Big Hero

Chapter 5 Angry Dragon Roaring for Nine Days

Zhang Zimian led 100,000 troops to Yongqiu, set down dozens of large camps, and began to convene meetings of generals. Zhang Zimian said, "At present, our army is getting closer and closer to Songzhou. Huang Chao has been using troops and has always been tricky. Kaocheng, Xiangyi and Ningling have been occupied by bandits. In order to find out the reality of the thief army, I will send an army as a vanguard to carry out a tentative attack and determine the position of the main force of the thief army, so that I can break through the yellow nest of thieves outside Songzhou. I don't know which general is willing to be the pioneer of the way?"

Only one of the generals stood up and shouted sharply: "I would like to go!" Take Kaocheng, Xiangyi and Ningling, attack the army in Huangchao, capture and kill Huangchao, and offer his head in front of the tent!" Everyone looks at it as Lei Yinfu, the general of Zhengzhou.

Zhang Zimian nodded: "General Lei, I know you are extremely brave, but it is difficult to support alone. I will send Miao Jin and He Zhi as your deputy generals, assign 30,000 elite soldiers to you to attack forward and find out the main position of Huang Chao. I led the army to follow up and defeated the thieves under Songzhou. General Lei, this task is very difficult. Huang Chao is very fierce. You should be more careful!"

Lei Yinfu laughed and said carelessly, "Other people are afraid of Huang Chao, but I am not afraid!" Last time in Zhongmou, the thief was repelled by me. This time, I will definitely capture and kill Huang Chao. The Central Plains thieves and dragons have no leader, and they will definitely be defeated!"

Gui Renshao said, "General Lei is loyal and brave, but it's better to deal with it carefully. I wish General Lei a victory in the first battle and strengthen my Tang army!"

Lei Yinfu, Miao Jin and He Zhi led 30,000 Tang soldiers to kill Kaocheng. Ouyang Ming, the general of the Rebel Army in Kaocheng, saw that the Tang army was so great that he only had 3,000 or 4,000 horses. Ouyang Ming, once a Tang general, surrendered to the Rebels when they attacked Kaocheng. This time, when he saw Lei Yinfu's soldiers coming to the city, he had a desire to surrender again and sent his cronies to Lei Yinfu to ask for surrender. Lei Yinfu hated Ouyang Ming's capriciousness and did not agree. He ordered the Tang army to attack Kaocheng. Ouyang Ming could only supervise the army to defend it. Soon, the Tang army lost seven or 8,000 soldiers and finally captured Kaocheng. Ouyang Ming was captured alive, and the Tang soldiers tied him up and pushed him to Lei Yin's tent.

Ouyangming knelt down with a "plop" and begged, "General Lei, last time I surrendered to the Huangchao thief bandit, not out of my intention, but to learn from Guan Yu of the Three Kingdoms, temporarily surrender to Cao Cao, leave a useful body, and return to Liu Bei in the future. This time, I submitted to the Tang Dynasty with complete sincerity and asked General Lei to show mercy. I vowed to be loyal to the Tang Dynasty and follow General Lei! General Lei, just forgive me!"

Lei Yinfu sneered: "Ouyang Ming, have you finished your words? Lei hates you the most, a capricious villain. Last time you defended Kaocheng, you were greedy for life and fear of death. You surrendered to the bandits, causing the bandits to grow step by step in the Central Plains! Your great sins are unmandable to heaven and earth! Just now, he said that he would learn from Guan Yu of the Three Kingdoms. Bah, do you deserve it? Guan Yu is a rare hero in China. He is an upright man. You Ouyangming can't learn Guan Yu's iron bones in your next life! You soft bones, pug, today I will use your blood to sacrifice the flag. Ouyang Ming is the role model for whoever surrenders the thief! Come on, push Ouyang Ming, the traitor of the Tang Dynasty, and behead him to the public!"

As soon as Ouyang Ming heard that Lei Yinfu was going to kill him, he knew that he could not escape this disaster, so he struggled to stand up and scolded angrily, "Lei Yinfu, listen, killing has been ominous since ancient times! If you kill me today, you will be punished by God in the future! Lei Yinfu, you don't want to die! I will curse you every day in the hell, and I hope you will meet me soon!"

