Big Hero

Chapter 35 Enemy's Narrow Road

At the military conference outside Jianzhou, Liu Ying praised the heroic couple Ji Yun and Gu Hong, the generals of the Sixth Army of the Qi Dynasty, which made Ji Yun and Gu Hong very happy.

Gu Hong walked to Liu Ying and looked firm: "Sister Ying, we must avenge Brother Tang Ju! In this battle with the Kowloon Army, we will use practical actions to consolidate the new Daqi Dynasty in the southeast of China, so as to comfort Tang Juge's spirit in heaven!"

"Hongmei, thank you for your statement! Tang Ju was unfortunately killed. I vowed to kill all the corrupt officials and bullies in the world and realize Tang Ju's attempted ambition. Liu Yingxing's eyes were wide open, and her voice was sad and strong.

Then, the generals gathered around Liu Ying to carefully study the details of the Battle of Jianzhou.

Under Chen Yan's strict order, Long Jun and Zheng Yi had to leave Fuzhou and went on their way uneasily. The two generals have always been at odds. This time, they marched with 10,000 soldiers and horses, each going their own way, and there is no close contact with each other. A few days later, the distance between the two armies became larger and larger. According to Chen Yan's arrangement, the Long Army is responsible for reinforcements the south gate and west gate of Jianzhou; Zheng Yi is responsible for reinforcements the east gate and north gate of Jianzhou.

Without informing Zheng Yi, the Long army was greedy and marched alone, thinking that the Qi army had traveled a long journey and the division veterans were tired. The Dragon Army took the opportunity to enter the army and was caught off guard. Therefore, Erlian urged their troops to speed up the march, and soon marched to an area two or three hundred miles away from the south gate of Jianzhou, where the terrain was open and the harbor was horizontal.

Several departments of the Long Army suggested that the soldiers and horses stop stationing, get in touch with Zheng Yi's army, and then consider the next action. The Long Army could not listen at all and still strictly ordered their troops to advance to Jianzhou. Tang Bing cried bitterly and complained.

The movement of the dragon army's soldiers and horses was well understood by Da Qi Tan Ma, and soon reported to Liu Ying, Ye Xiang, Ji Yun, Gu Hong and other generals.

Liu Ying was overjoyed. After urgent consultations with the generals, she decided to divide the troops into two routes. 10,000 horses were led by Ye Xiang along the way to monitor Zheng Yi's Kowloon army. On the other route, more than 30,000 horses, as the main force of the battle in Jianzhou, led by Liu Ying, Ji Yun and Gu Hong, launched an attack on the headquarters of the Dragon Army.

Although the winter night in the south is not as cold as the north, there is also a thin layer of ice on the water. Most of the members of the Dragon Army curled up in the military tent and squinted. Due to the continuous march, the Kowloon soldiers will be exhausted and tremble in the temporary tent.

Suddenly, the torches around the Kowloon barracks tent were bright, and the cannons were continuous. The stone throwers, crossbows and other long-range weapons of the Qi army attacked at the same time. In and outside the tents of the Kowloon Army, the Kowloon soldiers would be dizzy. Suddenly, a large number of people were killed and injured.

The dragon army was sitting on the ground and taking a nap at this time. They were awakened by the shouts of the generals. They quickly turned over and jumped on the horse and commanded the Kowloon soldiers to rush out. However, as soon as the Kowloon soldiers rushed not far from the Daqi army, they were blocked by a dense rain of arrows and suffered heavy casualties, so they had to retreat. The Dragon Army organized a company to launch several charges, all of which were repelled by the Qi army. Many Kowloon soldiers will fall into the glacier, some drown alive, and some will be captured by the Daqi soldiers.

Long Jun saw a pale red line appeared in the east and knew that it was almost dawn. If he could not break through the siege before dawn, his soldiers and horses would definitely be reimbursed. The dragon army bit its teeth and collected the defeated soldiers. About 2,000 or 3,000 people went south as if they were fighting for their lives. Long Jun thought that only by breaking through the south can there be a way to survive, because this is the road he has walked through, which is relatively familiar.

