Dao Shuai

Chapter 288 Unintentional Psermon

The drizzle brought a fresh aura to Kyushu in early spring.

In the Taoist palace, a girl in red holds a sword, her steps are mysterious, and the rabbit rises and falls. She is fighting with a man in green.

"Look at the trick... It's drizzling!"


The sword light seemed to melt into the drizzle. Suddenly, several white drizzle penetrated the body of the man in blue, and the man in blue smiled and dissipated.

"Dad, how is my swordsmanship?" Huabuwu took the sword and looked back at Hua Wuxin, who was beside her, said proudly.

Hua laughed in the heart and said, "It's sloppy."

"Uh... are you right?" Hua Bwu came to his father with a smile and asked softly, staring at Hua Wuxin's hand.

"You are also in your thirties, and you are still like a child."

"What's wrong at the age of 30? I also want to be with my father at the age of 100." Flowers don't dance their eyebrows and fly.


At this time, a mature young woman came. Lin Sishuilian came and said, "You two are still here, and the flowers are gone again."

Hua Wuxin is the son of Hua Wuxin and Shi Shi. Now he is 20 years old. Hua Wuxin accidentally returned to the past after the war with Tie Muzhen 20 years ago. When he came back, 18 years had already passed in Kyushu.

Because Hua Wuxin's absence, Hua stayed in the Taoist palace and was completely spoiled by Shi Shi, Lin Sishui, Begonia and Hua Bubiwu. She was extremely naughty and had a great rebellious tendency towards Hua Wuxin. She was 20 years old and had just broken through the natural world.

After Hua Wuxin came back, she was furious and scolded the three wives and Huabuwu fiercely. In anger, Hua Wuxin pulled Hua Wuyi's classmates to hundreds of thousands of miles away.

Hua had no intention to bring her "second generation" baby son to the Holy War Valley and began a life-and-death training.

In this way, Hua Wuxin gave full play to the peerless thick black magic skill that was not afraid of sacrifice, sealed the true spirit of his lustful classmates, threw him a hundred catties of knife, and threw it into the wilderness and let him survive.

Hua was uneasy and personally created several beast tides.

In just over a year, the sexless classmates have been injured hundreds of times and died dozens of times.

As a saying goes: the best teacher in the world is not interest, but survival.

Hua Wuxin has changed considerably since he experienced ancient things, especially his strength.

So he did not hesitate to train his son with the help of death.

For good, although Hua is greedy for fun, her IQ is good and clever. Coupled with Hua's inadence to teach boxing experience, she has been promoted from the acquired to the innate peak in more than a year.

Later, Shi Shi secretly came here once. Seeing that his son was bitten into a disabled and half-dead by a monster, he was very scared on the spot. He immediately quarreled with Hua Wuxin and threatened to take his son back to his mother's house. Hua Wuxin gave Hua a holiday.

After this year's death and escape, the sexless classmates have not only made great progress in physical cultivation, but also become much more courageous and have become numb to death.

Time went back to 20 years ago.

At that time, Zixia Mountain was besieged by Tianshen Palace and won the first game with the assistance of everyone. Later, Tianshen Palace launched three attacks under the leadership of Tie Muzhen and Qinghuo, relying on the millions of iron elite team Zixia Mountain.

Among them, it is the third largest and most tragic. A generation of demon lord Hua Wutian and God's green fire were the most popular, and finally the green fire was knocked down to a realm.

The battle between Qingxia Fairy and Tiemuzhen has also attracted the attention of martial artists all over the world. At the beginning, Qingxia Fairy seems to have the ability to restrain Tiemuzhen, but with the increase in the number of fights between the two, the production has become the best sharpening stone for iron wood.

Finally, in the fourth battle, Qingxia Fairy was defeated in three moves. If it hadn't been for Teng Tianhu's timely arrival, Qingxia Fairy and Zixia Mountain would have fallen into the hands of the Heavenly Palace.

Teng Tianhu has been closed for decades, and a breakthrough is the "fruit of the king of heaven", surpassing the defeat of the East and the Lord of the Underworld, and becoming the strongest in Kyushu.

Tiemuzhen will naturally not let the duck fly away, defeating Qingxia Fairy and fighting with the battlefield hegemon Teng Tianhu, which has also become the highest level of battle in the Kyushu era.

Rao Tiemu is really talented and has a good boxing ability, but he still failed to resist the blow of the war hegemon. After being severely damaged, he led the army of the Tianshen Palace to escape back to the grassland.

Twenty years have passed since Tie Muzhen went back, and the world has temporarily calmed down for 20 years.

Hua Wuxin was not in a hurry to hear the news of Hua Buque's escape, so he said to Lin Sishui: "No matter who he is Shi and Haitang?"

Lin Sishui frowned and said, "What's wrong with cooking in the kitchen?"

"I'll let you know if there is anything."

At dinner in the afternoon, Hua inattentionally told Shi Shi's four women that he wanted to open the Taoist palace and officially preach to all sentient beings.

Shi Shi just frowned and didn't say anything. Lin Sishui looked at Hua Wuxin with a smile, while Begonia and Huabuwu looked curious.

