Big Hero

Chapter 32 Mid-count

Duan Yanmo and Lei Yinfu were trying to urge the three armies to cross Bianshui. Unexpectedly, countless righteous soldiers were killed on the south bank of Bianshui. Lu Jingren took the lead and waved the golden dragon and took Duan Yanmo directly. Huang Siye, Bi Shiduo and Wang Yu followed closely and led the third village horse to rush over. Duan Yanmo opened the wolf tooth stick and killed Lu Jingren. Lei Yin Fu patted his horse and held a big iron gun to stop Huang Siye's fight. Both sides fought to the death.

During the fighting, the Tang army suddenly became chaotic. It turned out that Huang Chao and Chai Cun led the middle army to cover up. The Tang army was attacked by the enemy and could no longer support it. The formation was scattered and collapsed into an army. Duan Yanmo and Lei Yinfu saw this and quickly commanded the Tang army to disperse and break through. Duan Yanmo and Lei Yinfu came out of the siege and found that Zhu Jingmei was not with him. Only then did they know that Zhu Jingmei was still in the battle and did not escape from the siege.

Lei Yinfu volunteered to take hundreds of Tang soldiers and entered the battle with a big iron gun. Seeing that Zhu Jingmei and more than a thousand Tang soldiers were trapped by the people under the command of Bi Shiduo and Wang Yu, the situation was critical. Lei Yinfu roared and fought bravely. The enemy was Bi Shiduo and Wang Yu. Zhu Jingmei sacrificed her life to rush out of the siege and rushed south. Lei Yinfu then abandoned Bi Shiduo and Wang Yu, fought bravely out of the battle, and went straight to Yongqiu. The Rebels slashed and killed dozens of miles and seized a large amount of military supplies.

Huang Chao asked, "This Tang general just now is very brave. I don't know who it is?" The volunteers who once fought with Lei Yinfu replied, "It's Lei Yinfu, a fierce general of the Tang army." Huang Chao nodded slowly and said, "This man is brave. He is the powerful enemy of our army to seize the Central Plains, and must be designed to eliminate it!"

Duan Yanmo fled to Yongqiu in one breath before stopping. After a while, Zhu Jingmei and Lei Yinfu took the remnants to Yongqiu. There are only four or five thousand people left, nine out of ten. Bian and Gu Ba were broken again, sighing at each other and were very depressed.

Two days later, Zeng Yuanyu, Yang Fuguang, Zhang Zimian, Qi Kerang and Qin Zongquan led 80,000 Tang troops to Yongqiu and asked about the war. Only when they knew that Duan Yanmo and others had defeated Bianshui fiasco. Zeng Yuanyu sighed and said, "It seems that we were too optimistic before the war. The combat effectiveness of Huang Chao Thieves has not weakened, but is stronger than before, surpassing Wang Xianzhi's combat effectiveness. If this person is not eliminated, Li Tang will never have peace."

Zhang Zimian said, "In the battle of Bianshui, our 50,000 elite division wasted in a blink of an eye. The current 80,000 horses are made up of seven or eight pieces, and their combat power is not as good as the lost 50,000 armor. Shall we cross the river to rescue Kaocheng right now, or wait some time?

Yang Fuguang's face turned pale and screamed: "Our army suffered heavy losses. Didn't the thief army lose? When the brave meet on the narrow road, they win, and they are afraid of the enemy. What is the name of the Great Tang Dynasty? You guys! You must move forward. Strictly order Cui Anqian, the governor of Zhongwu, Du Qian, the governor of Yicheng, Zhang Yang, the governor of Tianping, and Yang Yan, the governor of Songzhou, to quickly dispatch elite soldiers to the area of Kaocheng to suppress the thieves, and kill those who violate the order!"

Zeng Yuanyu had to go downhill and said, "Since Yang Jianjun has such determination, he will fight with Huang Chao thieves in the area of Kaocheng. However, I have something to say first. This is Yang Jianjun's order. Everyone present can prove it for me in the future.

Zhang Zimian smiled bitterly and said, "The boat overturned in the rivers and lakes and fished for money in the ditch. Now that our army has been newly defeated and the thief army has not been able to improve its military appearance, then march quickly, find the main force of Huang Chao, and start attacking. I guess Ouyang Ming and Gao Long in Kaocheng can't stand it anymore. Give a death order to all the reinforcements and order them to arrive near Kaocheng within 10 days.

Zeng Yuanyu bit his teeth, his heart crossed, and ordered, "I will order the whole army to move forward quickly, cross the Bianshui, and fight with the thief army!"