But the dragon army's move failed. The resourceful Ji Yun and Gu Hong had already laid heavy troops on the road of the Jiulong army's retreat to the south, waiting for them.

The dragon army is like a black bear, drilling into the trap laid by the hunter. The dragon army whipped the horse and was running wildly. Only heard a few crisp sounds on the two sides of the road. The dragon army's horseshoes were led by the tripping horse ropes of the Daqi soldiers. The two sides of the ambush Qi soldiers worked hard and pulled them up hard. The dragon army and horses rolled down to the river next to them. People and horses drank the cold water in the river. Enough.

This is really, when people are unlucky, drinking cold water will plug their teeth.

The dragon army was struggling in the water, and his soldiers would quickly go into the water to rescue him. As soon as the dragon army struggled to leave the surface of the water and climbed to the shore like a drowned chicken, they saw Ji Yun and Gu Hong leading the generals of the Sixth Army of Daqi to kill the Dragon Army like cutting melons and vegetables.

The dragon army was shocked. As soon as he saw that the soldiers around him would surrender, he had become the commander of the light pole. Long Jun opened his red eagle's eyes and shouted, "What kind of good men are you? I don't accept to attack our army when it's freezing!"

Ji Yun sneered: "Long Jun, can you feel at ease when you have been domining in Fujian and killing innocent people indiscriminately? Your hands are stained with the blood of the people of Fujian. Today, Ji Yun will seek justice for the people of Fujian!"

Long Jun opened his eyes wide and looked stunned: "Ah, are you Ji Yun?! Aren't you active in the area of Tingzhou and Chaozhou? I, Longjun, have never offended you, this Buddha? Why did you take up troops to attack the Kowloon Army?

"Long Jun, open your dog's eyes! Look at what the word is on my army's flag?" Ji Yun roared like thunder.

Long Jun looked up at the flag bearer next to Ji Yun and saw a red heart flag flying in the wind in the morning sun in winter, and the word "Daqi" in the center of the flag was particularly eye-catching.

Long Jun muttered to himself: "Daqi? So you are not an independent armed force? Is it Daqi's soldiers and horses? Did you lead the army to Daqi? Alas, my dragon army fell into the hands of Daqi's generals today, and it seems that the disaster is inescapable!"

Gu Hong said crisply, "Yes, Ji Yun and I supported the Daqi Dynasty established by Huang Chao. Huang Chao, the emperor of Daqi, organized our army into the sixth army of Daqi, and we were both awarded the title of general of Daqi!"

Long Jun began to act and pretended to be soft: "Long Jun has long heard that Ji Yun and Gu Hong are a heroic couple, relying on righteousness and wealth in Tingzhou and Chaozhou to help the poor. Long Jun was confused before and did something wrong. Today, I have to meet two heroes. I suddenly regret that I am willing to follow these two heroes to fight the world in the future. I also want to be a soldier!"

Gu Hong spit on Long Jun's face and shouted harshly, "Long Jun, don't act today! Who doesn't know that your dragon army is ruthless and unfaithful? Today is really a good day. You see, the sun is shining. You are buried by the river in the south of Jianzhou City. You can take care of the Jiulong Army and make Li Tang's funeral objects. Did you break it yourself? Or will it be done by ourselves?"

The dragon army suddenly stopped his luck and rushed to Gu Hong like a vicious wolf and hit Gu Hong!

Ji Yun knew that the dragon army's iron head was extremely powerful and walked alone in Lingnan. At this time, when he saw that the dragon army was insolate and made a last fight, he quickly showed his right palm and chopped at the neck of the dragon army. He wanted to protect his beloved wife from being hurt by the dragon army.

At this time, Gu Hong saw that the dragon army was fierce, let go of his final struggle, and quickly flashed to the left, but his right arm was hit by the iron head of the dragon army, and only heard a "crash" sound. Gu Hong's right arm was bluntly broken by the iron head of the dragon army.

Gu Hong screamed and fell to the ground, pale and inexplicably painful.

Ji Yun's palm did not hit the dragon army's neck, but hit the dragon army's back. The dragon army screamed wildly, spit out a mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground and twitched.

