Big Hero

Chapter 24 Hidden Truth and False

And when An Renyi, the general of Runzhou, learned that Guazhou Shuizhai was attacked and destroyed by the rebels, he was at a loss and fell to the ground. Zhou Bao, Xue Lang and others quickly came forward to help him up and repeatedly persuade him.

Xue Lang said, "That's the end of the matter. For today's plan, we can only defend Runzhou and keep it. I expected that the bandits were eager to break the city, but they came from afar. Our army waited for work with ease. In addition, with the arrival of various reinforcements soon, our army will definitely be able to save the danger and repel the bandits.

An Renyi listened to Xue Lang's analysis and suddenly became energetic. He stood up and said, "General Xue's analysis is reasonable. This time we must unite sincerely and fight the thief to the end! Zhou Bao and Xue Lang led 15,000 men to defend the outer city, and I led the remaining 10,000 horses to garrison in the inner city. Transfer the main supplies to the inner city, and the outer city was attacked by the bandits. We will defend the inner city and wait for reinforcements.

Ye Xiang and Duan Meng burned the Tang army in Guazhou, captured many warships, won a complete victory, and returned to restore Cao Shixiong's life. Shi Xiong was overjoyed and set up a wine to celebrate. During the banquet, Gai Hong said, "Ye Xiang and Duan Meng, your future task is to block the river to the north of Runzhou, so that Liu Ye's reinforcements in Jiangbei cannot cross the river, that is, to complete the task."

Cao Shixiong nodded: "Gai Hong's words make sense. Ye Xiang and Duan Meng, the two brothers, did according to Mr. Gai's method to block the river and prevent the Tang army from crossing the river."

Ye Xiang and Duan Meng said loudly, "Please rest assured and complete the task!" After the banquet, Ye Xiang and Duan Meng returned to their barracks and arranged for the navy to block the river.

In the army's tent, Cao Shixiong said to a personal soldier, "Notify Chang Hong and Wang Mei to officially start attacking the outer city of Runzhou at dawn tomorrow!"

"Order!" The soldiers jumped on the war horse and rushed to the camp of Chang Hong and Wang Mei.

Early the next morning, Chang Hong and Wang Mei organized the rebels to attack the outer city of Runzhou. The volunteers quickly set up a flying bridge, erected a ladder, and scrambled to climb up. The sound of killing was shocking. Zhou Bao and Xue Lang ordered Tang soldiers to fight back, and the rolling stones on the top of the city came down one after another. The arrows were like rain, and the volunteers suffered heavy casualties.

Wang Mei urgently ordered the volunteers to hide in the motorcycle to approach the city wall and attack the gate with a rushing car. Under the command of Chang Hong, the bow and crossbowman of the Rebellion shot at the head of the city, and the stone throwing machine also kept throwing stones at the head of the city, making the Tang soldiers break their bones and run around.

The tragic offensive and defensive battle lasted for a whole day, thousands of people were killed and injured on both sides, and the outer city of Runzhou was still in the hands of the Tang army. Chang Hong stamped his feet in a hurry and said to Wang Mei, "The first echelon of the siege has suffered more than half of the casualties. All the siege equipment has been used, or can't he take the outer city of Runzhou? What can he do?"

Wang Mei said, "Quickly ask for reinforcements from the second echelon. I suggest that we continue to attack the city tonight, otherwise the blood of thousands of brothers will be in vain during the day. Once the Tang army strengthens the city wall, it will be difficult to pick it out.

Chang Hong nodded: "The battle has reached this point, and we can only attack at all costs! I quickly informed Xu Tangju and asked the second echelon to come up and attack with the first echelon. Be sure to attack the outer city of Runzhou tonight!"

After receiving Chang Hong and Wang Mei's request for reinforcements, Xu Tangju said to Fei Chuangu, "Mr. Fei, can't the second echelon go up now?"