"Don't worry. I will limit the number of people in the Taoist palace, not too much." Hua had no intention to discuss with her family to avoid some messy conflicts.

In 1997, a piece of news caused a sensation in the whole cultivation world, especially the monster world.

In the 1980s of the Kyushu calendar, Dao Shuaihua inadlin began to preach to all living things in the world in the Taoist palace square.

Huang Tao, the leader of the Yellow Sect, led 72 disciples and 30,000 elite disciples to attend the class as soon as possible. Tiandi City, Moon Lake, Sword Pavilion and so on, including many monsters and people in Qinling Mountain, were there, with a total of 100,000 people present, and about half of the monsters.

Hua Wuxin sat in the void in a Taiji Taoist robe and looked down at the monsters and human beings below who came to listen to the lecture.

"Since Tie Muzhen has awakened, his strength will definitely grow rapidly, just like the sky, I don't have much time..." Hua Wuxin looked at the sentient beings who listened to the class and thought secretly.

When he returned to ancient times, Hua Wuxin used his split to get all the information about the sky and experience of Taoism cultivation in the Thai emperor. After returning to Kyushu, in addition to educating his son, he spent the rest of his time discussing with the four god kings and the four-foot magic doctor how to deal with the future "tian".

Hua Wuxin revealed the things about the sky to the four god kings and the four feet and Hua Wutian six people before. After more than a year of careful discussion, Hua Wuxin finally determined two routes.

The first is to preach and teach, let more people follow themselves, that is, become their own believers, minimize the thirters around the sky, and make their cultivation stronger as soon as possible.

Second, collecting a large amount of the power of faith, Hua unintentionally got the method of collecting the "power of faith" from the God of War. The power of faith is one of the purest forces of the world, and it is perfect energy to deal with heaven or practice.

In fact, in the final analysis, it is strength. Without strength, everything will be in vain, and the ancient scene will reappear. The sky will turn into a path, and enslave the world will become real.

Hua heartless pinched his hands, and his whole body became a hundred feet tall, like a hill floating in the void.

More than a dozen monsters, human beings and even ancient gods stared at Hua Wuxin. For them, Hua Wuxin is a legend.

"From today, I will preach and discuss the study of cultivation with the creatures of the world."

Hua Wuxin then asked with a smile, "Why does everyone practice?"

When Huang Taodao, who was beside him, saw Hua Wuxin looking at him, he immediately got up and said, "My cultivation is to become the first person of the demon clan and protect the clan!"

"I want to be a person like the Three Emperors and Five Emperors!"

Everyone began to talk a lot. After a quarter of an hour, Hua Wuxin slowly said, "The purpose of all sentient beings to practice is almost the same. As knowledge grows, the purpose and motivation will also change. The purpose of my cultivation is to complete a dream..."

Hua didn't mean to say something and suddenly stopped deliberately, and the dojo was extremely quiet. "My dream is to... complete the 'three worlds and six paths'."

An old man asked, "What are the three worlds and six paths?"

"The three worlds are also three worlds, one is the human world, the second is the fairy world, and the third is the demon world. The six paths are one of the most mysterious laws of heaven and earth, and it is also the law of balancing all living things in the three worlds."

Hua Wuxin said again, "Some people will definitely ask what's the use of 'three worlds and six paths'?"

"I tell you, that's because in the near future, the world will usher in a real mythical era, and the most powerful enemy will also return. His name is 'Heaven'."

When Hua has no intention to speak, she not only uses human language, but also uses the beast language to speak together with divine knowledge, so both people and demons can understand what he says.

A black-faced man looked up at the sky above his head doubtfully and said, "Sky? Is it it?"

"No, Heaven is the terminator of ancient times. He can appear in any form, people, demons, gods... But his purpose is 'the way of heaven'. His purpose will never change and seize the 'position of heaven'."

"I want to say that the master of this world and even the three worlds in the future is all sentient beings, not the way of heaven that appears as human beings, demons and demons."

Although Hua Wuxin spoke slowly, many monsters and people began to be confused.

In their eyes, the way of heaven is the supreme law. Is there anyone else who can occupy him?

"The world is natural and ownerless. If he wants to have a master, he will be sentient beings in the three worlds..."

Hua didn't mean to see that everyone was still unclear, so she said, "Tao, very Tao, famous, very famous... The real Tao can't be said in words, so if the sky wants to seize the position of heaven is to destroy the world..."

Throughout the day, Hua Wuxin consciously began to tell everyone about the ancient things about the sky. Of course, the purpose of the words is to let all sentient beings raise the goal of cultivation and avoid personal struggle and death.

"All sentient beings have a death, at least it is meaningful to die. The so-called greatness is that gods and giants understand the meaning of human life, and when human beings truly understand the true meaning of the life of ants, it means that he is already a god, giant and great man."

Hua has no intention to influence people and monsters who come to listen from the heart. They are all hope for the future. Although the dreams of the three worlds and six paths are great, they will not be achieved in any case. Only by gathering the hearts of all people and working together can there be a chance.