Big Hero

Chapter 15 Rebuilding

It is said that under the command of Huang Chao, the Western Expeditionary Army of the Great Qi attacked the periphery of Li Tangtong Pass. Qi Kerang and Wang Shihui could not resist it, so they had to lead the remnants to retreat into the Pass. Zhang Chengfan and Zhao Ke led the Shence Army and just arrived in the west of Tongguan. Before they could enter the garrison of Tongguan, the Western Expeditionary Army of Daqi entered the forbidden pit.

It turned out that the Chinese army and the second village followed Qi Ke's route of defeating the officers and soldiers. Many Tang soldiers retreated from the forbidden pit before they could enter the door, and these were found by Qiao Qi and immediately reported to Huang Chao and Chai Cun.

Huang Chao was overjoyed and ordered the Chinese army and the second village to go around behind Tongguan along the forbidden pit and attack Tongguan. Zhang Chengfan and Zhao Ke's soldiers and horses had just arrived near the forbidden pit at this time and were immediately fiercely attacked by the Daqi army. The Tang soldiers suffered heavy casualties and collapsed.

Zhang Chengfan sacrificed his life to fight and got rid of the encirclement. In the melee, Li Gongdi met Zhao Ke. Li Gongdi waved a three-pointed two-edged eight-ring knife to intercept Zhao Ke's fight, accounting for about ten times. Li Gongdi shouted and used his unique skill of "handing wine and picking up a robe to turn around", and cut Zhao Ke under the horse with one knife.

When Tang Bing saw that the master would be killed, they all had no intention of fighting. They fled one after another and became prisoners of Daqi before they could escape. Zhang Chengfan's liver and courage were cracked, and he ran wildly.

In only half a day, the Qi army formed a siege of Tongguan.

Qi Ke was shocked and said to Wang Shihui, "Master, Zhang Chengfan's reinforcements have been repelled by Huang Chao thieves, and they will definitely not save us. For today's plan, lead the troops to break through before the encirclement of the bandits has not been completely tightened!"

Wang Shihui listened and agreed.

Zhang Chengfan paused and said, "Teacher meeting, tonight, you will lead 3,000 troops and kill from Tongguan. I will cover your retreat at Tongguan."

"No, Kerang, I'll guard the barrier, and you break through!" Wang Shi will cry.

The two quarreled for a while, and Zekerang said, "I'm the general of Tongguan. You have to listen to me!"

Wang Shihui had no choice but to agree.

That evening, Qi Kerang led 3,000 Tang soldiers and suddenly broke out of Tongguan and broke out to the west. Qi Kerang waved the spring and autumn knife and took the Tang soldiers to sacrifice his life in the dark. Finally, he broke through the camp of Qiu Tao and Qiu Hong, the second village of Daqi, and only brought out hundreds of people and fled to Huayin.

The next morning, when Huang Chao learned that Qi Ke had let him break out and retreat to the west, he ordered a fierce attack on Tongguan. Wang Shi would do his best to resist. Since the time of Yin to Shen, the official army's bows and arrows were no longer be shot, so he threw stones at the Huang Chao rebel army. There was a trench outside Tongguan. The Rebel Army organized thousands of soldiers and civilians to enter the trench and dug soil to dig the trenches. Fill it in, and soon, the trench will be filled.

Huang Chao looked at the Tongguan Tower, but saw that the East Gate Tower is facing the Yellow River in the north, facing the corner of Qilin Mountain, and there is a distant valley in the east. It is the only gate to enter the gate from the east. It is extremely dangerous, and there is a tendency of "one man to pass, but no one man can open". Looking up at the Guanlou and the towering Kirin Mountain, just like a staring tiger, guarding the east gate of Chang'an. Later generations praised the flood in Qinshan, and they looked at the emperor's capital. But if you have a husband to be the pass, don't be in the strict city.

Huang Chao said, "Tongguan lives up to its reputation. It deserves to be the most powerful pass in the world!"

Huang Chao ordered the rebels to cross the trench. At night, the rebels set fire and burned all the buildings. Huang Chao sent an envoy to ask Wang Shihui to stop resisting and return to Daqi. Wang Shihui killed the messengers of the rebels and led the troops to fight for the forbidden pit. When Wang Shihui led the army to the forbidden pit, the rebels had already controlled the forbidden resistance.

