Big Hero

Chapter 39 The Northern Expedition

Let's say that Huang Chao's west expedition to Linjiazhuang, with the help of Jin's five sisters, attacked Linjiazhuang in one fell swoop, and Lin Yin and Rui were awarded the title. After the war, Huang Chao got Lin Yin's Tians Sword and changed its name to Chongtian Sword, which was the origin of Zuojiang Huang Chao Sword.

The five sisters of Jin asked to join the rebel army and returned to Guangzhou with Huang Chao. Huang Chao agreed to classify the five Jin sisters in the Chinese army. Huang Chao's trip also had a major harvest. Jin Long fell in love with Huang Chao in the war. Jin Long is not only beautiful and lively, but also has strong martial arts skills. He has a deep affection for Huang Chao. Huang Chao and Cao Min both recognized Jin Yu.

When the Daqi army returned to Guangzhou, Li Gongdi of Huzhou also asked to follow the Daqi army to Guangzhou. Huang Chao saw that Li Gongdi was loyal and strong in martial arts, so he promoted him to be a general of the Chinese army and engaged in the guard work of the Daqi Command. Li Gongdi was overjoyed. From then on, he followed Huang Chao to fight south and north and made countless military achievements.

Huang Chao returned to Guangzhou, chose a day to worship the world with Jin Long and drank a glass of wine. The Wenwu officials of Daqi came to congratulate him one after another. The scene was grand. The heroic couple will stage a shocking legend.

Although Huang Chao is newly married, he will not forget military training and will continue to urge all the rebels in Lingnan to carry out military training activities. After repeated research, the Daqi Command decided to go to the Northern Expedition. The Northern Expedition route is divided into two routes, with Cao Min's troops from the second village of Daqi to Jianzhou, go straight to Quzhou through Xianxialing, join the fifth village Xu Tangju's troops, fight with the Tang army in Zhejiang, and contain the main force of Gao Yu as an assist; take the soldiers of the Daqi army, the first village and the third village out of Guizhou, and take Tanzhou through Hengzhou and Yongzhou. This road as the main attack .

After receiving Huang Chao's order, Cao Min immediately led the second village soldiers from Guangzhou and went to Jianzhou. After Cao Min led his troops to Jianzhou, he received a military letter from the general of Daqi in Fuzhou, saying that Zhou Pu, a priest, wrote poems and scolded the Daqi government and had been arrested and asked Cao Min to deal with the matter.

Cao Min said to the generals, "This corrupt Confucianism is useless. He ordered the generals of Fuzhou Daqi to behead him immediately to dodge future troubles."

In this way, Zhou Pu, a strange man in Fujian, was ordered to be executed by the general of Fuzhou.

After crossing Xianxialing and arriving in Quzhou, they successfully met with Xu Tangju's department of the fifth village and began to compete with Dongchang's Tang army in Zhejiang. At this time, Gao Qian had contracted his main force of more than 100,000 people to the front line of Yangzhou, striving to protect himself. Only Zhang Yu and Liang Yu were sent to lead the 80,000 Tang troops to defend the south bank of the Yangtze River to observe the reality of the Qi army.

Li Hanzhi took the initiative to ask to lead his troops to attack Xuanzhou, and Cao Min agreed. Li Hanzhi took 5,000 people straight to Xuanzhou and commanded the generals of Daqi to attack Xuanzhou. Wang Ning, a general of the Tang Dynasty in Xuanzhou, ordered the Tang army to defend the city. The rebels were unable to attack for a long time. Zhang Wei and Liang Zhen led tens of thousands of the main forces of the Tang army to reinforce. One of Li Han's army fell into a heavy siege and the whole army was destroyed. Li Hanzhi surrendered to Zhang Lin and became a traitor to Daqi like Bi Shiduo and Qin Yan.

In the Lingnan region, many soldiers suffered from the epidemic, and some soldiers died as a result. Wenwu of Daqi advised Huang Chao to go on an early expedition to the north in order to make major events. Huang Chao agreed and decided to lead 300,000 people to leave Lingnan according to the original plan.

When the Northern Expeditionary Army of Daqi passed through Lianzhou, Lu Jingren suffered from tropical disease and vomited and diarrhea all day long. He could not walk with the army. Huang Siye asked Huang Chao, and Huang Chao left 10,000 horses for Lu Jingren to be stationed in Lianzhou.

Huang Chao came to Lu Jingren's sickbed in person and held Lu Jingren's hand and said, "Jingren, this time the main force of Daqi's expedition to the south of the Yangtze River and the Central Plains, the ultimate goal is to capture Luoyang and Chang'an. Lingnan defense will be handed over to you. I believe you can shoulder this heavy responsibility!"

Lu Jingren strengthened his illness and gasped and said, "With the trust of Brother Huang, Jingren also wants to repay Brother Huang's kindness and write a brilliant chapter in Lingnan with my practical actions. Brother Huang, please feel free to lead the army in the Northern Expedition. Jing Ren will live up to his mission!"

