Big Hero

Chapter 6 Life and Death Game

It is said that Cao Shixiong advanced his troops east to attack Yuezhou. He was blocked by Liu Mengzi, Xu and the soldiers and horses near Huiji Mountain. Xu shouted to kill Cao Shixiong, and Cao Shixiong urged horses to meet each other.

People are like Nanshan tigers, and Ma Ruo Beihai dragons. The second general will show off his life in the shadow of the dust and murderous atmosphere, fighting for 40 or 50, regardless of victory or defeat. The generals on both sides shouted and drummed. Seeing that Cao Shixiong couldn't fight for a long time, Xu He sold a flaw and pulled the horse around the front and left. Cao Shixiong chased closely. Xu and saw that Cao Shixiong was getting closer and closer, so he grabbed the horse's head, took out the carved arrow, turned his body, and opened his bow as an arrow.

Cao Shixiong has been fighting for a long time and expected that Tang would plot against him, so he has been on close guard. At this time, when he heard the sound of the bow, he immediately fell down and only heard a "swish", and the carved arrow hit the master's helmet. Shi Xiong took out the meteor hammer and hit Xu Ji like lightning. Xu Ji was about to urge the horse to leave. Unexpectedly, Shi Xiong's horse was hit in the right shoulder with a hammer. He was heartbroken and lungs. He took off his hand and fell off the horse. Shi Xiong got up with a familiar bronze stick, broke his tendons and fractured, and died in the battlefield.

Liu Meng'an was shocked, and Tang Bing was afraid of Cao Shixiong's superb martial arts and looked panicked. Seeing that the Tang soldiers were afraid of the battle, Chang Hong and Duan suddenly ordered to march on the drums. The fifth village soldiers of the Daqi shouted to kill the Tang army, like a turbulent sea, like ten thousand horses galloping. Liu Meng'an strictly ordered Tang soldiers to fight to the death, and the two sides fought to the death at the foot of Huiji Mountain.

After a fierce battle for a long time, the Tang army was finally defeated and his position was loosened. Liu Meng'an saw that more than half of the troops were defeated and knew that there was no hope of winning the battle, so he urgently ordered the remnants to withdraw to Yuezhou. Cao Shixiong, Chang Hong and Duan Meng led the rebels to pursue and kill bravely, and drove the Tang army to the city of Yuezhou. Liu Meng'an died in the chaos because he tried his best to cover his subordinates on the way back. Ten thousand Tang soldiers, leaving only two or three thousand people fled to Yuezhou.

Cao Shixiong ordered the Rebels to launch an attack on Yuezhou, and the troops of Qi and Tang began a tragic offensive and defensive battle.

Du Zhen and Ling Wenju, who guarded Yuezhou, commanded the Tang army and repelled the fierce attacks of the rebels again and again. The outer city of Yuezhou was defeated by the rebels several times, and the volunteers who broke into the city were quickly wiped out by the Tang army's death squads. In the famous city of eastern Zhejiang, swords and shadows are drifting in blood rain, and dragons and tigers fight against the earth!

Qian Yong and Ruan Jie were in a dangerous and remote place in Huiji Mountain, collecting 10,000 elite soldiers and waiting secretly. The second general received the emergency documents brought back by Tanma from Du Wei and Ling Wenju in Yuezhou. Ruan Jie said anxiously, "General Qian, Yuezhou is in danger. I think the commandos of the Eighth Metropolitan Army can attack and rescue Yuezhou!"

Qian Yu's thick eyebrows were locked. Looking in the direction of Yuezhou, there was a faint sound of golden drums and shouts in the northeast. His right hand suddenly grabbed the hilt of the sword and pulled it out. Ruan Jie quickly stood up and waited for Qian Qian Qian's order. About half of the Lingbao sword came out of the sheath. Qian Qian's eyes closed slightly, shrank the sword in, returned to the scabbard, gritted his teeth and said, "The eight army commandos will not move!"

Ruan Jie looked surprised: "General Qian, now we have reached the critical moment of the survival of both sides. If we don't rescue Yuezhou in time, Yuezhou will be lost! Dong Shuai blames me, but you and I can't afford it! Order the rescue of Yuezhou! I beg you!"