Soon, Huang Chao ordered the Rebels to launch an extremely fierce attack on Tongguan. After closing down, all the defenders of Li Tang collapsed. Wang Shi met that the general situation had gone and drew his sword and committed suicide.

At this time, Zhang Chengfan was embarrassed and led the remaining Tang soldiers all the way to the west in plain clothes. When he went to Yehuquan, he met 20,000 Fengtian reinforcements one after another. Zhang Chengfan said to them, "You are late!" Fengtian's reinforcements were returned.

Zhang Chengfan retreated to Weiqiao with the remnants. When the remnants saw the new army summoned by Tian Lingzi wearing new fur to reinforce Tongguan, they were very angry. One of Zhang Chengfan's generals said, "What credit can these guys do to wear such good clothes? We fought desperately but were frozen and starved!"

The remnants of Zhang Chengfan then began to rob the new army, forcibly took off their new clothes and fur, and surrendered to Daqi, guiding the western army of Daqi and marching to Chang'an. Zhang Chengfan did not want to submit to Daqi and was killed by Tang soldiers who returned to Daqi.

When the rebels attacked Tongguan, the Li Tang court appointed the former Jingzhao Yin Xiao Yu as the host of the grain transfer envoy. Xiao Wei did not dare to take office and said that he resigned due to illness. As a result, he was demoted to Sima of Hezhou by Li Jun.

Huang Chao led the Western Expeditionary Army into Huazhou and ordered Qiao Qi to defend it. After Li Tanghe, Wang Chongrong received the news that the Qi army had passed Tongguan, he was frightened. He immediately wrote a letter and sent messengers to the Huangchao camp on a fast horse and asked Huang Chao to surrender. Huang Chao agreed and ordered Wang Chongrong to stay in the middle of the river.

Some Li Tangfang Town followed Wang Chongrong's example and sent envoys to Huang Chao to show their submission. Li Yan was very scared when he heard the news. He issued an edict, sent an envoy, and awarded Huang Chao Tianping the official position of governor, but Huang Chao flatly refused.

Soon, Li Yan appointed Hanlin's bachelor Chengzhi, Shangshu Zuocheng Wang Hui as the servant of the Ministry of Household, and Hanlin's scholar and Pei Che, the servant of the Ministry of Household, as the minister of Industry, both of whom were in the same level. Lu, the prime minister, was demoted as the prince's guest and branch capital. Tian Lingzi heard that Huang Chao's army had entered Guanzhong. He was afraid that people in the world would pursue his responsibility, so he blamed Lu Zui and demoted him and recommended Wang Hui and Pei Che as prime ministers.

Late at night, Lu Yi was at Chang'an's home, looking at the dark sky outside and crying bitterly: "Oh, my God, open your eyes and have a look. Is it my mistake for the Tang Dynasty to fall so far? No, it's all caused by Tian Lingzi's little people! Earth, can you carry things or not? Why do you tolerate those shameless villains?! I, Lu, hate the injustice of the sky and the ignorance of the earth. I am loyal to the Tang Dynasty, but why did Your Majesty punish me? I really can't figure it out!

Lu put poison in the wine, raised his glass and drank wildly, and died of hatred.

Lu's death sang the endless elegy of the Li Tang Dynasty. Lu Xi's life was extremely bumpy. He was from Fanyang. In the ninth year of middle school (855), he was admitted as a scholar and was awarded the school management of Jixian and served as the envoy. In the year of Xiantong (860-873), he entered the imperial court and served as the imperial historian in the palace. Later, he was transferred to Wai Langzhong, the county magistrate of Chang'an, and the governor of Zhengzhou. He was summoned to the court and appointed as a doctor. In the first year of Qianfu (874), he was called up as a bachelor of Hanlin and was appointed as a scholar. Later, he was promoted to a servant of the household department and a bachelor's degree. In the fourth year of Qianfu (877), he served as the official of Tongzhongshumen, and was promoted to the servant of the school. He also served as the minister of the Ministry of War and the university scholar of Hongwenguan.

