Big Hero

Chapter 1 Chaos in Hedong

Li Guochang read Li Ke's letter and sighed silently. Zhu Xiesha took a step forward and whispered, "Brother Chixin, Ke Yong has sent Xue Zhiqin and Kang Junli to lead troops to Lanzhou. Lanzhou is the only place for Lu Jianfang and Zhishu. If Lu and Zhi don't listen to dissuasion and insist on going north, we can only be overbearing.

Li Guochang looked at the direction of Yunzhou and muttered to himself, "The safety of my Zhu Xie family depends on the result this time. If we do well and successfully eliminate Li Tang's forces, we can stand in Daibei; if we don't do well, we will be homeless if we are besieged and defeated by Li Tang's heavy soldiers. From now on, we need to rectify the soldiers and prepare for battle!"

After Xue Zhiqin and Kang Junli led 5,000 elite soldiers to Lanzhou, they communicated with local officials and explained the purpose of the trip: intercepting Lu Jianfang and going to Yunzhou and Anbei. Lanzhou officials were afraid of Li Ke's use of Shatuo's soldiers and dared not go against each other, so they let Xue Zhiqin and Kang Junli station troops in Lanzhou.

Lu Jianfang and Zhi Shen received the imperial edict, took dozens of followers, and swaggered to the ground. Yu Lu had nothing to say. When he arrived in the south of Lanzhou, the garrison inspected the customs and let Lu and his party enter the city. However, no official came out to greet him, but was led to the post hall by several Shatuo soldiers and rested for the time being.

Lu Jianfang said to Zhi Shen, "The state and county we passed before were very polite to us and received them very thoughtfully. Why did they leave us in the post hall when they arrived in Lanzhou? It's really annoying!"

Zhishi is a person who likes to show off. This time, the emperor asked him as a comfort envoy to comfort the soldiers in Yunzhou. Now that he is sitting on a cold bench in Lanzhou, he is naturally very dissatisfied. He immediately shouted, "We went to Yunzhou, which was appointed by the emperor. Why don't local officials receive us well in this Lanzhou?"

Just as Zhi Details was furious in the post office, a follower came in to report: "Zhi Nongqing, a group of generals came outside and surrounded the post office. The two leading leaders, Xue Zhiqin and Kang Junli, who claimed to be from Yunzhou, said they wanted to talk to you!"

"What? Xue Zhiqin and Kang Junli? Isn't it just an ordinary Yunzhou tooth general? What are they looking for me for? What qualifications do you have to come to Lanzhou to find me? How can it be?!" A series of questions were raised like popcorn.

The follower replied, "I don't know why the Yunzhou soldiers surrounded the post hall."

Zhizhou followed his entourage to the outside of the post hall and saw the dark Yunzhou soldiers and horses around him. The two leading generals dressed up, and Zhizhou guessed that it was Xue Zhiqin and Kang Junli.

He shouted in detail and asked, "I am the consolation envoy of Yunzhou appointed by the emperor. You dare to surround Lanzhou Post Hall. Why don't you evacuate quickly!"

"Eval quickly? Hahahaha, that's good. I just slaughter bears and beat leopards. I like to eat bear heart and leopard gallbladder!" Kang Junli's second-hand waist is murderous.

Xue Zhiqin said coldly, "I'm Xue Zhiqin, a general of Yunzhou. Together with General Kang, under the order of my master Li Keyong, I went to Lanzhou to inform you and so on, and quickly left Lanzhou to go south. From now on, Yunzhou has officially become independent, and the Daibei area is the world of my lord! If you are stubborn and insist on going north to Yunzhou, then don't blame us for being rude!"

"Do you want to rebel? Don't mess around! Lu Jiedushi and I are the imperial officials appointed by the emperor. If you resist us to go north to Yunzhou to comfort the Tang soldiers, you are very rebellious! It's too late for you two to repent now. I promise not to commit your sins and will continue to reward you!" Zhi details was still arrogant, stood proudly in front of the post hall, took out the edict, and shook it a few times in front of Xue Zhiqin and Kang Junli: "This is the edict given to me by the emperor himself. The emperor's kindness is magnificent. When I arrive in Yunzhou, I will read it in front of Yunzhou soldiers!"