"According to our horse exploration report, Cao Shixiong's thief bandits are now attacking Yuezhou. Yuezhou is indeed dangerous, but this time the thief bandits are divided into two routes, and the other route led by Gaihong to intercept our reinforcements in the north of Yuezhou city. If the eight-du army commandos rescue Yuezhou now, they will expose the main position of our army too early. Gai Hong will definitely bring troops to save them. At this time, the two sides will fight in a melee, and the victory or defeat is unpredictable! Don't forget that Cao Shixiong is a thief and a tough general, and Gai Hong is very conspired!" Qian Yong said word by word.

"When will the eight army commandos go out?" Ruan Jie asked.

"We must wait until Dong Chang sent troops from Hangzhou to force Gai Hong to fight! At this time, you can use the eight-du army commandos!" Qian Qian's face was solemn.

Ruan Jie nodded: "General Qian is far-sighted, and the last general will admire it! In order to make our army stable and win, I suggest that Zhuji send troops to cooperate with our army! Fiercely attack the Gaihong thieves!"

Du Zhen and Ling Wenju, the Tang generals of Yuezhou, forcibly transferred the people and cooperated with the Tang army to defend the city. The battle became white-hot. After paying heavy casualties, the Rebels finally captured the outer city of Yuezhou. Du Wei and Ling Wen drove the soldiers and civilians back into the inner city and continued to resist stubbornly.

Ling Wen stood on the inner wall covered with blood and said to Du Qian, "General Du, we have sent multiple messengers to Hangzhou and Huiji to ask Dong Chang and Qian Yong to send reinforcements as soon as possible, but there has been no message so far. I don't know what medicine is sold in their two gourds?! Damn, how can we fight this battle?!"

Du Wei was also tilted and his clothes were not neat at this time. Because of the fierce battle, his physical strength was too much and he felt dizzy. He struggled to lean on the wall and gasped: "General Ling, we have no way out. We have killed and injured many thieves. If we surrender, there is only one way to die! Now there is plenty of food and fodder in the inner city. As long as we stick to it for another three or five days, I think Dong Chang and Qian Yong's reinforcements will definitely come!"

"Well, that's all we can do!" Ling Wenju said helplessly.

Dong Chang was in Hangzhou and has been restless for days. The emergency documents from Yuezhou have come several times. He considered that Hangzhou is his nest and must not be lost. If an army is drawn to rescue Yuezhou, it is afraid that Cao Shixiong will use the main force to attack the anti-state, then it is hard to say whether Hangzhou can keep it. Can you save Vietnam? It is really difficult for him to decide.

Li Mi, a staff member, said, "Dong Shuai, I guess Cao Shixiong's main force is concentrated in the area of Yuezhou this time, and it is impossible to attack Hangzhou in a short time. I think the thieves have fought several big battles in a row since they entered Yuezhou in the east, and their strength will definitely be greatly weakened. Now we and the thieves are in the stage of life-and-death game. Now Qian Rong and Huang Jie can be strictly ordered to send troops to attack Cao Shixiong's thieves and fight a decisive battle. We should also send troops from Hangzhou to quickly reinforce Yuezhou. In this way, there are three armies outside to attack the main force of the thieves, and Du Yu and Ling Wenju cooperate with the reinforcements, so our army will win a complete victory! Dong Shuai, don't hesitate any more, send troops!"

Dong Chang lowered his head and walked around the handsome case. Suddenly, he raised his head, suddenly pulled out his sword and shouted, "Cao Shixiong, you attacked my territory for no reason. You bullied people too much!" I have no way to retreat, and I will retreat to the sea again! This time, even if you want to save the old book, you still want to save eastern Zhejiang!"

Li Mio nodded: "Dong Shuai, you are really good. You are a man. Let me stick to Hangzhou. You go to rescue Yuezhou!"

"Okay, I will dispatch 10,000 elite soldiers to meet Cao Shixiong, and the rest of the soldiers and horses will be under your command. You must guard Hangzhou. That's my old nest!"

"Please rest assured, I will do my best to protect Hangzhou, and you can go to the decisive battle at ease!" Li Miao stood up straight and looked impassioned.

Dong Chang shouted, "Little guys, take my Wu Yue Bawang knife!"