In the fifth year of Qianfu (878), Huang Chao's uprising was like a broken bamboo, and successively broke through the southern part of Chu, the periphery of Jiangxi, as well as Qian, Rao, Xin and other prefectures. Then he conquered Fujian from the east of Zhejiang, turned west to Lingnan, broke through Guangzhou, and killed Li Yu. At first, Wang Xianzhi raised an incident in Henan. Lu recommended Song Wei, Qi Kerang, Zeng Yuanyu and other generals with strategies, and were appointed by the imperial court as envoys. When Song Wei killed Shang Junchang, the uprising army grew stronger. The court appointed Prime Minister Wang Duo as Dutong, and Lu Yi was very unhappy. Cui Xuan, the governor of Zhejiang, and others wrote a letter requesting the imperial court to appoint Huang Chao to restrain the military and politics of Guangzhou, and the emperor ordered the prime ministers to agree. Lu Xi wanted to anger Huang Chao because he was dissatisfied with the appointment of Wang Duo as commander, so he insisted that Huang Chao could not be restrained in Guangzhou and only gave the government to lead. Lu Yi argued with the prime minister Zheng Wei, so the emperor dismissed the two prime ministers at the same time and appointed Lu Yi as the prince's guest division.

In the sixth year of Qianfu (879), General Zhang Lin defeated the rebel army several times. Lu Li usually treats Gao Qian well and often recommends Gao Qian as the commander-in-chief. Because of Gao Qian's meritorious service, the emperor called Lu to assist in political affairs. When Wang Duo lost his position, he was dismissed and replaced by Gao Yu. Therefore, east of Tongguan, Ru, Shaanxi, Xu, Deng, Bian, Hua, Qing, Kun and other states have changed their commanders. All the commanders appointed by Wang Duo and Zheng Wei were replaced. Lu relied on Tian Lingzi within the court and relied on Gao Yu outside the court. The military and political power of the court was all up to him. At that time, Lu had a wind disease and was in a trance. Political affairs were decided by Wen Jixiu, an official around him, and bribery prevailed for a while. When the rebel army invaded Huainan, Zhang Lin was killed, the commander of Xuzhou was driven away, and the officers and soldiers were defeated. The court was shocked and blamed Lu Yi. When the rebel army broke through Tongguan, Lu was dismissed as prime minister again and served as a guest of the crown prince.

In this way, Lu's life came to an end.

Li Yong panicked at this time and informed the civil and military officials to go to the Yanying Hall to concentrate on discussions and discuss the issue of the defense of Chang'an. However, there were only a dozen civil and military generals in the Shang Dynasty. These people were really loyal to Li Tang, and Tian Lingzi was among them.

Li Yu asked in a trembling voice, "All Aiqing, the Huangchao thief has occupied Xinfeng, and Lishan has also fallen into the hands of the thief. When the Tang Dynasty is at the most critical moment, the Huangchao thief's leading force is not far from Chang'an. Let's talk about how to deal with it?"

The hall was silent, and no one wanted to speak first for fear of saying something wrong.

Tian Lingzi broke the silence: "Your Majesty, I don't think there is a need to panic!"

Li Yan urged, "Father, tell me, what's the best way to withdraw from the army?"

"Is there no good strategy for retreating from the army for the time being, but as long as your majesty saves his life, he will definitely recover the capital in the future!" Tian Ling said slowly.

Li Yong was stunned: "Father means to abandon Chang'an?"

"This is exactly what the old slave means, Your Majesty, our cronies are in Erchuan, Chen Jingxuan in Xichuan, Yang Shili in Dongchuan, and Niu Xun is now the governor of Shannan West Road. These three towns are strong and powerful, and the Huangchao Thieves absolutely have no strength to seize these three towns. His Majesty will take refuge in Shu and spread the world. He will definitely be able to reverse the war situation, recover Chang'an, and eliminate the yellow nest thieves!" Tian Ling talked titteringly.

"Then inform the Minister of Culture and Martial Arts of Chang'an to go to Xuanzheng Hall tomorrow to determine the retreat time. Everyone must be prepared to take care of their families, and there are still a lot of money and things that need to be moved away!" Li Yan looked helpless.

"What else should I be notified when my eyebrows are burning? Officials who are not concentrated here today, let them stay in Chang'an. We will start tonight, and it will be too late!" Tian Lingzi shouted.

