Big Hero

Chapter 10 Black Clouds Press City

Let's say that Yue Lingfei was stationed in the area of Yuezhou and Langzhou. After painstaking management, the soldiers and horses developed to 100,000 people, and the soldiers and horses were strong. One day, Yue Lingfei ate breakfast and went to work in the government office as usual. The soldiers came to report: "General Huang Chao sent a messenger to see you!"

Yue Lingfei said, "Please come in!"

After a while, the Huang Chao messenger came in and presented the letter. Yue Lingfei opened the envelope, took out the letter, and took a closer look. Fang knew that the main force of the Rebel Army was going to march into southern Xinjiang and asked the soldiers and horses of the fourth village to move in the south of the Yangtze River, Central Plains and Qilu, especially to protect the base of the mountain. The letter also mentioned the news of Cao Shixiong's death. Yue Lingfei was extremely sad and muttered to himself, "Brother Shixiong, don't worry and go. Lingfei will definitely avenge you!"

Yue Lingfei ordered his own soldiers to entertain the Huang Chao messenger, and then ordered his entourage to inform the fourth village general in Yuezhou to gather in the government office to discuss military aircraft.

After the generals arrived at Qi, Yue Lingfei said, "General Huang Chao is going to lead the main force of the Rebel Army into southern Xinjiang. Our fourth village's task is to delay the Tang army in the south of the Yangtze River, the Central Plains and Qilu regions and respond to the main force of the Rebel Army to enter southern Xinjiang. Next, I will announce the new deployment of the fourth village soldiers and horses!"

"Lord Yuezhai, order it!" All the generals spoke with one voice.

"Zhao Zhang is quite familiar with the terrain around Luanshan. I have allocated 30,000 horses to you to be responsible for commanding the Central Plains war zone, especially the Lushan defense area. We should ensure that there is no mistake and cover Huang Siye's third village soldiers and horses to move towards Raozhou. Wen Ying and Xiao Lu led 20,000 soldiers to move around Qilu. The rest of the soldiers and horses were led by me and stayed in the south of the Yangtze River to develop. Do you think this arrangement is okay? Yue Lingfei talked about his deployment.

The generals discussed for a while and agreed to such an arrangement.

Yue Lingfei continued: "According to the Ma report, Li Tang Zhongyuan's soldiers have been mobilized frequently recently, and their main forces continue to gather in the vicinity of Lushan and Dongting Lake. The enemy's strategic intention is obvious, that is, to find the main force of our army to fight in an attempt to defeat the main force of Jiangnan in one fell swoop."

Zhao Zhang nodded: "Brother Lingfei's arrangement is very reasonable. We draw 50,000 troops from the Dongting Lake area to move north of the Yangtze River, which can put a lot of pressure on the Tang army and effectively respond to the main force to march into southern Xinjiang. It's just that I think Brother Lingfei is under too much pressure to ensure our army's activities in the Dongting Lake area, as well as our military strength in Jiangzhou, Hongzhou, Tanzhou, Jizhou, Qianzhou and other areas. The territory is very large and the troops are insufficient.

Lu Qi shouted, "Brother Yue, you must pay attention to the siege of the Tang army. If the situation is critical, abandon some areas and quickly inform us to return!"

"Don't worry, this time I'm going to compete with the Tang army under the command of Gao Qian and Zhang Zimian. No matter how many soldiers Li Tang comes, I want to let them know the strength of the fourth village soldiers of Daqi!" Yue Lingfei is impassioned and full of confidence.

"This time we will give Li Tang a heavenly flower, so that they can't figure out our main position and our strategic intention!" Zhao Zhang smiled.

Wen Ying shouted crisply: "This time, our fourth village contain Li Tang Jiangnan, Central Plains and Qilu soldiers and horses, and the fifth village contains Li Tangjiang and Zhejiang soldiers and horses. The main force of General Huang Chao has established a firm foothold in southern Xinjiang. If we join us again, we can seize the world! I'm so happy that the people all over the world have hope!"

"We are not afraid of hardship, and we must cooperate with the main force to achieve this strategic goal!" Lu Qi raised his arms and shouted.

