Big Hero

Chapter 11 Hunting Huainan 2

Let's say that Zhang Yu and Liang Yu led 80,000 Tang troops to leave Fuzhou and cross Xianxialing to relieve the siege of Yangzhou. When they arrived at Jianglang Mountain, they encountered the attack of Cao Min's second village and Yue Lingfei's fourth village, and the two sides launched a war.

Cao Min waved two knives, rode thousands of miles of rouge snow, took Lin Yan, Qiao Qian, Niu Feng, Qiu Tao, Qiu Hong and other soldiers, and shouted to kill the Tang army from the left; Yue Lingfei, Fang Te, Ma Xiang, Li Qian and Yang Neng led the fourth village soldiers to kill the Tang army from the right.

In the face of the tide of the generals and soldiers, the Tang army could not resist the enemy and retreated one after another. Zhang Wei was shocked and organized a group of people and horses with Liang to break through. The two sides fought to the death in the area of Jianglang Mountain.

Liang Zhen led the army to rush left and right, and finally killed the encirclement of Lin Yan's army, but was blocked by Qiu Tao and Qiu Hong's brother and sister. Liang Wei waved the seven-star folding knife and shouted to kill Qiu Tao. Qiu Tao held a duck-billed gun and fought against Liang Wei.

About ten fights, Qiu Tao couldn't resist. Qiu Hong saw it, held the willow leaf silk knife and killed Liang Zhen. Liang Zhen had to abandon Qiu Tao and come to fight Qiu Hong. The brother and sister tightly bit Liang Zhen one after the other. Fortunately, Liang Zhen's own soldiers tried their best to resist, and Liang Zhen had to kill the encirclement of the Qiu brothers and sisters.

Liang Zhen finally killed a mountain pass, but was blocked by Qiao Hao and Niu Feng's army. At this time, Liang Zhen's armor was crooked, and he was short of people and horses. He had no intention of fighting. He led his own soldiers to rush straight over and wanted to break through the encirclement of Qiao Hao and Niu Feng's army in one fell swoop.

Qiao Qian roared, urging the red mane horse, holding a three-pointed and two-edged knife, and violently splitting Liang Wei; Niu Feng * black horse, with a wild goose tail, killed Liang Ying's own soldiers with volunteers. In a blink of an eye, Liang Zhen's own soldiers were killed and injured, and there were only a few soldiers left beside Liang Zhen.

Liang Yu was dizzy and inadvertently. He was stared at in the gap by Qiao Qian. He hit Liang Yu's left leg with a knife. Liang Yu shook a few times on the horse and was about to fight with all his strength. Qiao Qian shouted loudly and used his unique skill of "Fly Wind and Clouds". The three-pointedged two-edged knife picked up, like lightning. After drawing an arc in the air, he happened to reach Liang. On the chin. On this battlefield, what does it mean from the tip of the knife to the chin? And from the bottom up, that's a deadly knife!

With a "pup" sound, Liang's head was divided into two halves. To be precise, it was left and right halves. Of course, the size could not be uniform. Poor Liang Zhen, a famous general in the late Tang Dynasty, died at the foot of Jianglang Mountain, and the number of disasters could not escape.

When Tang soldiers saw that Liang Qi was split under the horse, they were stricken out of the sky. Their will to resist suddenly weakened and knelt down and begged for mercy. Only a few Tang soldiers rushed out of the encirclement of the second and fourth villages of Daqi under the command of Zhang Yu.

After all, Zhang Wei is a famous general who has experienced many battles. After breaking through the first line of defense, he quickly considered the breakthrough route. He thought that if he went east and crossed Censhan, it was the boundary of Wuzhou, which was the territory of Daqi, which was difficult to pass; if he went north, he would definitely cross the Xujiang River, and then pass Changshan, and take this road, which is the closest to Yangzhou. However, to the north is Muzhou, and to the north are Shezhou and Hangzhou, where the strategic points have been occupied by Daqi and it is difficult to pass.

The last choice is to break out to the west. As long as you pass through Yushan, you can enter Xinzhou. Li Tang's civil groups in that place are more armed, and it is likely to be the most likely to break through successfully. Therefore, Zhang Wei decided to break out from the direction of Yushan.

