Big Hero

Chapter 21 Use the army like a god

Let's say that Huang Chao and Chai Cun commanded the Daqi Central Army to set an ambush in Jinhua Mountain, defeating the 38,000 capitals of Dong Chang and Qian Yu. Dong Chang lost most of his troops and fled back to Zhuji in confusion and did not dare to fight.

At the same time, Xu Tangju, Gai Hong and Fei Chuangu led the fifth village soldiers and horses of Daqi to attack Muzhou. Li Changzhi and Xu Shu were waiting for help, and the war was in a stalemate.

Fei Chuangu's plan said, "Master Xu Zhai, Dong Chang's new defeat, and the Eastern Zhejiang Tang army seized the spirit. According to the intelligence of the reconnaissance, Gao Yu dispatched troops and generals in Raozhou and sent several soldiers and horses to various places to suppress the rebels. Yue Lingfei was under great pressure. In order to cooperate with the anti-encirclement struggle of Daqi's fourth village and make the main force of King Huang enter Fuzhou smoothly, our army must take Muzhou! Hold Tang Jun firmly!"

"Yes, the 20,000 reinforcements of Huang Jie, Li Tao, Tang Jiu and Yuan Yu are also coming to Muzhou. The 50,000 troops of Zhang Wei, Liang Zhen, Zhang Shouyi and Pang Cong are also pressing on Muzhou. At present, they have entered the territory of Shezhou. If we can't take Muzhou before the two Tang army besieged together, we will fall into the situation of being attacked by the enemy." Xu Tangjun frowned.

Gaihong said, "Master Xu Zhai, don't have to worry. There are still thousands of garrisons in Shezhou, which can hold on for a while. I would like to propose a brigade of division to Lin Lishan to resist Zhang Lin's encirclement and suppress the army."

Xu Tangju nodded and said, "What the Gaihong brothers said is very true. I asked Ye Xiang to go with you. You two will lead 5,000 people to Shezhou quickly, garrison around Lin Lishan, and resolutely block Zhang Lin!"

"Even if Gai Hong is blind, he will guard Lin Lishan with Ye Xiang and prevent Zhang Lin from encircling the army to enter Shezhou in the east!" Gaihong's generous statement.

"Please rest assured that I will guard Shezhou with Brother Gaihong!" Ye Xiang patted his chest and said loudly.

After Gai Hong and Ye Xiang left, Xu Tangjun, Fei Chuangu, Liu Ying, Chang Hong, Wang Mei and others continued to study the strategy of defeating the enemy.

Wang Mei said, "The Tang army of Huang Jie, Li Tao, Tang Jiu and Yuan Yu must pass through Zixi. In the area of Zixi, there is a green forest armed force, which is active there. The leaders are Zhu Zhiguan and Wang Zhixin. Both of them are heroes and straightforward. Because they hate the government for squeezing the people, they raised a team and roared in the mountains and forests. Now there are nearly 10,000 soldiers and horses. I would like to go to Zixi and reach a cooperation with Zhu Zhiguan and Wang Zhixin. As long as these two heroes are willing to help us, Huang Jie's reinforcements can be solved!"

Fei Chuangu smiled slightly: "Brother Wang Mei, it's really heroic and admirable. I think this plan is feasible and must be implemented immediately! After Zhu Zhiguan and Wang Zhixin's team cooperated with us, they contained Huang Jie's 20,000 reinforcements, and Muzhou would definitely be able to take it!"

"Well, brother Wang Mei, I will allocate 3,000 people for you to go to Zixi, meet with Zhu Zhiguan and Wang Zhixin, put forward our request, and reach cooperation to contain Huang Jie's soldiers and horses." Xu Tangyu said.

"I will definitely complete this task!" After saying that, Wang Mei turned around and left the army tent.

Chang Hong said excitedly, "Lord Xuzhai, after days of fierce fighting, the defense ability of the defenders of Muzhou has been greatly reduced. I would like to lead a death squad to break into the outer city of Muzhou. Please allow it!"

"Okay, Brother Changhong, I will allocate 3,000 elite soldiers to form a death squad to attack Muzhou. Liu Ying and I led 10,000 troops to form the second echelon. Mr. Fei led the troops to garrison the camp. Xu Tangjun is full of confidence.

The next day, the east had just revealed that the fish belly was white. The fifth village soldiers had already had breakfast, and the siege equipment was continuously pulled out of the camp and arranged in the north of Muzhou. Chang Hong led 3,000 dare to die and also came to the north of the city. Xu Tangju and Liu Ying whipped horses and led 10,000 elite soldiers to lay positions behind Chang Hong's army. However, seeing Daqi's siege team, the armor is bright, the knives and guns are shining, and it is majestic.

