Dao Shuai

Chapter 302 Chaos

The nine-day beautiful girl returned to the palace and closed down with only one sentence, leaving everyone stupidly stunned.

A cold light flashed in Hua Wuxin's eyes and returned to his "harem". He was dressed in a silver robe, which made him extremely handsome. His long hair poured down like a waterfall. Coupled with the faint fairy spirit, he suddenly fell in love with the nine-day girl.

"Hey, it's really good for me. That woman should be hurt a lot..." Hua Wuxin in the room had already fallen asleep, and a yuan god instantly cut through the void and disappeared.

The nine-day girl habitually came to the Tianhan Palace, where only she could come. After thinking about it, she closed her eyes and began to adjust her breath.

I don't know how long it took, the beautiful girl was suddenly woken up by a cold wind. She suddenly opened her eyes and saw a big eye staring at herself.

She raised her eyebrows and waved her hand to fight, but she found that she couldn't move, and even opened her mouth to speak was unlikely.

Hua Wuxin carried her hands, looked up at the crescent moon above her head, and lamented, "Such a beautiful night, but you have left the slave family and shed tears alone in the lonely palace..."

The nine-day beautiful girl sat there staring dryly, and her full chest kept fluctuating with her inner anger. When did a master emerge? Is it the group of traitors in Sun Valley?

Hua Wuxin turned around and held a white jade wine pot in her hand. She looked up and sang with a smile at the corners of her mouth. The wine crossed a perfect arc and fell into her mouth, and then Hua Wuxin looked up and laughed.


After a long time, Hua Wuxin finally calmed down and sat opposite the nine-day girl. He blew an ambiguously at the nine-day girl.

Nine-day beautiful girl ~ after staring at Hua Wuxin.

Hua Wuxin said, "Why don't you talk? I just saw your appearance and wanted to eat me. Don't you get angry?"


With a crisp sound, the nine-day beautiful girl's head was beaten back to face Hua Wuxin.

"I'm sorry, in fact, I don't want to hit people... obediently..." Hua Wuxin looked regretful and stretched out her right hand to touch the nine-day beautiful girl in the face.

"Kill me if you have the guts!" Nine days of beautiful girl shouted angrily.

Hua Wuxin closed her eyes and lay down beside the jade-like neck of the nine-day beautiful woman with an intoxicated face. He breathed the fragrance from the virgin.

"You are still a virgin!"

"You!" Jiutian's feminine face turned red. As the supreme ruler of a matrilineal society, being a virgin is simply the greatest shame.

At this moment, one hand shamelessly went into a warm embrace, and a pair of hands seemed to be from the demon of the sex world. He constantly stimulated the hormones of the human in his arms.

"Well..." I don't know how long it took, the nine-day beautiful girl finally couldn't stand it. Her charming eyes were like silk, her hair danced wildly, and she looked up and moaned.


Another slap!

Hua Wuxin stared at the angry nine-day girl and said, "I'm sorry to bother you, that... can you be my servant?"

"Bastard! Kill me quickly, or..."

"No, no, no, a good old maid who has lived for hundreds of years, tut, that's much more red and fragrant than a thousand-year-old daughter."



Hua Wuxin flew with both hands and flew the clothes on the nine-day girl one by one.

A quarter of an hour later, Hua Wuxin was more shamelessly played with the fixed nine-day beautiful girl back and forth, and finally made her pose a very ** posture. She looked back and smiled, revealing her half-naked body, and her white and powerful buttocks were like two semi-round balls.

"How about this painting?" Hua Wuxin dragged a painting and asked the woman opposite with a smile.

The nine-day beautiful girl suddenly rolled her eyes and fainted.

The high-ranking queen, the beautiful woman who dominates half of the world, dreams of being played by those stinky men.

Hua Wuxin is not in a hurry. He wants to defeat this woman in heart, body, force and intelligence to make her completely fail.

In a flash of three years, Hua Wuxin changed into a nine-day girl and went out several times. In three years, Jiutian girl was played and teased like a puppet.

The nine-day girl collapsed. No matter how strong she is, she is still a woman in essence, not to mention a queen. Any of her secrets are shown in front of this pervert without omission. There is no dignity or shame. On this day, she feels that it doesn't matter whether she is dead or alive.

She is wrong! It's ridiculously wrong!

Hua Wuxin thought of a more poisonous plan to attack the queen.