After Sun Mei and Yue Lingfei led their troops to Kaocheng, they began to organize the siege of the city. Ouyang Ming and Gao Long organized the Tang army to resist desperately. Sun Mei and Yue Lingfei deliberately showed weakness according to Huang Chao's strategic deployment and sent a small group of people to attack in turn every day, paralysing the Tang army and attracting the Tang army to send reinforcements from all sides. Kaocheng has become the focus of competition between the enemy and us.

In this way, the battle between attack and defense lasted for several days. One morning, Gao Long, the deputy general of Kaocheng, saw a female general outside the city, leading dozens of female soldiers to curse on the other side of the moat. He spoke vulgarly and felt particularly unhappy to hear it. Tang soldiers and Tang will be incompetent, and the old men dare not fight with women; the garrison of the city is not as good as their grandson, and it doesn't look like being a grandson... It's almost not scolding their ancestors for 18 generations.

Gao Long began to scold: "Bad ladies, let's see how I deal with you." After saying that, he rode a big green horse, led 400 to 500 Tang soldiers, opened the suspension bridge and killed out of the city. When Ouyang Ming received a report from Tang Bing to stop him, Gao Long had already killed Sun Mei. Sun Mei waved the Ziwu mandarin duck sword. The sword opened like a scattered flower of a heavenly woman, and the sword was shining. Gao Long received more than ten battles and felt more difficult. I thought that this mother-in-law was good at martial arts, so she'd better escape back to the city.

Gao Long hurriedly turned the horse's head and ran to the suspension bridge. Yue Lingfei saw clearly behind and quickly squatted in front of the Fuyuan crossbow, more than 300 steps away. Only one arrow shot Gao Long's horse's horse's leg. The horse fell down in pain and overturned Gao Long to the ground. Sun Mei took the horse forward to capture Gao Long. Tang Bing hurried to rescue. He was already killed by Sun Mei and cut down more than a dozen. Sun Mei put the left sword in his right hand, stretched out his left hand to pick up Gao Long's belt, mentioned it on the saddle, and smashed Gao Long's dragon's head with the hilt. Gao Long suddenly fainted. Tang Bing saw it and was afraid of Sun Mei's bravery and dared not approach.

Ouyang Ming watched Gao Long captured by Sun Mei on the tower. He was furious, but he was helpless. He strictly ordered Tang soldiers to guard the city and not to open the city to fight.

Sun Mei arrived in front of her camp, threw Gao Long to the ground and ordered the volunteers to be tied up. Gao Long's forehead was full of blood, and a small bag bulged up. The volunteer simply bandaged him, and after a long time, Gao Long woke up leisurely. The volunteers immediately reported to Sun Mei and Yue Lingfei, and Sun Mei ordered Gao Long to be escorted to the central army.

Gao Long entered the Chinese army tent uneasily and saw Sun Mei sitting behind the handsome case with a frosty face. The two soldiers stood up so proudly that they knelt down with a "plop" and begged, "I want you to forgive me."

Sun Mei sneered: "Gao Long, the righteous master besieged the city for several days. The reason why the city was not broken was that the people in Gu Nian City did not order the general attack. I asked you to do two things today. If you agree to do it, I will spare you immortality!"

Gao Long asked tremblingly, "I don't know what two things the Empress wants to do?"

Sun Mei said, "First, you write a letter of persuasion to the generals of Kaocheng and shoot into the city in person; second, you take my letter and go to Zeng Yuanyu's camp to persuade them to surrender. Our army is waiting to be surrendered in the southern suburbs of Kaocheng. If you do these two things well, the owner of this village will definitely reward you for being a leader of the righteous teacher.

Gao Long couldn't help but be overjoyed. Now he can save his life. As for which service to choose, it depends on the situation of the war. After thinking about it, Gao Long quickly kowtowed and replied, "Thank you for not killing me. I'll do it now."

After Gao Long left, Yue Lingfei said suspiciously to Sun Mei, "Madam, will it work if you do this?" I'm afraid that the tiger will return to the mountain, and Gaolong will not return once he goes.

Sun Mei smiled and said, "Lingfei, don't worry. Zeng Yuanyu and Ouyang Ming are in my trap. They will definitely change the original campaign deployment because of this, so that we can achieve the purpose of disrupting the enemy. After saying that, Sun Mei came to Yue Lingfei's ear again and spoke for a while. Lingfei was overjoyed and praised, "Madam's clever plan is unpredictable."

Gao Long really did it according to Sun Mei's order. First, he wrote a letter of persuasion, went to the edge of Kaocheng and shot into the city, and shouted to the Tang soldiers of Kaocheng to put down their weapons and surrender. Ouyang Ming was furious when he heard the news and ordered to release arrows. Gao Long hurriedly ran his horse and returned to the rebel camp. He was so tired that his back was sore, and his head wound was faintly painful. I couldn't help scolding: This bitch made me unable to touch the ground. Next time I have a chance, I will definitely chop her off!

