Big Hero

Chapter 3 Rebellion to Tang 1

At the Daqi Military Conference, Huang Chao proposed that three things must be done to solve the current crisis of Daqi, which were fully recognized by the Wenwu of Daqi.

In this way, the operation of these three things was decided at this meeting.

Let's talk about the first thing to deal with it. Huang Chao ordered Zhu Wen to send troops from Dengzhou to the north to attack Tongzhou to ensure the safety of the east side of Daqi. In order to fight this battle well, Huang Chao decided to let Ma Gong lead 5,000 troops to go to Huazhou, waiting for Zhu Wen's army to go north and attack Tongzhou together.

It is not difficult to deal with the second matter. Huang Chao wrote a handwritten letter and sent an envoy to Yuezhou and submitted it to Yue Lingfei, General of Daqi Zhengbei. In the letter, Huang Chao ordered Yue Lingfei to command the Fourth Army and launch military operations in Jiangnan as soon as possible to attract the Tang army in the Central Plains to go south to reduce the military pressure of the Qi army in Shaanxi.

The third thing is the most troublesome to deal with, because Shatuo Li Ke's army is Li Tang's army after all, and it is not easy for Da Qi to make peace with Sha Tuo, so Huang Chao decided to send messengers to carry gold, silver and jewelry to the garrison in Daizhou to explore the customs.

In addition, Huang Chao ordered Meng Kai, Huang Kui and other generals to attack the landlords south of Chang'an and seize the military supplies in these landlords' cottages.

After receiving Huang Chao's order, Zhu Wen calculated that after Daqi's main force occupied Erjing, some generals of the same level lived in the city, and some of them also accepted beautiful women as wives and lived happily every day. And I, Zhu Wen, have been sacrificing my life to kill the enemy on the front line since I defected to Daqi. In the Battle of Guangzhou, the second brother Zhu Cun lost his life. Think about my immediate superior Meng Kai, who always picks bones in eggs and scolds me in military books for not fighting well. I have to destroy Wang Chongrong's main force within half a year, otherwise I will engage in military law.

The more Zhu Wen thought about it, the more angry he became. He was very dissatisfied with Daqi, but it was not easy to attack, because Zhu Wen knew that he was just a general in Daqi, and there were many generals of the same level as him. But thinking that he had won several big battles in the Central Plains and now had 100,000 soldiers, Zhu Wen's ambition suddenly expanded.

Xie Tong, a staff member, was good at observing words and colors. When he saw Zhu Wen's frown, he knew that Zhu Wen must be worried about sending troops to the same state. Xie Tong walked to Zhu Wen, turned his cunning eyes and whispered, "General Zhu, this time Emperor Qi asked you to take up troops to attack Tongzhou. Are you almost ready!"

"Almost? It's much worse!" Zhu Wen held the leopard's head in his hand, squinted the eagle's eyes, and his face was expressionless.

Xie Tong laughed and said, "General Zhu, you may think that our army will suffer heavy losses when attacking Tongzhou, so we have been reluctant to send troops north. In my opinion, this is very bad for us!"

"What's the disadvantage?" Zhu Wen asked.

Xie Tong replied, "If General Zhu delays, Ma Gong will definitely report to the emperor. The emperor blamed him, I think it is very question whether General Zhu can become the main general of this powerful brigade now!"

Zhu Wen listened and took a cold breath.

Xie Tong walked to the door and looked at it for a while. Seeing that there were no other soldiers around, he turned back to Zhu Wen and whispered, "General Zhu, I have been holding a word in my heart for a long time. I don't know if I should talk about it?"

"Say it, you are my staff. If you have a good plan, you have to say it all!" Zhu Wen urged.

Xie Tong took the opportunity to incite: "General Zhu, what have you gained so far after fighting for the south of Qi for many years? You have your share in the war, but you don't have it when you enjoy it in Erjing! Is this fair and reasonable?

Xie Tong was originally a minor official of Li Tang. Although he has been downgraded, he has always been devoted to Li Tang and dreamed of enslaved the people. Xie Tong and Zhu Wen have been together for a long time. After careful observation, they found that Zhu Wen was treacherous and enthusiastic about fame. The two smelled like each other and became traitors. They vigorously cultivated their cronies in the army, rejected dissidents, and did everything.

Zhu Wen listened to Xie Tong's words and sighed: "Mr. Xie said very well that I have made a lot of military achievements for Daqi, but I can't enjoy it in the capital. It's really annoying!"

When Xie Tong saw Zhu Wen's face, he knew that Zhu Wen's dissatisfaction with Daqi had reached the edge of the cliff. At this time, as long as he pushed again, he could let Zhu Wen fall to Li Tang's side.

Thinking of this, Xie Tong was bold and said from the bottom of his heart: "General Zhu, in my opinion, this attack on Tongzhou is the best opportunity for you to get out of the sea of suffering!"

"What's the way to break away?" Zhu Wen stared at Xie Tong.