On this day in Tiannan mainland, early in the morning, the morning sun rose. On the most prosperous street in Fenghuang City, a man held a chain in his hand, and behind the chain was a woman all over.

When the nine-day beautiful girl saw herself** coming to the street, the only dignity in her heart was also shattered by everyone's eyes.

Hua unintentionally pulled the woman with a calm face and began to tour the street.

The whole Tiannan is shocked. Women are supreme in this world, but their tallest nine-day girl is doing the most shameless thing at this moment.

Next, Hua Wuxin controlled the nine-day beautiful girl to an empty place and danced.

The people in Feng Palace were shocked. They found Hua Wuxin in large numbers and wanted to ask for clarification.

The killing has begun!

In front of the nine-day girl, Hua has no intention to slaughter crazily...

A few days later, Phoenix blood flowed into a river, and the nine-day beautiful girl walked alone on the street.

Hua Wuxin came directly to another big power base and attacked the nine-day beautiful girl. Naturally, Hua Wuxin was not polite to everyone in the Wa Palace. He killed all the way. The strength of Emperor Wa was good, but it was still worse than Hua Wuxin, who had already controlled the power of time and space. Failure was doomed.

With his own strength, Hua Wuxin destroyed the two most powerful forces in Tiannan mainland.

Flowers disappeared, and the people of Sun Valley emerged with the general trend of reversal. They established the Sun Palace and began to enslave women, and the world went from one extreme to the other.

So more than ten years later, Hua Wuxin, the former benefactor, destroyed the "Sun Palace" with his own hands.

No one knows what he is doing, but the society is more chaotic.

At this moment, a Taoist palace rose from the ground.

"I will preach in seven days!"

Seven days later, Hua Wuxin wore an infinite Taoist robe and began to preach with a calm face. As expected by the world, the first to come was the leaders of "Nine Heavenly Girl", "Wahuang" and "Sun Valley". They seemed to have a sense and sat in the first row very devoutly.

If Hua inadtentionally woke them up with violence, then the preaching really made them understand the truth.

From this day, the way of nature, the way of equality, the way of freedom, the way of immortality and so on have changed the changes in the world like a twelve-level tornado.

Hua Wuxin sat down in 108 years. After receiving three disciples, she left this place again.

The more unintentional experiences you have, the purer you will find that your heart is, and the laws and cultivation of time and space are rapidly improving.

Tianmou Mountain, Jianzong.

Here, the sword school is the mainstream, and everyone is practicing swords. Except for swords, they are all evil spirits. Outsiders such as Tianmu Mountain and Baidi City have fought all year round, killing and injuring countless times. The strange thing is that they are strong in fighting alone, as long as they fight on a large scale are like a worm.

After understanding the law of time and space in Tianmu Mountain, coupled with the understanding of Kyushu and Tiannan, Hua Wuxin finally spelled out a huge world law after decades of calculation.

"The original law of time and space collapsed, forming four space-time fragments, so I only have to travel to the Arctic continent to feel the time and space, so that as long as I have enough strength, I can restore this broken world again. As long as the four poles and eight wildernesses are restored, it is also a shadow for Tie Muzhen, the sea clan and Zhao Hui. Ring."

After thinking for a long time, Hua entered the retreat again. At the same time, the weak power of faith continued to gather from all parts of the void.

Just when Hua Wuxin traveled around the world, Kyushu developed rapidly in the hands of Zhao Hui. A few years later, the underworld appeared. At the same time, Tie Muzhen and the Hai people launched a sneak attack on Kyushu.

The new Kyushu is called "Heavenly Kingdom", which means the kingdom of heaven, and Zhao Hui became the "Emperor of Heaven" as he wished.

The Hai clan planned for thousands of years, and their strength was extraordinary. In addition, the war between human beings had just ended, and the vitality of various sects was greatly damaged. The disciples of the sects that were destroyed at the beginning of the war were passively lazy and even lived away from the war.

In less than a hundred years, the Hai people occupied most of the land in Kyushu. The coast rose, the waves were surging, and there was a domineering atmosphere that flooded the blue sky.

When human beings woke up, the Hai people had driven human beings into the western region, and all the coastal states fell. At this time, Tie Muzhen began to bewitch the Kyushu warriors. In this way, countless warriors have defected to the Hai nationality or Tie Muzhen in order to survive, and Zhao Hui's "heavenly Kingdom" also exists in name.