Two personal soldiers came to Dong Chang with Wu Yue's knife. Dong Chang took the big knife, danced in place a few times, beat the knife handle to the ground, and said word by word, "Cao Shixiong, let you taste the power of Uncle Dong's knife!"

Cao Shixiong's eyes were full of blood, and he looked at a group of fallen generals, and his heart was like a knife. Chang Hong walked to Cao Shixiong and said hoarsely, "Master Cao Zhai, it has entered the third day to attack Yuezhou. Our army has lost more than half of it. Du Li and Ling Wen fought to the death and vowed not to surrender. Now the siege has become a war of attrition. I'm afraid that it will change over time!"

"Well, I didn't expect that this bone of the Eastern Zhejiang Tang Army was so difficult to gnaw! The location of Qian Yong's army is unknown. I'm worried that Qian Yong's army will attack my back. Our army is in danger! I wanted to take Yuezhou quickly and get supplementary supplements, but now it seems very difficult!" Cao Shixiong frowned.

Duan Meng also came over, with a strap on his left arm, which was injured by Tang soldiers' arrows. When he saw Cao Shixiong, he said anxiously, "Master Cao Zhai, I just received a report to explore the horse. Gai Hong said that they originally came to assist in the siege of the city, but Dong Chang had personally led the troops to reinforce Yuezhou. Gaihong's army can only stop Dongchang in the north of Yuezhou"

Cao Shixiong's eyes were angry: "I don't believe that I can't take down the inner city of Yuezhou. It is said that I will order all the siege equipment, organize the death squad, and launch another strong attack! Be sure to attack the inner city and capture Du Yu and Ling Wenju!"

At this time, Qian Yong and Ruan Jie led 18,000 capital commandos to kill the rebels attacking the city! The Tang army had been recuperating for a long time. Qian Yu sent troops to raid when the veterans of the volunteer division were tired. The main force of the siege of the city was caught off guard and rushed to the battle. It was full of casualties. It was cut into several sections by the eight-city army commandos, and soon the whole line collapsed.

Cao Shixiong, Chang Hong and Duan Meng led the volunteers to rush left and right and launched a life-and-death struggle with the Tang army. Du Yu and Ling Wenju saw that Qian Qian led the main force of the eight-du army to rush to the city to fight against the "thief bandits". They had obviously had the upper hand and were overjoyed. The Tang army in the city poured out of the city and attacked the rebels with Qian Rong and Ruan Jie's main forces. Cao Shixiong, Chang Hong and Duan Meng came out of the siege after a hard battle, but most of their soldiers had been damaged, and only more than 3,000 people accompanied them. The rest were besieged and slaughtered by the Tang army.

Qian Jian, Ruan Jie, Du Qian and Ling Wenju ordered the Tang army to chase and chase them all the way to the vicinity of Huiji Mountain. Seeing that he could not get rid of the pursuers, Cao Shixiong had to lead the troops to turn back to the battle. The Rebels were once again surrounded by the Tang Legion, and the two sides launched a bloody battle under the Huiji Mountain. Cao Shixiong was covering the volunteers to break through the siege. Qian Yong waved his spiritual sword to kill him and met Cao Shixiong.

Cao Shixiong roared, swaving a ripe copper stick and splitting it at Qian Yong. Qian Qian hurriedly picked up the reins, flashed one side, and used the unique skill "Three Tide Waters of the Dragon King". The spiritual sword was wrapped in cold light and roared at Cao Shixiong. Cao Shixiong danced sticks and opened the three deadly swords.

Qian Qian was shocked. He didn't expect that Cao Shixiong's martial arts were so strong that he was definitely not inferior to him. He quickly beat the horse, stepped back, and shouted, "General Cao, we are in eastern Zhejiang, and we have no grudge against you. Why do you take soldiers to attack us?"

Cao Shixiong looked up to the sky and laughed: "Qian Yong, listen to me. The reason why we generals of Qi march east and west is to save the people from water and fire and return peace to the world! You follow Dong Chang and resist the righteous, which is the enemy of Daqi! Today, I was defeated, but the flag of Daqi will not fall. General Huang Chao will raise troops to eastern Zhejiang to destroy you!"