Taoyuan Shentu


Taoyuan Shentu

Taoyuan Shentu

Author: Chu Zhong

Category: Fantasy

State: Completion

The bloody battlefield casts the will of steel. Waiting for the dead and exercising fearless courage. The warm urban prologue is eroded by horrible grievances. Who would have thought that the cute girl was holding the log of death in her hand! When the man led the frenzy of the mutant and charged the natural disaster army. When he stepped on the carpet laid by angels and demons, stepped on the clouds, sat on the throne, and raised his middle finger at the once high gods! The torrent of immortals can't withstand the fateful waiting, and the true meaning of reincarnation slowly uncovers on the verge of death...( PS: 200W words have been completed, and the character is guaranteed. Please recommend, collect and promote.)

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