Big Hero

Chapter 11 Attack and Attack 3

After Shang let him lead his troops to occupy Sanyuan City, he did not want to enterprising, was greedy for pleasure, and allowed his soldiers to go out to plunder, which was discovered by Kang Shiming. Kang Shiming ignored his personal safety and made direct remorse.

Shang let him know the military discipline of Daqi and knew that he had been caught by Kang Shiming, so he said with a smiling face, "Shi Ming, we are all our brothers. If you have something to say, you can discuss something. Some of my brothers have gone too far this time! I will deal with the situation you reported seriously as soon as possible, find it together, and deal with it together. You can't refute my thin face and report it directly to Your Majesty!"

After all, Kang Shiming is still a general. As the saying goes, the official level crushes people to death. Although Shang Rang is rude and immoral, he is one of the three princes of Daqi. He is the founding father of Daqi. His qualifications are there. Now he is the general of the Northern Expedition. Kang Shiming has to compromise: "Brother Shang Rang, let us unite against the enemy and complete your majesty's trust!"

Shang Rang nodded repeatedly: "Shi Ming said it very well! That's right!"

When Kang Shiming saw the woman who was overwhelmed by the threat of Shang Rang's **, he curled up in the corner of the wall, looked at Shang Rang in horror, and looked at Kang Shiming with help.

Kang Shiming walked up to Shang Rang and said, "Brother Shang Rang, since our army is going to attack Eshan, the Li Tang camp of Eshan is very strong, and our army is bound to take Eshan for a long time. This woman is a good woman. If my brother likes it, it won't be too late to marry her when she returns. I think it's better to let her go home now!"

Shang Rang listened to it. He was really reluctant to give up, but he knew that the twisted melon was not sweet. This beautiful woman didn't want to be with him, and it would be boring to put it in the barracks. Shang asked the donkey to go downhill: "Shiming, I think it's good to let this woman go home. Alas, this bastard Li Qian, how can you bring a good woman to the barracks at will? Later, I will talk to this boy and make him clear-headed. In the army, we must not do that kind of messy thing!"

The woman listened and hurried to Shang Rang and Kang Shiming and said a blessing: "Thank you, the two military masters. The little woman has said goodbye!"

Kang Shiming said, "Let's go. Your family is still waiting for you!"

If the woman was granted amnesty, she left the house quickly.

After Qi Kerang fled to Eshan, he was shocked. Cao Zhiqi, the general, came to present his plan: "General Qi, I expect that after occupying Sanyuan City, he will definitely want to expand the results of the battle and take advantage of the victory in the west to compete with Eshan. The Qi army came from afar, and our army waited for work. The terrain of Mount E was quite complex, easy to defend and difficult to attack. I have been operating here for many years and built a lot of fortifications. This time, I will definitely ask Shang Rang to fall in Eshan and suffer a little!"

Zike let his two eyes shoot a hateful look: "Huang Chao led the army to capture Tongguan and Chang'an, and Daqi and I vowed not to stand! I have no way out. If I lose the battle in Eshan and withdraw to Pizhou, Zhu Mei will definitely not forgive me, so my army must fight to the death with the Qi army in Eshan!"

Cao Zhiqi took a step forward: "General Qi, I hate you to death! Daqi soldiers killed all my parents and confiscated all my parents' property! If you don't take revenge, it's a good walk in the world!"

After listening to Cao Zhiqi's words, Qi Ke suddenly became bolder: "Zhiqi, thank you so much! At the most difficult time in life, it is really gratifying for me to meet a confidant like you in the army! Our army has a total of nearly 10,000 combatants in the area of Mount E. There are about 50,000 soldiers in the army, and the ratio of people is one to five, so I want to learn the painful lesson of Sanyuan City. This time, we can no longer take the initiative to attack, and we will stay on the mountain! As long as the Qi army can't compete with Eshan, our army will win!"

Cao Zhiqi's expression was excited: "General Qi, this strategy is the best. Our army can win the greatest victory at the lowest cost! The Qi army is short of food and grass. Although it has added some of the Sanyuan City this time, it is still far from enough. As long as our army defends the Eshan and the military supplies in the cottage, the Qi army will withdraw sooner or later!"

A few days later, Shang Rang took the Northern Expeditionary Army to the bottom of Mount E. Seeing that there was no quiet movement on the mountain, Shang Rang ordered the sergeant to scold at the foot of the mountain and lure the Tang army to go down the mountain to fight.

The sergeant Daqi scolded for most of the day, but there was still no response on the mountain. Shang asked the Daqi army to attack the mountain. Kang Shiming advised Shang Rang: "General Shang, Qi Ke was afraid of being beaten by our army. Now we should adopt the method of fighting against a strong wall. We should carefully survey the terrain around Mount E and then study the method of attack!"

"What else are you surveying? Just hit it! Tongguan was so dangerous. Wasn't it taken down by the Qi army? Is it more difficult to compete with Eshan than Tongguan? Shang Rang held the whip and looked confident.

Kang Shiming had no choice but to carry out Shang Rang's military order and ordered his subordinates to launch a fierce attack on Eshan.

Thousands of Daqi soldiers had just climbed halfway up the mountainside and saw the flags suddenly raised on the mountain. In an hour, the cannons were continuous, and the drums sounded loudly. Countless stones fell from the mountain, and the arrows were like rain. The generals of Daqi were beaten to pieces, with heavy casualties, and the first attack quickly failed.

Kang Shiming saw a batch of generals and soldiers who had been fighting for many years fell on the hillside, and his heart was like a knife. He beat the horse and whipped to the front of Shang Rang horse and shouted, "General Shang, the first batch of attacking soldiers have been killed and injured by more than 1,000. We can no longer attack blindly like this!"

Shang Rang's face is rigid: "Is it okay for the two armies to fight against each other and seize the enemy's dangerous place without paying casualties? General Kang, the attack has begun. Once it stops, the previous achievements will be abandoned, and the consequences are unimaginable! I now order you to organize a second attack and be sure to take down Eshan!"