Dao Shuai

Chapter 300 Dwarf Space

After Hua had no intention to escape into the dwarf world, she immediately messed up the time and space behind her. At the same time, she was also seriously injured by Zhao Hui's sword light.

In the dwarf temple, Hua Wuxin has been lying in the house with his eyes closed for three days. Outside the temple is full of people, including the sacrificial adults and town leaders.

Here, the prestige and status of sacrificing adults is higher than that of the mayor, but the mayor manages the local army and warriors, and the actual power is greater than the sacrifice. Generally speaking, the mayor is mainly the mayor. Unless there is something that can't be solved, the mayor will consult the sacrifice.

At this time, an old man in a white robe and white beard squinted at the unconscious flower. There was also a dwarf girl beside him who was no different from him. The girl was also dressed in a white sacrificial robe. Her black hair was smooth and bright, her face was red in protein, and a pair of big eyes looked at Hua Wuxin curiously.

A strong dwarf in leather armor said, "Sacrifice Lord, is this... a foreigner?"

The old man with white beard nodded and said, "Well, according to the Atlas of the God of War and the message from his ancestors, this person should be an outside human."

"Grandpa, this man... is so long, so ugly!" The little girl said with a wrinkled face with her small nose.

"Hahaha..." The old priest laughed when he heard his granddaughter's words.

"What are you laughing at?" The little girl asked.

The sacrifice looked at the confused face of the mayor and his granddaughter and explained, "This is going to be laughed at by outsiders. Have you all seen the statue of the God of War? Is it much taller than this person? In ancient times, the height of the God of War was indeed so tall, not a fiction of our clan, and the person in front of you It should be as high as human beings."

The mayor was puzzled and said, "Then why are we different from him?"

The old priest was asked for his mute. He said quietly, "These old men don't know. According to my teacher, it is most likely that my ancestors are short. Later, after the battle of the gods, their ancestors opened up a world to escape from disasters. Over time, without the blood of foreign human beings, our family continued to be short."

The mayor and the little girl were a little dissatisfied, as if the old priest was exposing their shortcomings, but the dwarf civilization is also much more developed than that of Kyushu humans, and they are still very clear about these truths.

Seeing the bitter faces of the mayor and his granddaughter, the old priest smiled and said, "Although our clan is short, it is very strong. Even the God of War praised our ancestors, saying that our ancestors were small and powerful and powerful... But now, there are almost no people with this ability."

Dwarf artillery, armor, magic armor casting and other civilizations are very developed, and they have embarked on a road of combining armor and martial arts, which is different from the almost pure martial arts and fairy road in Kyushu.

The mayor was a beard and suddenly said in shock, "Lord Sacrifice, do you think this man is a good person or a bad person?"

The little girl also said, "Why don't you kill him!"

"Uh..." Suddenly, Hua Wuxin, lying in **, shouted.


The mayor was shocked, his armor turned red, and a fire-based irritable force burst out.

"Don't be impulsive!" The old sacrifice drank a lot.

Hua Wuxin slowly opened his eyes, and a dazzling light made him a little uncomfortable, and then he felt weak and swollen.

After a long time, Hua Wuxin regained some strength, and also remembered the last great escape in her mind. Hua Wuxin has been extremely conceited since she came to Kyushu. Especially after getting the power of time and space, she was even more proud. It was not until Zhao Hui really had a real showdown with him that she was like a head and sober. Come on.

He realized that the "law of the five elements" has magical powers such as "master of the five elements". Zhao Hui is not at all different. He understands the five elements of immortality. The immortal power is endless, which can be called a pervert. He also has the power of time and space, and Zhao Hui's Xuanyuan sword just broke his space-time magic power. His body is powerful, but in the face of Zhao Hui, who is higher than his own realm. You can only escape.

And this escape ran all over Kyushu. Even so, he still failed to escape.

"Hello, I'm a sacrifice here. Are you from the outside world?" A kind voice interrupted Hua Wuxin in the memory.

Hua Wuxin looked up at the old man and nodded.

"Well, what's your name?"

"Flower has no heart!"

While speaking, Hua unintentionally checked her physical condition and did not have any fairy power. Taijitu and Taoist seal were almost destroyed. Fortunately, Taijitu was turned into a Taoist robe and wore it on the mountain at that time, otherwise she would have been seriously injured.

The old priest is a monk who cultivates spiritual thoughts. He simply chatted with Hua Wuxin for a while and retreated after learning that Hua Wuxin was not the "bad guy".

Hua Wuxin drank some food prepared by the dwarfs and fell asleep again unconsciously.

It was noon the next day when he woke up again.

Hua Wuxin came to the temple in a set of silk white clothes. The temple is not very big, but it is very exquisite. The temple is carved with various mythical beast guardian beasts and even ancient legends. In the center of the courtyard of the temple stands a tall god of war.

The God of War is the god of faith and worship of the dwar clan. Their ancestors were once the generals of the god of war.

Hua Wuxin slowly adjusted his breath and hit the Taiyi five-line fist, and waited until the white fog rose all over his body to finish his work. He stared at the statue of the God of War and remembered the memory of getting along with the God of War. Unexpectedly, he was stingy and saved his life indirectly.

"Huh..., why did you get up? Grandpa said you were seriously injured." The sacrificial little granddaughter walked into the temple with a bowl of meat soup.

