Big Hero

Chapter 26 Action to Remove Rape

It is said that Huang Chao, the emperor of the Great Qi Dynasty, was depressed by the failure of the uprising of Shudi and Han Xiusheng. In addition, Chang's grain and grass were in urgent need, so he had no psychological politics and rowed with a group of maids in the Taiye Pool to relieve his worries.

Xiqin, the maid of honor, twisted her waist and came to Huang Chao and said attentively, "Your Majesty, I will play a song to relieve your boredom, okay?"

Huang Chao was worried about the urgent matter of Chang'an's grain and grass. Seeing Xi Qin's soft words, he said, "Xi Qin, then play a song for me!"

Xiqin smiled and played the zither in the cabin. The music was crisp, touching and lingering.

Another maid of honor, Yu Ying, knelt in the cabin and drank wine for the yellow nest.

Huang Chao drank more than a dozen cups in a row and felt that his head was heavy, so he said, "Today I can't drink much. I want to rest early. Xi Qin and Yu Ying, you two help me to the Xunfeng Hall to rest!"

"I obeyed!" Xi Qin and Yu Ying said in unison.

After the dragon boat was on the shore, Huang Chao walked step by step to the bedroom of Xunfeng Hall with the help of Xi Qin and Yu Ying.

Xiqin and Yu Yingping retreated from other maids of honor, changed clothes for Huang Chao, and helped Huang Chao lie down to rest.

For a moment, the yellow nest snored like thunder.

Xi Qin wink at Yu Ying. Yu Ying went to the door of the bedroom and observed the movement outside.

Yu Ying saw more than a dozen maids standing outside. At this time, the sky was getting late, and the western sky was still burning with sunset.

Yu Ying quickly walked to Xi Qin, and her eyes suddenly opened. She bent down and gently moved a floor by the bed with her hand. The floor was gently picked up by Yu Ying. Yu Ying quickly picked up a sharp knife inside and walked to Huang Chao step by step.

Xi Qin went to the corner of the bedroom and picked up a wooden stick.

The yellow nest is completely unaware of the danger and is still in a deep sleep state.

Yu Ying walked to the bedside, gritted her teeth, held a second-hand knife, and suddenly pricked into the chest of the yellow nest!

It was late. At that time, I saw a young woman rushing into the outside of the bedroom. She raised her right hand and a flying knife, as fast as lightning, was right wrist.

"Bitch! Don't hurt my husband!" The young woman gave a shout. She was the imperial concubine Jin Long.

Yu Ying's right wrist was stabbed by Jin Long's knife, which was painful. Her right hand was loosened, but her left hand still stabbed Huang Chao with a sharp knife!

At this time, Huang Chao has heard the sound. Although he is in a state of deep sleep, his long combat career has made Huang Chao maintain a high degree of vigilance no matter what state he is in. Huang Chao rolled to the right side of the imperial bed. Yu Ying's knife was pierced on Huang Chao's left arm, and blood flowed.

Xi Qin did not panic at this time, but swung a wooden stick and hit Huang Chao hard on the head!

What a yellow nest, worthy of being a direct disciple of Shaolin, a martial arts master in the late Tang Dynasty, didn't wait for Xi Qin's wooden stick to come to his head, curled up his left leg and kicked Qin's stomach.

Xiqin screamed, took off his hand, flew five feet away, hit his head against the wall, and died.

Yu Ying did not stab Huang Chao with a knife. Her heart was busy. Huang Chao's right leg rose again and kicked Yu Ying's sharp knife away.

Yu Ying suddenly rushed to Huang Chao, second-hand trying to get stuck in Huang Chao's neck for the final fight.

Jin Long rushed to Yu Ying and knocked Yu Ying to the ground with one punch. Yu Ying struggled to get up. Jin Long rushed forward, stepped on Yu Ying's neck with his right foot, and shouted, "Bitch, who told you to do it?"

"No one instructed me to kill Huang Chao!" Yu Ying glared at Jin Long.

"I'll make you hard-mouthed!" Jin Long's right foot exerted a little strength, Yu Ying gasped like a cow, and his expression was painful.

