Big Hero

Chapter 34 Roundabout

Gao Jie picked up Cui Jin's sword and saw that the mouth of the sword was stained with blood, he guessed that Cui Jin had killed his own inner room. Gao Jie took his sword and walked to Cui Jin step by step. After waiting for Cui Jin to open his mouth to curse the street again, he stabbed him with a sword. Cui Jin opened his mouth and stared at Gao Jie with two eyes and died of breath.

Gao Jie killed Cui Jin and finally got a bad breath. He saw two Jiashi coming to the living room with Yu Ming. Yu Ming saw Gao Jie and knelt down with a "plop" and begged, "General Gao, the little one is just an errand follower in the government office. General Gao, please show mercy and spare my life!"

"You have repeatedly hurt me in front of Cui Jin, and I won't spare you today!" After Gao Jie finished speaking, he raised his sword and killed Yu Ming again, and blood splashed in the living room.

Gao Jie raised his sword and shouted, "Cut the grass to eradicate it, brothers, kill all the family members of Cui's family, including servants!"

Li Qian and Yang Neng had no choice but to take Jiashi around to kill the people in Cui's mansion. For a while, in Cui Jin's mansion, there were swords and shadows, bloody wind, and crying loudly.

Zhao Zhang and Lu Qi took the generals who entered the city from the west gate and the south gate and killed them to the north city and the east city. Jianda was supervising the battle in the north city. When they saw the Tang soldiers running around, they knew that something had happened in the city. A soldier ran to Jianda and talked about Gao Jie's betrayal.

Janda asked, "How's the situation with Cui Bashi?"

The soldiers cried and said, "All of them were killed by Gao Jie. There is no one left in Cui's house!"

Jianda closed her eyes, burst into tears, and shouted, "Kill me in pain!" After saying that, Jianda opened her eyes, put her gun on the horse, and led her own soldiers and the volunteers rushing behind her to fight.

Lu Qi waved two hammers and led his soldiers all the way. He was meeting Jianda commanding Tang soldiers to break through. Lu Qi raised his double hammers and hit Jianda with a move of "Thunder God" and hit Jianda. Jianda was flustered and didn't have time to dodge. She was hit by two hammers. Suddenly, her brain burst and she died.

Lu Qi led the volunteers to rush to the north gate, and the Tang soldiers fled. The volunteers opened the north gate, and Meng Kai's army rushed in. At the same time, Yue Lingfei also led the people to enter Tanzhou from the east gate. Outside the city, there were the soldiers and horses of the Rebels, and the remaining Tang soldiers surrendered one after another. The rebels occupied Tanzhou City, and the "Daqi" military flag fluttered high at the head of Tanzhou City!

Meng Kai and Yue Lingfei ordered all ministries to release the list of Anmin, open warehouses and release grain, distribute them to the poor people, and register the captured military supplies. The soldiers and civilians cheered, and the prestige of the rebels shocked the south of the Yangtze River.

In Tanzhou Prefecture, Meng Kai, Yue Lingfei and the generals concentrated on the next military action. Meng Kai said, "The fourth village of the Rebel Army had a great loss in previous operations, and there was an urgent need to supplement the soldiers, so Gao Jie's Tanzhou insurgents were placed under the command of Lingfei."

Yue Lingfei gave way for a while. Meng Kai insisted on giving Gao Jie's horse to the fourth village, so Yue Lingfei had to nod and agree.

Yue Lingfei said, "Gao Jie has been guarding Tanzhou for many years. I have decided to still let Gao Jie's soldiers station in Tanzhou. Li Jian and Yang Neng, as Gao Jie's generals, will assist in defending the city. The rest of the fourth village went out to fight, rest for a few days, and then set out on an expedition.

Gao Jie, Li Qian and Yang Neng expressed their loyalty to Daqi and made every effort to defend the city.

Meng Kai laughed; "This time we took Tanzhou and opened a big gap in the south of the Yangtze River, which was of great help to Huang Chao's capture Raozhou and Xinzhou. I think we can attack Yuanzhou and Hengzhou next.

