Big Hero

Chapter 35 Encirclement of Chenzhou 3

Li Tang and Chenzhou's history Zhao Xun was born as a general. He was skillful and resourceful. Zhao Xun once fought with the Daqi army, and then carried out a special study on the combat characteristics of the Daqi army. Because of the strong combat strength of the first army of Daqi, the first army deserves to be the champion in the ranking of the combat effectiveness of the first army of Daqi, so Zhao Wei focused on the combat style of the general of the first army of Daqi.

In the Chenzhou government office, Zhao Yan's voice was like a bell: "Gentlemen, raise soldiers for a thousand days and use them for a while. This time, the goal of the Qi army was very clear, and the spearhead was pointed at Chenzhou, and it was necessary to capture Chenzhou! I have received the favor of the emperor and will never give in to Daqi! I will fight to the death with Daqi this time! According to the report of Tanma, Meng Kai's headquarters of the First Army of Daqi has been stationed in Xiangcheng. Soon, it will attack Chenzhou!"

Zhao Chang said, "The eldest brother is nearly 60 years old, and his loyalty and courage are not reduced. Brother is not afraid of the army, and we will be bold! I think it is time to conduct a major inspection of Chenzhou's internal and external fortifications to see what needs to be further strengthened, and send more manpower to repair it. We must let the Qi army plant a big fight in Chenzhou!"

There is a reason why Zhao Chang has confidence in saying this. After serving as the history of Chenzhou, Zhao Wei dug up the trenches guarding Chenzhou City, repaired armor and weapons, and stored a large amount of forage and grain. Within 60 miles, all the people's families with wealth and food moved into Chenzhou City. Zhao Xun also recruited many brave soldiers to lead his brothers Zhao Chang, Zhao Yi and their sons Zhao Lu and Lin Zhao respectively. Therefore, Chenzhou city defense fortifications are indeed extremely strong. In the towns of Li Tangzhongyuan, Chenzhou city defense is unparalled.

Li Yu shouted, "Zhao Zashi, order that we will fight to the death with the First Army of Daqi!"

Zhao Xun waved his hand and Xu said, "The courage of the two armies are important, but this is only a basic condition for fighting. The more important condition is that if you can take wisdom, you can try your best. If you can attack, you must attack. You have to be surprised and unprepared, so that you can give full play to the highest efficiency of the army!"

Zhao Yi said, "I understand what you mean. You don't want to passively defend Chenzhou and take the initiative to attack the first army of Qi, right?"

Zhao Xun laughed and said, "Yi Di is so smart that he understands what I mean at once. Yes, this time I want to oppose the way of soldiers and horses in other towns of the Tang Dynasty to stick to the city. I have to personally lead Chenzhou's elite soldiers and horses to attack Xiangcheng and beat Meng Kai unprepared! This time, Zhang Liao and Zhang Wenyuan imitated the Three Kingdoms. When Sun Quan attacked Hefei, he decisively broke off the battle in the city. As a result, the Eastern Wu soldiers and horses could not be found in the north and returned with a great defeat. The general Zhang Liaowei was shocked and free!"

The generals listened and agreed with Zhao Xuan's style of play.

Zhao Lu and Zhao Lin came to Zhao Yu and asked to be the vanguard of the attack on Xiangcheng.

Zhao Qian nodded: "Lu'er and Lin'er are not afraid of strong enemies, and they are very gratified for their father. Since everyone has made up the determination to break the boat and dare to attack the first army of Daqi, then let's take action! I ordered Zhao Chang to stick to Chenzhou, and Zhao Lu and Zhao Lin led 10,000 troops, as the leading force, to directly attack Meng Kai's battalion of the First Army of Daqi; Zhao Yi, Li Yu and Tong Bing led 10,000 troops, and then followed up; I led 10,000 soldiers and horses as general reserves to assist our army in attacking the frustrated troops. Tomorrow morning, the soldiers will have a full meal and go to Xiangcheng to fight. Those who miss the military plane will be killed without mercy!"

Let's say that Meng Kai's soldiers entered Xiangcheng, and the Tang army in Xiangcheng was so scared that they fled one after another. The first army of Daqi occupied Xiangcheng without a bloody blade.

After Meng Kai entered the city, he did not arrange for the soldiers to rest in time, but ordered to kill chickens and sheep to reward the generals of Daqi. After eating and drinking enough, Meng Kai informed the generals to gather in Xiangcheng Prefecture.

After the generals arrived at Qi, Meng Kai said drunkenly, "Brothers, since leaving Lantian, the first army has easily taken Caizhou and Xiangcheng, and Li Tang's soldiers and horses are vulnerable, hahaha! It is said that the main force of the first army left Xiangcheng and went to the north of the city to camp. The army is stationed in the city, affecting the lives of residents. If you are stationed outside the city, you can launch an attack on Chenzhou at any time!"

Xu Cheng said, "General Meng, don't underestimate the enemy! I have heard that Zhao Yan, the history of Chenzhou, is both intelligent and brave, and has a little courage. Chenzhou is comparable to Caizhou. Chenzhou's army is in the battle strength of all parties in Li and Tang. He implores General Meng not to keep the camp outside the city for the time being to avoid being attacked by the Tang army!"

"Tang army's sneak attack? Hahaha, wherever the Qi army went, the Tang army fled when he heard the wind. I don't dare to do this!"

"General Meng, calm down, the army can't easily go out of the city to camp!"

"Xu Cheng, shut up! Again, I'm going to enforce the military law!"

When the generals saw this, they didn't dare to interrupt casually.

Meng Kai punched the handsome case and said loudly, "I now order Zhang Guiba, Zhang Guihou and Zhang Guiben brothers to be stationed in Xiangcheng. I, Ge Congzhou, Huo Cun, Zhang Quanyi and Xu Cheng led 50,000 troops to camp in the north of Xiangcheng. A few days later, the army launched and attacked Chenzhou! Those who disobey the order, behead!"

Meng Kai led the army to march, and the generals of Daqi were so tired that their legs were weak and their muscles were numb. Meng Kai saw this and ordered to camp. Late that night, Zhao Lu and Zhao Lin led the leading troops of Chenzhou Army to the first military camp in Daqi. Zhao Lu was overjoyed to see that there were no necessary obstacles in front of the camp and said to Zhao Lin, "Lin Di, Meng Kai is conceited, so he did not dig trenches and set up antlers in front of the camp. It's really a great help to the Tang Dynasty! I expected that the soldiers of Qi were sleeping soundly. It was said that I would order 10,000 horses to kill all 10,000 horses into the camp of the Qi army and kill me fiercely!"