At this time, Huang Chao had torn open the sheets, temporarily bandaged the wound of his left arm, and walked to Yu Ying.

Huang Chao shouted, "Bitch, I usually treat you and Xi Qin very much. Why do you want to do it?"

Yu Ying scolded, "Huang Chao, since you led the army into Chang'an, your soldiers have killed me and Xiqin's parents. We have always wanted to avenge this! It is God's will to kill today! Don't be talky. Do it. You won't do it if you're afraid of death!"

"My subordinates killed your parents? Tell me, who are your parents? Generals of Qi will not kill people for no reason!" Huang Chao asked.

"Remember Yucong, I'm his daughter! Xi Qin is Zhao Meng's daughter! We changed our names and disguised as folk singers. We moved you with our talents before we entered the palace to avenge our parents!" Yu Ying shouted.

"So that's it, Yu Ying, Xi Qin is dead, and God has the virtue of life. I can't bear to kill you. Go out of the palace. The reason why you and Xi Qin's parents were ordered by me to be executed is that they did not work for Daqi, but gathered various forces and served Li Tang with all their heart, and I had no choice but to do it!" Huang Chao said.

"Huang Chao, I failed to kill this time. I have no chance in this life. Please give me a death!" Yu Ying burst into tears, but her tone was resolute.

Huang Chao was silent.

Jin Long shouted, "Bitch, isn't it convenient for you to die? Your Majesty's benevolence is all over the world, which is rare in ancient and modern times. Why don't you kowtow and thank you for your kindness today?!"

"Take your feet away! Let me break myself!" Yu Ying shouted with effort.

Huang Chao heard this and told Jin Long: "Sister, let go of your feet!"

Jin Long raised her right leg angrily. Yu Ying stood up and walked out of the bedroom. She bowed to the sky a few times and shouted sadly, "Dad and mother, my daughter is incompetent. She can't avenge you two. My daughter is coming with you now!" After saying that, Yu Ying closed her eyes and bumped into the wall outside the hall.

Huang Chao sighed and ordered his followers to bury Yu Ying and Xi Qin.

Jin Long walked to Huang Chao, gently pressed Huang Chao's left arm, and asked sadly, "Brother Huang, does it still hurt now? It's just my fault that I came a step late!"

Huang Chao stroked Jinlong's hair and said, "Sister Long, fortunately you arrived in time to rescue, and I will die a little later! How do you know I'm in danger?

Jin Long pointed to a maid next to her and said, "Her name is Jian Xia. She is an ordinary maid of honor. She told me! It was said that Her Majesty was helped into the Xunfeng Hall by Yu Ying and Xi Qin. She saw that Yu Ying and Xi Qin looked different from usual and faintly showed murderous intent, so she hurried to me and told me.

Huang Chao praised: "So, Jian Xia is bold and careful, smart and witty, and noble. I want to commend her well!"

Jian Xia flashed her big eyes and landed on her knees: "Your Majesty is worried about the country and the people. Even if the slaves and maidservants are crushed to pieces, they will work for the Daqi Dynasty!"

"Jan Xia, in order to commend you for your achievements in saving this time, I will reward you with 50 taels of gold. In addition, I will promote you to be my concubine." Huang Chao said as he picked up Jian Xia.

"I miss your majesty's kindness and will always be loyal to your majesty! Loyal to Daqi!" Jian Xia burst into tears.

"Xiamei, don't cry. Come with me to Penglai Hall with your majesty, and you can live with me in the future!" Jin Long took Jian Xia's hand.

Jian Xia nodded shyly.

Huang Chao, Jin Long, Jian Xia and his entourage had just left the Xunfeng Hall. Cao Min, Qiu Hong, Jin Wan, Jin Lu, Jin Wei and Jin Lin came with two or three hundred female soldiers.

Cao Min asked, "My husband, I'm patrolling the city. I just received a report from my own soldiers that someone was against you in the palace. Is this possible?"

Huang Chao replied, "There is such a thing."

If you want to know what's going on, let's take a look at the next chapter.