Big Hero

Chapter 10 Take Ruzhou

The Rebels captured Yangzhai and Jiancheng, and the troops were powerful. The team expanded to more than 50,000. Wang Xianzhi, Huang Chao and the generals vigorously trained and produced strong combat effectiveness in a short period of time. Because Wang Chongyin and Xu Tangju constantly attacked and harassed the Tang army in the Xuzhou area, which led to a misjudgment of Song Wei, Zeng Yuanyu and Cui Anqian, thinking that the rebels were going to attack Xuzhou, so the Tang army gathered a regiment and put heavy troops into the Xuzhou area.

Song Wei and Zeng Yuanyu have always been unharmonized. They lead their own armies and sing their own scores, which invisibly weakens their combat effectiveness. Cui Anqian is extremely tyrannical, and there are many contradictions within Xuzhou, which objectively provides excellent conditions for the further development of the rebels.

Wang Xianzhi and Huang Chao gathered generals and began to plan the capture of Ruzhou. Wang Xianzhi said excitedly, "According to the reconnaissance, Wang Sui is the cousin of the prime minister Wang Duo. This person can only talk and will not lead troops to fight. I am determined to concentrate the main force and take Ruzhou. Once Ruzhou is occupied by our army, the eastern capital Luoyang will inevitably be included in the scope of our army's attack, and the Tang army will dispatch heavy troops to defend. Our army can go south, occupy the vast area of the Central Plains, consolidate the foundation, and then go to the north to the north to win the world!"

Hearing this, the generals nodded and praised the smart strategy that it could be implemented. Huang Chao's "bang" punched on the table and said excitedly, "The general's analysis just now is in line with the actual situation. I think it will be implemented immediately, and the fighter plane will be fleeting. The key to this strategy lies in the capture of Ruzhou. It should not be too late. I think it will send troops to attack Ruzhou tomorrow. There are many dreams. Once the Tang army detects the intention of our army, it will be quite difficult to realize this strategic concept. My idea, Siye and Lin Yan guard Yangzhai to prevent Zeng Yuanyu from reinforcements Ruzhou. I guarded the city and blocked Song Wei and Cui Anqian. Qiao Qi and Niu Feng led 10,000 troops as pioneers to attack the east gate of Ruzhou, causing the illusion of our army to attack from the east gate. They are only allowed to lose, not to win, and proud of the enemy. Xianzhi, Shang Rang and Junchang led 20,000 elite soldiers and quickly broke in from the south gate of Ruzhou with a sudden action. After entering the city, they attacked the Tang army with Qiao Qi and Niu Feng, and then our army concentrated the main force and fought a decisive battle with Song Wei and Zeng Yuanyu. Completely cut off the tail that has been following us.

Wang Xianzhi was overjoyed and said decisively, "I think Brother Huang's playing style is very good. After considering various factors, brothers, do you have any different opinions?" The generals raised their hands to agree. Wang Xianzhi raised her eyebrows and shouted, "Tomorrow, all departments will start to act according to Brother Huang's deployment!" The generals said in unison: "Okay!"

Qiao Five Drums, Qiao Ling and Niu Feng took the lead in 10,000 troops to advance to Ruzhou. After lunch, they took a break and forced them into the East Gate of Ruzhou. The army made a great job and killed everywhere. But Wang Sui was scared. He quickly summoned Dong Hanxun, the lord of the city, and his voice also changed: "Hanxun, Wang Xianzhi's main force has come to fight against our Ruzhou. Ruzhou is in danger. Do you have a good plan to retreat from the enemy?" Dong Hanxun looked up to the sky and laughed wildly: "This group of rabble, others are afraid of him, but I, Dong Hanxun, am not afraid of them! Lord Wang, don't worry, I will send troops out of the city to meet the enemy now! You beat drums and cheer in the city!" Dong Hanxun's words made Wang Yi feel a little relieved in panic.

After a while, when the east gate was opened, Tang general Dong Hanxun put on his whole body, stepped on a black horse, opened a mountain axe in his hand, and personally led 8,000 Tang soldiers out and set up a long snake array. Dong Hanxun scolded: "Qilu grass bandits, bold and dare to invade my Central Plains. Do you know Dong Hanxun?" Qiao Hao looked up at the sky and laughed: "When I don't pay attention to it today, Dong Hanxun, in my opinion, it's like a mud statue in the temple. It's not effective!"

Dong Hanxun was furious and went straight to Qiao Qian with an axe. Qiao Qian held a three-pointedged two-edged knife and faced each other head-on. Two knives and axes are raised at the same time, fighting fifty or sixty, regardless of victory or defeat. Liu Chengyong, deputy general of Dong Hanxun, came out with a gun and attacked Qiao Qian. Qiao Qian's two generals were fearless. He made an appointment to fight for more than ten times. Qiao Qian sold a broken ingot, pulled a horse and dragged a knife and left. Liu Chengyong was eager to chase him closely. He took a look and catch up with the gun behind Qiao Qian. Qiao Qian flashed and chopped it away with a knife. Poor Liu Chengyong did not come to his senses. I made a ghost under the knife. Dong Hanxun broke his beloved general and was extremely angry. He drove his troops forward and killed with the righteous army. Qiao Qi and Niu Feng fought and retreated. Dong Hanxun vowed to avenge Liu Chengyong and sacrifice his life to attack.

