Big Hero

Big Hero Preface and Signing speech

The big dream of Fangjue Mountain and River is still several times in the ancient battlefield

If there is no head on the road, you can't check the point.

Corn plums boil wine to tell who is the enemy of the heroes in the world

You must turn back to Jiangdong's children's romantic

It's not empty or a wisp of heroic soul to permanent

It's not going or staying in the world and living together with heaven and earth

Whenever I hear these reverie lyrics, a bursting hero complex jumps into my heart. I think book friends will have similar feelings. If this feeling is something, I think it well reflects a sense of historical vicissitudes. In today's era of heavy traffic and information delivery, do you still need to experience this feeling?

In my childhood, before and after dinner, before and after the flowers, a small radio my father bought for me spent several spring and autumns with me. Whenever I heard the long storytelling "Yang Jia Jiang" broadcast by the famous storytelling actor Liu Lanfang, my heart suddenly raised my throat and pricked up my ears to listen carefully to her words. It was really beautiful! Once, before the end of the broadcast time, the sentence "moving the Yang family general in Xiongzhou, the Yang family broke into Youzhou" made me unforgettable for more than 30 years!

Finally, one day, I went to school with a simple schoolbag on my back and began to read and write, but I still maintained the habit of listening to reviews. In the third grade of primary school, I began to read books such as The Legend of Xing Tang Dynasty, Three Heroes and Five Righteousnesses. I admired the heroes in the book. In my eyes, they were a mountain and a sea. When I saw the hero in the book died in battle, I burst into tears and wondered why good people were like this?

Now with the computer, you can not only see your favorite hero comic strips, novels, film and television dramas, but also write some comments to express your feelings. Last year, I suddenly came up with an idea: I also want to write about the hero in my heart! Let the heroes in my heart flow in the book and be noticed by the world. Who will write it? As a Chinese, I chose to write about the heroes of the Chinese nation. But throughout the ages, there have been too many heroes. Write Xiang Yu? I know too much, and the theme has almost been excavated. Write Qi Jiguang? The TV series have come out. As time goes by, the hero I want to write still hasn't landed. One day, I occasionally re-read Yao Xueyin's Li Zicheng and was deeply moved by the protagonist in the book. The heroes of the peasant uprising are actually the simplest heroes. They have played a great role in history, but they are often ignored by the ruling classes of past dynasties, and their glory has been hidden in many official history. This is unfair to these heroes! I was going to write about them, so I chose Huang Chao, the hero of the peasant uprising at the end of the Tang Dynasty. Huang Chao must be a great hero in Chinese history.

To get back to the main story, at the end of the Tang Dynasty, the vassal towns were divided, and the people were not living. In 875, a peasant uprising broke out between Wang Xianzhi and Huang Chao, establishing the revolutionary regime of the Great Qi Dynasty. The novel shows the tragic process of the occurrence, development and failure of this uprising... In the late Tang Dynasty, the curtain opens, and the story of Huang Chao and his comrades-in-arms is about to begin. Please be more patient and slowly read this period of history that will make future generations sigh! The vast majority of the two hundred characters in the book are real people in history, and the main historical events are also available.

Burned incense for three days and broke nine mouthfuls. It is my creative principle to give up overhead travel, unwilling to joke, and pursue a sense of artistic authenticity. The clues of the story are actually not complicated. With the action trajectory of Wang Xianzhi and Huang Chao's uprising as the main line, Tang Xizong and Li Yan commanded the Tang army to suppress the righteous army, Li Ke used the second end of the Shatuo army to finally help Tang as the secondary line, and the warpitude and latitude are intertwined. In the late Tang Dynasty, a magnificent historical picture was slowly unfolded.

What is the purpose of my creation? It is also quite simple, shaping the real heroes of the Chinese nation, eulogizing national heroes, and gathering positive energy. Let book lovers cherish the current prosperity of China, encourage themselves with the great personality of heroes, do a good job in the inheritance and development of Chinese civilization, and make the Chinese nation the greatest nation in the world.

The humble position does not dare to forget the country. Time, place, people, who can win? Wang Qi, domineering, arrogance, who is on the side? The kindness is hard to accept, and the ambition is not rewarded, so you have to persevere until the last drop of blood is shed. But at the end of life, there may be only ambition left.

Climbing high and rising up, set up the army; across the Central Plains, loving the people like sons; the southern Xinjiang garrison, swinging the division to the north; Xijing beacon fire, righteous division victory; attack and defense change, indomitable, indomitable; strong wind and grass, and then seek heroic business; stars are bright, dreaming of rivers and mountains; remnants of chrysanthemums are cold, cut off simplicity.

Book friends, these descriptions are all in the book. Heroes of Daqi look forward to your early reading, collection, comment and recommendation. If you want, reward a red ticket and a monthly ticket for a dream of ginkgo, which is the best and highest evaluation for me. Reading online articles, everything is speechless, creating miracles, extending friendship and telling the future.

On the occasion of writing the preface, I sincerely thank the editor Liu Xi, the responsible editor Hulu (Nanzheng), and the netizens who made the cover of Heroes of Daqi. At the same time, I would like to thank sweetsorrow, Wang Miao, Yue Zui Qingfeng, Xunfeng in autumn, Beiming Youxi Youxi, and purity. Gourd, Control Master, Erhu, Xinduoer, Gourd Bawa, Tianji Wusha, Leng Sandao, Binglin, Shanhe Broken, Lonely September, Tong Ganlin, Bodhi Tree 1982, Shenji Forever 4 and many other friends who have written book reviews for me. Thank you for your support! I hope you will continue to support Heroes of Daqi and recommend Heroes of Daqi.

dream, dream, ginkgo dream, dream ginkgo, dream for ten years.

I'm tired and I'm going to finish this article. This is my promotional language:

The long historical novel Heroes of Daqi, written by Ginkgo, was exclusively launched by Zongheng Chinese Network. It reproduces the changes of the late Tang Dynasty, eulogizes national heroes, and gathers positive energy. Welcome to read, collect, comment and recommend. Thank you for your support!

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