Big Hero

Chapter 39 Annihilation of the Ace Army 3

After Sun Mei designed to annihilate Cao Yi's Tang army, she quickly rectified the army and prepared to fight with Cao Quanyu's Tang army. Daqi soldiers were full of fighting spirit and asked Sun Mei to fight one after another, asking them to be the front force to attack Cao Quanyu's troops.

Wang Ying and Wang Yan brothers and sisters are the strongest in the fight, pestering Sun Mei for an arrow every day. Sun Mei warned, "You two are my own flesh and blood. Although you have not been in the army for a long time, you have been able to kill the enemy bravely and make contributions to Daqi. But as a great general, Mom must fairly arrange the expedition soldiers in the three armies, don't you think?

Wang Yan pouted: "Mom, it is because Brother Ying and I have been in the army for a short time that we should get more pioneers. Mom, just promise me and Brother Ying to be the vanguard generals who attack Cao Quanyu's department!"

"Mom, Yanmei and I are going to avenge our father! When his father died in battle, Cao Quanyu, an old thief, also had a role!" Wang Ying shouted.

Seeing this, Shen Yunxiang, the Chinese military document, said, "General, Wang Ying and Wang Yan, two young heroes, are eager to make contributions. They are the tigers of the generals, which is admirable! In my opinion, the generals will not have any problem with this attack on Cao Quanyu and let the two brothers and sisters command the front troops. Who doesn't know that General Xianzhi died tragically at the hands of the Tang army? This is the best time to avenge General Xianzhi!"

After listening to this, Sun Mei solicited her opinions. Lu Qi, Wen Ying and other generals expressed their understanding and support for Wang Ying and Wang Yan to receive the vanguard seal and fight Cao Quanyu in the first battle.

In this way, Sun Mei decided to let Wang Ying and Wang Yan lead 10,000 troops to intercept Cao Quanhai's troops in Fei County and Yizhou.

After arranging these, Sun Mei secretly ordered Lu Qi and Wen Ying to lead 10,000 troops to set up an ambush in the area of Baojiao Mountain. When Cao Quanyi couldn't enter the north and return to the south, he annihilated them all in the Baoyao Mountain area. Sun Mei led the army and carried out vigilance in the vast area from Niqiu Mountain to Ju County to stop the Tang army that reinforced Cao Quanyu.

Cao Quanyu has been restless after arranging Cao Yi to lead 5,000 troops to the north. However, the city of Sizhou is small, with poor food and fodder, and it has lost its strategic significance to be trapped there. Cao Quanhan led more than 2,000 elite soldiers, plus the forcibly recruited local miscellaneous army * 1,000 people, and finally put together a team of more than 10,000 people and hurried north.

Yu Lu had nothing to say. When this army with insufficient centripetal strength passed through Xuzhou, Cao Quanyu repaired a letter and sent an envoy to the city with a letter to meet Shi Pu, the governor of Tang Ganhua.

Shi Pu twisted the mouse's beard, read Cao Quanyu's letter, and laughed treacherously: "What? General Cao ran out of food? Alas, this is a famous general of the Tang Dynasty who is highly valued by His Majesty! Why did you borrow food from Shi today?!"

The messenger replied, "General Shi, General Cao's army is from the Tang Dynasty, and your Xuzhou soldiers are also from the Tang Dynasty. The crusade against Daqi is a common task for you and General Cao. Although His Majesty is not in Chang'an at present, he has been exiled to Shuchuan. But the society of the Tang Dynasty is still there, and the towns of all parties should be united sincerely. In order to fight against Huang Chao, General Cao has fought in the south and fought in the north for many years, not to mention his meritorious deeds, at least not to make any achievements. This time, he went north to Qilu to conquer Sunmei's troops. I hope that the general will take out some food to help our army for the sake of his colleagues. After our army wins, we will definitely return it twice!"

"Double return?! Hey hey, what do you guarantee? General Cao has been conquering Huang Chao for many years. Has he won? As far as Shi knew, General Cao could not defeat the yellow nest in Qilu. After crossing the Yangtze River, he won less and lost more. Up to now, there are not many elite soldiers in hand, and the food and fodder are in urgent need. Today, he came to my poor country to ask for food! Today, I took out the grain from Xuzhou to you. What do we Xuzhou soldiers eat? Shi Pu squinted at the messenger with a disdainful face.

The messenger looked out of the window silently, and his teeth bit his lips bleeding.

Seeing this, Li Shirui, the general of Shi Pu, was really unbearable, so he stood up and shouted, "General Shi, our army and General Cao Quanyu are friendly troops, both of which are the army of the Tang Dynasty. Although Your Majesty is in Shuchuan, the society of the Tang Dynasty is still there. This time, General Cao is short of food and is in a difficult situation. Finally, he is willing to lend half of the grain and fodder of my subordinates to General Cao to let him tide over the difficulties!"

Shi Pu didn't expect Li Shirui to insert a bar. Although the boss was unhappy, he had to consider the wording on the scene: "Although our army is also very nervous, since General Shi Rui agreed to lend some food and fodder to General Cao, let's borrow some!" I think so, let General Cao's transport team go to the city and receive 500 wheat. Alas, although Xuzhou is not big, my perceptivity is really difficult. Because of many years of war, the fields are barren. Now Xuzhou soldiers can't even have a full meal. There are too many people who froze to death and starve to death. What a miserable!"

Shi Pu is like a chameleon with superb acting skills. It is no wonder that if ancient officials can't learn this, it will be difficult to get along in the officialdom. In feudal society, probably only thick-skinned and black-hearted people can walk smoothly on the official road!