"Don't drink a toast! I'll let you know what comfort is today?!" After saying that, Kang Junli jumped off the horse, grabbed the imperial edict, tore it to pieces, and punched Zhixiang with a "hoo" punch. How could a scholar be so hard hit? He was punched in the chest by Kang Junli. He immediately felt a restlessness in his chest, like a deer bumping randomly, and a mouthful of blood spewing out. His two legs were soft and fell in front of the post hall. His two legs were kicked a few times and did not move.

"Killing! Yunzhou soldiers killed people!" The entourage were frightened and rushed around, but they were surrounded by Shatuo soldiers. Several of their entourage wanted to rush out of the encirclement and became ghosts under the knife in a blink of an eye.

Xue Zhiqin roared, "Listen, tell Lu Jianfang to get out of here to Chang'an. From now on, there will be nothing about Li Tang in Daibei! We have established an independent country!"

When Lu Jianfang heard the report of his entourage, he quickly walked out of the post hall and saw the door of the detailed corpse post hall. He couldn't help but tremble all over and said to Xue Zhiqin and Kang Junli: "General Xue, General Kang, I understand why you want to be independent, but why do you want to kill him? He is a scholar and just said a few words. "

Xue Zhiqin arched his hand on the horse: "General Lu, we are all soldiers. The last general has heard of General Lu's name. He knows that General Lu is upright and loves soldiers like a son, and has never hurt us Shatuo people. Therefore, we will not embarrass General Lu today. But the details are different. This person relies on the king's favor, arrogant, arrogant, greedy and defiant, and indignant. Today, we kill him as the way of heaven! I hope General Lu understands!"

"Alas, I'm old, and I really can't bear to see the disputes in various towns and kill each other. At this point, you are determined to be independent on behalf of Bei, and I will not go to Yunzhou. I have a word, please ask the two generals to tell Li Guochang and Li Keyun that the Tang Dynasty has no intention of being an enemy of Shatuo and hopes that the two sides will continue to be friendly for generations.

"General Lu, don't worry, we will tell you on your behalf!" After saying that, Xue Zhiqin and Kang Junli greeted Shatuo's soldiers and horses, withdrew from the siege of the post office, and sent their cronies to Yunzhou to restore their lives.

Lu Jianfang ordered his entourage to collect the bodies of the dead into the coffin. After that, Lu Jianfang suddenly felt dizzy and staggered down on the steps of the post hall, rolled down and drove the crane to the west.

Lu Jianfang and his entourage carried the coffin back to Chang'an and reported the matter of Lanzhou to Tian Lingzi, Zheng Wei, Lu Xi, Wang Duo and other Li Tang officials. Wenwu of the Manchu Dynasty was shocked when he heard the news, which also shocked Li Jun. He immediately ordered him to be promoted to the palace for discussion.

Li Jun leaned on the dragon chair and said angrily, "Li Guochang and Li Ke dared to send troops to Lanzhou to kill the court officials without permission. I decided to dispatch troops to attack Daibei, and all Aiqing quickly offered a plan!"

Zheng Wei came out of the class and said, "After the traitor Xue Zhiqin and Kang Junli tore up the edict and killed the Secretary of Zhisi Nong, Lu Jianfang was stimulated and fell down and died. Li Guochang and Li Ke colluded with their father and son to kill the eunuchs of the army and officially rebelled. At present, the Shatuo rebels have captured Ningwu and stationed troops in Lanzhou, preparing to attack Jinyang. Jinyang is a strategic place of the Tang Dynasty, and it must be guarded. Your Majesty should quickly order the Hedong jiedushi to strengthen the walls of Jinyang, send the generals to Daizhou to guard the pass everywhere, and prevent the Shatuo soldiers from going deep into the east of the river.

Li Xun nodded: "According to Zheng Aiqing's words, I will inform Dou Yu to strengthen the defense of Hedong. Let Zheng Aiqing take care to handle the details!"

"I will obey the Holy order!" Zheng Yu retreated.

