Big Hero

Chapter 18 Advance to Western Zhejiang

Under the correct command of Cao Min, the second village soldiers of Daqi skillfully killed back their horses and guns. In the first battle, they fought in Xinzhou and Huaiyu Mountain in World War II, and destroyed the main force of Peng Youzhang's volunteer soldiers with divine action. Peng Youzhang was also killed in the battle of Huaiyu Mountain, and the reputation of the righteous master spread all over the world.

Cao Min ordered to clean up the battlefield and give some of the trophies to the poor people, while others for military use. Then Cao Min began to deal with the detained Wubiao. After investigation, Wubiao had done some harmful things. Considering that Wubiao had surrendered to the Rebel Army and made military achievements for the victory of Huaiyu Mountain, Cao Min decided not to use Wubiao after soliciting the opinions of the generals, but to cut off his left finger to show punishment, and then expelled Wubiao from the army. Camp.

After completing these, Cao Min led the second village soldiers to rise up and went to Shezhou.

When Huang Chao heard the news, he personally led the generals out of the city to welcome them. When Cao Min's soldiers and horses appeared outside Shezhou City, Huang Chao saw the handsome flag of the second village from afar and saw the "Daqi" banner fluttering in the wind. The "Cao" handsome flag was hunting, and the generals of Daqi cheered and celebrating the victory.

Cao Min saw Huang Chao beating the horse and whip towards her. She couldn't help but feel hot. She quickly turned over and got off the horse and ran to Huang Chao's horse head. Huang Chao also rolled out of the saddle and got off the horse. He grabbed the first few steps, held Cao Min's hand tightly and said sadly, "Madam, you are tired of your horse and expedition to Xinzhou. You are suffering! The messenger has told me the situation of the second village. I'm really happy for the second village soldiers!"

"Brother Chao, this is what I should do! For the great cause of Daqi and the ideals of Brother Chao, Cao Min has done his best in this life without complaint!" Cao Min was very excited to see Huang Chao care about her so much.

"Madam, go to the city and rest!" After saying that, Huang Chao greeted the soldiers of the second village to enter the city and held a banquet to reward the three armies. In fact, the banquet of Daqi generals is just a few home-cooked dishes, some water, wine and coarse rice, but these are already the highest enjoyment for Daqi generals. At this time, Daqi was like a sunrise, full of red light, full of vitality, and deeply supported by the people.

The next day, Huang Chao discussed with the generals about entering southern Xinjiang in the Shezhou government office. Huang Chao said, "According to the current war situation, the original plan of Daqi's main force to develop in southern Xinjiang remains unchanged. A few days ago, I received a secret letter from Fei Chuangu, proposing that there are two best routes to march into southern Xinjiang. One is from Tanzhou and arrives in Guangzhou through Yongzhou; the other is from Quzhou and passes through Xianxialing to Fuzhou. Brothers, let's discuss which way to go?

The generals are talking a lot, some are in favor of sending troops from Tanzhou, and some think that they will start from Quzhou.

Meng Kai said, "Tanzhou is our territory, with the second generals of Li Jian and Yang Neng, the fourth village. Sun Mei and Yue Lingfei's main forces are in the Hongzhou area, which is easy to respond to. I think it is more beneficial to send troops south from Tanzhou!"

Huang Chao listened, smiled and glanced at the generals. When he saw Zhu Wen, he stared at him. Huang Chao really likes Zhu Wen's military talent. He believes that this hairy young man has military talent and is worth focusing on training. Although Zhu Wen's current qualifications are still shallow, Huang Chao has always been looking forward to it and believes that he will definitely stand out and become a master general of Daqi.

"Zhu Wen, let's talk about your opinion!" Huang Chao began to name Zhu Wen, which clearly valued Zhu Wen.

"I think it's better to take Xianxialing!" Zhu Wen sat in an inconspicuous corner and said with his chin.

Zhu Wen made a reputation for his last murder in Jizhou. After coming to Shezhou, he * became a man, kept a low profile, deliberately catering to Huang Chao, Chai Cun, Meng Kai and other high-level people in the Qi Dynasty. He often offered suggestions and rewarded soldiers. After his careful packaging and efforts, the popularity in the three armies of Daqi is getting better and better, and the soldiers of other villages are also willing to associate with him.

