Big Hero

Chapter 26 Love the people as sons

Let's say that the Huang Chao Uprising Army defeated Li Tangmin's elite soldiers in Songxi, which shocked all directions.

After Li Qianyou, who was trapped in Jianzhou, received the news that all the 50,000 troops of Li Yanjian, Zhang Jin and Guo Rong were reimbursed, was stunned and didn't know what to do. Li's wife said, "Husband, now Huang Chao's army is strong, and Li Yanjian's reinforcements have been defeated by the bandits. Jianzhou's soldiers and horses can't be guarded for a long time. I think it's better to abandon the city and run for their lives!"

"Escape for your life? How to escape? Now there are soldiers and horses outside Jianzhou City!" Li Qianyou looked helpless.

"Thanks, you are still a history, and a big man is not as good as me! You can't escape. I can do it!" Li's wife rolled her eyes and scolded.

Li Qianyou asked anxiously, "Say it, don't circle. How can you escape from Jianzhou?"

Li's wife said viciously, "Seriously, you and I are in Jianzhou, asking myself. I haven't done a few good things, but I have done a lot of bad things. There are too many people who have offended me. We surrendered to Huang Chao, and there was only one way to die. Huang Chao specializes in killing and bullying the poor, so we use this characteristic of Huang Chao to escape!"

Li Qianyou nodded: "Madam has figured out the characteristics of Huang Chao. You have always had a lot of ideas. Go on!"

Li's wife laughed a few times, licked her lips with her tongue, and began to come up with ideas: "If you and I are going to escape from Jianzhou this time, we will disguise ourselves as beggars. Our cronies and attendants also disguised themselves as beggars, hiding gold and silver softly in bamboo poles to make beggars. Open the gate and let the unruly people out of the city, so that there will be chaos inside and outside the city. We took advantage of this chaotic time and escaped from the city among the unruly people. Huang Chao's soldiers will not embarras us when they see us dressed in rags, and they will definitely let us go!"

"Well, that's all!" Li Qian said helplessly.

Li's wife approached Li Qianyou's ear and continued to come up with bad ideas: "In order to make this play more realistic, let's make up a story. Let's say that the yellow nest was transformed by a red-headed yellow-bodied python, which is a evil star in the sky. This python is about ten feet long, with eyes like copper bells and mouth fighting basins. It is fierce and scary. Huang Chao has red hair on her body, which wants to kill eight million people, and even chickens and dogs have to be stabbed. When the unruly people hear this, they must be afraid and will flee everywhere, so that we can escape from Jianzhou!"

Li Qianyou really did it according to Li's wife's method, opened the gate, let the people of Jianzhou out of the city, and sent his cronies to spread rumors everywhere to copy the rumor of Li's wife. This rumor about Huang Chao's murder has spread in Fujian.

Looking at the tide of the fleeing people, Huang Chao knew that there were bad people mixed in it, but in order to avoid killing the people in vain, he had to strictly order the generals of Daqi to let the frightened people escape from the city. Some people returned to Jianzhou after persuasion and explanation. Li Qianyou and his wife took advantage of the chaos and escaped from the city. It is said that they were later killed by their own soldiers and their bones were exposed in the wild, which was also deserved.

Gong Hao and Qiao Yi saw Li Qianyou's shamelessness, regardless of the lives of their subordinates and soldiers, and escaped from the battle. Together, the two generals decided to lead the troops to Daqi. Huang Chao was overjoyed, comforted him with kind words, and allocated Gong Hao and Qiao Yi's soldiers and horses to the Chinese army. Gong Hao and Qiao Yi became the generals of the Chinese army in Daqi. They were grateful and determined to work for Daqi.

After the righteous master occupied Jianzhou, Huang Chao summoned Wenwu to study the next military action. Huang Chao said, "Songxi victory, occupied Jianzhou, and the Tang army broke the courage. Next, I think we can adopt Wang Jian's suggestion and divide the army into two routes, taking Jianyang all the way and Changxi all the way. After taking these two places, our army can attack Fuzhou calmly!"

Hearing this, Wenwu thought that Wang Yan's suggestion was practical and could be implemented, and they all agreed.

Huang Chao ordered the Chinese army and the soldiers and horses of the first village to take Changxi and then go south to attack Fuzhou; Cao Min's soldiers and horses in the second village went straight to Fuzhou along Jianyang River; Huang Siye's soldiers and horses in the third village attacked and occupied Jianyang. Three soldiers came out and implemented the strategy to capture the whole land of Fujian.

Huang Chao, Chai Cun and Meng Kai led a large army across the mountains and soon reached the Changxi area. The Changxi Tang army had no way to escape and surrendered to Daqi collectively.

