Big Hero

Chapter 32 External Attack 3

In the Xuanzheng Hall of Chang'an, the military seminar convened by Emperor Huang Chao of the Great Qi could have been carried out smoothly, but because of the arrogance of Shang Rang, he dared to disobey the king's order in front of his face and asked for reconsideration of the conquest of Li Tang and Shatuo. This move still aroused fierce opposition from most of the Qi Wenwu at the meeting. In particular, Wang Yu, the general of Daqi Yangwei, directly pointed to Shang Rang and scolded, revealing some of Shang Rang's bad deeds on the spot. Shang Rang was furious and wanted to fight with Wang Yu.

Huang Chao shouted harshly to stop the extreme behavior of Shang Rang, Wang Li and others, and said beyond doubt, "The war situation is tight, and we don't have extra time to carefully elaborate the specific details one by one. Regarding Daqi's outside attack strategy, just do as I said. If anyone has any criticism, there will be no mercy! I declare that everyone is ready to take action!"

In this way, a life-and-death battle between Daqi and Li Tang and Shatuo began!

According to Huang Chao's deployment, Liu Ying and Fei Chuangu of the Fifth Army of Daqi first launched a full-front attack on the Tang army in Zhejiang and Fujian, while other armies continued to confront the enemy and wait for the opportunity to launch a battle.

Liu Ying and Fei Chuangu have been training troops in Qianligang Dazhai, and the combat effectiveness of the troops has risen rapidly. One day, Liu Ying, Fei Chuangu, Xu Jian, Mi Shi and others studied the Zhejiang and Fujian war situation in the Juyi Hall and considered how to solve Dongchang's eight capitals. At this moment, Daqi's messenger came to the outside of the hall and came in after being checked by the gatekeepers.

The messenger handed Huang Chao's handwritten letter to Liu Ying. Liu Ying read it carefully and handed it to Fei Chuangu.

Fei Chuangu quickly glanced and said, "Your Majesty is wise, because there is an emergency in Chang'an and Luoyang, and the Tang army often attacks to disturb our army and destroys our transportation line. So we must knock on the Tang army. Your Majesty believes that Zhejiang and Fujian can start with a knife first to attract the attention of the Tang army, so that they dare not act rashly!"

Liu Ying pondered for a while and said crisply, "What Mr. Fei said is that the main force of the Fifth Army is in the area of Qianligang. After some training some time ago, its combat effectiveness has been greatly improved and morale is strong. I think we can fight with the Tang army. This battle must defeat the arrogance of the Tang army!"

Xu Jian shouted, "General Liu, Mr. Fei, order it. I haven't been in battle for many days. My hands are itchy. Let me and Mi Shi as pioneers and teach Dong Chang's eight army first, hehe!"

"Well, Dong Chang didn't know the depth of heaven and earth. Not long ago, he was forced to go through the road trial. In the road trial, it was the history of Hangzhou appointed by the Li Tang court. Dong Chang is good. He became the history of Hangzhou, which is not a good name. Our teacher is famous, so we attacked Hangzhou in the name of fighting against rebellion!" Liu Ying took a sip of fragrant tea and her face turned red.

Fei Chuangu smiled.

"Mr. Fei, you have a clever plan. It's up to you to send troops this time, hehe!" Liu Ying laughed.

The generals looked at Fei Chuangu and waited to accept the task.

Fei Chuan Gulang said, "With the importance of General Liu, I will announce the combat order on the spot now. Xu Jian and Mi Shi led 10,000 troops and went north from Qianligang. After obtaining supplement from Wang Zhixin in Muzhou, they continued to march north and launched an attack on Hangzhou. Please note that this soldier is a swoop, because with this force, they can't take Hangzhou. The key areas of our army's operation are Taizhou and Wenzhou, because in Taizhou, the local hero Du Xiong has officially contacted us a while ago. As long as our army advances east to Taizhou, Du Xiong will respond locally. In Wenzhou, there are also heroes Zhu Bao to respond to our army, and in Chuzhou, there are heroes Luyue recruiting volunteers. It is estimated that this There are also tens of thousands of soldiers and horses of the three heroes. In this way, after our army occupies Taizhou and Wenzhou, we can deter Su and Hangzhou in the north and go straight to Fujian in the south. The revolutionary situation in Zhejiang and Fujian will change greatly. As long as our army moves quickly this time, we will definitely be able to catch the Zhejiang, Fujian and Tang armies off guard!"

The generals were overjoyed and urged Fei Chuangu to continue.

Fei Chuangu looked at these generals who had experienced hundreds of battles and was in a very comfortable mood. He continued to talk about his combat deployment: "Liu Ying and Ye Xiang led 30,000 troops and traveled day and night. They went east to get in touch with Du Xiong, Zhu Bao and Lu Yue, and took Taizhou and Wenzhou in one fell swoop!"

Liu Ying said, "Ye Xiang is now practicing sailors in the area of the Dongyang River. He asked him to send troops directly from the Dongyang River to Lishui directly from the waterway. First, he got in touch with Lu Yue and took Chuzhou. Then I led the army straight to Taizhou. First, I found Du Xiong, captured Taizhou, and then went south to Wenzhou to join forces with Zhu Bao to attack Wenzhou and occupy Lead this coastal town. Mr. Fei, I'm right, hehe!"

Fei Chuangu nodded with a smile: "General Liu is very smart. You have caught the key in this plan at once. I will stay thousands of miles with Cui Yu and wait for your good news!"