"Jing Ren, take good care of it!" Huang Chao choked and said.

"Brother Huang, Jing Ren is in Lianzhou, and I hope to receive the good news of the success of the Northern Expedition of Daqi as soon as possible!" Lu Jingren shouted with strength.

The Qi army organized thousands of large rafts from Guizhou. Taking advantage of the flood, they went down the Xiangjiang River, passed through Hengzhou and Yongzhou, and arrived at the city of Tanzhou. At this time, Tanzhou was captured by more than 100,000 troops led by Li several months ago. Li and Yang Neng, the fourth guards of Daqi, led their troops to break out of the siege and retreated to the Hongzhou area and joined the soldiers and horses of Sun Mei and Yue Lingfei.

After receiving the news that the Qi army killed Tanzhou, Li was so frightened that he ordered to close the city gate and dared not come out to fight.

Huang Chao ordered Daqi soldiers to attack Tanzhou and quickly broke into the city. Tang soldiers were killed and injured countless times. Li rode horses and fled to Langzhou with only thousands of people. In this war, the elite men of the Tang army in the south of the Yangtze River suffered serious losses, and the dead bodies flowed down the Xiangjiang River, covering the river.

Huang Chao led the army to take advantage of the victory to force Jiangling, known as 500,000, stretching hundreds of miles. Li Tangjiang's many states and counties in the south of the Yangtze River fell when they heard the wind, and the flag of the Qi army fluttered high in the south of the Yangtze River!

Wang Duo was stunned as a wooden chicken after receiving the report of defeat in Jiangling. Previously, he boasted that he would completely destroy the Daqi army. Now, where the Daqi army went, Li Tang's army collapsed at a touch. In just one month, Li Tang's 200,000 to 300,000 horses in the south of the Yangtze River were reimbursed! This made Wang Duo mute eat Huanglian, and it was hard to say.

After Wang Duo arrived in Jiangling, he also sent his own soldiers to welcome his wife who was far away in the capital and asked her to come to watch the battle to see how he defeated the Huang Chao army. At this time, Wang Duo's wife was on her way to Jiangling, and Jiangling was about to become the next target of the Qi army.

Not long ago, Wang Duo used a lot of money to buy Liu Hanhong, who became a bandit, and let Liu Hanhong guard Jiangling. Now, the Qi army is about to reach Jiangling. Wang Duo quickly summoned Liu Hanhong and said calmly, "Hanhong, there is no fear of the yellow nest thieves! Although the thief captured Tanzhou and came to attack Jiangling, he was actually at the end of a strong crossbow, and he was angry for a few days. I will go to Xiangzhou now and order Li Fu and Liu Jurong's soldiers to help Jiangling. Jiangling is a famous historical city with a high pool. A few years ago, Wang Xianzhi did not take Jiangling. Today, Huang Chao came, which must be the result. Han Hong, you must guard Jiangling!"

At this time, Liu Hanhong has long been the original general of Li Tang. What he thought about was how to seize more territory and wealth, regardless of the city? But in front of Wang Duo, Liu Hanhong couldn't say what he thought directly. He laughed and said, "Lord Wang, don't worry. I will stick to Jiangling and manage this famous capital of Jingchu for the Tang Dynasty!"

Wang Duo and Gao Zhou Yi, Wu Yanhong and other soldiers left. As soon as they left, Liu Hanhong ordered his subordinates to rob Jiangling and almost burned Jiangling City clean. In Jiangling City, the fire burst into the sky, thick smoke rolled, and the crying shook the sky. The fire lasted for several days and nights. Liu Hanhong's order made Jiangling, which has always been the most important town along the Yangtze River, forever lose its reputation as a capital that lasts for thousands of years!

The people of Jiangling had nowhere to hide, so they had to run to the valley and live in the dense forest. At this time, it snowed heavily, and many people froze to death in the mountains. The zombies on the mountain were tired and miserable. Shen Jian and Pang Hu, the generals of Jiangling and Tang Dynasty, saw that the generals had gone and did not want to join the army. They were also caught in the asylum crowd and did not know the end.

More than ten days later, Huang Chao led the main force of the Qi army to Jiangling City and saw that Jiangling City was devastated, and the nearby valleys were full of bones. Huang Chao sent soldiers, and after investigation, it was confirmed that Liu Hanhong did it. When the Qi army entered Jiangling City, Huang Chao ordered to recruit the people who had taken refuge, took out military food, and divided them to the suffering people. The people were grateful, and the people around Jiangling settled down.

Huang Chao stood on the edge of the Yangtze River in the south of Jiangling City and looked into the east, which was the direction where Liu Hanhong led his troops to escape. Huang Chao filled his chest angrily and shouted, "Liu Hanhong, Huang Chao will catch you one day and will definitely cut you with thousands of knives!"