Big Hero

Chapter 33 Internal and External Concerns

In the first month of the sixth year of Emperor Xizong of the Tang Dynasty, that is, in January 879 AD, Li Yu, the son of Emperor Yizong of Tang, died.

Li Jun was deeply mourned when he heard the news and ordered to bury Li Yu. As soon as this matter was finished, Xin Zhuzhang, the festival envoy of Lingnan Province, arrived, which was called Nanzhao to submit to the Tang Dynasty and sent Jia Hong, the inspector, to Nanzhao. However, before Jia Hong arrived, he suffered from the epidemic and died incurable. More than half of his envoys also died. . Ask the court if you still want to communicate with Nanzhao?

Li Jun asked the ministers to discuss this matter in the court, and finally adopted Wang Duo's suggestion and asked Xin Yan to continue to contact Nanzhao and make sure to let Nanzhao submit to the Tang Dynasty.

When Xin Qian received the order of the court, he was already paralytic. He summoned his subordinate inspector Xu Yunqian and held his hand and said, "The court ordered me to send an envoy to Nanzhao. Since you have become an official, you should think about serving the country and whether you can send Nanzhao? I hate that I'm suffering from wind paralysis and can't worship you!" After saying that, he cried bitterly.

Xu Yunqian replied, "Those who know what they have died! Since Ming Gong can appoint me and always hate that he has no chance to repay his kindness, how dare he not obey your orders?!" After hearing this, Xin Qian was very happy and prepared rich clothes and money for Xu Yunqian as an envoy to the Kingdom of Nanzhao.

Xu Yunqian and his party came to Shanyan City. When Nanzhao Wang Longshun saw that Xu Yunqian refused to salute, he had to accept the kneeling of the following deputy envoys. Long Shun sent Yang Zong to the museum and showed Xu Yunqian the attitude of Nanzhao.

Yang Zong said to Xu Yunqian: "The ultimatum of the imperial envoy wants to make Longshun, the king of Nanzhao, to contribute to the Tang Dynasty; Long Shun has sent an envoy from Xichuan into the Tang court to make a brother with the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, or his uncle and nephew. Whether it's brothers or uncles and nephews, letters or losing coins, how can there be no reason to pay tribute?

Xu Yunqian said: "Longshun's ancestors were established by the Tang Dynasty, so that they were able to combine the six edicts into one. The emperor of the Tang Dynasty had deep kindness and virtues for Nanzhao. Although there was some small friction in the middle, the sins were all on the border officials. Today, Longshun wants to repair his old days with the Tang Dynasty. How can he go against the customs of his ancestors? Oedence to ancestors can be called filial piety; serving a great country can be called righteousness; calming war can be called benevolence; judging name can be called etiquette. These four are the highest virtues. Can't you try your best to do them?!"

Yang Zong returned Xu Yunqian's words to Long Shun. Long Shun listened and felt that Xu Yunqian's words were indeed reasonable, so he treated Xu Yunqian politely.

However, Long Shun saw that Li Tang was in turmoil and was unwilling to submit to Li Tang.

Xu Yunqian stayed in Shanyan City for 17 days and returned. Before leaving, Longshun handed over two wooden clips to Xu Yunqian, which contained * books. One was a letter to Zhongshumen, and the other was an ultimatum to Lingnan West Road, and finally did not show his honor to the Li Tang court. Xin Yan reported to Li Yan according to the truth. Although Li Yan was angry, he had no choice but to resist his unhappiness.

A wave has not been calmed down, and a wave has arisen again. In February of this year, some soldiers of the Eastern Li Tanghe Army suddenly launched a mutiny and killed Kongmu official Shi Yu because they were dissatisfied with the fierce violence of Cui Jikang, the governor of Hedong. Cui Jikang was so scared that he peed his pants and ran to Jinyang under the escort of his own soldiers and closed the gate.

In Jinyang City, Zhang Kaim and Guo Pu gathered together with a group of cronies to discuss the elimination of Cui Jikang.

Zhang Kai said, "Brothers have seen that since Cui Jikang came to Hedong, he has been violently and killed innocent people indiscriminately, making people angry. We have long had the intention to kill Cui Thieves, but we have no chance. Now, when there was a disturbance on the other side of Jingle, more than half of Cui Jikang's own soldiers died. Now he has locked himself in the government office all day and dares not show up. Let's find a way to enter Cui's house.

Guo Pu shouted, "Cui Jikang is now a grasshopper after autumn, and he won't be jumping for a few days. We can buy the gatekeepers of Cui Mansion and open the door to let us in. I believe it will succeed.

As the saying goes, Cui Jikang's tyranny has long aroused the resentment of the majority of officers and soldiers. The soldiers guarding the door of Cui's house were willing to respond internally and agreed to open the door and let Zhang Kai and Guo Pu enter Cui's house in the morning.

