Big Starship

Chapter 19 Cousin

When he was about to play cards, Feng Long suddenly thought of something and asked He Shuang, "Brother He, I don't know what you do?" When He Shuang heard the words, a trace of pride flashed between his eyebrows and said, "Big brother's business, from arms to toys, includes everything."

"Oh? Isn't the eldest brother bragging?" Feng Long looked at He Shuang with contemptuous face. Seeing that Feng Long didn't believe it, He Shuang hurriedly took out his business book and pointed to it a few times.

When Feng Long saw the whole series of projection projected by the commercial book, his surprised mouth became O-shaped. On one page, there were all kinds of warships and models. Then he turned over again and again. Feng Long's hands were numb, and he saw another page of toys, milk powder, condoms, **ยทยทยท

It can be said that it is an encyclopedia. Only what you can't imagine is that you can't buy it. He Shuang pouted and asked awesomely, "Is this the letter?" Feng Long said in a daze, "Well, I believe it, I believe it."

The two talked nonsense and have arrived at the door of Feng Long's house. At the border of the Red Shark Pirates, Feng Long is not afraid of He Shuang's own home. Nonsense. If you dare to enter the chaotic galaxy, you are naturally ready to meet pirates, terrorist organizations and so on. Sure enough, He Shuang still talks and jokes with Feng Long. I'm just amazed at the strength of the Feng Long family.

Feng Qingyu sent to pick up Feng Long's warship, which has been connected to the hatch of the commercial ship. Before leaving, Feng Long turned to He Shuang and smiled, "Brother He, why don't you sit at my house for a while and have a cup of tea or something?"

He Shuang only said polite words as Feng Long, so he smiled and said, "Ha ha, no need to. The eldest brother has something else to do. I'll visit him another day." After hearing this, Feng Long still smiled and said, "Haha, brother, if you don't come today, you will definitely come to me in three days. If the brother who guards the door won't let you go, it has nothing to do with me."

He Shuang only said that Feng Long was talking about the source of goods. He asked him to help him contact the source of goods. He would definitely come to him in the near future, so he didn't pay attention to it. As for what Feng Long's outside means, only he knew it himself.

Sure enough, three days later, Feng Long received a notice from his younger brother that there was a star businessman named He Shuang who came to find him. Feng Long wanted to hang his appetite, so he ordered him to 'wait" outside first. He didn't think that it would take half an hour to wait. Feng Long was watching secretly, and He Shuang had already showed his intention to leave. Feng Long When he swaggered to pass by, he saw He Shuang outside and picked him up enthusiastically.

At the same time, Feng Long also said to the doorkeeper, "How can you stop Brother Shuang? Haven't you seen the news? The famous rich businessman in the universe will see him next time..." After half an hour of criticism, he entered the house with He Shuang. Before He Shuang entered the house, he said to Feng Long, "Little brother, I have inquired about it around. This is from your whale shark, and it was from your Feng Long. This is your brother's unkindness.

"Hahahaha." Feng Long put his arms around He Shuang's neck and laughed and said, "I told you that you would come in three days. If I had known that you would come, you would come. So many things have happened?" He Shuang was very unhappy when he heard this. He pinched Feng Long's neck and said, "Wow, if you had said that the goods were with you, wouldn't I come? It made me run around and browse the whole mess. Do you know how much gas money you spent on me???

Feng Long and He Shuang have already sat on the sofa in the living room. Feng Long sent his younger brother to take some samples of goods and looked at the *, *, *, Erguotou, Lao Baigan, sake... He Shuang's saliva unconsciously flowed down. Feng Long looked at the sand seeping into the sand. The saliva twitched at the corners of his eyes, but He Shuang didn't realize it. After a while, he picked up a bottle and chatty.

Looking at the soaked sofa, Feng Long cleverly grabbed the bottle in He Shuang's hand and said, "Ha ha, seeing that the eldest brother is so interested, the price of the younger brother will be charged by the eldest brother. What do you think?" Oh?" When He Shuang heard that he was going to talk about business, she sorted out her mood and said, "How much is that brother going to charge my brother?" Feng Long hesitated for a moment, and finally looked at He Shuang with a helpless expression.

"Well, then I'll give up my love." Feng Long frowned and said, "*600 star coins per gram, *, * are all the price, two pots 100 star coins one taels, old white dry one or two 136 star coins, the little brother is the master, no need, sake, island domestic products, worthless, the eldest brother makes 200,000 star coins each time, the younger brother sends two barrels, that's the price, you What do you think?"

Poor He Shuang stayed there after hearing this, and Feng Long laughed in his heart, because his so-called 'bearance and love' is to triple the sum of the price and transportation costs, profiteers and profiteers, no profiteers...

After clearing his thoughts, He Shuang said with a bitter face, "Isn't you Brother Yin? You are also a little lower than the price on the market." After hearing this, Feng Long opened his eyes and said, "Oh, this is what you don't know. I've always been doing business for the sake of the people, and the goods I go out only earn so much. Besides, if you purchase more goods at a time, the price difference is also a lot, isn't it?"