Wang Xianzhi, Shang Rang and Shang Junchang led 20,000 troops to hide in the woods outside the south gate of Ruzhou. They had to explore Ma Feibao. Dong Hanxun personally led the main force to chase Qiao Qi and smiled! He immediately ordered: the whole army to attack the city!

In an in an ast moment, the Rebels fired tens of thousands of arrows and completely suppressed the Tang army in the south gate. The rebels also drove out to build siege vehicles in Gaocheng, which was very useful this time. More than a dozen siege wheels hit the south gate, hundreds of ladders were built on the wall, and the righteous soldiers shook outside the south gate. The fire swept the wind, and the smoke surged in the sky. In less than half an hour, the rebels poured into Ruzhou City like a tide! The flag of "Tian Bu Average" flutters high on the walls of Ruzhou!

"Catch the king alive! Catch the king alive!" The righteous soldiers shouted on all sides to look for the traces of Wang Shackle. Wang Shackles was like a frightened bird. At the urging of his own soldiers, he changed into the clothes of the people and mixed with the people. They wanted to take advantage of the gap to slip out of Ruzhou, but the eyes of the people were bright. At this time, the corrupt officials wanted to escape, but the people did not agree! There is a scholar in Ruzhou, whose surname is Zhao Mingzhang. He is upright and well-inliterate, and has brought many young people to Wang Xianzhi. Wang Xianzhi ordered him to lead an army to guard the gate of Ruzhou. Shang Junchang was responsible for inspecting the treasury of money and grain. His monk asked 10,000 elite soldiers to kill Dongmen and besieged Dong Hanxun with Qiao Qian.

When Dong Hanxun learned that Ruzhou was lost, he couldn't help bursting into tears and sighed: "God does not bless Tang, it is not a crime of war!" He waved the axe and led his troops to fight to the death, but the general situation had gone. No matter how brave he was, he was unable to recover at this time. Poor Dong Hanxun's generation of famous generals fought until he was exhausted and was tightly forced by Niu Feng's wild goose-tailed. Niu Feng took the opportunity to pick Dong Hanxun under the horse and killed him again. Seeing that the Lord's general died, they had no intention of fighting and surrendered one after another.

At this time, a round of red sun went down, and the sky gradually darkened. It's easy to escape when it's dark. At this time, Wang Shackles is like a rabbit sitting on a tiger's leather chair - six gods without masters. He and several soldiers disguised themselves as people and wandered around the city of Ruzhou several times and wanted to sneak out of the city, but the gates were so tight that it was difficult to get out. Wang Li was heartless and said to his own soldiers, "If you don't escape, when the gate of the city is closed in the dark, we won't have a chance."

So several own soldiers surrounded Wang Si and walked back to the west gate step by step, trying to escape to defect to his cousin Wang Duo. As long as they arrived in Chang'an, with the help of their cousin, they could still be an official position. After a while, when the west gate arrived, Wang Yi wore a broken straw hat and a short wooden stick. He resisted the pain in his heart and limped to the gate step by step.

"Who are you? Where are you going?" Dozens of Rebel soldiers gathered around and began to interrogate. Brothers, we are the people who fled from the wilderness outside Ruzhou. In recent years, we have lost our crops and have no food to eat, so we have come to Ruzhou to beg for food. Now we are so happy to see that the rebels have occupied Ruzhou and opened warehouses to release grain for the people to eat. Now we go back and inform the villagers to get food in Ruzhou. Please let them go. Wang Shi's own soldier "at randomness" made up a story, which is very similar.

Seeing that these people were dressed in shabby and pitiful clothes, the Rebel soldiers believed it and prepared to open the gate and let Wang Shackles go. Wang Xi was secretly happy and accelerated his pace to the city gate. Just then, a voice came from a distance: "Wang Shi, do you know me?" Wang Ying was stared and looked up. His legs were weak. He couldn't help paralyzing on the ground and muttered to himself, "Why am I so unlucky? He won't come sooner or later, but he will come at this time!"

The person who called Wang Jian just now was Zhao Zhang. He once worked as a petty official in Ruzhou. Of course, he knew Wang Jian. Just now, when he was patrolling the city, he saw a group of people at the west gate, a white and fat man with drooping ears in the middle, which attracted his attention, because Wang Si was the appearance. Hurry over and have a look. It's really Wang Yong. In this way, Wang Jian became a prisoner of Wang Xianzhi and shed tears all day long.