Zhang Yu fled to the vicinity of Yushan with more than ten thousand remnants of the army. He had just made a camp and planned to rest for one night and then leave. However, he was shocked by the scene in front of him, and tens of thousands of elite soldiers surrounded the Tang camp. Xu Tang Ju stood up to the square sky painting halberd and shouted, "Zhang Lin, the fifth village soldiers of Daqi laid a trap in Yushan. You and I are brothers of the same sect, and peace is the most precious. You still have time to pull back from the cliff. I have agreed with the King of Huang that I can forgive you for suppressing Daqi!"

"Bah, I'm a famous general of the Tang Dynasty. How can I be a thief? Xu Tangju, don't talk nonsense and let it go. Even if Zhang Lin kills one person and one horse, he will fight to the end! Loyalty to the Tang Dynasty is my greatest ambition!" Zhang Yu shouted loudly.

Xu Tangjun shook his head gently and suddenly shouted, "In this case, let's fight with each other!" Generals of Daqi, I order you to move forward bravely and destroy all the remnants of Zhang Yu! Kill!"

Zhang Wei held high five serial guns and shouted, "Brothers of the Tang Dynasty, today's battle of Yushan is a battle of life and death. We can only serve the country loyally and bravely. We will never surrender to the grass thieves and rush to me!"

Xu Tangju pointed with a whip, and Gai Hong, Ye Xiang, Liu Ying, Fei Chuangu and Wang Mei led tens of thousands of horses and began to surround Zhang Yu's remnants army. For a while, in the area of Yushan, golden drums made a big hit the sky.

The rockets of the rebels were launched together, and the Tang army's giris were heavily burned, and their eyes were full of fire and wolf. The tent is like a brilliant fireworks, illuminating the earth. In the crackling sound, the tents burned down and collapsed.

Tang Bing, who had not yet recovered his eyesight, was slaughtered by the rebels like slaughtering lambs. Pieces of blood splashed, and sections of limbs flew across.

There were still many Tang soldiers, with burning flames, where they howled desperately and struggled, and were squeezed into the fire by the crowded Tang soldiers.

All kinds of weapons fly like butterflies in the hands of Daqi generals, dancing gorgeous and eye-catching dance steps in the air. In a pool of blood, the remaining Tang soldiers staggered with half of their bodies, howling and struggling in blood, and the burning flames in the camp even dried the blood. The pungent blood is disgusting. The smoke of the fire formed by the burning tent spread throughout the camp. Killing, wail, fire, deterrent. In the face of hell-like scenes, Tang Bing has already broken his heart and courage.

Suddenly, dark clouds rolled in the sky and it rained heavily. In front of Tang Ying, drops of water the size of a fist fell all over the sky. The huge drops of water not only extinguished the flames, but also destroyed the ruined camp.

The wooden frame of the tent was burned into black charcoal, crackling in the rain and bursts of smoke. The blood-stained camp was washed away by the rain, forming a river of blood. In the blood river, Tang soldiers, who were disabled but not yet breathless, were wailing and struggling. They dragged their bodies in despair and shouted helplessly to the sky.

The firelight gradually disappeared, and in the dark, the sound like a night ghost crying was particularly harsh. The noisy horses' hoofs and shouts came one after another in the camp ahead.

A few Tang soldiers followed Zhang Yu to kill the first layer of the encirclement of Daqi Fifth Village and escaped the burning of the fire, but could not escape the fate of being destroyed by Daqi soldiers.

The light flashes like night elves one by one, like a meteor that cuts through the sky in the night. Hundreds of large Qi generals formed a battle to kill Tang Xing and approached the Tang soldiers step by step. Where the battle array passed, a bloody rain flew up. The sad howl, accompanied by this angry array, was invincible in the Tang array.

Zhu Tang Xingqi array is a formation designed and practiced by Fei Chuangu himself. This formation can be dispersed into several or even more than a dozen small arrays at any time according to different circumstances. The formations can cooperate with each other or fight separately. You can also gather several or even dozens of small arrays at any time according to the number of enemies, and instantly become a large array of thousands or even tens of thousands of people.

It's just that this array requires soldiers to be absolutely familiar with the array and have a certain understanding of arithmetic. At least you should be very familiar with the number of queues after the large array changes, otherwise one person will make a mistake and cause the whole array to collapse. Because the Zhu Tang Xing array has high requirements for soldiers, only Xu Tangju's own soldiers can use it.