He Shuang was speechless by Feng Long, hummed for a long time, and said, "Then there is no room for further pressure?" Feng Long sneered and said, "Well, the last blow is coming." He said with a sad face, "Brother, it's not that I don't want to suppress it. If I really press it again, I will lose money. Business is a win-win situation, isn't it? And I still have to run a house. Such a large pirate group is waiting for me to pay for it."

The final result, for every 200,000 business He Shuang, Feng Long gave him three barrels of sake, and other aspects remained unchanged...

The four women are really not family guards. This, they also pulled Feng Long to accompany them around the chaotic galaxy. Feng Long was sad, but he could only recognize it. Several people were in a small warship, followed by 20 frigates, which was strongly requested by Feng Qingyu and Feng Qinghai. The beautiful name said: "The whale shark is too messy. I'm afraid that some forces will trouble Feng Long. Twenty Z-class warships are all driven by the Crazy Shark Guard.

The classification of warships, starships and other items in the 78th century is arranged from A to Z, which is becoming more and more advanced. Therefore, although Feng Long is not a star ship, although there are only 20, it is also composed of elites. There are some small forces or other subordinate forces that can't even produce 20 Z-class warships. , but only in a few, unless there are backs, these small forces are swallowed up by nearby forces when they appear.

When Feng Long and four women strolled on the street, 20 of the 60 battleship pilots secretly protected five people. The rest of the left-behind warships and the trading area of chaotic galaxies dared to sell anything, as large as all kinds of starships, warships, snacks, snacks, and not all kinds of beautiful female slaves, burly Male slaves, Feng Long also found the drugs, liquor and so on from his own, and the four women were also very happy to go shopping.

By noon, Feng Long was about to be buried in large and small shopping bags. Then the four women decided to eat something. The five people walked into a small restaurant. Feng Long saw the female boss's wife coming towards him with a smile and greeted him with a smile. The female boss's wife walked to Feng Long. He glanced at Feng Long and the four women and said with a smile, "Welcome, what would you like to eat?"

Feng Long glanced around the restaurant. The restaurant has two floors and is a retro-style building. Now it is estimated that there is no time to eat, so there are not many people. There are only a few scattered tables. At this time, Feng Long saw a table of people in the middle of the first floor, with a plate of barbecue on the table, and the rest are wine, white wine, and liquor sold by Feng Long.

Feng Long thought, "Haha, these people took care of their business so much that they also sat on the table next to these people with four women."

After sitting down, Feng Long found that the kind boss's wife followed him and smiled, "Ha ha, I'm sorry, let's have a plate of barbecue, a fruit salad, and a specialty soup in our restaurant. Don't be too greasy. That's all. Thank you." The boss's wife smiled and wrote down the dishes Feng Long said on the electronic board, and then said, "You're welcome. Please wait a moment."

As soon as the boss's wife left, a beautiful woman came this way with a barbecue. Feng Long was also surprised by the efficiency of the food served here, but then he was disappointed to see that the girl put the barbecue on the table next to him, who was the group of people who took care of his business. Feng Long turned his head in disappointment, but as soon as he turned his head, Feng Long heard The girl screamed and then turned her head to see what was going on.

The table man touched the girl, and the barbecue in her hand was also knocked to the ground. One of the men bigger than Feng Long touched the girl's buttocks from time to time. The girl left two lines of tears in the girl's eyes, but she did not dare to resist. At this time, the kind-faced boss ran anxiously to this side, and then He bent down and bowed and said, "Master Yun, please let my daughter go. She is only 13 years old this year."

The man who was called Master Qi brushed the oil on the girl again, and stood up and said, "Your daughter poured the barbecue down. I'm a famous brand. Can you fucking afford it? Your daughter is 13 years old, right? I just like to play with young children and let her sleep with her for one night. That's all. That's all. Forget it, otherwise, hey."

With that, he looked at the girl, who stood there trembling with fear.

At this time, He Yun, the son of the Fenglong Mercenary Regiment, heard a sentence.

"Otherwise?" Then he turned his head and looked at Feng Long. That's right, that's what Feng Long said.

He Yun just turned his head, and a chair had flown in front of him, "Bang." Ah." Dong."

The chair was so painful that he shouted on his ** face, and then made a close contact with the ground. As soon as he got up and was ready to attack, Feng Long didn't give him a chance. He took another chair in his hand and said, "My cousin sent me a barbecue. Damn it, take your claws to trip her and the old Zi's barbecue has been overturned. What the hell do you want to do now?

When He Yun heard what Feng Long said, he covered his mouth with two teeth missing and said vaguely, "Is this chick your mother your cousin? Who the hell are you smattering? I haven't seen you, you..."

This man still had nothing to say, but a chair flew towards him. He couldn't avoid it quickly. Feng Long didn't care what he was shouting, and said to himself, "Fuck another child, I will ruin you."

He Yun got up again in confusion, and then shouted at his deskmate, "What the fuck are you waiting for? Beat me." With a word, about six or seven people at a table picked up the chairs, wine bottles and so on, and slowly gathered around Feng Long. Feng Long sat down unhurriedly and said to the mother and daughter over there, "Cousin, give me some more food for my cousin. Auntie, go ahead."