Zhao Zhang stood up and pointed to the situation map of Jiangnan West Road on the conference table: "I think that after Li Tang loses Tanzhou, the nearby states and counties will definitely shake and will inevitably strengthen defense, and Yuanzhou and Hengzhou are no exception. According to the report of Tanma, the defenders of Yuanzhou and Hengzhou have greatly strengthened the city defense. If we raise our troops to fight hard, we may not be able to gnaw it. Even if it is barely beaten down, the casualties will definitely be great. Sun Wu, a famous military strategist in the Spring and Autumn Period, discussed in his "Attack" that 'so the army is plotted, followed by the attack, followed by the army, and then the attack on the city', that is to say, the siege is a last resort. Now it is the spring famine, the supply of grain is quite tight, and there is not much grain in the army. Therefore, I suggest that it is the best strategy to take a circuitous approach, suddenly attack Qianzhou, which is well-prepared, and then go north to take down Jizhou, which has weak troops.

The general listened and bowed frequently. Lu Qi said, "Brother Zhao's plan has profoundly gained the essence of Sun Tzu's art of war. The marching war is about a surprise. I think this long-distance attack on Qianzhou has a great chance of winning."

Meng Kai patted Lu Qi on the shoulder: "Little Lu's brain is so good that he learned Sun Tzu's Art of War at a young age. Like me, I don't know the words of Sun Tzu's Art of War. In the future, Daqi has such a talented person as Xiao Lu, why worry about the world's peace?

Lu Qi smiled shyly: "What I just said was learned from Zhao Zhang's brother. Brother Zhao is really knowledgeable. He often tells me classic battles in history. Combined with Sun Zi's art of war, I like to listen very much and teach me how to write."

Yue Lingfei said, "I think Brother Zhao Zhang's play is good, but he needs to be fully prepared. Because it is a long-distance attack, there must be enough food and grass. We must choose strong soldiers and hide south to break through Qianzhou in one fell swoop!"

Zhu Wen stood up and said generously: "Zhu Wen is not talented. He is willing to lead a brigade to take Qianzhou!"

Lu Qi was unwilling to lag behind and stood up to ask for war: "I also want to lead the army to fight against Qianzhou and fight against Qianzhou. I increased my military merit, and Wen Ying was willing to marry me!"

The generals listened and laughed back and forth. In the conference room, the atmosphere became warm.

Meng Kai said, "There is only one in Qianzhou, and you can only send one man to attack, so Zhu and Luqi can only choose one of the two. I think you two will make a decision!"

Zhao Zhang waved his hand and said, "You don't have to take the place. Zhu Wen and Luqi, each lead a man and horse to act. Zhu Wen led 10,000 horses and went straight to Yongxin. After taking Yongxin, the Tang army would definitely gather in Jizhou and attack Yongxin. Zhu Wen would resolutely resist it. Luqi led 5,000 elite soldiers and also passed through Chaling and went straight to Nankang. After a short rest, he went north near Nankang and detoured to Gan, two or three hundred miles north of Qianzhou. Near the water, they attacked the Tang army from Qianzhou to reinforce Jizhou. At this time, Meng Kai and Ling Fei personally proposed that the army went through Chaling and Nankang to take Qianzhou directly, so that Qianzhou would definitely take it in one fell swoop! Then the army went north to attack Jizhou, and Zhu Wen also entered Jizhou from Yongxin East, and Jizhou could go down with one blow!"

Zhu Wen listened and clapped his hands: "Brother Zhao Zhang's plan is seamless and uses Sun Zi's military tactics, and he will win this battle!"

Meng Kai listened and couldn't help clapping his hands: "Brother Zhao Zhang is really Sun Wu in the Qi army! OK, this time it will be done according to the battle deployment of the Zhao Zhang brothers! Zhu Wen and Lu Qi, you go! Just order according to the number Zhao Zhang said, but you can't order more, hahaha!"

