Big Hero

Chapter 30 The War of Life and Death

Let's say that Zhang Wei caught several soldiers under Lv Yongzhi who were harassing the people and reported to Gao Yu. Gao Yu had to deal with it. As a result, Lv Yongzhi killed these soldiers in front of Gao Yu and Zhang Yu with his own hands, and Zhang Yu left.

After Zhang Yu left, Gao Yu and Lv Yongzhi turned back to the Chinese army account. Gao Yu Ping retreated left and said to Lv Yizhi, "What's going on? I told you to be sharp in doing things. Now it's all right. I've been caught by Zhang Yu's evidence, alas!"

In fact, the ideas of robbing people's property came from Lv Yongzhi. This Lv Yongzhi is not a good bird. Gao Yu likes him because he is a warlock. Lv Yongzhi often pretended to be a ghost, pretended to be mysterious, made Gao Yu happy, and made him a general in the army, which is really ridiculous.

Lv used to get close to Gao Qian, squeezed the snake's eyes and said, "Lord Gao, Zhang Yu's self-confidence is high. If he doesn't pay attention to you, he is also a little domineering!"

Gao Yu sighed: "Yes, Zhang Lin contradicted me face to face, not once or twice, but after all, he has followed me for many years, made many achievements, and occasionally played some childish temper, so I let him go."

"Lord Gao, a general like Zhang Wei is a tough general. Although the war is powerful, it is difficult to control it. If someone stirs him up against you one day, it will be dangerous!" Lv used his tongue like a spring and provoked the way.

"It's rare to be loyal to me, but unfortunately there are too few confidants like you!" Gao Yu said with a wry smile.

Lv Yongzhi smiled treacheryly and said, "Lord Gao, when Zhang Yu is the vanguard in the future, don't allocate too many troops, so that even if Zhang Yu is rebellious, he can't succeed!"

"What I say is reasonable, and I will do it like this!" Gao Yu had a smile on his face.

After Xu Tangju, Fei Chuangu and Liu Ying led the main force of Daqi's fifth village to occupy Yuezhou, the army became more and more powerful. One day, Xu Tangju and Fei Chuangu discussed military affairs while drinking tea in the Yuezhou government office.

Xu Tangju said, "Mr. Fei, Gao Yu sent three Tang soldiers to calm down western Zhejiang in one fell swoop. Fortunately, you made a plan and adopted the tiger's heart-picking tactics to conquer Dongchang's old nest in Hangzhou and Yuezhou in one fell swoop. The Tang army broke the courage. Our army's results are brilliant and exciting!"

Fei Chuangu shook his head gently and said, "Master Xu Zhai, I have no choice but to do it. At present, Gao Qian is still looking for the main force of Gai Hong and Ye Xiang in the area of Qianligang. Dong Chang besieged Muzhou, and Pei Xuan and Wang Ning have invaded Wuzhou. In eastern Zhejiang, Qian Yong was in Taizhou, actively training soldiers and horses with Jiang Gui and Cheng. Huang Jie was ready to move in Mingzhou, and the Tang army in Huzhou was frequently mobilized to attack Hangzhou. Huang Wang and Ling Fei's reinforcements have not yet arrived in western Zhejiang, so at present, there are few enemies in Zhejiang. Don't be too optimistic.

Xu Tangjun asked, "Mr. Fei, is there any way to crack it?"

"To completely smash Gao Yu's encirclement, we must fight one or two big battles to force Gao Yu to withdraw!" Fei Chuangu said.

"Which way did the Tang army choose to fight?" Xu Tangyu asked.

"If you hit a snake seven inches, I think it will hit Gao Yu. In order to concentrate its troops to help thousands of miles, Yuezhou can only abandon it. Yuezhou is newly taken, and the hearts of the people are not attached, so a few troops are left to garrison. At present, it is enough to guard Hangzhou. Fei Chuangu replied.

Xu Tangju patted his thigh and said excitedly, "Okay, according to Mr. I decided to leave 3,000 people to garrison in Yuezhou, let Wang Mei garrison Hangzhou, and Chang Hong led 10,000 troops to relieve the siege of Muzhou. Our army hid to the west, first solved the soldiers and horses of Pei Yu and Wang Ning, and then went to the area of Qianligang, cooperated with Gai Hong and Ye Xiang to eat the main force of Gao Yu all the way. I estimate that the reinforcements of Brother Huang and Lingfei are about to arrive. This war between Qi, Tang and Zhejiang is destined to be a life-and-death war!"

The next day, the main force of Daqi's fifth village, led by Xu Tangju, Fei Chuangu and Liu Ying, left Yuezhou and went all the way west. After entering Wuzhou, they attacked Pei Yu and Wang Ning's soldiers and horses. The morale of the righteous soldiers was so high that they all killed the Tang soldiers and turned upside down, and most of them were killed and injured. Pei Ying and Wang Ning were extremely embarrassed, taking thousands of soldiers and ran all the way to Muzhou.

Pei Yu saw Dong Chang and told the story of Wuzhou's fiasco. Dong Chang was shocked and said, "I didn't listen to Qian Yong's words and lost Hangzhou and Yuezhou. Now Muzhou has not taken it. You attacked Wuzhou and lost it. It seems that Xu Tangjun will soon bring a large army to kill. I think it's better to withdraw!"

Pei Yu said, "Well, from now on, you can slowly withdraw your troops and retreat to the area of Huzhou and Xuanzhou, which is close to Datang Fang Town. If you encounter a thief attack, you can reinforce each other quickly. Wang Ning and I retreated to Xuanzhou to defend. You can pull the eight-du army to Huzhou!"