Tang Bing seemed to be well trained under the command of Zhang Yu. In order to rush out of the Tang Xing array, Zhang Yu organized a Tomahawk team. Each Tang soldier opened the way in front with a big axe and cut straight to the volunteers. Behind the Tomahawks are the spearmen, and behind the spearmen are the swordsmen, each holding rattan cards, and Zhang Yu is in the middle to command. This is a unique formation created by Zhang Yin, showing his strong assault ability. The Tomahawk team launched a charge. With the overturning of the tomahawk in the hands of the Tang soldiers, the generals of the generals who killed the Tang Dynasty retreated one after another and blocked everything in front of the Li Tang Tomahawks.

Zhang Wei roared, waved a five-section serial gun, and took Tang soldiers out to kill Tang Xingqi.

Fei Chuangu was shocked to see that Zhang Lin had broken through the Tang Xingqi array. Seeing that the second line of defense of the fifth village of Daqi was about to be broken by Zhang Yu, Fei Chuangu hurried to Xu Tangju and said, "Master Xu Zhai, Zhang Lin is about to break through the second line of defense line. Now you have to take the most elite 5,000 people of Daqi's fifth village to enter. OK, we will destroy the remnants of Zhang Yu's army in one fell swoop!"

Xu Tangjun knew that at this time, any tactical mistake may lead the whole battle.

According to Fei Chuangu's deployment, Xu Tangyu led the most elite 5,000 people in Daqi's fifth village to launch a general attack on Zhang Yu's remnants army. Yu Tangbing, Zhang Yu's command center, killed him and launched a fierce counterattack. The fight between the two sides was extremely tragic.

Zhang Yu's Tomahawk and Long Gun Team were defeated by the Rebels, and the remaining swordsmen were not effective attacks and were killed by the generals of Daqi like autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves.

At this time, Zhang Yu's men and horses were only a few hundred, and few Tang soldiers surrendered. Under Zhang Yu's command, they still launched a series of killings against the Daqi soldiers and again, and finally killed the second layer of siege of the Rebels.

The dazzling cold light flashed near Yushan, and the deafening sound of killing echoed heroicly. Where the blades of Daqi soldiers passed, the brave and invincible momentum not only scared the enemy, but also raised the morale of Daqi soldiers. Tang soldiers' blood splashed, their limbs flew horizontally, and the battlefield was stained with blood, while the generals and soldiers of Daqi were invincible, and their morale was like a rainbow, which could shake the enemy.

Where the Tang army passed, there was a sad wind and rain, and the ground was full of thick blood plasma. The broken bodies were scattered everywhere, and the battlefield became a hellish land of flesh and blood, and the pungent blood gas floated everywhere, which was disgusting. The screams of howling like a night ghost are frightening.

At the most critical moment, Xu Tangjun commanded the generals of Daqi to sacrifice their lives in the face of danger! Victory is really hard to come by.

Zhang Yu looked at the ground to break out of the siege. Only by stopping the offensive of the Qi army can there be a glimmer of hope to break out of the siege. Xu Tangju ordered the fifth village soldiers to bite the remaining Tang soldiers to death.

After several hours of fierce fighting, Zhang Wei rushed to Xinzhou with more than 100 iron riders protruding from the siege. At this time, Yue Lingfei and Cao Min have destroyed the Tang army around Jianglang Mountain and chased them all the way to Yushan.

Zhang Lin had no intention of fighting and retreated to the outside of Xinzhou City. At this time, the sun was like blood, and the crows circled back and forth in the mountains and forests. Zhang Wei knew that there was no ambush in the place where the crows flew, so he ordered Tang soldiers to rush to the place where the crows flew!

Xu Tangjun was very anxious and ordered the generals of Daqi to continue to pursue and kill, and must capture and kill Zhang Yu's remnants.

When Yue Lingfei saw that Zhang Yu was so brave that he broke through the two blockade lines of Daqi soldiers in succession, he shouted with a gun: "Daqi cavalry, line up a phalanx to chase the enemy head-on!" Yue Lingfei gave the order with a solemn look, looking at Li Qian and Yang Neng, and said in a heavy tone: "Li Qian, Yang Neng, even if you are the last person in the battle, you have to block the remnants of Zhang Yu outside Xinzhou City. Do you hear me?"

Li Qian and Yang Neng nodded hard, and the fearless light flashed in their eyes and shouted, "Chasing to the end, never stop!" After saying that, Li Qian and Yang Neng proudly turned around and led the Great Qi Iron Cavalry Battalion to shout and kill Zhang Yu's remnants.