After a short rest in Changxi, Huang Chao's army went south and killed Fuzhou.

Yishi quickly arrived at the Lianjiang River in the northeast of Fuzhou, but saw that the Lianjiang River fluttered across the east and west like a jade belt, like a hanging su. Green mountains and green waters, strange rocks and strange peaks, fertile soil and fertile fields on both sides.

Lianjiang Tangjun heard that Huang Chao personally led the soldiers to kill him and had already fled to Fuzhou. The people of Lianjiang, influenced by the rumors of the government, thought that the Huang Chao army was a group of grass bandits, murderous and bloodthirsty, and most of them fled into the deep mountains and forests.

In order to prove to the people of Lianjiang that the generals and soldiers love the people, Huang Chao decided to divide his troops into many ways and go to the deep mountains and forests near Lianjiang to distribute money and goods to the people and persuade them to live and work in peace and contentment.

One day, Huang Chao brought hundreds of sergeants to the south bank of the Yangtze River and found a huge hole behind a village, surrounded by strange rocks and dangerous cliffs, and the entrance of the cave was full of trees and tangled vines.

Huang Chao looked at the mouth of the cave for a long time and said, "This place is dangerous. There may be beasts in this cave. Everyone must be careful!"

Huang Chao ordered the sergeant to search for the fleeing people and found a group of people, about dozens of people, in a dense forest. When the people saw the soldiers of Daqi inviting them out to meet, they mistakenly thought they were going to rob and kill them. They were so scared that they ran out of the dense forest and ran out desperately.

The soldiers of Daqi hurriedly chased after him and shouted for the people to stop. The group of people were even more scared and ran faster. After a while, they fled to the front of the huge hole and gasped. Some people hold children, and children can't stop crying in their arms.

The child's crying shocked the beast in the huge hole, which was a gorgeous tiger hidden in it. When the tiger is hungry, it will eat people. It especially likes to eat children. Now that the opportunity has come, won't the Tiger miss this delicious meal?

The tiger roared and rushed out of the cave, and the people were scattered in horror. The tiger rushed forward and grabbed a child and ran deep into the dense forest. Just as the child's parents were shouting, a big man rushed out of the dense forest, led by a big man wearing a gold bully helmet, wearing gold armor and a big red robe. Seeing this, the big man took the lead and pulled the bow string. He only heard a "whipping" and shot the tiger's eye with an arrow. The tiger was injured, threw down the child and wanted to escape.

The sergeants surged up. The arrows fell like rain, and the tiger died in an instant. The big man jumped off his horse, untied his robe, held the child, and handed it to his parents. Those people are safe and sound for the rest of their lives. At the time of surprise, kneel down and thank you.

The sergeant over there shot the tiger and pulled out the arrow. Cheers: "Yellow King's Arrow!" Suddenly, the mountains shook and cheers echoed among the mountains and peaks. The people who had escaped knew that the leader was the leader Huang Chao, the leader of the Rebel Army, so they returned home with their children and recommended their fathers to slaughter pigs to the gate to reward the rebels.

After hard work, the generals and soldiers of Daqi finally won the hearts of the people of Fujian. Huang Chao gathered his team and marched along the North Ridge. Attack Fuzhou.

Fuzhou observation made Wei Xiu panicked at this time and decided to abandon the city and flee for his life. This Wei Xiu is more funny, not as good as Li Qianyou,

Unexpectedly, he left his parents, wife and children and crossed the mountains by himself. I don't know where he went.

Huang Chao's army quickly arrived at the city of Fuzhou, and the Fuzhou garrison, like the Changxi garrison, collectively submitted to Daqi. The rebels entered Fuzhou, came out of the list of Anmin, opened warehouses and released grain, but Qiu did not commit any crime. The soldiers and civilians sang and danced like a family.

Late one night, Huang Chao led 120 non-commissioned officers to patrol the city. Because it was dark, the soldiers were holding torches. When passing by Huang Lane, Huang Chao remembered that there was a great Confucian named Huang Pu, who served as the school scholar of Chongwen Museum. Huang Pu was a great scholar in the Tang Dynasty, and many poems were circulated in various vassal towns of the Tang Dynasty. At this time, Huang Pu lived in seclusion in Fuzhou, where he lived in Huang Lane, Sanfang Seven Lane, Fuzhou today. Huang Chao visited Huang Pu by introduction not long ago. The two people with the same surname talked for a long time and respected each other.

Huang Chao was afraid of alarming this cultural person and specially ordered: "This Confucian, extinguish the torch." It means that there are scholars living here, put out the torch and don't light it. It shows that Huang Chao not only loves the people like a son, but also especially respects scholars. His noble personality can shock the past and the present.