Chang Hong shouted: "Li Changzhi and Xu Shu, you want to stick to Muzhou and wait for reinforcements. That's a dream! Dong Chang has been defeated in Jinhua Mountain, and the siege of Muzhou can't be solved. Only when you return to Daqi can you have a way to live!"

Li Changzhi and Xu Shu listened and were very nervous and looked at each other at the top of the city. Xu Shu said, "General Li, there are only more than 6,000 soldiers in Muzhou now, and most of them are injured. If we carry it on, it will definitely be a dead end. Looking at Xu Tangju's siege this time, he must take Muzhou! Dong Shuai's 30,000 elites went to rescue Wuzhou, and all of them were lost. Huang Jie's soldiers and horses along the way must be bold and can't travel fast. Zhang Wei's reinforcements on the way had to pass through the Shezhou bandit defense area, and the bandits must be intercepted with all their strength. I think now we can only escape from the waterway to Hangzhou and leave some seeds for the Eighth Metropolitan Army!"

"General Xu, go and prepare the ship, put the wounded on the ship, and go to Hangzhou. I resisted here for a while to cover the retreat of the wounded. This battle can't go on. If we continue to fight, we will be finished!" Li Changzhi gave the order helplessly.

"Yes!" After saying that, Xu Shu turned around and left the city.

"General Chang, can you slow down the siege? I'll discuss it with my subordinates, okay?" Li Changzhi pretended to be pitiful and shouted to Chang Hong.

Chang Hong listened, hesitated for a moment, and shouted, "Li Changzhi, don't be my mother-in-law's. I will give you half an hour to consider at most. If you surrender in half an hour, I won't let you die!"

"Thank you, General Chang. I'm going to discuss it with my subordinates!" Li Changzhi arched his hand and left the city.

Xu Tangjun was in the rear army. Seeing that there was no movement in front of him, he quickly took a few soldiers and urged him to rush to Chang Hong's side and asked, "Brother Changhong, why haven't you attacked the city?"

Chang Hong talked about what happened just now.

When Xu Tangju heard this, he was anxious, patted Chang Hong on the shoulder and said, "Brother Chang Hong, you have been hit by Li Changzhi's delay! You don't think that if Li Changzhi had the will, the city would have been opened long ago. I estimate that Li Changzhi and Xu Shu will lead their troops to escape from the waterway. I order you to attack the city immediately. I will ask Liu Ying to lead troops to Zhejiang to intercept the fleeing enemy in the direction of Hangzhou.

"Li Changzhi, you slick, how dare you play Uncle Chang!" Chang Hong suddenly realized after listening to Xu Tangjun's words.

"Generals and soldiers, march forward bravely and attack Muzhou!" Xu Tangju held high the Fang Tianhua halberd and issued an order to attack the city.

"Brothers, go!" Chang Honghuan's eyes widened, waved the tiger's head and double hooks, and rushed to the north gate first.

In an hour, the drums sounded loudly, and the Rebel stone-throwing machine began to launch. The flying stones smashed the Tang soldiers on the wall and fled. After a dense rain of arrows, the Rebel death squad quickly built a bridge, built a ladder, and shouted to kill the head of the city.

The Tang army began to fight back, and the sound of killing shocked the sky. Xu Tangjun ordered the volunteers to push the fierce fuel truck to the north gate and burned the gate. A blazing fire broke out at the gate. The volunteers then hit the gate repeatedly with a punching car, and the gate soon collapsed. Chang Hong took the lead and entered the city. He overturned several Tang soldiers one after another. Seeing this, the Tang soldiers guarding the city fled one after another.

Li Changzhi had already arrived in the south of the city, commanded Tang Bing to retreat to the north coast of Zhejiang, jumped on a big wooden boat, and ordered him to set sail and fled straight to Hangzhou. On the way, I met Liu Ying leading the sailors to block the way.

Liu Ying shouted, "Li Changzhi, you slick, deceive General Chang Hong. I want to escape from the waterway, no way!"

Li Changzhi ordered his subordinates to rush to Liu Ying's fleet. There was a scuffle between the two sides on the river, and Li Changzhi finally broke through the defense line of the rebels and slipped away.

In this battle, the Tang army in Muzhou stopped three times. Li Changzhi and Xu Shu saved most of the military horses and a lot of military supplies, and finally left a little capital for Dongchang's eight-du army.

Xu Tangju ordered Anmin to be on the list, confiscated the government treasury of money and grain, and actively recruited troops and horses in the Muzhou area to enhance his strength.

After Wang Mei led the troops to Zixi, she immediately contacted Zhu Zhiguan and Wang Zhixin. The two leaders, Zhu and Wang, have always admired the Huang Chao Uprising Army. After discussion, they decided to lead their troops to Daqi and serve under Xu Tangju.