"How can I explain it to the officials in the future?" Li Yan frowned and asked.

Tian Lingzi smiled treachery and said, "That's not easy. You just said you went out on a parade. You have to go to Erchuan to inspect the Tang soldiers in person and fight against the Huangchao thieves!"

The stone wild boar echoed: "That's right, Your Majesty, what are you afraid of? You are the emperor of the Tang Dynasty today, and the whole China is your territory. You can go wherever you like!"

"Well, let's pack up and go on a tour to Erchuan with me tonight! Remember, go to the Golden Light Gate!" Li Yan said with a wry smile.

After the meeting, Li Yan returned to Penglai Hall in a hurry and said to Princess Dai, "My concubine, clean up quickly. Let's start tonight!"

Princess Dai stared at Li Yan and asked lightly, "Your Majesty, why is there such a panic?"

"My concubine, Huang Chao has reached Xinfeng, not far from Chang'an. I discussed with all the officials, evacuate Chang'an, go to Erchuan, and mobilized troops and horses to conquer Huang Chao!" Li Yan didn't dare to look into Dai's eyes and looked at the window and said.

"Your Majesty is the king of a country, how can he escape from the capital in the middle of the night? At present, the great enemy should call on the soldiers to resist the bandits! Are you worthy of the ancestors of the Tang Dynasty? You fled without permission. What about the civil and military officials in the capital after dawn? Dai Guifei scolded Li Yan like a series of cannons.

Li Yan made a second-hand stall and said helplessly, "My noble concubine, I beg you to go to Erchuan with me. It's safe there!"

"I'm not leaving! I want to fight against the yellow nest bandits with all the officials in the capital!" Noble Concubine Dai said decisively.

"My concubine, it's too late! Do I still want to inform Chen Shufei?" Li Yan's eyes shed tears.

"I don't want to smear the Tang Dynasty. Your Majesty, don't care about your concubines. If you want to leave, just leave. I won't keep you." Princess Dai sat on the edge of the bed, and her tone became calm.

"My noble concubine!" Li Yan suddenly hugged Dai Guifei and cried loudly.

The stone wild boar broke in and said anxiously, "Your Majesty, the car is ready, just waiting for you!" Let's go!"

"What about Chen Shufei and others?" Li Yan asked.

"They run faster than anyone else and sit in the car!" The stone wild boar replied.

Li Yan knew the nature of Princess Dai, and ten cows could not pull back what she had decided. Li Yan had to let go of the noble concubine and left the Penglai Hall reluctantly.

Princess Dai still sat on the edge of the bed with an awe-inspiring expression.

Li Yan came to the Penglai Hall and saw that the dragon cart and phoenix chariots were ready, and Chen Shufei, Gao Zhaoyi, Wen Zhaoyi and other concubines were sitting in the car. Li Yan got into Chen Shufei's car, and Chen Shufei quickly put her arms around Li Yan's neck and kissed her.

Tian Lingzi led 500 soldiers of the Shence Army to escort Li Yun out of the city from Jinguangmen. Four kings such as King Fu, King Mu, King Ze and King Shou also followed Luan. Wang Hui, Pei Che, Yang Fugong, Lu Yinzheng and other officials followed Li Jun, Emperor Xizong of Tang, embarked on a long road to Shu. No one knows the officials and doesn't know where the emperor is going. Li Yan ran day and night, and most of his attendants couldn't keep up. Li Yan's car has been far away, and the sergeants and the people of Fang City in Chang'an City rushed into the royal treasury to steal gold and silk.

When Princess Dai saw the chaos in the palace, she jumped into the well and committed suicide. Several of her close maids of honor also hung herself after burying the mouth of the well.

The next day, Zhang Zhifang, Li Yu, Huang Qian, Zheng Hanzhang, Cui Xuan, Yang Xigu, Pi Rixiu, Shen Yunxiang, Pei Wo, Wang Yu, Li Shi and other Li Tang civil and military generals were very angry after learning the news that Li Yong had fled from Chang'an. Zhang Zhifang also heard that there was chaos in the palace, and Noble Concubine Dai committed suicide. The property in the palace was robbed, so he organized a sergeant to carry out a large search in Chang'an City. Whoever entered the palace to plunder, no matter who it was, beheaded on the spot and put the royal property into the palace.