Lei Yinfu was furious and shouted: "Quickly report Ouyang Ming!"

The knife and axeman forcibly pushed Ouyang Ming out of the tent, cut his head with a knife, and hung it on the flagpole to show the public.

Beheading Ouyang Ming, Lei Yinfu was still furious. Despite the dissuasion of the generals, he ordered the Tang army to immediately leave and go to Xiangyi to find the main force of the righteous army.

The rebels visited Ma Fei and reported to Huang Chao, and Huang Chao immediately came to Chai Cun to discuss. Chai Cun looked at Xiangyi, pondered for a moment, and said, "Lei Yinfu has just broken through Kaocheng and killed Ouyang Ming. Because of Ouyang Ming's best resistance, the Tang army also suffered great losses on this road, and I estimate that there will be no more than 5,000 casualties. Lei Yinfu did not rest in time in Kaocheng and was eager to win. He came to Xiangyi. The veterans of the division were tired and their sharpness had been lost a lot. I have heard that Lei Yinfu is the original famous general of Li Tangzhong. This man has fought with us many times, and we have never had a chance to capture and kill this man. This time he marched alone, and God asked us to kill this man. After killing Lei Yinfu, Zhang Zimian's army will inevitably be shocked. Our army can attack Zhang Zimian with Sun Mei and Yue Lingfei to eliminate the huge threat from the west.

Huang Chao nodded: "After receiving our urgent documents, Sun Mei and Yue Lingfei have joined Wenying and Xiaolu in Huaidu Village and led 80,000 troops to Songzhou. At present, they have rushed across the Bian River and advanced to the area of Ningling. They can quickly divide Sun Mei and Lingfei's troops into two roads, block Zhang Zimian's army all the way, and cooperate with our army to gather and annihilate the other way. Lei Yinfu is in the Ningling area. Millions of troops take the head, and this time we must take the head of Lei Yinfu!"

Chai Cun rubbed his palms hard a few times, looked at the dark clouds in the sky, and said, "I look at this weather. There will be heavy rain recently. I strictly ordered the main force of our army to start immediately, leaving 20,000 horses under the leadership of Li Hanzhi to build a fortress in the north of Songzhou City. No matter how the Tang army of Cao Quanyu and Shi Pu's second road challenges, they are allowed to go to war and wait for me. After solving Lei Yinfu and Zhang Zimian, the army returned to the east to clean up Cao Quanyu and Shi Pu!"

Let's say that Lei Yinfu arrogantly underestimated the enemy and led the Tang army to Xiangyi. The rebels had only two or three thousand people in Xiangyi. With a little resistance, they abandoned the city and fled to Ningling. Lei Yinfu was not willing to give up and ordered the Tang army to move forward at full speed and chase and kill this righteous army. In the early morning of the second day, Lei Yinfu's people entered the Ningling area. At this time, the sky suddenly thunder and lightning, and it rained heavily. Tang soldiers became drowned chickens one by one. At this time, more than 20,000 people were hungry and cold. Bury the pot to make rice, and the fire can't be lit.

Lei Yinfu was thinking about how to deal with it, but he only heard loud shouts everywhere. Huang Chao and Chai Cun ordered the main force of the rebels ambushed in the Ningling area to kill from all directions, like a divine soldier falling from the sky. The righteous soldiers who had already bembushed and waited were the tigers of the mountain. In a blink of an eye, the Tang soldiers were killed and injured countless times, crying for their father and mother, calling for brothers and brothers, and many Tang soldiers were captured by the rebels. Lei Yinfu was shocked and led his own soldiers to sacrifice their lives to kill. He opened a bloody road and went straight to Xiangyi.

Lei Yinfu, Miao Jin and He Zhi led more than 1,000 remnants. Shortly after they came out of the siege, they met Sun Mei and Yue Lingfei's brigade and killed them from the west. It turned out that Huang Chao deliberately abandoned Xiangyi and lured Lei Yin Fu east into Ningling, and Lei Yin Fu really fell into the trap. As soon as Lei Yinfu led his troops to leave Xiangyi, Sun Mei and Yue Lingfei occupied Xiangyi and sent Shang Rang, Wen Ying and Xiaolu to lead 50,000 troops here to block Zhang Zimian's 70,000 horses. The remaining 30,000 horses all went east to Ningling and surrounded Lei Yinfu with the main force of Huang Chao.

