Big Hero

Chapter 30 This country has become empty 2

In early 813 A.D., on a cold spring day, there were bursts of cold drizzle from the sky from time to time. In the area of Chang'an City, which is located in the northwest of China, people in that situation naturally felt uncomfortable.

At this time, the main force of the Daqi army basically withdrew from Chang'an City and secretly moved to the Lantian area. Meng Kai, the general of Daqi, led 80,000 elite soldiers straight to Chenzhou, preparing to besiege Chenzhou; Huang Siye led the main force of the Third Army of Daqi to attack and occupy Xihua, echoing the first army and playing the prelude to the withdrawal of the main force of the Daqi army to the south of the Yangtze River.

For many days, Yang Fuguang, the commander-in-chief of the Li Tang Third Army, was anxious because he couldn't figure out the position of the main force of the Daqi Army. In order to find out the whereor of the main force of the Qi army as soon as possible, Yang Fuguang called Wang Chongrong, Li Keyong, Pang Cong, Liang Yu and other generals to study the next military deployment together.

After the generals arrived, Yang Fuguang said, "Our lurking personnel in Chang'an City have not contacted us for a long time, so a while ago I sent several groups of sergeants to scout the movements of the thief army in Chang'an City, and at the same time contacted the lurking personnel in the city to collect intelligence. Up to now, no one has come back. I guess ten * were found killed when they were searched by the thieves. Alas, it's really depressing!"

Li Ke said, "Huang Chao's troops are flexible and changeable. If we can't figure out the trend of the Qi army for a long time, even if we take Chang'an, it won't have much effect. If the main force of the Qi army cannot be eliminated, hundreds of thousands of our soldiers will be fed, and there will soon be a shortage of military supplies. In this way, our army will be in chaos without fighting. The main force of the Qi army came to counterattack, and I think we all have to be defeated generals!"

Yang Fuguang nodded: "The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. If you can't expand the results in victory, then you are likely to be bitten by your opponent and lose your soldiers!"

Pang Cong shouted, "Please make a decision as soon as possible. I don't think it's too late. We should immediately organize an attack on Chang'an City. It can't be delayed any longer!" Only by capturing Chang'an can we find out the real situation of the Qi army! I would like to be the vanguard, attack Chang'an City and kill the Daming Palace!"

The generals are in favor of Pang Cong's proposal.

Yang Fuguang slapped the handsome case, which made him relapse again. He coughed constantly and spit out a few mouthfuls of blood!

Yang Fuguang's face was pale, "pu pu" to the ground and short of breath.

Seeing this, the generals hurried over and beat Yang Fuguang's back and rubbed his chest. After a long time, Yang Fuguang woke up leisurely.

Yang Fuguang struggled to sit on the ground with the help of the generals and said with Distrably, "Guys, my old problem has happened again. I often feel dizzy these days. Alas, at the jug jug of attacking Chang'an City, my body is disappointing!"

Wang Chongrong said lurely, "Yang Du is overworked to recover Chang'an and should take a rest. If Yang Dutong takes a break for a while, I can act as the commander-in-chief of the three armies, and I will actively prepare to recover Chang'an!"

Yang Fuguang listened and stared at Wang Chongrong fiercely, thinking that before I died, you were eager to seize my military power. No way!

After fierce debate, the Li Tang Military Conference finally reached the following deployment: In terms of the battlefield of the eastern line of Chang'an, Wang Chongrong and Li Keyong's second army entered the zero, forced Wei Bridge, and then attacked the north city of Chang'an with a camera; after attacking Chang'an, Wang Chucun's first army was responsible for the public security work of Chang'an; Pang Cong and Liang Ying's second army Together with Yang Fuguang's Chinese army, they tried their best to find the main force of the Daqi army for a decisive battle. In terms of the battlefield of Chang'an's western line, Song Wentong and Zhu Mei were urged to lead their troops to attack Xingping and cooperate with Li Tang's main force to fight.

Before the end of the meeting, Yang Fuguang puffed up his fish eyes and showed his fierceness: "Gentlemen, I went on this expedition with illness to serve the Tang Dynasty. My bad words are in the front. Which of you is afraid of the enemy like a tiger in the battle to recover Chang'an, passively wait and see, and delay the military plane. Don't blame me for being ruthless!"

The generals looked at Yang Fuguang's gloomy eyes and wanted to laugh in their hearts. Look at you Yang Fuguang's current appearance. He is so sick, and he still insists on commanding the army to attack Chang'an. I'm afraid that Yang Fuguang can't stand it and hang up before recovering Chang'an!

At this time, the reinforcements from all sides of the town gathered to Chang'an, and the Tang army and horses that attacked Chang'an reached more than 300,000, surrounding Chang'an into an iron barrel, and there was a tendency to swallow Chang'an.

Under the fierce attack of the Tang army, the Daqi defenders on the periphery of Chang'an could not resist, so they had to retreat to the city and fight with the Tang army that attacked Chang'an City with the Daqi defenders in the city. The head of Chang'an City was sprinkled with the blood of the generals of Daqi. Many people in Chang'an spontaneously came to assist the Daqi army to defend the city and composed a grand song about the Daqi army and people to fight against the enemy together.

Shang Rang, who was responsible for defending the north city of Chang'an, couldn't help but panic when he saw that the Shatuo army outside the north city was under the command of Li Keyong and killed the head of the city. He quickly found the two generals Li Jian and Yang Neng and said secretly, "Two brothers, I have visited Huang Chao many times. The waiter always tells your majesty that his illness has not recovered and is resting, and asks me to defend the North City at ease. Damn, now Tang soldiers are attacking the North City like ants, and more than half of our soldiers and horses have been killed and injured. I think if we continue to fight, we will have to toss all this little bit! I won't go to Huang Chao. Let's just lead the troops to return to Shatuo. I compare and compare, and I think it's safer to go to Shatuo! Because Shatuo is rich in life, as long as we touch their nature and become friends, the Shatuo people will cut our two ribs!"

Li Wei shook his head: "General Shang, if we defect to Shatuo now, Shatuo's soldiers are killing in the mood, and we will definitely cut down all our people!" Besides, our generals were not prepared to defect to the Shatuo army at all. If we suddenly did this, we might be killed by our own people before we ran to the Shatuo army!"

Yang Neng said, "General Li is right. Now the Qi army in Dongcheng, Nancheng and Xicheng is fighting with the Tang army. If we soldiers and horses in the North City do this, many soldiers in the North City will certainly not agree! I think it's better to lead troops to withdraw from the North City, and don't notify the defenders of the other three cities. Let's save our lives first! Find the cracks in the battlefield and kill them decisively! According to a few soldiers under me, there are their fellow villagers in the army of Daqi. A few days ago, some fellow soldiers of the Chinese army secretly told me that the army was going to withdraw to Lantian, and their Chinese army was the last group to withdraw from Chang'an. In this way, Huang Chao must have pulled the main force of Daqi to Lantian. I think we will break through to the southeast! After finding the main force of Daqi, General Shang went to Huang Chao for reasons and asked for additional soldiers and horses!"

Shang Rang listened and hated Huang Chao. He said viciously, "Well, Huang Chao, Daqi's main force withdrew to Lantian and didn't inform me. Isn't it obvious that he wants to send our troops and horses to the mouth of the Tang army? When I withdraw to Lantian, you and Huangchao will not be finished!"