Big Hero

Chapter 17 Famous Heroes of the Temple

Huang Chao stationed more than 100,000 horses in the northeast of Yingzhou, where the terrain is open and the river is vertical and horizontal, which is conducive to the rest of the army. Soon, Qiu Tao and Qiu Hong led more than 2,000 people of the Second Village Water Army to the Volunteer Camp. Cao Min had already told Huang Chao about recognizing Qiu's brothers and sisters as adopted sons and daughters. Huang Chao was very happy and went out to meet them in person with Cao Min.

Qiu Tao and Qiu Hong both bowed down and said in unison, "See you, the great general! Meet the be-in-law Cao Zhai Lord!" Huang Chao and Cao Min hurried forward to get the Qiu brothers and sisters and greeted them. In the army's tent, Sun Mei, Chai Cun, Yue Lingfei, Shang Rang, Lin Yan, Qiao Yu, Niu Feng, Wen Ying, Xiao Lu, Li Hanzhi and others also arrived and happily watched Huang Chao enter the account. Huang Chao said, "Today's lunch, we will have a glass of water and wine together. On the one hand, we will discuss the military situation; on the other hand, we will celebrate Qiu's brother and sister joining the Rebel Army and recognize their adoptive father and mother-in-law."

The generals were overjoyed and talked to each other about the war. From time to time, cheerful laughter broke out in the army's tent. Only Sun Mei sat alone in a corner, silent and burst into tears. When Cao Min saw that Sun Mei was depressed, she hurried over and said to Sun Mei, "Madam, dinner is coming soon. You have always been optimistic and open-minded. What's wrong with you today?"

Sun Mei wiped her tears with her hands and choked and said, "Since Xianzhi's death, I have been fighting outside. My son Wang Ying and daughter Wang Yan have also been entrusted to take care of them. I haven't seen them for a long time. I don't know when the army will return to Qilu? I really miss my children. I just saw that you and Brother Huang were happy to see the Qiu brothers and sisters. Seriously, I really envy you two!"

After listening to Sun Mei's words, Cao Min understood that Sun Mei had been away from home for a long time and missed her relatives. Cao Min couldn't help thinking of her son Huang Xiong and daughter Huang Ying. Suddenly, her eyes fell on Wen Ying and Xiao Lu, thinking that Wen Ying used to be Sun Mei's maid and Xiao Lu were a pair of passionate lovers. Both of them were very heroic. Why don't I introduce them as Sun Mei's adopted daughter-in-laws? This can definitely comfort Sun Mei's lonely and sad heart.

Cao Min thought about it and said to Sun Mei, "Madam, I think Wen Ying and Xiao Lu are both young heroes. Let me introduce them as your adopted son and daughter. What do you think?"

Sun Mei listened, turned her sorrow into joy, and nodded gently. Cao Min immediately walked to Wen Ying and Xiao Lu and said to them, "Xiao Ying and Xiao Lu, I want to discuss this matter with you today. Mrs. Sun Mei is very lonely now. I want to introduce you two as her adopted son and adopted daughter. What do you think?"

Hearing this, Wen Ying immediately nodded and agreed. She grew up with Sun Mei and learned a lot from Sun Mei. Sun Mei had long regarded her as a daughter, but did not officially recognize her. Xiao Lu, a bitter child, worked under Wang Xianzhi after joining the Rebel Army. He witnessed the scene of Wang Xianzhi commanding the Rebel Army to fight against Huangmei. After Wang Xianzhi's death, Xiao Lu and Wen Ying guarded Huaidu Village according to Sun Mei's arrangement. He has always been in awe of Sun Mei. Now when he heard Cao Min say that he wanted him to be Sun Mei's adopted son, he was surprised and happy. He said, "I was born in poverty and have no parents since I was a child. I am just a homeless child. If my wife is willing to recognize me as the adopted son, I have nothing to say!"

Cao Min was overjoyed and quickly greeted Wen Ying and Xiao Lu to Sun Mei to let them visit their adopty mother. Wen Ying and Xiao Lu both knelt down and kowtowed their heads and called Sun Mei as their adopters-mother in unison. Sun Mei was very happy. She quickly picked up Wen Ying and Xiao Lu and said, "Good boy, today's lunch, sit with my adopters. Let's have a few drinks!"

At this time, Huang Chao and the generals also knew that Sun Mei recognized Wen Ying and Xiao Lu as their adopted sons and daughters, and came to congratulate them. Everyone was happy. Huang Chao patted Xiaolu on the shoulder and said, "I've been listening to my wife and Xiaoying call you Xiaolu. What's your real name?"

Xiao Lu said, "General, my parents were forced to die by bad guys very early. My parents called me Xiao Lu when they were young. Before they named me, they left me forever."

Huang Chao listened and nodded: "So you are a miserable child. Now you are a young hero and a tiger general in the Rebel Army. I heard that your pair of hammers weigh 60 catties, which made Tang generals scared. In the future, you will become a single general of the Rebels. You can't do without a name. I'll give you a name today.