The generals rushed up and rushed to kill the dragon army with weapons. In a blink of an eye, the dragon army was stabbed in dozens of holes and died.

"Madam!" Ji Yun suddenly rushed to Gu Hong's side and burst into tears.

Gu Hongqiang squeezed out a smile and gasped: "Fair, we have won! It's nothing if my right arm is broken! Daqi's career is more important. I ask you to lead the troops now to assist General Ye Xiang and defeat Zheng Yi's soldiers and horses!"

Ji Yun listened and did not want to leave Gu Hong, but asked everyone to quickly bandage Gu Hong's wound and carry it to the stretcher. Seeing that Ji Yun did not leave her for a long time, Gu Hong sank his face and said, "If you still want to be my father-in-law, listen to me and go to support General Ye immediately!"

At this time, Liu Ying led the troops to rush over, and Fang Zhigu Hong was seriously injured. Liu Ying walked to the stretcher and her heart was twisted like a knife: "Hongmei, in order to build a battle, in order to capture and kill the dragon army, you are seriously injured. Sister Ying is very uneasy!"

"Sister Ying, don't be a mother-in-law like Ji Yun, okay? I like strong and chivalrous heroes the most in my life, and this arm injury is nothing! Now that the dragon army has been ambush, the Kowloon army must be brave. Sister Ying, you take Ji Yun to solve Zheng Yi's Jiulong Army now. I'm waiting for the news of your victory!" Gu Hongqiang endured the pain and shouted loudly.

Liu Ying nodded: "Hongmei, you are really good! I will lead the army with Ji Yun to help Ye Xiang now!"

Gu Hong saw Liu Ying and Ji Yun pulling out with the brigade to the southeast, with a happy smile on their faces. Suddenly, Gu Hong's eyes darkened and fainted. The soldiers hurriedly carried Gu Hong to the homes of the nearby people and asked Langzhong to come for medical treatment.

Zheng Yi took the Kowloon army and lingered all the way. He marched to the east of Nanping and stopped. Zheng Yi sent Tan Ma Si to inquire, and it was known that all the soldiers and horses of the Long Army had been annihilated by the Qi army.

Zheng Yi pulled his forehead with his hand: "My God, fortunately, I moved slower. If I had been as lonely as the Dragon Army, I would have buried my bones in the wilderness!"

At this moment, a personal soldier came to report: "General Zheng, the messenger of Daqi came! It is said that he came to make peace with our army on the orders of Liu Ying, Ye Xiang, Ji Yun and Gu Hong.

Zheng Yi quickly ordered his own soldiers to welcome the Daqi messenger into the tent, and the Daqi messenger presented a joint letter from Liu Ying, Ye Xiang, Ji Yun and Gu Hong. Zheng Yi took it in his hand and looked at it carefully.

The general idea of the letter is: the Fifth Army and the Sixth Army of Daqi were ordered by Daqi Chengtian to command the Holy Ruiwen Xuanwu Emperor Huang Chao to conquer northern Fujian, to calm the Li Tang army and horses in Fujian and relieve the hardships of the people in the southeast of China. If the Tang army in Fujian resists, it will be killed; if the Tang army in Fujian will be forgiven and hired.

After reading it, Zheng Yi only felt that his spine was gasping. He quickly stood up and bowed: "I will write a letter now. Please pass it over to Liu Ying and the generals of Qi. Zheng Yi was originally Pang Xun's old army and rebelled against the Tang Dynasty. Because of the strength of the Tang army, he temporarily joined the Tang camp. Zheng Yi is in the heart of Tang Ying. This time, he must become a regular and follow the emperor of Qi to fight the world!"

In order to show his "sincerity", Zheng Yi suddenly pulled out his sword and cut off his hair and handed it to the messenger of Daqi: "Have you seen it? I will follow Cao Mengde's haircut today. If Zheng Yi abandons Daqi in the future, it will be like this!"

After Zheng Yi finished speaking, he sharpened the ink and dipped it in the pen. He began to write a surrender book. After writing it, he handed it to the messenger of Daqi.

When the envoy of Daqi saw that Zheng Yi was so humble, he believed it and went back to restore his life to Liu Ying and other generals.