Hua Wuxin looked at the little girl and said, "It doesn't matter. I'm strong and I can recover in a few days."

The little girl brought the meat soup to Hua Wuxin, and then looked at Hua Wuxin and drank it all in one breath before laughing: "Hey, can you tell me about the outside world?"

Hua Wuxin said, "Well... you said the outside world, okay, then you should also tell me the story here."


In the next half a month, he spent unintentionally in the temple, and his body gradually recovered. He also learned about the general situation of the dwarf world in the little girl.

When Hua Wuxin saw the little girl, she thought of her daughter. Although she had grown up, she was always a daughter in front of Hua Wuxin. Hua Buwu, Liu Rushi and other family members were placed in Kyushu as early as the time of Hua Wuxin's war, so that they could hide their names and wait for them to come back.

Half a year passed suddenly. Hua Wuxin not only restored his immortal power, but also repaired the Taiji map and the Taoist seal. He was also ready to say goodbye to the old priest and prepare to break the boundary and leave here.

The old priest, the mayor, the little granddaughter and many other dwarfs came to see him off. The old priest said, "You have to leave... It seems that you are old and clumsy. Are you a god?"

Hua had no intention to refute. He knew that the Taoist realm was divine in the dwarf world, and there had been no divine existence since the ancestors of the dwarf world.

"In your words, I'm a 'god'. If you have any requirements for the sacrificial lord, just say it. As long as you have no intention to do it, I will help you." When Hua Wuxin left, she really didn't know how to repay the dwarfs. After thinking about it, she could only teach a few immortal methods, leaving a trace of hope.

The old priest excitedly pointed to the sculpture of the God of War and said, "Do you know the God of War?"

Hua looked at the appearance of the God of War and smiled, "Well, let's know each other, Emperor Hong's Chiyou, one of the five ancient emperors..."


Before Hua Wuxin finished speaking, the old priest knelt down to Hua Wuxin. Seeing this, the mayor and others learned from the old priest to kneel in front of Hua Wuxin.

Hua Wuxin was also stunned. With a wave of his right hand, an invisible force helped everyone up and shook his head and said, "The old priest said that the dwarf is very bold. I have also received the great favor of the God of War in those years, and now I have the help of the clan. Don't kneel down."

The old priest usually only saw Hua Wuxin beating this slow boxing, and didn't care at all. Suddenly, as soon as Hua Wuxin's fairy power came out, they all felt a pure breath, the breath of life, that is, the legendary divine power.

"Pleading for the gods to stay... I will report it to the king. If you leave like this... One day, His Majesty will blame him, but he will behead." The old priest said calmly.

Hua Wuxin said secretly, "This old guy actually threatened me..."

"Okay, let's go to the palace." Hua Wuxin put everyone in the palm of his hand in one sleeve and moved to the palace of the dwarf country in an instant.

The palace of the Dwarves is located in the center of this boundary. They are small, but the palace is built no worse than the Forbidden City on the earth. These dwarves are more obsessed with the use of gold and silver than human beings.

At noon, the dwarf king was resting. Suddenly, the void in front of the bed was distorted, and a tall human suddenly appeared.

The dwarf king is also bearded, but there is a kind of majesty: "Ah...are you?"

Hua Wuxin waved her hand and let the old priest and other people out, and looked at the old priest with a smile.

The old priest only felt a flower in front of him, and then he shook his eyes. He actually came to the palace thousands of miles away. He was surprised and shocked, which was faster than the transmission array.

Soon the dwarf king knew Hua Wuxin's intention. His Majesty hurriedly got up and had a lot of respect for Hua Wuxin. Hua Wuxin chatted with the dwarf king for a while and also showed his intention.

Hua's mind is also simple. Anyway, it's better to preach his own concept of "fairy". Anyway, the three worlds and six ways will succeed, and the demons who will break through the Taoist realm in the future will go to the fairyland.

The dwarves were indeed a hospitable people, and the dwarf king soon issued an order to hold the biggest sacrifice in the National Temple Square ten days later.

When they heard the news, the dwarf soldiers on the battlefield were furious. There were not only dwarves in the world, but also many native races in the world. They often fought with dwarves.

After the king told Hua Wuxin, whether it was for the power of faith or to repay kindness, in short, the world was actually not big, not much bigger than his own Taiji world, so he shouted and stunned all the other soldiers, and the rest That's not what he should take care of.

Ten days later, Hua Wuxin began his sermon with the welcome of the king, queen, chief high priest and others.

Hua Wuxin analyzed and explained along the artillery technology route of the dwarfs, and then used several magic power on the spot, which immediately shocked this group of hot and straightforward dwarfs, who were more pragmatic.

Then Hua Wuxin systematically told the situation of the outside world in the following year, as well as the Three Thousand Avenue, and even from ancient times to ancient times and the birth of the dwarf world.

As the saying goes, if you don't know, you will be shocked. After all, most of the dwarfs are "sitting in the well and watching the sky". If it weren't for Hua's intention to show the power of immortality, they would never believe that the dwarf world is just a space cultivated by their ancestors, and theoretically it is not a completed world.

A year later, Hua Wuxin can also gain a lot of faith. Although it is not much, it is very useful.

Under the gaze of the king and everyone, Hua Wuxin waved her hand to break the boundary of time and space and flew away from this space.