Zhu Wen and Lu Qi each ordered their own military horses and opened to Chaling according to Zhao Zhang's deployment. There were only two or three thousand people in Chaling and Tang troops. When they learned that Daqi's soldiers had arrived, they were so scared that they abandoned the city and fled straight to Hengzhou. The Rebels entered the Chaling without a bloody blade.

Zhu Wen and Lu Qi Anmin finished and rested in Chaling for a day, and then divided their troops. Zhu Wen led his army to Yongxin and made great fanfare along the road; Lu Qi led his troops day and night and went straight to Nankang.

Zhu Wen commanded the Rebels to quickly capture Yongxin. Yongxin's remnants retreated into Jizhou and reported to Jizhou defenders Kou Wei and Jiao Fei that the "thief" came to invade Jizhou. Kou Wei and Jiao Fei were shocked. The second general quickly discussed the dispatch of reinforcements to the surrounding towns to repel the "thief".

Kou Wei said to Jiao Fei, "We drove away the history a few years ago and led troops to guard this place. Because the whip was out of reach, the court allowed us to manage Jizhou. However, the officials of the surrounding towns have a lot of opinions on us. This time, Jizhou was attacked by "thieves". I don't think most of the towns will send troops to rescue us.

Jiao Fei nodded: "Yes, we manage Jizhou. The name is not right. I think the neighboring Fangzhen, only Qianzhou in the south has a good relationship with us. We often send some gifts to Zhao Meng, the history of Qianzhou, so let's ask him for help! Of course, people will be sent to other towns to request reinforcements, but there is certainly little hope.

"Well, lips are dead and teeth are cold. If Jizhou is lost, Qianzhou will be the target of the thieves. I think Zhao Wei will send troops to rescue Jizhou." Kou Wei said.

After discussing, the two sent several messengers to the neighboring Qianzhou, Binzhou, Hengzhou, Yuanzhou and Fuzhou, and asked the states to send troops to rescue Jizhou.

As Kou Wei and Jiao Fei said, except for Zhao Meng, the history of Qianzhou, all other states ignored it and were unwilling to send troops to rescue Jizhou.

Zhao Meng read the joint letter of Kou Wei and Jiao Fei's request for help and laughed a few times: "These two guys, who don't know the depth of heaven and earth, actually drove away the history and became the governor themselves. Now that the thief army is under pressure, the surrounding towns will definitely not be rescued. I don't think these two guys can stand it!"

Zhan Bing, the general of Qianzhou, said, "Zhao Laishi, although Kou Wei and Jiao Fei drove away Jizhou Lashi, they are still generous and often give gifts to us Qianzhou. Now that they are in trouble, we should go to the rescue!"

Tu Yang was aside and also echoed Zhan Bing's suggestion.

Zhao Wei looked at Zhan Bing and Tu Yang's two generals and thought about it for a while. Fang said, "The soldiers in Qianzhou are few generals. You two are the pillars of Qianzhou. My life-saving straw. If you two leave and the thief attacks Qianzhou, then Qianzhou can't be saved!"

Hearing this, Zhan Bing shouted loudly: "Zhao Lashi, the thief sent troops from Tanzhou this time. The purpose is obviously to take Jizhou first and then go south to capture Qianzhou. If Jizhou is lost, Qianzhou will definitely not be able to save it. Besides, Kou Wei and Jiao Fei have always been good to us. This time they are in trouble, and it doesn't make sense that we don't send reinforcements!"

"Well, since your attitude is so resolute, it seems that you can't reinforce Jizhou without troops. At present, there are only 10,000 horses in Qianzhou. I will allocate two 5,000 people for you to go to Jizhou to reinforce. Remember: When you encounter a brigade of thieves, you must not fall in love with it. You must keep your strength, don't be hot-headed, and fight all our blood! If you want to fight, you have to let the soldiers and horses in Jizhou fight with the thieves first. If there is no hope of victory, go back to Qianzhou as soon as possible!" Zhao Meng leaned against the sandalwood chair and ordered helplessly.