Great Immortal

Chapter 192 Spiritual Reality

When Yang Yun heard the sound, he only felt a sudden shock in his heart. He looked up in the direction of the sound, but he was surprised to find that there was a child about three years old standing in the air. The child was wearing a belly pocket and cute heart-shaped hair on his head. If it hadn't been for this time, he was standing in the air and in the virtual spirit. In the valley, it is estimated that everyone will think that this person is just a rural urchin!

Yang Yun swept his consciousness past the child, but found nothing. It seemed that there was no object there at all, but his eyes and ears really sensed the existence of the child!

"With the cohesion of your own divine consciousness, only the strong man of Zifu Avenue should not stay here for a long time!"

Amazing thoughts flashed through Yang Yun's mind and immediately planned to run away. No matter how good the treasure is, life is not important, and the most important thing is that there is no treasure at all!

It seemed to notice Yang Yun's consciousness. The child's eyes glanced at Yang Yun, but this was the only one, and the creepy feeling filled his brain. Yang Yun's hair roots stood up, and a cool air surged from the spring hole at the soles of his feet to the top of his head. Yang Yun had seen the purple mansion monk twice, but he did not feel so horrible. At that time, he still thought that Zifu was just like this. Now he knows that the two Zifu are very likely to restrain his breath. Until today, he knows the horror of Zifu!

"Welcome to Lingxu Zhenren!"

Sanpang Taoist knelt on his knees and said respectfully. It seemed that this spiritual virtual real person was attracted by Sanpang. Although Guo Lao had already scolded Sanpang in his heart, he still made the same respectful posture as him!

However, Lingxu real people ignored the three people. For their existence, unless they are monks of the same level, they are just ants. The gap between Zifu and Jindan is not only in cultivation, but also has essential differences in their realm. For example, even if the strong man of Zifu period uses much less power than Jindan period, he kills Jin. Danqi is just like pinching an ant to death. The boy showed a smiling look and looked at the pool below and said slowly:

"If you don't come out again, I will tear down your nest!"

After listening to what Lingxu said, Yang Yun's mouth twitched. Obviously, he was a three-year-old child, and his voice was also very tender, but he wanted to call himself an old man, which seemed funny, but he not only did not dare to show a trace of ridicule, but also did not even dare to move!

It seemed that I really heard Lingxu's words, and the calm pool rolled up. A snake-like monster straightened its head. The part alone that came out of the water was two feet long, the neck was flat, and there were countless tentacles on both sides, which looked very strange. Seeing that his mouths were closed one by one, he actually spoke human language:

"Little baby! What's the matter with this beast? I don't have the habit of spitting out food for the sake of what's in my stomach!"

"Sure enough, foreign beasts are as intelligent as human beings, and they will spit out words as soon as they are born!"

Yang Yun secretly sighed in his heart that this strange beast is rarer than the mythical beast. They are all fatherless and motherless. If you have to find its source, then heaven and earth are their parents. They not only have human intelligence and qualifications, and practice extremely quickly, but also have the long life of monsters. Their talents are second only to mythical beasts, and even have The final achievements of these alien beasts are more powerful than ordinary mythical beasts!

Hook snake is a special type among foreign beasts. It also has a name called greedy snake. It likes to swallow people and beasts with greedy hearts, because greedy hearts are the best elixir for their rapid improvement of strength. They like to transform the spirit of heaven and earth with their tails. To attract the attention of monsters and humans, and then eat those who want to seize the "spirits"!

"Hmm! It's just an ant. How can I care? And you'd better take care of that stinky mouth!"

The child is old-fashioned, and the corners of the three beasts below are twitching, but strictly speaking, this person is older than the three people combined. It is said that this person has always been like this after accidentally eating a strange elixir when he was three years old, and no matter what method is used, it has no effect, and he can only recognize it in the end!

"Then what are you looking for this beast? This beast is very busy!"

When the snake saw this, he suddenly wondered.

"Nothing, it is said that you hook snakes have a very magical talent, so I want to make a deal with you..."

The boy slowly explained that one person and one beast suddenly turned to communicate with each other. It seemed that there was something important to discuss. He didn't want several people to know, but the hook snake sometimes became extremely excited and sometimes looked solemn!

Gradually, the atmosphere by the pool gradually became active, but this made the three people below unclear, so they didn't know what the real person was talking about, but Yang Yun gradually felt something was wrong, because the expression of this man and beast was becoming more and more cautious, and he must have talked about some very secret things, although he had It was changed to voice transmission, but at that time, who would know whether he would let go? He did not have the habit of handing his life under the control of others. He only saw that his body slowly retreated and tried not to attract the boy's attention, but he only withdrew half a foot away and let the boy discover his intention!

"Hmm! You are a ghost, hook snake. It seems that we have to get rid of some flies first!"

The boy hummed coldly, and at this time, the hooked snake also looked at the three of them maliciously, and a touch of saliva dripped from the corners of its ugly mouth. To be honest, the human flesh was obviously more delicious than the monster. I don't know how many monsters he had swallowed here. It had been a little boring for a long time. How could he catch a few people to release it? Pass!

When Yang Yun saw this, his body suddenly retreated, and the other two people heard the boy say this and instantly understood and shot out to the left and right respectively. However, compared with Yang Yun, it was obviously a few beats slower. How could the hook snake make the fat meat in his mouth escape and run out of the water in an instant!

The water splashed everywhere, and the originally calm water suddenly boiled up. Even the white fog kept rolling up. A flat snake-shaped monster rushed out and first rushed to the three fat Taoist. When Sanpang saw this, he immediately shouted:

"Help! It was the younger generation who brought a real person, and the younger generation is the older generation!"

However, it was obvious that Lingxu didn't pay attention to the meaning of Sanpang, but moved his fingers a few times, and a golden shadow flew out of its spirit beast bag and rushed to Yang Yun. It looked like a rare adult golden eagle king with three-level peak cultivation. Obviously, he thought that this spirit beast was more than enough to deal with Yang Yun. There is no need to take action. As for the two people who have just reacted, they are already four people in their eyes!