Big Starship

Chapter 27 Learning

Feng Long's mind was full of question marks, pointed to his face and said doubtfully, "Xiao Bai? Me?"

"Of course!" The old man who brought him back replied. Who are you?" Feng Long stared at him dissatisfiedly and asked. Obviously, he had a grudge against the name Xiaobai. The old man pouted, touched Feng Long, touched Feng Long's head and said, "I don't have a fever. What's wrong with this child? I don't even know him. I'm your beard master, remember?"

Feng Long shook his head. At this time, an old man came with a hammer and pushed him away and said, "Look at you. You know that you lose your temper with Xiaobai every day. The child is dumbfounded by you. Xiaobai, remember that I won't return it. I'm your copper hammer master."

Feng Long realized something at this time and was ready to nod immediately and say that when he remembered, he thought about it or shook his head. What did he have in his mind? Let's recognize all the people first. In the end, Feng Long finally recognized several old men.

Chef discus. Ship repairman's beard, mountain breeze, rice bucket. Construction man's copper hammer, steel nails. Ammunitioner sea urchin. After the last person introduced himself, Feng Long nodded quickly and said, "Oh! So it's the masters! When I just went out, I fell into the ditch and was a little confused. I didn't remember you for a moment, hehe.

"That's it." The chef's discus said with a simple and honest expression. The copper hammer came over and pushed Feng Long aside and said, "Oh, poor child, the beard must have left a shadow in the child's heart. The child's aisle can't be forgotten, and he was scared into the ditch."

After hearing this, the beard raised his sleeves and came over, patting the shoulder of the copper hammer with a rich expression and said, "Old hammer, you have learned to analyze these Taoisms, aren't you looking for stimulation?" This made a group of old men laugh happily, and Feng Long also suppressed his laughter with a strange expression.

The beard was about to lose face, so he came to Feng Long with a messy beard and asked, "How's it going?" Xiaobai, is there any place to find better wood and trees that can refine rubber?

Feng Long still didn't like the name Xiaobai, but he still bowed his head and admitted his mistake and said, "I'm sorry, masters, I've worked very hard, but still..." The ammunition engineer's sea urchin interrupted him deeply and said, "Okay, since you've tried your best, don't blame the child. "

Feng Long looked over with grateful eyes, but the next moment, Feng Long was stunned. His hair was long enough to be used as a sleeping bag, and like a thorny sea urchin, a pinch of beard on his chin and a sharp old man came into his sight.

"Sea urchin!" Feng Long was questioning and surprised and silently recited the two words in his heart. The words of sea urchin aroused the rebuttal of all the old men except the discus. The bronze hammer and beard that were quarreling also stopped and said with one voice: "*Old sea urchin, most of the materials are not used for your research, and what we can use is the rest of us. Of course, you old man said so!"

Feng Long just looked at these, smiling awkwardly, but the sea urchin scratched his head and said innocently, "Oh, well, haha, I'm sorry, you continue to beat this disobedient apprentice." Feng Long looked at him and instantly changed from gratitude to anger. From beginning to end, the discus just sat on the wooden barrel beside him and smiled, scratching his head from time to time.

After Feng Long spent a day with them, he knew that the quarrel between them was never hostile. It was just a group of old people who were bored and playing. He couldn't help smiling and said, "Really, a group of interesting old men."

When he got up early the next morning, Feng Long was won by the construction worker's copper hammer and steel nails. Feng Long complained sleepyly that there were old men here, no beautiful women or anything, while being pulled by two old men to the construction site outside.

"First of all!" The bronze hammer said, "The craftsmanship of architecture sounds very simple. In fact, it is all-encompassing, which includes measurement, planning, survey, installation, design and construction, etc. Steel nails and I will also give you additional packaging, painting, gluing and other technologies after completion. Feng Long had a headache when he heard it, but he still forced himself to continue to listen.

Lao Gangding saw Feng Long's bitter face, walked over and knocked Feng Long on the head in three or two steps and said, "What's the expression?" The bronze hammer laughed and went to choose tools. After giving Feng Long a set of tools, the three began to work on a foundation.

"It can't be like this here. Vertical lines should be hung here." That's it. Under the guidance of the two masters, Feng Long has been busy all morning and finally measured the wall around the foundation. If it's not flat, he has to level it himself. The two old men worked for a while and rested for a while.

The sun is always very hot at noon. After smoking a tube of cigarettes, the copper hammer knocks the pipe on the ground and said, "Xiao Bai, let's go to your discus master today." Feng Long was relieved after hearing this.

After putting away the tools in his hand, he trotted to the fat man sitting on the barrel and said, "Master discus, master discus, get up. Master Copper Hammer asked me to come to you." After waking up, the discus rubbed his eyes and said, "Oh, it's time for dinner. Ha ha, I fell asleep unconsciously." After saying that, he stretched out and took Feng Long into a not-end kitchen.