Xiao Lu was very happy when he heard this and said, "Thank you, General, for your name!"

Huang Chao looked up and saw the hunting "Daqi" military flag outside the tent and said, "Your surname is Lu, which means that you are a descendant of Qilu. Our army is called Daqi, and I think you can call it Lu Qi!"

"Luqi? That's a good name. I have a name! The general gave me a name! From now on, my name is Lu Qi!" Xiao Lu jumped three feet high with excitement, simply walked out of the Chinese army tent, picked up the double hammer, whipped the horse, and galloped away from the camp.

As soon as Wen Ying saw Xiao Lu leave the account, she quickly chased him out. When she saw Xiao Lu leaving, she quickly led her horse and galloped in the direction of Xiao Lu. Huang Chao and the generals looked at it and laughed. Huang Chao said, "I think Wen Ying and Lu Qi are a perfect match. In a few years, when Chang'an, the capital of Li Tang, was captured, Cao Min and I became a matchmaker to let them get married in Chang'an Palace, hehe!"

Cao Min said anxiously, "Look at your mouth, you like to talk nonsense. Wen Ying and Lu Qi are less than 20 years old. If you say such words, aren't you afraid of being ashamed?"

Hearing this, all the generals laughed loudly, and Sun Mei was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth. After a while, Wen Ying and Lu Qi walked side by side and ran to the camp. Wen Ying "plucked" Lu Qi's ear and said, "It's time to have lunch. They are waiting for us. You wild child, you know how to run around with double hammers!" After saying that, Wen Ying twisted Luqi's left ear hard.

Lu Qi was on the horse, and his left ear was twisted by Wen Ying. It really hurt a little. He said, "Sister Wen Ying, you are too cruel. Didn't I go back to the camp with you? Can you twist it gently?

Wen Ying giggled and smiled: "Be gentle, next time, if you don't listen again, I won't beat you!"

Huang Chao then drank outside the camp with the leaders with tile pots, used the fish and shrimps and wild vegetables dug up in the river to make wine and vegetables, and ordered the three armies to go to the logistics office to get water and wine, and the soldiers and soldiers to have fun together. Although there was nothing delicious about this lunch, the whole army ate it deliciously and was very happy.

The red sun is sinking, the sky is getting darker, and the night is coming. In addition to the soldiers patrolling, all the other people in the Rebel battalion fell asleep in the camp. At about 2 o'clock, the Rebel battalion shouted in the northeast. The soldiers woke up from their dreams and quickly ran out of the camp with knives and guns in their hands. On the north bank of the water, the fire was shining, the smoke was rolling, many houses trembled and collapsed in the sea of fire, and the people were crying and lifting the water to put out the fire.

At this time, Huang Chao also ran to the south bank of the water with his own soldiers. Seeing this, he said, "The place of the fire was in the direction of Kanglou. The people's houses suddenly caught fire. We must cross the river immediately to rescue them. If we hesitate a little, the consequences will be unimaginable. It is said that I will order all the battalions to cross over and put out the fire in the village on the north bank of the water!" After saying that, Huang Chao took off his armor, jumped into the cold river with his bare arms and swam to the north bank.

Chai Cun quickly ordered his own soldiers to follow Huang Chaoxuan across the river. Sun Mei, Yue Lingfei, Cao Min, Shang Rang and other generals urgently mobilized the Rebels to cross the river to rescue the people surrounded by the fire. For a while, tens of thousands of Rebel soldiers swam to the north bank in the water. Qiu Tao and Qiu Hong quickly ordered the navy to send ships to carry food, clothing, etc. and go straight to the north bank.

After Huang Chao led his own soldiers to the village on fire, he immediately organized rescue work. Huang Chao took the lead through the sea of fire and carried the injured people to a safe area. The volunteers scrambled to save people, some carried water to put out the fire, and those who did not have the tools to carry water, soaked the river with clothes, and then hit the fire. Fighting until dawn, the fire was completely controlled. Many people were rescued by the volunteers in time and saved their lives. Only a few people died in the fire.

Huang Chao ordered the military doctor to take out the best herbs to heal the wounds of the injured people, and also took out a lot of silver for the people to buy building materials. The people were grateful and took out the best wine and meat in the family and came to the Rebel camp to reward the Rebel soldiers. An old man with a white beard trembled and walked to the yellow nest and saw that the yellow nest beard had been burned to pieces, and the smell of burning was still audible. He knelt down with a plop and said with tears, "Thank you, King Huang, for sending volunteers to save you. The people of Kanglou will never forget your great kindness!"

Huang Chao waved his hand, picked up the old man with white beard, looked at the many people of Kanglou, and said, "People of Kanglou, you have suffered! Huang Chao came to Kanglou this time, and his brothers put out the fire of Kanglou's house, which showed that there was a fate between us. The righteous teacher is not only predestined with the people of Kanglou, but also with the whole Chinese people. We hope that our desire to live a happy life for the poor people in the world can be known by more people in the world. The people trusting us and supporting us is the greatest honor of Huang Chao and the Rebel brothers and sisters!"

