Big Hero

Chapter 32 The country has become empty 4

After Yang Fuguang led his troops into Chang'an, the Tang army was busy with grabbing merit because of the self-respect of the troops, and even started to kill. Many people in Chang'an died tragically at the hands of the Tang army.

Especially after the Shatuo army entered Chang'an, its tyrannical nature was fully demonstrated. Shatuo soldiers would plunder property, burn palaces and houses, and act recklessly.

Yang Fuguang reached the point of madness in dealing with the dozens of wounded soldiers captured in Daqi, and actually ordered his own soldiers to slaughter the unarmed Daqi wounded soldiers. Tang General Pang Cong and some soldiers saw this and were very dissatisfied with Yang Fuguang's behavior. A few nights later, Pang Cong led his loyal army and left without saying goodbye and went straight back to Xuzhou.

In this unprecedented disaster in Chang'an City, Pi Rixiu, a bachelor of Hanlin, and Cui Wei, a servant of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, sat opposite each other in an inconspicuous residential house, drinking to drown their sorrow.

When Huang Chao led the main force of the Qi army to withdraw from Lantian to the east, he informed Pi and Cui to follow the army. After discussion, Pi and Cui politely declined Huang Chao's invitation.

Pi Rixiu wrote a letter and asked Daqi liaison officer to bring it to Huang Chao. The general idea of the letter is that I will go to Daqi every day and rely on the trust of your majesty, and my life's wish is enough. In the loss of the capital of any dynasty, there must be a group of civil and military officials who died to defend the capital, and they are willing to become one of these people. It is the greatest glory to sleep with the soldiers who died defending the capital. I hope Your Majesty will protect the dragon's body, cheer up, work hard to retake Chang'an as soon as possible to comfort those brave soldiers!

Huang Chao looked at it, and his tearful eyes were hazy: "It's all because of the failure of decision-making, which caused Chang'an to fall and the fault of loneliness, which is difficult to redeem in this life! Ri Xiu is talented and one of the most talented celebrities I have ever met in his life. Now Ri Xiu is going to break himself in Chang'an, and his heart is inexplicably painful!"

Cui Xuan took a big sip of wine and said drunk, "Bachelor Pi, the shouts in Chang'an City have lasted for several days. Now the shouts are getting smaller and smaller. I think Yang Fuguang's army has occupied Chang'an City, right?"

Pichixiu's left corner of his eyes collapsed, and from a distance, it was as if he had only one eye. The so-called "one-eyed dragon" is probably the true portrayal of his dignity. But people can't be measured, and the sea can't be measured. Pi Rixiu's poems can be said to be alone in the late Tang Dynasty, a generation of wizards. Pi Rixiu opened his right eye, stared at Cui Yu, and laughed wildly: "What? Cui Shilang is afraid?! Hahahaha, I have already seen through the corrupt Li Tang court. I don't know how many dog officials are there in the fish and flesh of the people! Ruffians and bullies are all over the streets! Sooner or later, such a dynasty will be replaced by the new dynasty! Yes, Chang'an, the capital of Daqi, fell today, but this only shows that the darkness has covered the light again. But I believe that even if Daqi can't be revived, there will be a dynasty similar to Daqi to replace the dark Li Tang court in the future!"

After saying that, Pi Rixiu raised his neck, drank a big sip of wine, and his face turned red.

Cui Yu raised his thumb: "The words of Bachelor Pi are really what Gao Shi saw. Alas, I'm not as good as you, and I'm not good at martial arts. I feel ashamed of the official position of the Ministry of Officials of Daqi. It has been less than half a year since I came to the capital from eastern Zhejiang, and I didn't expect that the capital would fall! Daqi Dynasty, I don't know where to put your second capital?

Pi Rixiu looked up to the sky and smiled: "Even if the Qi army lives a turbulant life in the future and there is no fixed city as the capital, the ideals of Daqi soldiers to be equal and benefiting the people will always be respected by the people! I dare to conclude that as long as the history of China is written, the deeds of the heroes of Daqi will continue to be passed on, and future generations will definitely learn from their fearless fighting spirit and forge a strong national soul!"