Li Tangzhong Wenwu, who stayed in the capital, gathered at Zhang Zhifang's house to discuss the return to Daqi. After a heated debate, an agreement was reached, led by Zhang Zhifang and led by dozens of civilian generals to welcome the Huang Chao Uprising Army.

Wen Jixiu and other Li Tang officials did not agree to return to Daqi and were killed by Wang Yu and Li Shi.

After receiving the letter from Zhang Zhifang and other Li Tang Wenwu officials asking for compliance, Huang Chao was very happy and warmly received Zhang Zhifang and his party. Zhang Zhifang, Li Yu, Huang Qian, Zheng Hanzhang, Cui Yi, Yang Xigu, Pi Rixiu, Shen Yunxiang, Pei Wo, Wang Yu, Li Shi and others knelt in front of Huang Chao and shouted, "Huang Wang is on the top, please accept the worship of the subordinates!" I would like to surrender to Daqi and be loyal to Daqi!"

Huang Chao was overjoyed and said, "Get up. You are all important literary and military ministers of Li Tang. You are all talented people. The Daqi Dynasty needs talents like you. As long as you support the Daqi Dynasty, Huang Chao and Daqi soldiers will not treat you badly! Get up, from today on, we will be a family!"

"Thank you, King Huang!" Zhang Zhifang and others stood up and flashed aside.

Huang Chao ordered: "My general order, the army will enter the city, and do not disturb the residents of Chang'an!" The Chai Cun brothers took the Chinese army into the city first, followed by the soldiers and horses of the first village and the second village of Daqi.

"Yes!" Chai Cun replied loudly.

Towards the evening, Chai Cun led the Chinese army into Chang'an City. Huang Chao followed him. Huang Chao sat in a sedan chair decorated with gold. His subordinates were all wearing hair, wearing red silk and brocade clothes, holding weapons to follow. The armored cavalry walked like running water, heavy vehicles filled the road, and the army stretched for thousands of miles. Residents in Chang'an gathered on the road.

Shang asked to announce to the scholars one by one, "I, the Yellow King, raised an army for the sake of the people!" Unlike Emperor Li of the Tang Dynasty, you don't love you. Just live and work in peace and contentment. Don't panic. When the generals of Daqi saw the poor, they often gave gifts. At that time, Huang Chao stayed at Tian Lingzi's house. The generals of Daqi especially hated the officials of the Tang Dynasty and killed all those captured.

Huang Chao ordered to kill all the Tang Dynasty clans left in Chang'an, leaving no one left. Soon, the commander-in-chief of Daqi moved to Tang Palace to deal with military and political affairs. Under the continuous persuasion of Daqi soldiers and Chang'an residents, Huang Chao promised to claim the throne, ascended the throne in the Hanyuan Hall, made emperor's dress, and sounded hundreds of war drums to replace gold and stone music as a gift of ascending the throne.

Huang Chao ascended to the Danfeng Tower and issued an amnesty: the name of the country is Daqi, and the name of the year is changed to Jin Tong. It is claimed that the year of "Guangming" used by Li Tang has shown the word "Yellow". Huang Chao has seized the internal organs of the word "Tang" of the Tang Dynasty and raised the royal sun and moon surnamed Huang, believing that this is the auspiciousness that God told the people.

Huang Chao issued another order that all officials above the third grade of the Tang Dynasty were suspended, and officials below the fourth grade retained their official positions as before. He also appointed his wife Cao Min as the queen. Chai Cun was appointed as the prime minister, Sun Mei was appointed as the general, Shang Rang was appointed as the lieutenant and the Chinese calligraphy order, Zhao Zhang was appointed as the servant, Cui Wei and Yang Xigu were appointed as the same Pingzhang, Meng Kai and Gai Hong were the left and right servants, and the left and right military, and Fei Chuangu was the secret envoy. Dr. Taichang Pi Rixiu was also appointed as a bachelor of Hanlin.

Huang Chao discussed with Chai Cun, Sun Mei, Shang Rang and others, and decided to list all the soldiers and horses in Daqi and appoint military commanders in various places, which is a major event to ensure the consolidation and development of the Daqi regime.

If you want to know what's going on, let's take a look at the next chapter.