Dong Chang nodded: "General Pei's arrangement is reasonable, just according to the deployment you said."

"After our army retreated, I expected that Zhu Zhiguan and Wang Zhixin in Muzhou City thought that our army was easy to bully and would chase our army. General Dong can set up an ambush along the road to lure Zhu and Wang into the country!" Pei Yu turned his eyes and said a poisonous trick.

In Muzhou City, Zhu Zhiguan and Wang Zhixin were gossiping in the government office. A personal soldier came in and reported: "Two generals, the Tang army outside Muzhou City is missing! According to the report of Tanma, the Tang army was divided into two routes, retreating all the way to the northwest and all the way to the northeast.

When Zhu Zhiguan heard this, he was very energetic and said to Wang Zhixin, "Zhixin, Dong Chang finally withdrew his troops!" I think Xu Zhai has captured Hangzhou. Haha, this time, Dong Chang is a powerful teacher of the Daqi army! I will take a man to hunt down Dong Chang, and I will definitely get it!"

Wang Zhixin thought for a while and said, "Direct management, Dong Chang's withdrawal of troops shows that the war situation in Zhejiang has changed. At present, the enemy's situation is unknown, so we can't pursue it rashly to avoid being ambushed by the enemy!"

"What's there to be afraid of? Dong Chang's Eighth Army, after being beaten by the Qi army for a few times, is far less powerful than before. This attack on Muzhou for many days and can't be done, which illustrates this problem. Zhixin, you defend the city, and I will lead 5,000 soldiers to open the city to chase and kill!" Zhu Zhiguan said carelessly.

Wang Zhixin couldn't persuade him. Zhu Zhi ordered 5,000 people to chase the Tang army in Kaicheng. Zhu Zhiguan judged that Dong Chang had retreated to Huzhou and ordered the rebels to pursue him to the northeast. In this way, I chased to the south bank of Tongxi.

Zhu Zhiguan looked at the river and was worried. He only heard the sound of the golden drum behind him. Dong Chang, Tang Yu, Yuan Yu, Cui Wen and Xu Xun led the eight armies to kill them. Zhu Zhiguan was shocked and hurriedly responded to the battle.

In the fierce battle, Dong Chang waved Wu Yue's knife and split Zhu Zhiguan under the horse. The Rebel Army lost its main general and collapsed on the whole line. 5,000 people and only more than 1,000 people were attacked and surrounded, and the rest were killed by the eight capitals.

Don't laugh when you are drunk on the battlefield. Several people have fought back in ancient times. Throughout the ages, the war has always been cruel and ruthless. In order to realize the ideal of "the balance of heaven and equal", heroes like Zhu Zhiguan have fallen in Tongxi and left his comrades-in-arms who accompany him day and night forever.

Daqi defeated soldiers fled to Muzhou and reported to Wang Zhixin the news of Zhu Zhiguan's attack and death. Wang Zhixin listened, burst into tears and shouted to the north: "Brother Zhiguan, it's just my incompetence. I didn't persuade you to go out of the city to kill Dong Chang. Now that you have been defeated and killed, how can I meet Lord Xu Zhai?!"

A few days later, Chang Hong's army arrived in Muzhou. Only then did he know that Zhu Zhiguan was killed in battle. Chang Hong naturally regretted it. Wang Zhixin cheered up and warmly entertained Chang Hong's reinforcements. After a brief stay in Muzhou, Chang Hong decided to lead troops to Qianligang to assist Gaihong and Ye Xiang's army in the anti-encirclement struggle.

At this time, Xu Tangju, Fei Chuangu and Liu Ying led the main force of Daqi's fifth village to arrive in the Qianligang area, and quickly contacted Gai Hong and Ye Xiang. After a few days of hiding in the mountains, on a night when they couldn't see their fingers, Xu Tangjun and Gaihong's soldiers and horses launched an attack on Gaomao's battalion at the same time.

Gao Qian did not expect that Xu Tangjun's main force would come so quickly that he hurriedly responded to the battle and was defeated by the rebels. The Tang army abandoned their armor and fled in confusion. Lv Yongzhi, Mijiang, Xue Tao, Liang Yu, Dou Mei and Song Wentong protected Gao Yu, opened a bloody road, and went straight to Quzhou to join Zhang Yu and Liang Qian's army.

Xu Tangju took advantage of the victory to pursue, supported Fang Tianhua halberd, chased Gao Yu's army with Liu Ying, and directly chased and killed dozens of miles of troops back to the camp.

In the war of Qianligang, the fifth village of Daqi destroyed more than 60,000 people, and the rebels also lost 230,000 people. Soon, Huang Siye, Lu Jingren, Wang Pan and Bi Shiduo led the 50,000 main army of the third village to the area of Quzhou and successfully met with Xu Tangju's army. After rest, the soldiers and horses of the two villages launched an attack on Gao Yu's soldiers and horses huddled in Quzhou.

Gao Qian was trapped in Quzhou, with only 560,000 soldiers and horses, and his morale was low. Zhang Wei proposed to withdraw from Huzhou in the north and go to various local towns to recruit troops and horses before fighting with the Daqi army. Gao Qian adopted this plan and led the troops to break through.

In the process of breaking through, the generals of Daqi intercepted Li Tang's soldiers and horses in the area of Censhan. In the fierce battle, Chang Hong and Mijiang met face to face, and the two generals fought for dozens of rounds, regardless of victory or defeat. Due to the narrow mountain road and uneven terrain, the war horses fell into the deep stream. The two generals also fell into the deep with the war horses, and both of them died.

If you want to know what's going on, let's take a look at the next chapter.