Huangjie's army walked and stopped. When he arrived in the Zixi area, he was blocked by the soldiers and horses of Wang Mei, Zhu Zhiguan and Wang Zhixin, and had to take a large camp. Soon after, Huang Jie learned about Dong Chang's defeat in Jinhuashan and the loss of Muzhou, so he decided to withdraw his troops back to Hangzhou.

Wang Mei, Zhu Zhiguan and Wang Zhixin commanded the rebels to chase and kill the Tang soldiers on the way to retreat. The 28,000 capitals of Huang Jie, Li Tao, Tang Jiu and Yuan Yu were damaged by more than half and retreated to Hangzhou.

As soon as the war in Muzhou and Zixi stopped, the wolf smoke in Shezhou rose again. Gai Hong and Ye Xiang led 5,000 people to help Lin Lishan. They happened to meet 50 thousand Tang troops led by Zhang Lin, Liang Zhen, Zhang Shouyi and Pang Cong. Gai Hong and Ye Xiang commanded the Rebels to fort in the area of Lin Lishan. Zhang Lin took a lot of effort. Half a month later, he commanded the Tang army to break through the defense position of the Rebels in Lin Lishan.

Gaihong and Ye Xiang led their troops back into Shezhou, mobilized the military and civilians to work together to defend the city, and sent messengers to Xu Tangju for help. At this time, Xu Tangju had established a firm foothold in Muzhou, adopted Fei Chuangu's plan, and ordered Chang Hong, Wang Mei, Zhu Zhiguan and Wang Zhixin to lead 20,000 troops to Shezhou and camp outside the city to contain Zhang Wei's troops and horses.

Zhang Yu led his troops to attack Shezhou. Gai Hong and Ye Xiang led the soldiers and people of Shezhou to fight to the death. The Tang army could never break through the walls of Shezhou. Chang Hong, Wang Mei, Zhu Zhiguan and Wang Zhixin led their troops to rush outside the city of Shezhou. After set up camp, they continued to attack and harass the Tang army. Zhang Lin damaged the soldiers and soldiers, so they had to keep moving and send urgent documents to Gao Li, asking Gao Yu's army to go east to Shezhou and jointly attack the rebels.

One day, Xu Tangju asked Fei Chuangu to go to his house for a drink, and Liu Ying accompanied him. During the banquet, Xu Tangjun said, "Mr. Fei, since you went down the mountain, you have been as wonderful as a god, which has saved the fifth village of Daqi many times, and the strength of the Rebel Army has been strengthened step by step. Tang Ju thanked Mr. for his strong support. This glass of wine is Tang Ju's thank-you wine!" After saying that, Xu Tangju raised his neck and drank all the wine in the glass.

Fei Chuangu smiled, took out the bronze flute, gently tapped the flute hole with his left index finger, and sighed, "Since I left Chishan Island, I have been fighting with you side by side, from Dongting Lake to Zhejiang. Now the main force of the Yellow King is blocked in Xianxialing. There are three ways to go to Fuzhou. It seems to be clumsy to take Xianxialing. The reason why I proposed to Huang Wang to take Xianxialing was carefully analyzed.

Xu Tangyu asked, "Sir, you might as well say it in detail."

Fei Chuangu said, "Master Xu Zhai, there were only two roads from Zhejiang to Fujian, one by land and the other by sea. Take the land route, which is Changshan-Yushan-Lead Mountain-Wuyi Mountain. Because the sea road has been banned by successive dynasties, the people rarely choose it. However, on the land route of Zhejiang and Fujian, the Tang army was heavily guarded and fought hard. Daqi's military strength will be greatly damaged, and it will lose the significance of going to southern Xinjiang to prepare for war. I thought over and over again and thought that if I opened a road in Xianxialing, I could go straight to Jianzhou and occupy Jianzhou unexpectedly! Take Jianzhou, and Fuzhou is in the palm of our army!"

Xu Tangju continued to ask, "Mr. Fei, Xianxialing Mountain is steep. How can you determine that you can open a channel?"

"I have traveled all over the world. After arriving in the area of Xianxialing, I found that a small number of people went up the mountain to cut firewood, hunt, and stepped out a sheep intestine path. I analyzed the rocky texture and geographical location of Xianxialing and thought that I could continue south and open a mountain road through Xianxialing! In this way, a new land road can appear between Zhejiang and Fujian! For military use, it is a God-given adventure! After the road of Xianxialing was opened, even if millions of Tang troops chased it, it could also hold its head so that it could not cross the mountains.

Xu Tang Ju was overjoyed and praised: "Mr. Fei is proficient in astronomy and military strategy. It is really Sun Wu's reincarnation, and Tang Ju admires it!"

Liu Ying giggled and poured a pot of rice wine into the cup of Xu Tangju and Fei Chuangu. Liu raised her eyebrows and said crisply, "You two chatted, and the wine is cold. This wine is just warm. Drink it while it's hot!"