The discus picked out some ingredients, picked up two kitchen knives, put an onion on the table and said, "The first thing to pay attention to when cutting vegetables is that the peel should be injected love into the kitchen knife, and also pay attention to not to hurt the roots." Feng Long didn't see what was going on when he peeled off the onion like lightning.

The discus continued with two kitchen knives: "Come down, you need to pay attention to the speed of cutting vegetables. You only need to cut the vegetables with one knife, so as to ensure the smoothness of the cut noodles and seal the delicious vegetables in the vegetables."

After cutting an onion into shreds, set up an oil pan and control the fire and said, "When cooking, pay attention to the amount of oil, you should also grasp the fire. You should be able to distinguish between 'wenhuo' and 'fire', and their role." Uh-huh, I wrote it down." Feng Long listened while practicing with an onion.

After a while, the oil in the pot was almost cooked. The discus poured the shredded onions cut by the two into the pot and said, "Before stir-frying, you can't forget the 'pot'. You can use onions, ginger and other ingredients. First, you can eliminate the rest of the taste of the last stir-fried dish. Second, if the ingredients this time have a fishy smell, Like eggs, it can remove the fishy smell very well.

"The pot should also pay attention to the time and heat. If the ingredients used to the pot are burn, it will leave a strange smell in the pot, which will have a reaction."

Feng Long listened with great interest and didn't forget to ask, "Master, do you have any tips for memorizing the recipe?" After hearing this, the discus smiled and said, "Haha, my principle is that there is no recipe, and your brain is the recipe. When you slowly accumulate experience, you can completely rely on your own judgment to decide what dishes to match with. However, it should be noted that some dishes will react and even fatal when they are eaten together."

While Feng Long was digesting what he had learned, the discus made everyone's lunch and woke up Feng Long, who was meditating, and said, "Xiao Bai, go and ask the masters to have dinner." Feng Long answered and ran out. After a while, Feng Long brought the others back. When he was about to finish the meal, the quarrel between the boatman and the ammunition engineer began, so that Feng Long would learn from them first after the meal.

The builder's bronze hammer and steel nails raised their glasses and said, "Cheers for tonight's moon!" Cheers to the sun this morning!"

"Cheers!" The boatman and the ammunition engineer cursed in unison. Shanfeng, the boatman, drank a glass of wine and said, "You two took Xiaobai away in prime time early in the morning. We haven't figured it out yet. At this time, we are discussing the problem, and you are still quarreling."

The sea urchin, beard and rice bucket kept nodding, and the copper hammer and steel nails scratched their heads innocently and said, "Oh, I'm sorry, don't be so stingy."

In the end, Feng Long, who had washed the dishes, still left with the trio of boat repairmans, leaving only the sea squatting in the corner to draw circles. After taking Feng Long to an open space by the sea, the rice bucket held his big belly and said to Feng Long, "Ship repair sounds very simple, but in fact, the knowledge is all about it." Feng Long suddenly felt a big head when he learned from the front car on the other side of the building.

Sure enough, the rice bucket said endlessly, "First of all, it is very important to know how to choose materials and build a good ship. And, most importantly, the manufacture of keel must not be sloppy. The keel is the pillar of the whole ship."

"Secondly, the ribs. The hull itself is made of a keel and several ribs. For the three of us, a ship can be repaired no matter how damaged it is, but if the keel is broken, it can't be done."

After listening to the endless talk of the three old people, he began to practice by building a small boat. Feng Long can now build a very good boat, but after the three masters saw it, they were still not satisfied. They just said that the ship Feng Long built had no soul and was a "dead ship".

This made Feng Long feel depressed and could only continue. By the time of dinner, Feng Long had built twelve boats, but without exception, Feng Long was evaluated as a "dead ship" by the three, which made him only wanted to be a butcher.

On the moon, a group of people sat around a stone table. There was a rich dinner on the table, which was still made by Feng Long and the discus. Everyone else talked and laughed. Only the old sea urchin was beside him and drank sullenly. Feng Long found it and smiled and said, "Haha, master sea urchin, don't be sulking. I will be angry tomorrow morning. I'll go with you. It doesn't matter who they pull me.

The copper hammer squatted on the stone stool, holding the wine glass in one hand and patting the stone table in the other. He bent down and smiled, "Haha, Xiaobai, don't care about this old guy. I have to go with the master tomorrow."

"Farts, you have to follow us if you want to go." The three crew roared in unison, and the discus asked with a simple smile, "Xiao Bai, he has grown up. Do you want to have two drinks with the master?"

After hearing this, the sea urchin kicked him on the buttocks and said, "You are going to instigate minor children to commit crimes again. Xiaobai has decided to say so. Come with me tomorrow morning. You guys will dare to rob me again. I will castrate you!"

A group of people were talking and laughing. After all, Feng Long still did not resist the discus**. He drank two cups, and then went back to their respective homes and found their beds. They were blindfolded and slept until dawn.