Big Hero

Chapter 9 Suspect

Huang Siye's attack on Ye County was blocked and was attacked by Sun Ru and Ma Yin at night, so he had to make a detour to Ye County south. When he was about to enter the mountainous area, a horse suddenly appeared in the distance. Huang Siye quickly ordered him to stop moving forward and asked Wang Fang to take dozens of light cavalry to scout.

Wang Fan took the lead and quickly approached the group of people and horses in front of him. Take a closer look, it turned out that they were also worn by the rebels. A general in front of him, a wind knife, a lotus leaf helmet, ** yellow horse, majestic; next to him, a dragon gun, wearing a bright light armor, ** silver maned horse, leopard-headed eagle Eyes, domineering.

Wang Pan finally recognized these two people as two generals under Meng Kai of the first village. One was Zhu Cun and the other was Zhu Wen, two brothers. Zhu Cun also saw clearly that it was Wang Li and shouted, "Is it Wang Li's brother?" I haven't seen you for a long time. I heard that you played well in the Weinan area. Even famous Li Tang generals like Du Yu have become your losers. It's not easy!"

Wang Pan laughed and asked, "Why did you two lead the troops here? But Brother Siye was shocked and sent me to observe the situation.

Zhu Wen said, "Brother Meng Kai heard that you went all the way south from Weinan. For your safety, he sent our brothers to lead 10,000 troops to pick them up."

Wang Pan smiled and said, "Thank you for Meng Kai's concern and your hard work. Brother Siye's brigade is right behind, and I will send someone to inform him to come and meet him immediately!"

Huang Siye's brigade was stationed in place and looked around. After a while, a light cavalry sent by Wangfan came to Huang Siye's horse and told him what had been detected. Huang Siye was overjoyed and ordered the army to move forward immediately and join Zhu Cun and Zhu Wen. After meeting, they inevitably greeted each other, and then Zhu Cun and Zhu Wen ordered the people and horses to return to the mountain area along the original road. Huang Siye's third village followed and marched to the mountain area.

At noon the next day, the third village people and the first village people met victoriously in Lushan. Meng Kai, Huang Kui, Zhao Zhang, Zhu Cun, Zhu Wen and other first village rebels generals and Huang Siye, Lu Jingren, Wang Yu, Bi Shiduo and other third village volunteers warmly embraced in front of the Fushan Rebel Village and told each other about the situation of the war. Brotherhood is touching, even if it has been touching for thousands of years.

At this time, there are more than 50,000 horses in the first village, more than 30,000 in the third village, and more than 10,000 horses in Zhao Zhang, the fifth village, who has been stationed in the mountain area for a long time. The total strength of the Rebels in the mountain area has reached 100,000, with strong troops and strong morale.

Meng Kai and Zhao Zhang ordered their subordinates to kill pigs and sheep, hold a banquet, and entertained the soldiers. After a few days in a row, Meng Kai and Huang Siye gathered the generals to the cottage hall to discuss the military situation and formulate a battle plan.

Meng Kai first said: "Brothers, in this meeting, the strength of our army in the mountainous area has reached 100,000 people, and its combat effectiveness has been further enhanced. According to the latest war report, Brother Huang Chao's main force is currently near Xuzhou. He is fighting with Cao Min's second villager Ma, preparing to attack Cui Anqian's loyal army. After severely hitting the Zhongwu army, he rushed to Lushan and our army to meet, and then the main force of the Rebel army crossed the Yangtze River to fight in the south of the Yangtze River. In order to better cross the south of the Yangtze River, it is necessary to carry out a big counterattack on the main force of the northern line of Li Tangzhong and resolutely eliminate the arrogance of the Tang army! Brothers, if there is any good way, let's talk about it!"

Zhu Wen stood up and said, "In the past, Zhuge Shuang, Qi Kerang and Qin Zongquan pressed us to fight, and the two sides fought inexpensively. Now that there are more than 30,000 horses of Siye's brother, we can teach these boys a hard lesson! Zhuge Shuang's strength is the weakest. The contradiction between Qi Kerang and Qin Zongquan is very deep, and they are preserving their respective strengths. Therefore, I suggest that you beat Zhuge Shuang first, and then go back to clean up Qi Kerang and Qin Zongquan. What do you think of this?

After listening to Zhu Wen's analysis, the generals nodded frequently. Judging from the previous battles, although Zhu Wen is young, he is both wise and brave and has emerged, so the generals naturally look at Zhu Wen with new eyes.

After Zhu Wen finished speaking, Lu Jingren continued to speak: "In order to better follow Zhu Wen's campaign deployment, I suggest that a fine soldier be deployed to make a sudden action, so I deployed a suspicious array and pretended to attack Zhengzhou, Wulao and the front line, attracting the attention of Zhang Zimian, Luo Yuanyu and other Tang army, which made the Tang army illusions that our army was thinking that our army To attack the eastern capital Luoyang and force the Tang army to mobilize troops back to defend Luoyang and Zhengzhou. In this way, we can smoothly solve the three Tang armies of Zhuge Shuang, Qi Kerang and Qin Zongquan, and completely remove these three iron nails in our bald mountains!"

Zhao Zhang joked, "I think this time, Tang Jun is like a crab with broken feet, and it is difficult to run rampant, hehe!"

The generals of the Rebel Army laughed loudly, and the cottage hall was filled with a cheerful atmosphere. As soon as the laughter stopped, Meng Kai said, "Siye, you can arrange this combat deployment!" Huang Siye waved his hand and said, "Brother Meng, you are marching and experienced. I'll listen to you. You make the final decision!"