After receiving the imperial edict, he did not dare to neglect it. He immediately ordered the people of Jinyang to dig the moating, and also ordered Duya Kang Chuangui to serve as the governor of Daizhou and lead 5,000 troops to Daizhou. The vast number of these 5,000 soldiers were the city well oil strips in Jinyang City.

Kang Chuangui was mean and ungrateful. Along the way, he ignored the hunger and cold of the soldiers and ordered him to speed up his progress. Tang soldiers were not far from the north of the city. Most of them squatted on the ground and shouted for food. They wanted to lead the army's men's meals and did not want to leave again.

Kang Chuangui was furious and ordered his own soldiers to whip ordinary soldiers. At the same time, he informed Dou Yu to explain the situation.

When Dou Wei heard the news, he quickly sent Ma Budu Yuhou Deng Qian to communicate and express condolences to Kang Chuangui's subordinates. Unexpectedly, these Tang soldiers had become chaotic soldiers, and Kang Chuangui could not control it. Deng Qian arrived at the camp. As soon as he said a few words, he was surrounded by the chaotic regiment and killed alive. His miserable condition was unbearable. The chaotic soldiers put Deng Qian's body on a stretcher and carried it to the front of Dou Wei's government office, making a lot of noise.

Dou Yu was shocked and quickly walked out of the government office and appeased and explained with Zhou Congyu, the eunuch of the superintendent. He ordered Tian Gongge, the management officer of the battalion, to give 300 yuan to each of Kang Chuangui's subordinates, and then the agitation of the soldiers slowly calmed down.

Seeing that Tian Gongqi had a good attitude towards them, they shouted that Tian Gongqi would be their main general. Dou Wei had no choice but to agree to the request of the soldiers and send Tian Gongqi to Daizhou with the army. Before leaving, Dou Yu paid his blood money again and borrowed 50,000 yuan from Jinyang merchants to labor the army. Then the soldiers stopped and went to Daizhou with Tian Gongge. Under the protection of his own soldiers, Kang Chuangui also went to Daizhou to be his governor.

When the news reached Chang'an, Li Yan was furious: "Dou Yu is cowardly and incompetent. I'm going to remove him from his post!" Send someone else to take over as Hedong jiedushi!"

Tian Lingzi said, "The old slave will take up one person and go to Jinyang for this position!"

"It's okay for Tian Aiqing to say, who is it?" Li Yan asked.

"Zhaoyi Jiedu Cao Xiang was good at governing the army, and the old slave thought he could be sent to govern the east of the river to resist the Shatuo rebels." Tian Lingzi said.

"Well, according to Tian Aiqing's words, let's send Cao Xiang to Jinyang to serve, and announce that Dou Yu will return to Beijing, and I will appoint another appointment." After saying that, Li Yan left the dragon chair and went to play his polo.

Tian Lingzi ordered Hanlin to draft the imperial edict, sent Shi Wild Boar and Lu Yin to go to Luzhou with the imperial edict, and transferred Cao Xiang to Jinyang to serve as Hedong jiedushi.

Cao Xiang received the imperial edict and set off to Jinyang to take over the position of Dou Yu. After completing the handover procedures, he went to the capital with dejected head.

After an unannounced investigation, Cao Xiang found out the 13 riot soldiers who took the lead in killing Deng Qian, and ordered his own soldiers to go to Daizhou quickly and ask Kang Chuangui to secretly arrest the 13 riot soldiers and escort them to Jinyang.

After receiving Cao Xiang's order, Kang Chuangui did not dare to disobey, so he came to Tian Gonge to discuss the matter.

Tian Gong'e questioned, "Kang Xishi, you and I acquiesced that these soldiers asked for rewards, but now I secretly arrest the 13 leading soldiers, and I'm afraid of future changes! I hope you will consider this matter carefully!"

Kang Chuangui picked up the rat's beard, pondered for a long time, and said slowly, "These days, Jinyang's hearts are floating and they have become a pot of porridge. It is reported that Li Keyong is ready to attack Daizhou. At this juxtapic, Cao Xiang is going to deal with the trouble soldiers again. This is to roast us on the stove!"