Zhu Cun is very disgusted with Zhu Wen's practice. When the two brothers are alone, Zhu Cun often scolds Zhu Wen. Zhu Wen is obedient on the surface, but in fact, he can't listen to a word and still goes his own way.

"Why?" Huang Chao asked.

Zhu Wen stood up and talked: "King Huang, at present, Li Tang's heavy soldiers are mainly with Gao Yu. Although Gao Yu is both intelligent and brave, after all, he is a little old. Although his early military career is brilliant, this only represents the past, not the present, let alone the future! I think that this time the Daqi soldiers entered southern Xinjiang, Yuexianxialing went south to Fuzhou, and they would definitely be able to play Gao Yu as a monkey!"

Zhu Wen's words were shocking, and the generals were stunned.

"How to play Gao Yu as a monkey? Gao Qian's more than 200,000 soldiers and horses are fierce and brave. In addition, he can also mobilize soldiers and horses from other towns. The total strength of the Tang army commanded in the Central Plains and the south of the Yangtze River is no less than 700,000. Compared with the military strength of Daqi, the Tang army obviously has the upper hand, and the weapons and equipment are more advantageous. Huang Siye looked suspicious.

The generals turned their eyes to Zhu Wen to see how he explained the big words just now.

Zhu Wen smiled and analyzed unhurriedly, "I said it's safe to play Gao Yu as a monkey! At present, on the front line of the mountain, there are 30,000 elite soldiers of Zhao Zhang, which can make him deploy half of his troops in the direction of Luoyang, pull off the posture of attacking Luoyang, and capture some of the states and counties around Luoyang, and then they will be able to contain some soldiers and horses back to help; in the direction of Tanzhou, there are also articles to do, which can make Sun Mei and Yue Lingfei's troops attack Hengzhou. Making a look of our army going south from Hengzhou can also contain some of Gaoli's soldiers and horses; let Luqi and Wenying, who are active in Caozhou, Puzhou and Yunzhou cross the Yellow River, and pretend to attack some states and counties in Huazhou and Weizhou, which made Zhang Zimian's army, and must help Huazhou and Weizhou in the north. Then Xu Tangju's troops attack Muzhou. It will certainly make Dong Chang send troops to reinforce and give Gao Yu the illusion that our army will go north. At the same time, Li Jun, Tian Lingzi, Wang Duo, Gao Yu, Zhang Zimian, etc. are capable, and this time they certainly did not expect that our army would go south from Xianxialing to Fuzhou!"

Chai Cun said: "I fully agree with Zhu Wen's suggestion. According to the current situation of the enemy and us, at the same time, we will attack these places mentioned by Zhu Wen, which will make the enemy misjudgment, so that the main force of our army can calmly cross Xianxialing and go south to Fuzhou. However, to play this game of chess well, we must first control Yingpan Mountain in Shiliang Town, northwest of Quzhou. I have made a careful survey of Yingpan Mountain. This mountain can completely station a large army, and it is quite hidden and not easy to be detected by the enemy!"

The generals listened and agreed with the opinions of Chai Cun and Zhu Wen.

Lu Jingren said excitedly, "King Huang, I would like to mention a brigade to occupy Yingpan Mountain, build fortifications, and make contributions to the main force of Daqi to go south to Fuzhou!"

Huang Chao was overjoyed: "Jing Renzhong is commendable. This time I will send you to lead 20,000 elite soldiers in the third village and quickly go to Yingpanshan. Remember, we must pay attention to concealment and completely eliminate the Western Zhejiang Tang army that found our army moving south! For the people of western Zhejiang, we must do a good job in ideological work so that they can support the military operations of Daqi!"

"Yes!" Lu Jingren answered loudly with a resolute look.

