chopsticks suddenly came out of the ears of the wild dragon, and its eyes were also green.

Hua unintentionally raised his hand, and a Taiji picture slowly became bigger. With a roar, the Taiji map covered a radius of 100 meters, and a yin and yang fish slowly rotated.

"You two stand on the eyes of two yin and yang fish. After entering, you only need to inject fairy power. For the rest, just call me."

Hearing Hua's unintentional order, Huanglong and Yu did not dare to be careless and walked on this mysterious pattern.

Then, twelve pure time crystals appeared in Hua Wuxin's palm, "Go!"

Bang bang!

The crystal clear and charming time crystal is embedded around the Taiji diagram.

At this moment, the figure below looks like a modern "clock".

"After I cast the spell, when I say it starts, you will immediately inject fairy power into the anti-Taiji array."

"I know!"

Hua Wuxiu's hands were imprinted, suddenly biting the tip of her tongue, spitting out a mouthful of blood fog, and shouted, "When...light...reverse...turn!"


The blood atomized into a red pointer and fell in the center of the array. As the fairy power increased, the speed of the pointer began to rotate quickly.

"Taiji space-time!"


Hua has no heart to draw yin and yang, and a huge Taiji space covers this magic array.

"Inject fairy power quickly!"


The wild dragon and rain immediately introduced the pure power of the world into the Taiji map.

The blood-red pointer began to rotate counterclockwise, and the whole picture of Taiji space-time began to regress.

Hua Wuxin's divine consciousness and Taiji time and space were integrated at this time, and he carefully looked for the figure of the armor.

Time went backwards and soon came to the scene a few days ago. Hua Wuxin pretended to be tricked and suddenly burst out.

The armor was blown to pieces in an instant, and a shadow flashed away at the same time.

At this moment, there was a sudden crash in the sky, and there was a creaking sound of gears in the sky.

With the help of the power of the two masters of Taoism, Hua Wuxin returned to the past and gently touched the fate of the armor...


In a trance, Hua Wuxin saw another future scene... In front of her eyes, she lost consciousness.


"It's been seven days, why hasn't he woken up?" A young voice sounded.

Hua Wuxin's head became more and more painful, as if it was about to explode.


After a while, Yuer and Huanggu saw Hua Wuxin stop shouting and said softly, "Are you feeling better?"

"It's okay... It's the first time to force the use of space-time power, which is a little uncomfortable." Hua unintentionally rubbed her temples.

A teenager with a huge bow on his back looked at Hua Wuxin. He couldn't believe that the eldest brother would suddenly be so kind to this guy.

Hua Wuxin opened her eyes and saw the armor that had been changed by him at first sight.

"It's okay, it worked."

A black line began to appear on his forehead. Although he expected to win a gamble, unfortunately, playing with his IQ and Hua Wuxin is simply looking for death, just as stupid as Hua Wuxin duels with him.

"Where's my servant, rub my shoulders quickly." Hua Wuxin lowered her head and said deliberately.

"Who is your servant? Are you sick?" Kai was immediately angry when he heard Hua Wuxin's words.

However, the next scene made him lose his chin.

His most admired eldest brother, who can rush to the roof proudly, is like a pit in the sky and the earth. He walked behind Hua Wuxin with heavy steps, gritted his teeth and began to rub his shoulders for Hua Wuxin in front of "everyone".

"What the hell is going on?" Kai suddenly felt that his IQ was a little insufficient, which was even more strange than the sun coming out from the west.

Hua heartlessly closed her eyes and enjoyed the service given to him by the peerless master, "Be gentle... Rub the force into the bone..."

The three-foot god of the barren dragon hall actually serves an ordinary person.

The rain looked at the desolation dragon suffer and kept eating and laughing. She finally understood that whether it was a person or a god, this was a thing. The barren dragon finally met someone who could conquer him and save him.

"Be gentle... Can you massage?" Hua Wuxin opened her eyes and roared.

Huanglong was not in the mood to massage her. At this time, he even had the heart to commit suicide. He was willing to kill the enemy for ten days and nights and did not want to do this kind of work.

"I'm done..."

Hua laughed and said, "Are you quit? Then what are you going to do? Yuer won't like a treacherous person.

"You..." Huanglong's eyes widened, but he was so angry that he had nothing to say.

"Okay, I will forgive you this time. Practice your massage skills well in the future. Our days are still long. Don't worry."

The barren dragon stared at Hua Wuxin's back without tears. He suddenly found that he had strength and nowhere to use it. He was aggrieved, coward, and even a kind of humiliation came out from the bottom of his heart.


Hua had no intention to feel a piercing murderous intention, and suddenly turned around and stared at the wild dragon with strong emotional fluctuations.

"Do you feel very cowardly...embarras you...especially in front of Yuer and Kai..."

"Do you think you are tall and powerful... and even think of yourself as... heaven!"

"Do you want to kill me... to cover up your embarrassment at this time..."


Hua's heartless stormy drink is like a heart with an ice knife like a wild dragon.

After a long time... a wonderful and shocking speech ended.

Hua Wuxin finally succeeded in detering the first god brothers who followed him with his peerless eloquence and saliva.

"Do you know a real man?"

"A real man is a man who dares to take on everything. You can't even afford to lose a small bet. What else can you do to achieve the road of happiness?"

"Your heart... is not as strong as Yuer!"

Hua unintentionally is like the sharpest knife, which makes a generation of heroes and barren dragons tremble.

He was afraid. He was really afraid. No one dared to say that. He had always thought that he was the most powerful, but suddenly someone told you that you were the most cowardly and timid, and even you had to admit that the other party's words were very reasonable, so... he was afraid.

The wild dragon was afraid, Yu'er was stunned, and the armor was completely dumbfounded.



The wild dragon suddenly regained consciousness. He knelt down in front of Hua Wuxin and said with a pious face, "Lord...thank you for your teaching!"

"All sentient beings are equal. Although your descendants are not as good as three thousand innate demons, they also have advantages that human beings do not have, so it is inevitable that they will be proud and lost... Since you call me Lord, I also tell you that my way is the way of freedom, the way of happiness and happiness..."

Hua Wuxin is as great and shining as the sky in the eyes of the first three riders in ancient times, and then Hua Wuxin said an immortal truth known as the fairy family: "Even if it is immortal and lasts forever, if you don't recognize yourself, isn't it a joke..."

"Even if the world is invincible and even the people who love you can't protect it, it's better to be a mandarin duck..."

"Even if you become the heavens, you are the only one... It's better to be a pig..."

"When you occupy the world, you will actually destroy yourself!"

The barren dragon suddenly muttered the true emotion of Hua Wuxin's excitement and sighed, with a roar... A green world appeared behind the barren dragon...

Kai and Yu looked at them one after another and said in shock, "Big brother has broken through the king's way!"