"Okay, since everyone has this ambition, I'm relieved! Early tomorrow morning, I will officially divide my troops and go to various war zones. When I encounter difficulties, I will not only ask the fourth village brothers and sisters to help me, but also to find the fifth village brothers and sisters to reinforce me! Our brothers and sisters, no matter which army, are of the same mind!" Yue Lingfei said loudly.

At dawn the next day, Yue Lingfei, Zhao Zhang, Lu Qi, Wen Ying and other fourth generals of Daqi cherished each other at the north gate of Yuezhou. Yue Lingfei saw Zhao Zhang, Lu Qi and Wen Ying lead their troops to leave Yuezhou and go to their respective activity areas. A new battle between Daqi and Li Tang began!

In the government office of Ezhou, Gao Li looks grim and is presiding over a military conference to suppress Daqi. Li Tangzhong's generals came together, and many of them came from other towns after receiving a notice from Gao Yu. In this way, among the Tang generals who attended the meeting, there were Zhang Wei, Liang Yu, Mei Qiang, Zhu Ba, counselors Lv Yongzhi, Jing Xian and Zhang Shouyi, as well as Yang Fuguang, Zhang Zimian, Hu Zhen, Gu Yanlang, Gui Ren Shao, Cao Quanyu, Cao Yi, Yao Qing, Xue Tao, Liang Qian, Dou Mei, Song Wentong, Pang Cong, etc. Civil and military officials can be said to be in one place.

Gao Yu glanced at the whole audience and said, "I was ordered by the emperor to rush from Xichuan to the Central Plains and Jiangnan battlefields to replace General Zeng Yuanyu. This is a major event in the Tang Dynasty to suppress the Huangchao thieves, indicating that the court has made up its mind to fight a decisive battle with the thieves! In the future, I will allocate the soldiers and horses of the towns in the Central Plains and the south of the Yangtze River. Whoever does not obey the military order, I have a Shangfang sword here, and I can kill them first!"

Gao Qian pulled out Shang Fang's sword, and saw the cold light around the room, and the cold air was swish, which was frightening!

Everyone knows the origin of Gao Yu. This person is indeed not simple. He was a famous family of the Qilu Han nationality, the Bohai Gao family, and his ancestral home is Bohai Tuo County. Gao Chongwen, the grandson of Nanping Prince, was born in a family of the Forbidden Army. He is both civil and military, and has both wisdom and courage. More than ten years ago, he led the army to recover Jiaozhi and broke more than 200,000 barbarians. At the beginning of Emperor Yizong, he commanded the party and Tubo, and was awarded the title of Qinzhou Assassin. In the seventh year of Xiantong, Zhen Annan, as the governor of the Jing navy, once rectified the river road from Annan to Guangzhou and communicated with the transportation of materials. Later, he became General Jinwu and served as the governor of Tianping. In the second year of Emperor Qianfu, he moved to Xichuan. During his term of office, he was severely punished and killed innocent people indiscriminately, but he was talented. He built a brick city in Chengdu and strengthened his defense. He stationed heavy troops on the territory and forced Nanzhao to repair it, and the land of Shu was relatively safe in a few years. This time, Li Yan personally summoned him to the capital and awarded him the soldiers and horses of the camps in the Yuan and Jiangnan, and the salt and iron transshipment envoys to restrain the Tang army in the towns of the Central Plains and Jiangnan. It can be said that Gao Yu has made great achievements in his military career for more than 30 years and has rich practical experience. His hands are not only iron, but also very black. Gao Yu commanded the Central Plains and the Tang army in the south of the Yangtze River to deal with the Daqi uprising army, which is bound to become a strong enemy of the Rebels and is extremely difficult to deal with.

Gao Li took his sword into the sheath and continued to say, "You are loyal ministers and good generals of the Tang Dynasty. Many of you have had a good relationship with the Huangchao thief and have a better understanding of the tactics of the thief. I hope you will speak enthusiastically and make good suggestions at any time. I will treat them fairly and impartially. For those who have made contributions, I will reward them a lot, reward money and things, and reward beautiful women, and everything. Once the military order is issued, those who cringe and miss the war plane in the course of the battle will be killed without mercy!"

Everyone was silent and didn't say a word.

"Don't be afraid, I can't eat people. The military orders on the battlefield are like mountains. I am very easy-going in life and will treat you like friends. Everyone remembers: loyal to the country, kill and become benevolent! It is the greatest success in life!"