Seeing the bad situation, Lei Yinfu quickly led the remnants to the south with Miao Jin and He Zhi, and soon entered a mountain pass. The strange rocks on both sides were chapped, and the mountain was very steep. Lei Yinfu asked, "Where is this place?" A personal soldier is from Songzhou. He lives in the local area and is familiar with the terrain of Songzhou. He said, "General Lei, this place is called Luoleikou, and the mountains are high and dense. It is said that when there is thunder in the sky, it often falls here, so the local people took this name."

If you don't say it, you will be shocked. After listening to the introduction of this own soldier, Lei Yinfu couldn't help gasping and thinking: My surname is Lei, and this is Luo Leikou. Does God want me to be buried here?

At this time, the sky was thundering and the wind was strong. Huang Chao, Sun Mei, Chai Cun and Yue Lingfei led the army to swarmed. Lei Yinfu quickly ordered Tang Bing to continue to retreat south, but he was not far away. There were boulders in front of him, and there was no way to go. Lei Yinfu looked up to the sky and sighed: "I am brave and lighten the enemy. Today, I am trapped in the Jedi, which is God's will! Are you afraid of death? Would you like to be loyal to Lei Yinfu for the Tang Dynasty? Swear to kill the thief? Miao Jin, He Zhi and others shouted together: "We are willing to follow General Lei to the death and be loyal to the Tang Dynasty!"

Lei Yinfu burst into tears and shouted, "Thank you, for the sake of the Tang Dynasty, brothers, rush out!" After saying that, he held a big iron gun and shouted at the Rebels with Miao Jin and He Zhi. In a scuffle between the two sides, Miao Jin was cut down by Sun Mei's sword, and the volunteers rushed up and cut Miao Jin into mud. He Zhi was pierced through his heart by Chai Cun's sword and died. Lei Yinfu was furious when he saw this, clapped the horse and danced the gun, and took Sun Mei directly to avenge Miao Jin.

Sun Mei was not afraid. She waved the Ziwu mandarin duck sword to fight against Lei Yin Fu. Huang Chao and Yue Lingfei also wrapped them with weapons. Lei Yin Fu roared and used the unique skill "Thunder and lightning ruthlessly". The tip of the gun drew countless silver lights and attacked Huang Chao, Yue Lingfei and Sun Mei, forcing the three to retreat in a row. Sun Mei's back. He was hit by Lei Yin Fu's barrel, spit blood in his mouth and hit the horse. Chai Cun hurriedly commanded the volunteers to take Sun Mei back.

Huang Chao was furious and pushed his horse forward and used his unique skill of "Giant Angry Dragon Roaring for Nine Days". The juju Yang, like a huge wave rolled, and the angry dragon went to sea. He knocked Lei Yin Fu down on his horse. Yue Lingfei shot fast. Lei Yin Fu bleed all over his body and kept flowing wildly. He looked at the sky and died.

The remaining Tang soldiers saw that the main general was killed and still fought desperately until they were all killed by the volunteers.

Huang Chao saw that Lei Yinfu had been killed in battle, and there were casualties everywhere in the mouth of the thunder. He sighed softly: "Lei Yinfu is loyal to Li Tang and fight against our army. He would rather die than surrender. He is also a loyal man. He buy a good coffin and bury it in the mouth of the thunder! The soldiers of both sides who died in the battle should also be buried in the wilderness that cannot be abandoned.

The volunteers did as ordered by Huang Chao. Huang Chao and Yue Lingfei hurriedly came to the barracks. Under the guidance of their own soldiers, they went to the military tent where Sun Mei was placed. They saw Sun Mei lying **, their eyes closed and did not say a word. Chai Cun and many generals guarded aside, looking sadly.

Huang Chao came to Sun Mei's bedside, bent down, with tears in his eyes, and shouted: "Madam, wake up, wake up--"