The people of Kanglou knelt on the ground and shouted: "Hang Long live the Yellow King! Long live the righteous teacher! Long live Daqi!"

A young man in Kanglou who knew a few words shouted, "My name is Kang Shiming. I have been determined to study and practice martial arts since I was a child, and I want to gain fame and benefit the people. However, the government of Li Tang Dynasty became more and more corrupt, and the officials were like wolves, tigers and leopards, and did not sympathize with the suffering of the people. Today, I saw the team led by General Huang Chao, who is disciplined and loves the people like a son. I was the first to sign up to join General Huang Chao's team. Those who are willing to join the rebel army, sign up with me, Kang Shiming!" After saying that, Kang Shiming walked to Huang Chao and Cao Min, saluted deeply, and said excitedly, "General, madam, please accept me as your soldier!"

More than 100 young men and women in Kanglou ran to Huang Chao and asked to join the uprising. Huang Chao was very moved. He came forward and shook hands with the young man of Kanglou one by one. When he held Kang Shiming's hand, he shook it hard and said, "You are a good man. You are a bloody man. If you are interested in the Rebel Army, I will accept you and your Kanglou brothers and sisters. Arrange you in the righteous army as the subordinates of Mrs. Sun Mei and Shang Rang's military division.

The young men and women who signed up for the army in Kang Lou were extremely excited. Kang Shiming didn't know where the inspiration came from and shouted, "King Huang rose up for the people; Li Tang is not kind and is not for the people!"

The righteous soldiers and the people of Kanglou heard this and shouted in unison: "The king of Huang rose up for the people; Li Tang is not benevolent and is not allowed for the people!"

A few days later, the house that collapsed in the fire was rebuilt, and the people of Kanglou were very happy. In these days, Huang Chao and the Rebel soldiers and the people of Kanglou rebuilt their homes together, and they all sweated profusely. Huang Chao decided to start the army immediately and recruit troops in Jiangzhou and Hongzhou to accumulate strength and prepare to seize the Central Plains. Huang Chao drafted the march route in the army tent, then went to get the jade seal and stamped, and then asked his soldiers to send them to the generals of each battalion, but after looking for a long time, he couldn't find the jade seal. It suddenly occurred to him that he went to Kanglou to put out the fire that day, and the jade seal was put in his trousers pocket, which should have been thrown into the water.

On the day when the righteous teacher opened, all the men and women of Kanglou went out to say goodbye to the righteous soldiers. The scene was touching, so I won't elaborate.

The following is a little folklore about Kanglou Huangchao Temple.

The site of Kanglou Middle School in Wangshi Town, Lixin County, Anhui Province, formerly known as Huangchao Temple. It is said that 60 years ago, there was a temple here with the word "Huangchao Temple" above the temple gate. There are couplets on both sides of the door saying: "Go through fire and water for the society, and the anti-corruption officials feel the world." In the main hall of the temple, there is a statue of Huang Chao, the leader of the peasant uprising army in the late Tang Dynasty, which is majestic and extraordinary.

In 881 A.D., Huang Chao established the Daqi regime in Chang'an. When the people of Kanglou heard about it, they all cheered and thought that the sky had eyes and were demoted to Huang Chao, which was a blessing for all people, so they built a temple for the Yellow King. However, at that time, the farmers were still in deep trouble and unable to expand. They only formed a civil structure and burned incense to pray during the Spring Festival.

However, due to frequent wars in previous dynasties, Huangchao Temple has been destroyed many times. Although the Huangchao regime could not last, the hero's benevolence was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so the Huangchao Temple was repeatedly destroyed and built. The last time it was built during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty. The three green brick and fine tile main hall were built with Huang Chao's majestic statues, and there were wing rooms on both sides, and there were local literati who wrote Huang Chao's poems. There was a road ahead (i.e.e. the front door) and the local people continued to live there. Stay and guard. The name of the temple and the couplet are carved with bricks and exquisite craftsmanship.

After more than 200 years of wind and rain erosion, by 1946, Huangchao Temple was already mottled. The Kuomintang launched a full-scale civil war. Bai Chongxi's direct troops went north through Kanglou and found the temple. Because Huang Chao had gone to Guangxi when he rose up, he killed a villainous ancestors of this army. The private indignation of revenge turned Huangchao Temple into dust and bricks in an instant.

In 1967, the Suifu Railway passed through Dongchengji, about 35 kilometers northeast of Fuyang. When building the railway, migrant workers dug out a yellow nest jade seal from the Dongcheng moat, which is now collected in the Lixin County Cultural Relic Museum. This jade seal can prove that Huang Chao once lived in the northeast of Yingzhou. Because Kanglou is about two kilometers southwest of Dongcheng, it can be speculated that Huang Chao jade seal was lost because he walked too fast. The appearance of Huang Chaoyuyin can also prove that Huang Chao personally bowed to Kanglou and Kanglou once said that there was a Huangchao Temple. It is true, and it is by no means false.