Meng Kai stood up and said, "Since Si Ye trusted me, it's better for me to obey. I now announce the operational deployment. Zhu Cun and Zhu Wen, you two brothers led 10,000 horses to attack Zhengzhou, Wuzhen and Liyuan, and mobilized Tang soldiers such as Zhang Zimian and Luo Yuantao to return to defense; Siye's third villagers and horses, divided their troops to monitor Qi Kerang and Qin Zongquan's troops. Zhao Zhang led 10,000 horses to guard the villages in the balmed mountains; the remaining 40,000 people were left by me, Huang Kui led and attacked Zhuge Shuang's troops. After he got it, he attacked Qi Kerang with Si Ye's people, and finally defeated Qin Zongquan. Through this campaign, the enemy's encirclement of my bald mountain base was completely smashed!"

The generals stood up and answered in unison: "Resolutely carry out the task and smash the enemy's encirclement!"

The next day, the 100,000 righteous army began to prepare according to Meng Kai's combat deployment. Zhu Cun and Zhu Wen took the lead and led 10,000 volunteers to go straight to Zhengzhou, Wulao and Liyuan. Zhu Cun and Zhu Wen's soldiers were divided into two roads. Zhu Cun attacked Zhengzhou, Zhu Wen fought Wulao and Zhu Wen, and constantly attacked the Tang army. Zhengzhou, Wu prison and Yuan Shou sent the emergency documents to Liu Yunzhang, Zhang Zimian and Luo Yuanjiao's desks. As the highest officer of Luoyang, the eastern capital, Liu Yunzhang was surprised when he read the emergency documents and quickly reported to Li Yan, asking for reinforcements to be sent quickly to guard Luoyang.

Zheng Wei received Liu Yunzhang's seal and hurried to the harem to find Li Yan. Li Yan usually does not go to the court and entrusts the government affairs to Tian Lingzi to deal with it. Only when dealing with military affairs can he temporarily go to the court. Only a few important ministers in the court can directly go to the harem to report to him about the events that have happened in various places.

At this time, Li Yan was rowing and playing with Chen Shufei in Taiye Pool. In several small boats next to him, more than a dozen maids of honor also accompanied Li Jun to shuttle through the water. Li Yan was playing with fun when he suddenly heard a sharp voice from the shore: "Your Majesty, Lord Zheng is coming to find you!"

"What? Lord Zheng, are you coming to see me? As soon as Li Yan heard this voice, it was the voice of the eunuch Shi wild boar. From this, he knew that he could not play any more today. At this time, a small boat operated by a maid suddenly lost control and hit Li Jun's dragon boat, and the splashed Li Jun. The maids were so scared that they lay on the bow and couldn't help kowtowing. They said in horror, "Your Majesty, I deserved to die. I accidentally hit Your Majesty's dragon boat. I hope your majesty will forgive you!"

Li Yong laughed and said, "Get up, you play with me. I'm very happy. Not only will I not blame you, but I will also reward you! Today, I will give you ten taels of gold and ten pieces of satin.

The maids of honor said in unison, "Thank you, Long'en. I will always serve your majesty and relieve your majesty's worries!"

Chen Shufei gently pushed Li Yan and said, "Your Majesty, what do you reward these maids with so many things? I have been rowing with you in the Taiye Pool all the time!"

Li Yan twisted Chen Shufei's pink face and whispered, "Beauty, I will reward you more than the maids, which will definitely satisfy you! The wild boar called me, and Zheng Yu came to see me. You wait for me on the boat, and I'll come as soon as I go!"

Zheng Wei stood by the Taiye Pool at this time. When he saw this scene, he was so angry that his nose was almost crooked. He stood up for a moment and shouted, "Your Majesty, do you still want Li Tangtian? The yellow nest thief is about to enter the eastern capital!"

"What? Is Huang Chao coming? Hearing this, Li Yan was really anxious and quickly ordered the eunuchs to row hard. After a while, the dragon boat was on the shore. The dragon robe on Li Yan's body was gentle at this time. He simply sat on the bow of the boat and asked, "Zheng Aiqing, what's going on? Is the Huangchao thief here?"

Zheng Yu sighed: "Your Majesty, Qin lost his deer because there were too many taxes and the burden on the people of the world was too heavy. Chen Sheng* rebelled. Today, the situation in the Tang Dynasty is similar to that of Qin II. Because of the heavy burden and frequent famine, the people have to rebel. Huangchao thieves have recently fought with the Tang army in the Central Plains. The thief army has been victories in a row. Now they have sent troops to attack Wu prisons and Luyuan, and Luoyang, the eastern capital, is in an emergency! Your Majesty, please rise to the hall as soon as possible!"

Li Yan was really anxious when he heard this and said to Zheng Wei, "Please wait at the Xuanzheng Hall. I'll come right away!" Li Yan quickly abandoned the boat and went ashore to Princess Dai in Penglai Hall to change her clothes. Concubine Chen and the maids followed. Li Yan came to the front of Penglai Hall and waited for Chen Guifei with his hand, which meant not to follow him again. Coincidentally, Princess Dai just came out of the hall. When Princess Diana saw Li Yan's appearance and others pulling out their legs to leave, she shouted angrily, "Princes Chen Shu, what's wrong with you? Make your majesty like this?!"

Chen Shufei has always been afraid of Noble Concubine Dai. At this time, she saw that Noble Concubine Dai's face was frosty and her tone was harsh. She couldn't help but soften her legs. She knelt on the ground and couldn't help kowtowing: "Your Majesty, Noble Concubine, my concubine slowed down the speed of rowing because of her two arms. The collision of the two boats collided, which shocked your majesty. I hope your majesty and the noble concubine forgive me. Then!"