The messenger returned to Cao Quanxuan and conveyed Shi Pu's decision. Cao Quanqi fell to the ground with a stone and immediately ordered the transport team to enter Xuzhou and collect the wheat according to Shi Pu's arrangement.

The words were restless, and the transport team successfully received the wheat and quickly transported it to Cao Quanyu's barracks. Cao Quanhan ordered the cooks to quickly set up the stove and cook for the soldiers.

The cook opened the bag of grain happily, and the wheat saw it, but it was all moldy and spoiled. Cao Quanyu was furious, but he had no choice but to tell the cook to rinse in the water a few more times and cook it for the soldiers.

Li Tang's soldiers held the cooked moldy wheat and ate it with tears. Seeing that his subordinates were listless and anxious, Cao Quanyu hurriedly held an emergency meeting, ordered the generals to appease the battalions and ensured that they would eat fresh rice when they arrived in Qingzhou.

Cao Quanyu was so angry that he scolded Shi Pu in the Chinese army's tent: "Straight thief, Shi Pu, this time you sprinkle salt on our army's wounds when our army is in trouble, and wait for our army to recover. I must unify the army to the south, step on Xuzhou, and drive you to the Yellow Sea to feed the bastards!"

Staff Yao Qing shook his head: "Life, that's it. When you are proud, your friends know you; when you are in trouble, you know your friends again."

The generals were furious, and some said that they would simply go into Xuzhou and grab fresh rice to cook rice.

Cao Quanyan waved his hand repeatedly: "Don't mess around, don't mess around!" Please remember: Cao Quanyu's troops are the regular army of the Tang Dynasty, and we will never loot such a business! What's more, armed conflicts with other towns are not allowed! If you have any comments, put them in your stomach first. When Your Majesty recovers Chang'an, I encourage you to go to Beijing to complain and solve the problem through legal procedures!"

The generals didn't say anything after hearing Cao Quanyan's words.

As soon as this matter came to an end, there was a noise outside the Chinese army tent. After a while, the soldiers came in and reported, "General Cao, several of General Cao Yi's soldiers are back!" He said he wanted to see you in person and tell you something important!"

Cao Quanyan heard this and quickly ordered his soldiers: "Let them in quickly!"

With little time, I saw a few ragged people coming in, looking like people fleeing from the famine and begging for food. One of them saw Cao Quanyu with a knife and knelt down and cried loudly.

"Who are you?" Cao Quanyu asked.

"General Cao, don't you recognize me? I'm Xiaoding, a personal soldier under General Cao Yi's account!" The knife cut his face and cried.

Cao Quanyu listened, looked carefully, and finally recognized Xiaoding, who was indeed Xiaoding. Because Xiaoding was wearing people's clothes and his face was black and thin, Cao Quanyu didn't expect him at all.

"General Cao, something happened to General Yi!" Xiaoding's eyes are red and swollen.

"What's wrong with Yi'er? Say it quickly!" Cao Quanyu was in a hurry.

"General Cao, General Yi, he - he died in Yishui!" Xiaoding burst into tears.

"Ah! My Yier, why did you leave your father? After Cao Quanqi heard the news of Cao Yi's death, he burst into tears.

Suddenly, Cao Quanyu looked up to the sky and fell into the tent, clenched his fists and closed his eyes.

The generals panicked and came forward one after another, pounding Cao Quanyu on the back, and pinching people. After a long time, Cao Quanyu woke up and muttered to himself, "Where am I? There are many golden butterflies flying in front of me. Butterflies, don't fly away! My Yier, haha, you have become a butterfly now. Let's play hide-and-seek with Dad! Haha, Yier, don't scare Dad!"

The generals shouted:

"General Cao, you are now in the camp outside Xuzhou City. There are no butterflies here!"

"General Cao Yi died in battle, General Cao, please feel sorry!"

"General Cao, we must avenge General Cao Yi!"


Yao Qing ordered his own soldiers to pry open Cao Quanyu's mouth and poured him a large bowl of cold water. Cao Quanqi came to his senses and burst into tears.

For a long time, Cao Quanyu's eyes emitted a light of hatred: "Sun Mei, you commanded the Qi soldiers to kill my Yier. I, Cao Quanyu, and you are endless. Even if I take my life this time, I will fight with you! Revenge for Yi'er!"

Cao Quanyu sat in the handsome chair again and ordered, "I will order the army to get up three times tomorrow, eat breakfast, and move forward to the area of the mountain!" Be sure to find the main force of Sun Mei as soon as possible and annihilate it!"

Hearing this, the generals straightened their backs and said that they would obey the orders one after another. They went north to Qilu and fought a decisive battle with Sun Mei of Daqi.

Yao Qing admonsted: "General Cao, Cao Yi's new defeat, Sun Mei must have quickly rectified the army and horses, and wait for our army to enter. I think our army should rest for a while in Xuzhou, send a small team to scout the activities of Sunmei's department, and then go north to Qilu, which is safer!"

If Cao Quanyan can listen carefully to Yao Qing's words and discuss them with the generals before making a decision. But now that Cao Yi is killed in battle, Cao Quanyu is dedicated to revenge, and he doesn't care about military tactics.

Cao Quanyu roared, "Sun Mei, you made me lose Yier this time and killed my beloved generals Ju Hui and Liu Ming. I will let you repay this deep blood feud now! I don't believe it. What kind of battle has I seen in the battlefield for many years? What kind of general has never competed? Are you still afraid of Sun Mei as a woman?

The fierce battle is imminent. After all, please read the next chapter.