Big Hero

Chapter 24 Raise the Righteous Banner in Shu 2

It is said that Yang Xingqian led his troops outside Shuzhou and was killed by Luo Hunqing because he paralyzed the enemy. Mo Kuang was trapped in Shuzhou and asked Chen Jingxuan for help. Chen Jingxuan sent Gao Renhou to recruit commanders and led 10,000 troops to Shuzhou to suppress the rebel army.

After Gao Renhou led the troops to Shuzhou, there was a noodle seller. From morning to noon, he went in and out of Shuzhou City many times. Tang Bing, who patrolled the city, doubted the man and arrested him and interrogated him. The man insisted that he was selling noodles.

It happened that Gao Renhou came out to patrol the city and passed by from there. Tang Bing reported to Gao Renhou. Gao Renhou ordered Tang Bing to take off the seller's coat and found that his muscles were strong and there were several knife marks.

Gao Renhou shouted, "The knife marks on your body mean that you are in the army and were injured during the battle. If you are not a Tang soldier, you must be a thief! How dare a bold thief go into the city to inquire about the military situation of the Tang Dynasty? Left and right, beat me hard! Look at him or not?!"

Tang Bing couldn't help saying that he pulled the noodle seller to the ground, wieled up the military stick, and beat the noodle seller to death. When Gao Renhou saw that the noodle seller fainted, he ordered Tang Bing to grabbed his hair and pour cold water on the noodle seller.

For a long time, the noodle seller woke up leisurely, and Gao Renhou sneered: "Thief, do you want to talk about it now? If you don't say it again, I will go out your two eyes and cut your two ears, making your life worse than death!"

The noodle seller trembled when he heard it. Gao Renhou wink. A Tang soldier held a bowl sharp knife in his hand and walked to the noodle seller step by step. The bowl sharp knife was cold in the sun.

The noodle seller's opinion shook the sharp knife in front of his eyes. He was so scared that he knelt down and cried, "General Gao, don't do this, don't gouge out my eyes!"

Gao Renhou looked at the noodle seller like a hunter looking at the prey: "Little thief, who sent you here?"

The noodle seller kowtowed to Gao Renhou repeatedly: "General Gao, are you sure you can't gouge out my eyes and cut my ears?"

"I am the commander of the Tang Dynasty. Can I not keep my word in front of so many soldiers? As long as you tell the truth, I will not only embarrass you, but also reward you!" Gao Ren is generous and slow-moving.

The noodle seller said, "Then I said, then I said, my name is Yun Jian, a villager nearby. Because Qian can give some money to my parents and wives, I went to Qianneng. This time, he sent me to Shuzhou to collect your information. Unexpectedly, he was recognized by General Gao!"

Gao Renhou nodded and asked pleasantly, "Yun Jian, do you want to save the lives of your parents and wives?"

"General Gao, I have already recruited you. You can't lose your trust! Don't arrest my parents and wives!" The sword cried.

Gao Renhou smiled secretly: "Xun Jian, don't worry, I won't embarras your parents and wife. But if you want your parents and wife to live well, you must do something for me!"

"What's the matter? As long as I can do it, I will definitely do it!" The sword asked.

Gao Renhou said, "I let dozens of Tang soldiers dress up as the children of the people and go to the camp of Changneng with you. Just tell the canneng that they volunteered to join you in your village. In addition, I sent troops to protect your parents and wife. If you fool me, you know what the consequences are!"

Yun Jian was shocked: "General Gao, I will listen to you. You must not mess around, my parents and wives!"

Gao Ren laughed and said, "Then let's take action. You take us to your parents and wives first. I will block your village. No one can come in!" Tang soldiers who went to Qianneng Camp with you, you have to open the door of the thief village with them in the middle of the night and enlarge the Tang army to enter the village, do you understand?

"I see!" The sword nodded and bowed.

After Yunjian became a shameful traitor of the Jianneng Uprising Army, he did it according to Gao Renhou's arrangement. With the cooperation of the Tang soldiers who entered the village, Gao Renhou led the army to kill the Jianneng camp in one fell swoop. The Rebels were caught off guard and defeated by the Tang army. Jianneng, Luo Hunqing, Juhu Monk, Luo Fuzi and Han Qiu took the remnants with the night. He retreated to the Shuangliu area and set up a camp there.

Gao Renhou did not break his promise and rewarded the sword. Gao Renhou continued to adopt the despicable trick of differentiation and disintegration. He said to the captured volunteers: "You were blinded by the thief's head for a while, and you joined the thief army. I understand. Now as long as you listen to me honestly, I promise that you will be rewarded for your small safety like a sword!"

The captured volunteers were all illiterate farmers. When Gao Renhou said so, their minds began to waver.

Gao Renhou continued to stir up and said, "If you want me to pardon your family, you have to go back and whisper to the others in the camp: 'General Gao, you are all kind people and controlled by the head of the thief. The situation is really a last resort. General Gao is coming to save you and wash away your grievances. When General Gao comes, you have to throw away your weapons and surrender. General Gao asks people to write the word "return to obedience" on your back, so that you can go back and continue your old work. What General Gao wants to kill is just Qian Neng, Luo Hunqing, Ju Hu Sang, Luo Fuzi and Han Qiu, and they will definitely not implicate the people.

Hearing this, more than 100 captured volunteers actually believed Gao Renhou's words and expressed their willingness to obey Gao Renhou's command like Yun Jian.

If you want to know what's going on, let's take a look at the next chapter.