Yue Lingfei looked at the back of hundreds of cavalry such as Li Qian and Yang Neng, and his eyes were full of respect. He knew that the iron cavalry of Li Yu and Yang Neng would definitely have a bloody battle with Zhang Lin's remnants. Yue Lingfei was also sleepy at this time and decided to take a break and then command the fourth village soldiers to attack Zhang Yu's remnants.

Zhang Lin opened her blood-red eyes and shouted, "Today, even if the thief is ambushed on all sides, we are not afraid!" Tang warriors, follow me to attack Xinzhou. After passing Xinzhou, we can successfully break through!"

Li Tang Iron Cavalry began a new round of rushing, but the generals and soldiers of Daqi were blocked by each other, and Li Tang Iron Cavalry could not kill the new encirclement of Daqi generals.

Zhang Lin waved a five-section serial gun, raised his power, and poked dozens of large Qi iron cavalry one after another. Li Tang iron cavalry followed Zhang Lin closely, but saw the dust flying on the battlefield, and no figure could be seen within a few feet.

Zhang Wei shouted: "After the archers followed the cavalry, assist the cavalry to shoot the bandits!" Tang warriors, don't be afraid, kill!"

At this time, the sky will be bright, the darkness before dawn, and the sad clouds and fog will be thicker. In the dark, Zhang Wei's remnants made a trembling cry and killed the center of the Daqi soldiers with a destructive momentum.

The soldiers and soldiers on both sides were stained with blood armor, and the armor of the soldiers was covered with thick plasma.

Zhang Yu's remnants have always acted the same. Even with that arrogant look, his calm eyes are the same. The powerful momentum is not weak compared with the momentum of the generals of Daqi, with arrogance and courage without turning back.

Xu Tang Ju took the lead and intercepted Zhang Yu's remnants. Zhang Lin looked solemn and ordered in a low voice: "Tang warriors, speed up continuously and attack the thieves! Kill!"

After saying that, Zhang Lin held the five-section serial gun in his hand tightly, clamped his legs, urged the war horse, met the Daqi iron horse led by Xu Tangju, and met him fearlessly! Li Tang's iron cavalry, which followed him, urged horses one after another, and launched a series of attacks on the encirclement of Daqi soldiers again!

With the edification of the strategy accepted all year round, Zhang Lin judged that Xu Tangju's cavalry could not form an impact advantage. Almost all Li Tang iron cavalry made a consistent action at the same time. They were like one person in action, the queue was staggered, and the action was surprisingly consistent, and they went straight to the cavalry phalanx of the generals of Daqi. They want to highlight the siege of the Daqi generals while they have not yet formed an effective impact speed.

The speed of Li Tang's iron cavalry suddenly picked up, like a run-off horse, and Xu Tangjun's interception soldiers and horses were killed again. Both armies were approaching at a high speed, and the wild impact made the heroic spirit of the soldiers of both sides suddenly rise.

When Xu Tangju saw that Zhang Yu's only dozens of iron riders left suddenly came up, his heart sank and knew that Zhang Lin wanted to destroy the impact of the Daqi cavalry and not let the cavalry increase the speed of the impact. Xu Tangju was wise in a hurry, accelerated the speed of stepping off the war horse, made Kaifang Tianhua halberd, and turned over five or six Li Tang iron cavalry one after another, and blood stained the robes.

Looking at the approaching generals of Daqi, Zhang Yu has put life and death aside. Being able to meet an opponent like Xu Tangyu on the battlefield is the greatest sadness in his life and the greatest honor in his life. It is one thing he is proud to fight with such an elite army.

After this round of fighting, there were few Li Tang iron cavalry left. Zhang Yu's remnants only took a dozen horses to the city of Xinzhou. Xu Tangju, Yue Lingfei and Cao Min ordered the Daqi iron cavalry to chase them closely. They must firmly target Zhang Yu and capture them outside Xinzhou City.

Even though Zhang Wei was brave, he could not stop the repeated attacks of the generals of Daqi. He roared, turned around and opened his bow and shot an arrow. An arrow hit Li Yu's left arm. Li Yu shook his horse a few times and almost fell down!

When Cao Min saw that Zhang Lin shot Li Jian, she couldn't help but be furious and ordered the bow and crossbowman to shoot intensively at Zhang Wei's escape place. After a while, Zhang Lin's own soldiers fell off the horse one after another. Zhang Lin single shot, pulled away the arrows of the volunteer archers and rushed straight from the north of Xinzhou!

