Big Hero

Chapter 24 Bloody Battle of Songxi 1

Let's say that Chen Yan led 5,000 Kowloon troops to break through the siege. After a fierce battle, he rushed out of the camp of Wangfan and Bi Shiduo, killed the southern city of Jianzhou, and then turned westward, went in the direction of Jiangle, and went to the place where he raised troops to recruit troops.

When Huang Siye and Lu Jingren led the elite soldiers to Wang Yu and Bi Shiduo, Chen Yan had broken out of the siege. Wang Yu and Bi Shiduo talked about Chen Yan's martial arts and praised them. Lu Jingren sighed, "It's a pity that such a good general actually worked hard for Li Tang."

Huang Siye smiled and said, "Brother Jingren wants to subdue Chen Yan, right?"

Lu Jingren shook his head gently, looked at the direction of the music, meditated for a moment, and said calmly: "From the intelligence analysis just now, Chen Yan must have gone to the direction of the general music. Here, when it comes to general music, Shao Wuxi and general Lexi are blocked. Chen Yan has built strong fortifications for general music and took Fujian land. General music is a hard bone. Even if it is gnawed down, our army is bound to suffer heavy casualties. Judging from Chen Yan's breakthrough today, his ambition is not small. I estimate that this person is likely to become the main general of Li Tang in Fujian in the future. It is very unlikely that he wants to subdue Chen Yan.

Wang Pan nodded: "Brother Jingren's analysis is very reasonable. Our army has just arrived in Fujian and is not familiar with the land, while the terrain of Fujian is complex and the climate is changeable. It is definitely not a way to fight hard. I think our army should implement the strategy next.

"What is the implementation method?" Huang Siye asked.

"I think our army should first attack Jianyang in the northwest and Changxi in the northeast, cut off the northern gateway of Fuzhou, and then capture Fuzhou in one fell swoop." Wang Yu replied.

"I think this method is feasible and safer. I think I can suggest it to Brother Huang." Lu Jingren said excitedly.

Huang Siye laughed, with his big fingers, patted Wang Yu's shoulder and said, "You can still do it, both wise and bravely. Daqi has a good general like you, why worry about the peace of Fujian? I'll suggest it to my uncle right away!"

After listening to Huang Siye's report, Huang Chao knew that Chen Yan had broken through the siege and thought that Wang Qi's second-way division proposal was quite reasonable and feasible. Huang Chai found Chai Cun, discussed with each other for a while, and decided to implement it according to Wang Pan's proposal.

Chai Cun said, "Now Chen Yan leads the Kowloon army to enter the general music, where the deep ditch is high, and our army should not go west to fight with Chen Yan. There are only thousands of defenders in Jianzhou. If our army attacks, it will never be a problem. We can take Jianzhou in a day or two, but it is difficult to eliminate Li Tang's heavy soldiers in Fujian in this way. Our army first let go of the enemy of Jianzhou and besieged without attacking, attracting the main force of Li Tang in Fujian to rescue and eliminate its living force.

Huang Chao asked, "Brother Chai Cun, you must have some tricks again. Say it, hehe!"

Chai Cun smiled and said, "According to the information I have, Fuzhou observed that Shi Wei Xiu learned that our army went deep into Fujian and panicked. In order to defend Fuzhou, while forcibly conscripting the people to help defend the city, they sent their generals Li Yanjian, Zhang Jin and Guo Rong to lead 50,000 troops. They rushed to Jianzhou on a starry night, trying to relieve the siege of Jianzhou and fight against our army for a long time. Wei Xiu also urgently asked Gao Yu and the surrounding Tang army for help in an attempt to defend Fujian.

"Wei Xiu is really a man who can't cry without seeing the coffin. He is determined to be the enemy and want to continue to be the king of Fujian and bully the people. That's a delusion! We must not let it succeed!" Huang Chao said angrily.

"Brother Huang is right! Wei Xiu's dream of wanting to be the king of Fujian will certainly not be realized. As long as Daqi defeats Li Yanjian's 50,000 army, the Tang army in Fujian will not be able to compete with Daqi. Therefore, the battle between our army and Li Yanjian is inevitable. We can only win and not lose!" Chai Cun's eyes are bright, his voice is low and infectious, and he is worthy of being the first think tank of Daqi.

Huang Chao asked, "What position has Li Yanjian's soldiers and horses reached at present?"

Chai Cun replied: "I just received a report from Tan Ma that Li Yanjian's 50,000 reinforcements have arrived in the Songxi area northeast of Jianzhou City and camped in a large open area. Li Yanjian was extremely arrogant and said that he would drag the Huangchao thief to death until he drove the thief out of Fujian!"

"Li Yanjian is so arrogant and contemptuant. I must completely annihilate the Tang army and carry out activities to balance the rich and poor in Fujian! If you don't achieve your goal, Huang Chao will never stop!" Huang Chao blushed, his forehead was blue and his veins were exposed, shouting loudly.