Gao Yu spit out word by word.

Silent, the venue is still silent.

"Do you understand what I just said?" Gao Qian stared at the copper bell-like eyes and asked.

"I see!" Everyone responded unevenly.

"Since you are willing to follow the military order of the capital, I will announce this combat deployment to eliminate the thieves in the south of the Yangtze River! You should understand and clarify your combat goals. After this Jiangnan Battle, I will evaluate your achievements one by one!" Gao Yu's face is daunting.

Gao stood up and said loudly, "Zhang Zimian, Hu Zhen, Gu Yanlang, Gui Renshao, Cao Quanyu, Cao Yi, Yao Qing, Xue Tao, Liang Qian, Dou Mei and Song Wentong listen to the order. Your soldiers and horses are under the responsibility of Zhang Zimian, leading 100,000 troops, and must recover Jiangzhou, Hongzhou and Raozhou within three months! I, Yang Fuguang, Zhang Yu, Liang Zhen, Mei Qiang, Zhu Ba, Lv Yongzhi, Jing Xian, Zhang Shouyi and Pang Cong also led 100,000 troops and recovered Yuezhou, Langzhou and Tanzhou within three months! Finally, our two-way army joined forces to attack Jizhou and Qianzhou. Through this battle, we must eliminate the bandits in the south of the Yangtze River!"

Lv Yongzhi stood up with a charming face: "General Gao has always used troops like a god. This time, the Huangchao thief in the south of the Yangtze River will definitely come to your way! Looking at the wind and fleeing, the Tang Dynasty's conquest and suppressing army will definitely win a complete victory!"

Yang Fuguang and other Lv Yongzhi finished speaking and spoke impatiently: "After our army crossed the south of the Yangtze River, we will strictly order the soldiers and horses of all towns in the south of the Yangtze River to cooperate with our army to encircle and suppress the yellow nest bandits. I don't believe that so many elite soldiers and horses in the Tang Dynasty can't eliminate these thieves?"

Zhang Zimian, Cao Quanyu and other generals who have experienced many battles looked at Yang Fuguang coldly and looked disdainful. Thinking about Yang Fuguang, Yang Fuguang, what can you do as a eunuch? Spitting wild words at this military meeting! Which battle do you win against Huang Chao's soldiers and horses? You will lose every battle! The total loss of the standard is determined!

Gao Qian was keenly aware of the contempt of many generals for Yang Fuguang. He knew in his heart that Yang Fuguang was a high-ranking eunuch in the Central Plains and Jiangnan war zones, and this Buddha could not afford to offend him! He immediately said, "Yang Jianjun is worried about the country and eager to destroy the thief. This spirit of not being afraid of strong enemies is worth learning! Everyone, you should learn more!"

The generals bowed their heads and continued to be silent.

"This time I want the yellow nest thief to fly into the spider web like a dragonfly, which is difficult to fly with wings. I have led troops to calm down Jiaozhi, defeated Tubo, and governed many places, which is quite easy. As long as you work together to eliminate the thieves and completely eliminate the thieves within half a year, it is not difficult!" Gao Yu is very confident and easy to express his position.

Zhang Zimian suddenly said, "Gao Dutong, I know you have made great achievements in the past, but this is all in the past!" In the past, you made great achievements for the Tang Dynasty. At that time, you mainly dealt with barbarians. This time, our target is a group of disciplined grass bandits! They are not afraid of suffering, let alone death, erratic, and their tactics are quite flexible. Our second army is 200,000, and the elites of the Central Plains and Jiangnan are all in it. Once the thieves are defeated, morale will inevitably plummet, and the money we bet on with the Huangchao pirates will be lost! I don't agree with Gaodu's method of fighting against thieves!"

Gao Mi listened, and his face turned red, blue and white for a while. He wanted to attack, but when he saw Zhang Zimian's speech, he felt very tricky! Zhang Zimian is very old, and he is not much worse than him. He has also been in the army for many years and has made countless military achievements. Now Zhang Zimian doesn't support his conquest and suppressing tactics, which makes his old face unbearable!

The generals turned their eyes to Gao Qian almost at the same time to see how he dealt with Zhang Zimian's opinions.