At this time, Zhang Wei, like a lonely goose in the sky, became the only target pursued by the generals of Daqi.

The two sides approached rapidly on the narrow mountain road, and the sound of horses galloping made the blood of the generals boil.

Zhang Yu's horse was so fast that he finally fled to Yishui, and Xu Tangjun also chased Zhang Yu's side. At this time, their horses could no longer support each other. The horse's legs were soft, and Xu Tangju and Zhang Lin both rolled off the horse, holding their weapons in their hands and killing each other. The brothers of the same family fought a life-and-death battle at this time.

The two fought for a while, and the long weapons in their hands fell to the ground. Zhang Yu jumped into Yishui and began to drown. Xu Tangju was willing to give up. He also jumped into Yishui and continued to chase and kill.

After a long time, Zhang Lin swam to the west bank of Yishui and saw Xu Tangyu still rowing hard in the water. Zhang Lin's eyes shot cold light, picked up the stone and threw it hard at Xu Tangjun. Xu Tangjun tried his best to dodge, but his head was finally hit by Zhang Lin's small stone, and blood flowed!

Zhang Yu shouted wildly, "Xu Tangjun, if you don't let me go today, I'll let you die first!" After saying that, he picked up a small stone and threw it at Xu Tangjun fiercely.

Xu Tangju was dizzy and unable to dodge. He closed his eyes in the water and waited for this fatal blow!

Just as the small stone was about to reach Xu Tangjun's head, it was touched by an arrow flying from afar, and the small stone fell into the water and made a sound.

Zhang Yu was shocked and looked up. He saw a monk in the distance, with his hands folded and shouted, "Amitabha, good and good!"

"Where did the wild monk dare to rescue here?" Zhang Wei shouted.

"Zhang Yu, take a good look at me. Do you know me?" The monk roared, and the mountains and valleys responded.

When Zhang Yu heard this, his voice was particularly familiar. The monk got closer and closer. Zhang Yu finally recognized the monk, who turned out to be his eldest brother Xu Yun.

This time, Xu Yun was ordered by Master Huiming to leave Shaolin Temple to help Xu Tangju fight against Zhang Lin. Zen Master Huiming asked Xu Yun to persuade Zhang Lin as much as possible to let Zhang Lin break away from Li Tang and go up the mountain to practice with Xu Yun.

Xu Yun took the deer tendon vine snake stick and shouted, "Brother Zhang Yu, you are so cruel. If I come late, Tang Ju will die today!" Do you remember the teacher's teaching?

Zhang Wei listened and was speechless for a long time.

"Zhang Yu, you helped Tang Fangqi before, and the master will not pursue you. Are you willing to go up the mountain with me now?" Xu Yun asked.

At this time, Xu Tangju had already landed, soaked all over, and covered the forehead injured by Zhang Lin with his hand.

Zhang Yu looked up to the sky and smiled: "Big brother, why do you protect Xu Tangyu? In this life, Zhang Yu is determined to be loyal to Li Tang. How can he go up the mountain to practice with you?! Don't talk nonsense and be great! If you win the sword in my hand, my head will let you take it to the master of Shaolin Temple! Look at the sword!" After saying that, Zhang Yu suddenly jumped to Xu Yun's side and used his unique skill of "back to the sky to save the rivers". The sword cut straight to Xu Yun's neck, as fast as lightning.

Xuyun stood still and did not move. When the sword was about to reach his neck, the deer tendon and rattan snake stick was lifted, and the fire burst out!

The two opened the frame and fought for six or seven rounds. Zhang Wei had been fighting for more than ten hours before, and his unique skill was broken by Xu Yun and lost his strength. Xu Yun roared softly and used the unique skill "divine stick to set the universe". The deer tendon rattan snake stick seemed to have countless head in an instant, covering Zhang Yu's left and right. Zhang Yu was hit several times, sprayed blood wildly, and fell to the ground and died.

Xu Yun walked quickly to Xu Tangju. Seeing that Xu Tangju's face was pale and short of breath, he called out, "Brother Tang Ju, wake up!"

Xu Tangyu shouted sadly: "Brother Xu Yun, see you in the next life. Go back for me... Teacher... Father, I didn't lose... his old man... family's face!" After saying that, Xu Tangyu closed his eyes tightly and was killed.

"Tang-Ju-Teacher-Brother--" Xu Yun screamed in pain, and the birds hovered overhead, and the sounded long, flying into the distance...