The dialogue between Huang Chao and Chai Cun was also heard by the relatives inside and outside the account. They were full of righteous indignation, gathered together, and shouted with their arms:

"Yellow King, order! We have to teach Li Yanjian a lesson!"

"The battle of Songxi, Daqi will win!"

"Kill Li Yanjian and attack Fuzhou!"


Huang Chao was extremely gratified when he heard the words of his own soldiers. Over the years, the generals of the Great Qi Dynasty fought south and north. They were born and died, refined into copper veins and iron bones, and forged a hundred warriors. In this battle of Songxi, the soldiers were impassioned and asked to fight one after another, indicating that the military spirit is available and victory is in sight.

Huang Chao strode out of the Chinese army tent, looked at his own soldiers affectionately, and opened his voice: "Brothers Daqi, you are all heroes. No matter how strong Li Yanjian's Fujian army is, under the front of Daqi's troops, it is bound to be defeated! In the battle of Songxi, we will crush Li Yanjian's Fujian army into powder! Completely defeat the Tang army in Fujian! Rescue the people of Fujian from water and fire!"

That night, Huang Chao issued an emergency order: the Chinese army and Meng Kai's first village soldiers and horses went to Songxi and fought resolutely with Li Yan; Cao Min's second village soldiers and horses continued to surround Jianzhou; Huang Siye's third village soldiers and horses were responsible for the perimeter of Jianzhou to prevent the surrounding Tang army from supporting Jianzhou, especially against Chen Yan's army from rushing eastward.

When Huang Chao, Chai Cun and Meng Kai led their troops to the west coast of Songxi, Li Yanjian, Zhang Jin and Guo Rong had built a series of fortifications on the east bank of Songxi, putting on a posture of long-term confrontation with the Daqi army.

Huang Chao, Chai Cun, Meng Kai, Shang Rang, Li Tangbin, Kang Shiming, Huang Kui, Zhu Cun, Zhu Wen, Zhu Zhen, Pang Shigu and other generals gathered on the west coast of Songxi to observe the movement of the Tang army on the east coast and study the strategy of defeating the enemy.

Chai Cun said, "Li Yanjian, a hard-hard person, is determined to be the enemy. Only by completely defeating the 50,000 Tang army on the east bank of Songxi can we successfully capture Fuzhou. In this war, because the soldiers of both sides are fighting in the open land, there is no danger to defend each other. Only by fighting hard can we solve the problem.

"Meet the brave on the narrow road, King Huang, let me be the vanguard and attack Li Yanjian's army!" Kang Shiming roared like thunder.

Huang Chao meditated for a long time, and Fang said, "This is a tough battle, a vicious battle!" Songxi is the place where Ou Yezi cast Zhanlu's famous sword. Ou Yezi went through all kinds of hardships and finally cast Zhanlu's sword. Zhanlu sword shoots a cold light. The blade is sharp, and the big tree that hugs it breaks with a wave. The hard rock opens as soon as it splits. The iron is cut like mud, and the wind blows and breaks. The blade of the sword is neither rolled, nor gaping. It is both strong and soft. It can stretch and bend, dance and thorny, and the shape is very elegant. It can be called the first sword in the world! Nowadays, Zhanlu Sword has been used as a symbol - the spirit of Zhanlu, which is hard work, brave to explore, and dares to be the first in the world, which is admired and imitated by people. This time, our army crossed Songxi and fought against Li Yanjian's 50,000 elite soldiers, and also carried forward the spirit of Zhanlu! Go forward bravely and cut off the flag!"

Hearing this, all the generals rubbed their hands and said that they would fight against Li Yanjian's Tang army for a lifetime.

Huang Chao clenched his fists and ordered: "Shang Rang, Li Tangbin and Kang Shiming led 30,000 troops across Songxi from the left road and attacked Zhang Jin's camp; Huang Kui, Zhu Cun, Zhu Wen, Zhu Zhen and Pang Shigu led 30,000 soldiers to cross Songxi from the right road to attack Guo Rong's camp; I, Chai Cun and Meng Kai led more than 100,000 troops from the middle road. Crossing Songxi and attacking Li Yanjian's camp. This battle can only move forward and cannot retreat. Our army is more than three times that of the Tang army, but the Tang army is in a defensive state and is bound to resist desperately. Tell the three armies that only by moving forward bravely and rushing to kill the enemy can there be a way for our army to survive!"

Chai Cun added, "In the middle of the night, the three soldiers and horses crossed Songxi at the same time and fought a decisive battle with the Tang army!"

Just as Huang Chao and Chai Cun dispatched troops and prepared to attack Li Yanjian's Tang army, Li Yanjian was not idle, but accelerated the fortifications, hoping to achieve the purpose of a long-term confrontation with the Daqi army and finally forcing Huang Chao to withdraw. But to Li Yanjian's surprise, Huang Chao chose to cross Songxi late at night and attack his 50,000 army.