In the great victory of Ruzhou, Wang Xianzhi and the generals were busy ranking the people, rectifying the army and horses, and accumulating grass and storing grain to deal with the greater encirclement and suppression of the Tang army. Luoyang, the eastern capital, was shocked three times a day. Officials dragged their families out of the city to escape. It was important for officials to flee for their lives. These officials know that they usually domight and the people hate them to the bone. Once the Rebels capture Luoyang, they will never have any good fruit to eat. Thirty-six tricks, let's go and run for your life!

In the Xuanzheng Hall of Chang'an Daming Palace, Li Yan's eyes were red in the dragon chair. Since he knew that Wang Xianzhi had captured Ruzhou, he had been thinking about it for several days. Although he usually laughed and had a lot of fun, it was because he felt that the world was peaceful and had the capital to play. Now that the fire of the rebels is about to burn to the capital, how can he not be anxious? Tang Xizong and Li Yan's IQ is absolutely not low. He is actually a very smart person, but he is smart in the wrong place.

At this time, Li Yan changed his previous wave, but covered his face with frost and asked the ministers: "Love, I heard that Wang Xianzhi, a rebulent people, rose up in Lunan and made a scene in the Central Plains. Now he has captured Ruzhou, and the soldiers pointed straight to Luoyang. Is there such a problem?" Prime Minister Lu took out of the class and said, "Your Majesty, there is indeed such a thing. Now Luoyang people are panicked, and hundreds of officials have fled one after another. There are many orders in the court, and no one has implemented them. Your Majesty, please send the court officials to Luoyang as soon as possible, and at the same time dispatch elite soldiers to defend Luoyang and suppress Wang Xianzhi, so that the society will be guaranteed.

Li Yan glanced at the ministers and raised the volume: "What Lu Aiqing played, every sentence is reasonable. Which Aiqing has a way to defeat the enemy, you can play it quickly!"

Zheng Wei came out of the class and said, "Your Majesty, don't worry, you can make Cao Xiang, the governor of Zhaoyi, lead the army to the south to guard the Dongdu palace. Zeng Yuanyu, a regular servant of Zuo Sanqi, was ordered to withdraw troops from Xuzhou to defend Luoyang. Li Fu, the governor of the south of the mountain, guarded the key road of Dengzhou, and Li Kan, the governor of Fengxiang, Ling Hu, the governor of Fengning, guarded Shaanxi and Tongguan, forming a defense line centered on Luoyang. In this way, the line from the capital to Luoyang is foolproof. Then strictly ordered Song Wei, Cui Anqian and the Tang army near Wang Xianzhi to besiege and suppress Wang Xianzhi. Who is responsible for the incident in his jurisdiction? When Wang Xianzhi's rebel army was greatly damaged and food and fodder was in an emergency, the Tang army attacked all fronts and wiped out Wang Xianzhi in one fell swoop!"

At this time, hundreds of officials were talking about it, some for and some against it. There is a man in the court. At this time, his heart is burning. He is the prime minister Wang Duo. At this time, Wang Duo was most worried about his cousin Wang Si. Wang Si grew up with him. Although he was a cousin, because Wang Si had no parents since he was a child, he grew up with Wang Duo's parents, so the two were brothers. After Wang Duo became the prime minister, he tried to find a history of Ruzhou for Wang Yu, which was close to the capital and could take care of everything. This time, Wang Yan was caught by Wang Xianzhi, and his cronies who leaked the net went to Wang Duo's house to ask for help, which made Wang Duo anxious. He was in a trance for days and had several white hair on his head. No matter what the national event is, this cousin is not as important.

Just now, when Wang Duo heard the comments of the ministers, the court wanted to transfer troops to fight with Wang Xianzhi, and his heart seemed to have overturned the five-flavor bottle. He thought that if he continued to fight and kill like this, his brother would definitely die.

In order to save Wang Jian, Wang Duo couldn't take care of the overall situation of the court at this time. He flashed out of the court and started on the ground: "Your Majesty, the ministers plan to mobilize troops and encircle and suppress Wang Xianzhi. The intention is quite good. This kind of anti-thief is absolutely a thousand knives! But we can't be emotional. We have to think about the long-term! Thinking that I have been in the Tang Dynasty for more than 200 years, the people have always been very stable. Foreign businessmen have come to China to do business, and the prestige of the Tang Dynasty has spread all over the world. The four yi are afraid and supported by all the people. The old minister thought that he was a soldier and the murder weapon of the country. When we gather troops to suppress thieves, we should think about why we use killing people to solve problems and how to avoid such things, instead of thinking about how to kill more people. I think that it is definitely not possible to suppress it. Only by suppressing and using it can the country be peaceful and the people be safe. The old minister begged His Majesty to give an edict to appease the people, if the people of the people give up. If you are willing to return to the court, the court can protect your vitality, and the prestige of the Tang Dynasty will be more far-reaching. I hope your majesty will think twice!"