Hate, but the work still has to be done. Gao Long bravely came to the military tent of the Rebel Army, came to see Sun Mei, and talked about the process of persuading the defenders of Kaocheng. Sun Mei smiled and said, "General Gao, thank you for your hard work. This letter, you should go to Zeng Yuanyu's camp and hand it over to Zeng Yuanyu to know the current affairs. Now the army of righteous soldiers is gathered, and it is futile to resist. When the army is defeated, it will be too late to surrender. After saying that, Sun Mei handed the letter to a personal soldier, who took it to Gao Long. Gao Long took the letter, bowed to Sun Mei and said, "Please rest assured, I will do it seriously." Then he turned around and made a big deal.

Sun Mei's eyes shot a flame of revenge!

Gao Long came out of Sun Mei's camp, whipped him, and galloped south. After several twists and turns, Gao Long finally found Zeng Yuanyu's camp. After Zeng Yuanyu commanded the Tang army to cross Bianshui, he had not found the whereabouts of Huang Chao's army. He sent many sent outposts to find Sun Mei's passers-by outside Kaocheng and was still besieging the city. Yang Fuguang repeatedly urged Zeng Yuanyu to march into the army to relieve the siege of the city. Zeng Yuanyu pushed several other reinforcements to arrive. The whereor of Huang Chao's main force was unknown and it was inconvenient to march into the army. In this way, he has been staying on the north bank of the Bian River. At this time, he had to apply for the examination of Gaolong to seek a meeting. As soon as Zeng Yuanyu heard the news of the examination city, he immediately ordered Gaolong to enter the examination.

As soon as Gao Long saw Zeng Yuanyu, he began to publicize his elaborate lies: "After the thief captured Sun Mei, he missed the Tang Dynasty day and night and did not forget the revenge of Kaocheng. Because he was forced by the thief to go to Kaocheng to persuade him to surrender, the final general thought of suicide, but the national kindness was not reported, so he lay on the firewood and tasted the courage, endured humiliation and lived secretly. This time, the thief sent Sun Mei to General Zeng's camp to persuade him to surrender. The last general felt that this was an opportunity to escape from the thief's camp, so he agreed. This is a letter of persuasion written by the thief mother-in-law Sun Mei, asking me to hand it over to General Zeng. After saying that, Gao Long submitted a letter.

Zeng Yuanyu's own soldiers received the letter from Gao Long and handed it to Zeng Yuanyu. Zeng Yuanyu glanced over and couldn't help but be furious and said, "How dare the thief dare to be so arrogant and order me to surrender. It's a joke!" How can Zeng be greedy and afraid of death!"

After saying that, Zeng Yuanyu looked up and down at Gao Long and asked, "Gao Long, you were captured by the thief before the battle. You did not judge yourself, but worked for the tiger. Do you know the crime of coming to persuade me to surrender?"

Gao Long quickly knelt down, kowtowed and said, "General Zeng is on top, and the last general is a Tang Dynasty man and died as a Tang ghost. After being captured, the last general hit the wall with his head, and his head kept bleeding and fainted. After waking up, he was coerced by the thief to Kaocheng to persuade him to surrender. But the loyalty of the general to the Tang Dynasty can be seen day by day! I hope General Zeng will be aware of it!" After saying that, he held down the wound on his forehead with a pitiful look.

At this time, Yang Fuguang, Zhang Zimian, Qi Kerang, Qin Zongquan, Lei Yinfu and others came forward to plead for Gao Long, asking Zeng Yuanyu to forgive Gao Long this time. Zeng Yuanyu then let go: "Since you plead with you, your head is indeed injured, so I will spare you this time. However, you have to make contributions."

Gao Long was relieved when he heard this and quickly said, "Thank you for your trust. The last general must prove his loyalty to the Tang Dynasty with practical actions. General Zeng, you can assign the task!"

Zeng Yuanyu said slowly, "Sun Mei, a woman, teases me and despises the Tang Dynasty. I want her to taste the power of our army. I guess Du Yan, Cui Anqian, Zhang Yang and Yang Yan's soldiers and horses are about to arrive near Kaocheng. This time, Huang Chao must be in a hurry. Yes, while Huang Chao divided his troops to deal with these four armies, I led more than 80,000 people to go straight to the Kaocheng thief army camp, cooperated with Ouyang Ming, and caught Sun Mei's thief bandits off guard. Thief mother-in-law, you think Zeng dares not come to Kaocheng to fight, but I have to come. This time, I will use troops, and there is a play!"