In this way, one morning, Zhang Qi and Guo Pu quietly entered Cui's house with hundreds of soldiers. Cui Jikang's own soldiers hurriedly resisted and were all killed. The uprising soldiers surrounded Cui Jikang's bedroom on three floors and three floors outside. Cui Jikang had already been awakened by the shouts outside. Seeing the generals looking for him everywhere outside the official residence, Cui Jikang trembled with fear!

Zhang Kai and Guo Pu rushed into Cui Jikang's bedroom with dozens of soldiers. Cui Jikang asked in a trembling voice, "Zhang Kain and Guo Pu, I usually treat you two well. Why do you two lead the army to rebel?"

"Cui thief, you killed innocent people indiscriminately, and I can't wait to smash you into ten thousand pieces! My uncle went to the city to sell firewood, because you led the team just passing by and robbed the firewood that my uncle had worked so hard to cut. My uncle asked you for money, but you not only didn't give the money, but also asked his entourage to beat my uncle to death! I must avenge this deep hatred today!" Guo Pu sprayed fire with two eyes and approached Cui Jikang step by step with his sword.

"Brother Guo Pu, that's because the subordinate didn't know in advance that this old man selling firewood was your own uncle. This is pure misunderstanding!" Cui Jikang said tremblingly.

"Bah, put away your dog's mouth, who is your brother?! You still want to deny it when you die!" Guo Pu roared, took a step forward, and shouted at Cui Jikang with a sword. The sword instantly pierced Cui Jikang's chest. Cui Jikang grabbed the mouth of the sword, spit out a mouthful of blood, fell to the ground, and died immediately.

"Since you have arrived at Cui's house today, make a big noise. Brothers, kill me all the old and young people in Cui's house!" Zhang Kui issued an order.

It's a pity that Cui Jikang, the majestic Li Tanghedong jiedushi, was killed by his soldiers because of his cruelty and unkindness.

Good things don't go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles. Zhang Kai and Guo Pu were killed in Jinyang, and were quickly secretly reported to the court by relevant officials in Jinyang. Li Yan was shocked. After discussing with the ministers, he urgently transferred Gao Xun, the Shaanxi governor to serve as Zhaoyi jiedushi, and ordered Li Kan, the jiedushi of Pining, to take over the position of Cui Jikang, as the jiedushi of Hedong, and ordered the two of them to deal with the mutiny in Hedong.

After Li Kan arrived in Jinyang, he immediately summoned Zhang Kai and Guo Pu, comforted them, and ordered to give a lot of silver to the officers and soldiers in Hedong. But for a long time, He Gongya was insatiable and thought that Li Kan's reward was too little, so he led the army to make trouble, set fire to Jinyang City, and arrested Wang Jing, a Confucius officer, and escorted him to Ma Busi. Li Kan and the eunuch of the army, Zhou Congyu, came out to comfort and explain in person, and satisfied the wishes of He Gongya's group of soldiers to kill Wang Jing in front of the camp gate. This mutiny calmed down.

After some time, Li Kan had a prestige in Jinyang and decided to deal with He Gongya's lead in making a mess. He ordered coach Ma Budu to make Zhu Mei the "three cities chopping envoy", secretly arrest He Gongya, behead him immediately, and arrest all the activists in the chaos. All beheads are beheaded. Zhang Kai and Guo Pu were also tied with ropes and escorted to the camp gate. Li Kan ordered to be executed in public.

Zhang Kai cried to the onlookers and said, "Cui Jikang is cruel and unkind. I killed this thief according to the wishes of my brothers. This is a very happy thing. Today, Guo Pu and I died inexplicably. Will the brothers just sit by and ignore it? If Guo Pu and I are beheaded in public and died unjustly, who will dare to do justice in the future?

Zhang Kui's impassioned words really worked. Of course, there were hot-blooded men among the onlookers, who held weapons and shouted to rush to Zhang and Guo Pu to save them. The knife and axe had to give way and let the soldiers save Zhang and Guo Pu back. This is not like the enforcement of criminal law. It is obviously a heroic show.

Li Kan is helpless. As the saying goes, "The strong dragon does not suppress the local snake". This Kai and Guo Pu are locals in Jinyang. The relations in all aspects are staggered and have a good reputation. Since there are so many people protecting them, Li Kan has to give up.

After Zhang Kai and Guo Pu were released, they reported their old enemy Yuan Yizong to Li Kan, saying that Yuan Yizong framed them and insisted that Li Kan arrest Yuan Yizong. Li Kan had to arrest Yuan Yizong and behead Yuan Yizong to show it to the public. This incident also affected more than 30 families and was killed by Li Kan. Zhang Kai and Guo Pu felt a bad breath and stopped.

Li Kan went to Jinyang and encountered so many difficult things. He knew that the army and civilians in Hedong were fierce, and Hedong jiedushi was a hot potato. This senior official was really difficult to be, so he went to the court, falsely claiming that he was ill and asked for medical treatment. Li Kan had to transfer Kang Chuangui, the governor of the state, to serve as Sima of the march in Hedong and go to Jinyang to work first. Li Wei was appointed to replace Li Kan, served as the governor of Hedong, and recruited Li Kan to return to Beijing for "curing diseases".