Big Starship

Chapter 4 First Battle

Back to the pirate group, Feng Qingyu called on everyone to hold a fireworks party. Feng Long also paid some money to reward the people of the God of War Hall. Since those people joined the God of War, they can't do * things. Feng Long gave them the principle: "If people don't offend me, I won't offend them. If people offend me, they can't stand it. They can't stand it. Put up with it again."

A classic sentence attracted people's complaints about him. Those teenagers are used to being pirates and are itchy all over without fighting for a few days.

Therefore, after everyone's negotiation, they also put forward the idea of a friendly war with Feng Long, and it contains a number of services, such as one-on-one, group fighting, field warfare, etc. Feng Long heard one of the first two big, but Li Fei was very interested, so Feng Long agreed to them and try for a month.

In fact, most of the training time of these people is spent in the game warehouse, because now they are fighting, fighting warships, starships and so on. Landing soldiers are useless on the battlefield. What's more, these pirates are all elites of landing soldiers without training.

And now, physical training has also been replaced by their friendship. These reckless men do not know how to show mercy when they start. There is always a lack of arms and legs, but now it is very simple for technology to make artificial cells and bone marrow.

So Feng Long is also very open to them on this point, and he also participates in them from time to time.

There are several friendly battles with these little brothers every day. At the beginning, Feng Long also had a win and a win, which also made him lose face for the boss and began to train hard. Later, he gradually pulled back the winning rate.

During the training that day, Feng Qingyu called Feng Long and said, "Your second uncle is in trouble. I'll take some brothers to support the scene. Will you go?" Feng Long spread out his hands and said, "Forget it. I'm still training and help you take care of the house by the way." After hearing this, Feng Qingyu patted him on the head and said, "Well, then I'll go. You can practice yours."

After the two said goodbye, Feng Qingyu took a group of people out. At this time, Feng Long was still training. Less than an hour after Feng Qingyu left, a man ran in in panic and said to Feng Long, "Young master, it's not good. A large group of people are about to attack."

Feng Long wiped his sweat, frowned and asked, "What's the matter? How many people are there?"

After hearing this, the man immediately replied, "On the day the young master left, the captured prisoners just blew themselves up and blew up many important facilities, and then a group of people began to attack the leader planet. They had 4,000 anti-terrorism warships and 300 reconnaissance ships."

After hearing this, Feng Long threw down the towel and shouted, "Damn the fork, has the defense system been activated?" The man said, "The defense system was captured and blown up, but it's not serious. People have been sent to repair it."

Well, Feng Long pondered for a while and ordered, "Contact my father immediately and tell him the situation. In addition, divide all the brothers on the planet into three groups, one wave of scattered to destroy their reconnaissance ships, one wave to kill the 4,000 search warships, and wait for the second wave to kill the reconnaissance ships to support them. Also, hurry up to repair the defense system and start it immediately after repairing.

The man who came in answered and left. After the man left, Feng Long turned around and said, "Brothers, raise soldiers for a thousand days and use troops for a while. Now it's your turn to fight for the Red Shark Pirates, but there will be sacrifices in the battle. Are you afraid?" More than a hundred people shouted in unison, "Don't be afraid."

"Okay." Feng Long shouted, "All the members of the God of War Hall obeyed the order and ran to the tarmac. The two of them had a fighter plane and were on standby. Once the war began, they would not pull the backs of the two warships for me. Do you understand?"

"I understand." Another earth-shaking response.

Finally, Feng Long shouted, "The head can be broken, the blood can be shed, and the red shark's reputation cannot be humiliated." The people below also shouted, "The head can be broken, the blood can be shed, and the red shark's reputation cannot be humiliated."

The battle slowly began in the universe. The people who were divided into three groups had begun to carry out Feng Long's orders. The people of the God of War were still on the tarmac. Feng Long asked Yang Xue to help him connect the video of the enemy's first ship.

After the video was connected, Wang Jing stood there. Before she could speak, a man in his twenties in a red robe said, "Well, the red shark is dead. No one actually sent a little girl to talk to me."

Wang Jing just said a word of me with an angry face and was pulled over by Feng Long. Feng Long stood in Wang Jing's position and shouted at the video, "What the fuck did you jump out of? Dare to be wild here." The person on the other side of the video said flatly, "There's another kid, and he has no tutor."

"Stop talking nonsense." Feng Long patted the table and shouted, "Do you fucking want to fight or make peace?" After hearing this, the man smiled and said, "Since I came here naturally, I want to fight, and..."

"You want to fight, right? OK, I'll fight with you."

Feng Long interrupted his nonsense, ignored his expression after his words were interrupted, and directly cut off communication.

After Feng Long hung up the communication, the four women said in unison, "Let's go, too." At this time, Feng Long no longer looked at the expression just now and said with a soft smile, "Sisters, isn't it causing trouble for you to go? Stay at the base and wait for me to come back." After saying that, Feng Long rushed out of the door.