After Gao Li captured Yuezhou and Jiangzhou, he was complacent and said to the generals: "Thieves Sunmei and Yue Lingfei's troops rushed south to Hongzhou. Although our army was frustrated in attacking Hongzhou, the defense line of the western section of the south bank of the Yangtze River has been occupied by the Tang Dynasty, and the main force of Huang Chao has been far away. I guess Huang Chao will never be willing to accept that the Yangtze River defense line is under our army and will inevitably organize a counterattack, which is right in my arms. Huang Chao dares to fight with our army, and I will definitely break through the two banks of the Yangtze River and completely eliminate the bandits of the Tang Dynasty!"

Yang Fuguang said, "Gaodu has a clear goal to gather and annihilate the Huangchao pirates on the second bank of the Yangtze River. I have dealt with the Huangchao thief bandits many times. There are many tough generals and counselors among the thief bandits. Huang Chao has a deep understanding of military tactics and often has strange soldiers, which made the Tang Dynasty's expedition and suppress the army suffer a lot. I think that in order to achieve the vision of our army's battle, all parties must be strictly ordered to fight together, and the generals of the town must be severely punished!"

Zhang Shouyi echoed and said, "What Yang Jianjun said is reasonable. In this way, the main force of the Huangchao thief will definitely be wiped out by our army!"

"Hahaha, I will do it according to Yang Jianjun's method! It is said that I will inform all the town leaders on the second bank of the Yangtze River to closely monitor the movements of the Huangchao bandits. As soon as there is any news of the bandits, they will immediately report to me. According to the original plan, the army continued to search east and meet the volunteer soldiers of Paozhou and Peng Youzhang to find and annihilate the main force of the Huangchao thief!" Gao Qian said with a ferocious smile.

Gao Qian personally raised more than 200,000 troops. As soon as he arrived near Duchang, he met a messenger sent by Mijiang. The messenger said with a runny and tears: "Gao Dutong, Cao Min, Huang Chao's thief wife, led tens of thousands of troops and defrauded General Peng Youzhang to reinforce Xinzhou. General Peng was ambushed by the thief army in Huaiyu Mountain and unfortunately died in battle! The main force of the volunteer battalion has been lost. Now there are only more than 10,000 soldiers in Raozhou. The morale is low. General Mi can only hold on and dare not attack!"

Gao Yu was shocked and muttered to himself, "Huang Chao, you are so cruel. Knowing that I personally led a large army east into Raozhou and Xinzhou, I dared to pull out my teeth and give me a mawei. General Peng was killed in battle and the volunteers were damaged, which was completely beyond my expectation!"

Yang Fuguang approached Gao Wei with a sad face: "Gao Dutong, now it is obvious that Huang Chao wants to compete with our army and kill Peng Youzhang. This is killing chickens for monkeys. Now the wheref of the main force of the thief is unknown, and our army can't move lightly!"

Gao Yu meditated for a moment and sighed: "It seems that I underestimated Huang Chao. This man is so powerful. The three armies were ordered to stop moving forward, set up a camp in the area of Duchang, sent multiple ways to explore the whereabouts of the bandits, and then make a plan!"

A few days later, Gao Yu received a lot of "thief" news, some from other town owners, and some from Tanma. Weizhou jiedushi Han for short, the main force of "thief bandits" has crossed the Yellow River and attacked the states and counties around Weizhou. Li Yu, the governor of Huazhou, sent an emergency document, saying that there were the main force of "thieves" near Huazhou. Liu Jingren, the general of Luoyang, repeatedly sued for emergencies, saying that the main force of "thief" appeared in the area of Luyuan and Wu prison. The general of Hengzhou sent an emergency document to Gao Li requesting reinforcements, saying that the main force of the "thief" appeared in the Hengzhou area and was ready to go south. Hangzhou Dongchang also sent urgent documents to Gao Yu, saying that the main force of the "thief" was attacking Muzhou, and the situation was critical.

Gao Yu read the military newspaper, took a breath of cold air, and felt the pressure he had never seen since he took office. He looked at his men and stood respectfully beside him, waiting for his orders.

Gao Qian picked up the military newspaper, handed it to Yang Fuguang, and said, "Yang Jianjun, look, now there are the main force of thieves in several places. Where are there so many main forces? I think this is Huang Chao's blindfolding method. There must be one of these roads that is the main force of thieves. I don't understand what Huang Chao wants to do?