Fei Chuangu thought for a while and said, "In the offensive and defensive battle of the city, the casualties of the attacking side are definitely greater than the defending side. In terms of local wars, it is not advisable to attack Runzhou. However, from the perspective of General Huang Chao's overall strategic deployment, our fifth village soldiers must attack the outer cities of Runzhou and exchange our local sacrifices for overall initiative. Therefore, now drive up the second echelon and work with the first echelon to attack the city, so as not to give the Tang army time to breathe. At all costs, we must break through the outer city of Runzhou in one fell swoop tonight, causing the main force of our army to gather around Huainan, causing Yang Fuguang to misjudge, and inevitably mobilizing a large army to reinforce Runzhou.

Liu Ying blinked and said mischievously, "In this way, General Huang Chao can lead the main force of the righteous army to fight against the Tang army in the south of the Yangtze River. Our territory has increased, Mr. Fei, right?"

Fei Chuangu smiled and said, "Liu Ying is still smart. As I think of it, you can also imagine that Tang Ju, you have married a good wife. You see, both literature and martial arts, hehe!"

Xu Tangju smiled cheerfully and said, "Mr. Fei is too modest. In terms of wisdom, Liu Ying and I are tied together and are not your opponents. Well, no kidding, I will now order the second echelon to rise up and drive to the city of Runzhou. Together with the first echelon, we will attack the outer city of Runzhou. Tonight, we will break through the city in one fell swoop!"

In the middle of the night, the defenders of the outer city of Runzhou thought that the rebels did not dare to attack the city at night and began to relax. In addition, after a day battle, they were already exhausted. Many Tang soldiers leaned on the city stacks and took a nap. Suddenly, there seemed to be a fog on the head of Runzhou City, and the Tang soldiers who opened their eyes to patrol could not see the specific things at close range. It turned out that Fei Chuangu ordered the volunteers to use dust trucks to scatter dust and other blind objects all over the city. The death squads of the rebels used hooks and ladders to climb up the city like monkeys and attacked the Tang army.

Tang Bing was raided by the death squad of the Rebels. He suddenly responded to the battle and was killed and defeated. The rebels quickly occupied the south gate, and Xu Tangjun and Liu Ying led a large number of people to shout and kill in the city. Zhou Bao and Xue Lang knew that Xu Tangju was invincible and dared not fight. They quickly ordered the Tang soldiers to retreat to the inner city, and the "Daqi" military flag fluttered high in the outer city of Runzhou.

Cao Shixiong was very happy to learn that the Rebels had broken through the outer city of Runzhou and said to Gai Hong, "Our army attacked the water village of *zhou and the outer city of Runzhou. The defenders of Runzhou must have become a frightening bird. I think we will take advantage of the victory and take the inner city of Runzhou in one fell swoop!"

Gai Hong waved his hand and said, "Now the Tang soldiers in the inner city of Runzhou are like wild cats with sticks. They are extremely fierce and not easy to beat. I think the strategic purpose of our army's expedition to Runzhou has been achieved. If we fight hard and capture the inner city of Runzhou and reinforce the Tang army, we will definitely not enter the army. Even if Runzhou is in our hands, it is in the heavy siege of the enemy, and it is difficult to develop and grow. In this way, Runzhou has become our burden, and it cannot better respond to the implementation strategy of the main force of the Rebel Army in the south of the Yangtze River.

After hearing this, Cao Shixiong turned around several times with his hands behind his back, stopped and said, "So what should we do best now?"

Gai Hong smiled and said, "Notify Xu Tangju and Fei Chuangu that now the siege echelon is under their command and surround the inner city of Runzhou. In this way, we can safely and boldly recruit troops in the vast areas near Runzhou and prepare for food and fodder. Wait for the arrival of enemy reinforcements. When the enemy reinforcements approached our army, our army turned south and moved to the west of Zhejiang to establish our base there.

Cao Shixiong listened to Gai Hong's words and suddenly realized that he took a step forward, held Gai Hong's hand tightly, and said excitedly, "Mr. Gai's words made Shixiong open up. According to Mr.'s words, when the enemy reinforcements gather in Runzhou, we will transfer to western Zhejiang, Xu Tu's great cause!"