Feng Long ran to the tarmac and got on a single fighter plane. When he was about to take off, the video table suddenly rang. After he connected the video, the man who just came in said, "Young master, the defense system has been repaired. Just wait for the young master's order to open it."

Feng Long fastened his seat belt, turned his head to the video table and said, "Okay, open it as soon as we fly out of the atmosphere."

After saying that, without waiting for the man to answer, he directly hung up the communication, and then connected the video of hundreds of fighter planes and roared at the screen: "God of War, all attack, live for war, and die."

Hundreds of people immediately shouted: "If you live for war, you will die." After shouting, a fighter plane broke out of the air. After Feng Long put on his helmet, the fighter jets rushed into space late.

After nearly 100 fighter planes and a fighter jet rushed out of the atmosphere, the whole planet was shrouded in a green light curtain. Feng Long said to everyone with a full helmet: "All the people in the God of War Hall flew into the meteorite belt and fought a terrain war with them. Remember, as long as they consume their protective shield energy, the task of annihilation is entrusted to others. Brother."

Hundreds of people roared: "Wow... Oh..." Then he followed Feng Long to fly into the meteorite belt.

At this time, at the red shark base, four women looked at the two dark clouds in the sky with high-power telescopes. Li Fei took the lead in throwing away the telescope and ran to the tarmac, followed by Liu Ting, Wang Jing and Yang Xue.

Four fighters rushed out of the planetary defense system, scattered into an irregular route and flew into the enemy camp. They jumped up and down in the enemy aircraft, never stopped in one place, and guided the enemy warships to collide several times.

Feng Long sent a video request to them anxiously, but the four women did not answer. After a while, he ordered the people of the meteorite belt: "Every four fighter planes concentrated on attacking a warship on the edge of the enemy array until they sank."

Without waiting for everyone's reaction, the zigzag route flew into the enemy fleet. The invasion of five fighters had a great impact on the enemy ship.

In the first ship, the red-robed man angrily ordered his subordinates: "Focus on fire, sweep the meteorite belt, and then pull me closer and sink the five fighters."

A thick beam of laser light swept through the meteorite belt, and the brothers who were responsible for scouting ships and attacking enemy warships also sent information about lack of energy and requested a return. Finally, less than 100 warships were left to slowly move closer under Feng Long's order.

In the process of approaching, the four women sent a video request to Feng Long. After Feng Long connected, he saw the four women asking him what to do with a sad face. Seeing the four women's faces, Feng Long shed two lines of tears and said to the four women, "I'm sorry, I hurt you. If I don't take you out, you should be leisurely in the base at this moment. Let's have fun?"

"Enough of you." Liu Ting said excitedly, "Who told you that we blame you? We have been very happy these days and feel the existence of our family again. It's all because of you, and this time, we rushed in ourselves, which has nothing to do with you."

The other three women listened to the dialogue between the two and looked at Feng Long with complicated eyes.

In the silence of the five people, a thick laser shot through the first ship of the enemy ship. After that, everyone found that a group of various warships and starships opened an encirclement to the enemy ship, and then slowly narrowed the encirclement.

The heads of Feng Qingyu and Feng Qinghai appeared on Feng Long's video. Feng Qingyu said, "Good son, you did a good job. Let's leave it to us next." Feng Qinghai also laughed and said, "Haha, heroes always appear one step late."

The video between the two hung up. Feng Long simply wiped away his tears at this moment, smiled at the projection of the four women, and lay relaxedly in the cabin.

Feng Qingyu found out that the person who attacked the base was from the Magic Dragon Pirates. Feng Long received the Red Shark Guard and changed the name of the organization to God of War. After training for half a month, Zhang Wen and Zhang Wu became the division of the God of War.

Feng Long divided the God of War into seven halls, the War Tiger Hall, the War Elephant Hall, the War Leopard Hall, the Intelligence Hall, the Finance Hall and the Penal Hall. Zhang Wen took over the War Tiger Hall, Zhang Wu took over the War Elephant Hall, Li Fei took over the War Leopard Hall, Yang Xue took over the Intelligence Hall, Wang Jing took over the Finance Hall, and Feng Long was the head of the head of the prison hall.

It has been more than half a month since the establishment of the God of War. Feng Long still has not forgotten the hatred of the God of War. Feng Qingyu is also restoring the strength of the Red Shark at this moment. Feng Qinghai has been staying in the Red Shark and has not returned, because he has nothing to do.

Three days later, Feng Long felt that it was almost done, so he went to Feng Qingyu to discuss it. After obtaining consent, Feng Long came to the training ground of the God of War, gathered the crowd, and said sadly, "Brothers, you should have heard that the predecessor of the God of War is the God of War Hall, right?"

After seeing everyone nodding, Feng Long said with a ferocious face, "Just half a month ago, a group of magic dragon pirates attacked our headquarters. I believe most of them participated in the war. You all witnessed the brothers of the God of War. The scene of tragic death in the meteorite belt, right?

"Here, I just want to say one thing, follow me if you want to avenge them."

More than 400 people below immediately shouted in unison, "I am willing to follow the master to the death."