Cui Xuan nodded: "Bachelor Pi said very well that even if the history books of some dynasties slander the heroes of Daqi, the people of Li people will spread it by word of mouth. Haven't there been temples and inscriptions in some places in China to commemorate the heroes of Daqi?

Pi Rixiu stood up and walked quickly in the house, chanting as he walked: "The death of Sui is this river, and so far, thousands of miles of Lai Tongbo. If there is no dragon boat in the water hall, won't Gong Yu discuss more merit? Cui Shilang, I recited this poem when I passed the Bian River, expressing my anger towards Emperor Yang of Sui. I think Li Yan, the faint king of Li Tang now, is better than Emperor Yang of Sui! Emperor Yang of Sui subdued Siyi and cut the Grand Canal. And Li Yong, a prodigal son, only knows how to play, and he doesn't have as much as Emperor Yang of Sui. Li Yuan and Li Shimin, the founding emperors of Li Tang, were heroes of a generation. Unexpectedly, they passed on to Li Yan and lost all their family!"

Cui Wei drank too much and straightened his eyes. After listening to Pi Rixiu's comments, he clap his hands like a child: "Brother Rixiu, your opinion is always higher than mine. I'll go to Yin Cao hell, and I still worship you as a teacher!"

Pi Rixiu burst into tears: "This place has become empty! Dirty and invincible talent, open and invincible. After falling red, he began to spit out fragrance, and his name was called the King of Hundred Flowers. Unexpectedly, he praised the unparalleled beauty in the world and monopolized the first fragrance in the world. My poems, you are all in Pi Ziwen Yau! I have no regrets about following the Yellow King in this life! Daqi, you will always shine in Chinese history! My name will always be connected with Da Qi! It's connected with Huang Wang!"

Suddenly, there was a rapid sound of horses' hoofs outside, followed by the sound of Tang soldiers arresting innocent people:

"Old man, have you seen the direction of Daqi's main force? When did Daqi's main force run? Say it quickly! Don't say I killed you!"

"Hight! Don't run. If you run again, you will open your bow and shoot arrows!"

"You unruly people dare to help Huang Chao beat us. It fell into our hands today. You look good!"


Pi Rixiu listened and shouted to Cui Yu, "Cui Shilang, the Tang army has captured Chang'an! According to the original plan, light the fire!"

Cui Wei shivered and stood still and hesitated.

Pi Rixiu shouted again: "Cui Shilang, are you still the servant of Daqi? If so, then light the fire!"

Cui Xuan knelt down and burst into tears: "Bachelor Pi, I obey - obey!"

Pi Rixiu strode into a nearby hut. The hut was full of flammable things such as saltpeter and sulfur, as well as a lot of dry firewood. Cui Yu rubbed a small bundle of dry firewood with Flint, threw it into the hut and cried loudly: "Brother Rixiu, have a good journey! Cui Yu came to see you off!"

A fire flashed in the hut, followed by a few loud noises. The hut suddenly ignited a blazing fire, thick smoke rolling and flames soaring into the air. In this sea of fire, a voice suddenly sounded: "In ancient times, people are also angry, and today's killing people are also laughing; in ancient times, virtuous people are also used for the country, and today's virtuous people are also for their families; in ancient times, they are also wine, and today's officials are also people; in ancient times, officials are also regarded as thieves... The kings and monsters of later generations are not in demons, but in politics and religion... ...A people's hunger and millet are full, and a people's cold beard and silk are warm. I have never heard that gold can cure hunger, and white jade can avoid cold. Hahaha...haha...ha--"

The sound went from strong to weak, and in a short time, there was no sound.

Cui Yu cried bitterly and was extremely sad!

Suddenly, with a "bang", the door of the hall was kicked open by Tang soldiers, and a group of Tang soldiers rushed to Cui Wei like a whirlwind and looked at Cui Wei one after another.

A Tang soldier shouted, "Hey, you old man, your skin is quite white. This dress is made of silk and satin. I think he is an official, and he is a big official. Hahaha, I'm finally not busy today, and finally caught a big fish!"