Big Starship

Chapter 30 Fierce Battle

Wu Long looked at Wu Tao in silence. They looked at each other for a while and took a deep breath and said, "Don't worry, Dad, I'll tell you just transfer people to the second brother." Wu Long sighed and patted Wu Tao on the shoulder and said, "Okay, I'll send troops to you, second brother, take care of yourself."

While discussing countermeasures, Feng Long had turned over the three galaxies of the parliamentary system. Those police's laser guns were compared with the mecha, which was not comparable to the original. The star guard guns were also ignored by the power of the starship. At this time, on the main ship, Feng Long said depressedly, "Well, is there any reaction from their military headquarters? ?"

Zhang Wen also replied strangely, "No, there is no news from other people."

Feng Long grabbed his hair and rolled around** next to the videograph, shouting, "I can't figure it out. It's strange. Don't those old men know about such a big movement? It's impossible. How can there be no response?"

Zhang Wen was also a monk standing confusedly. After a while, he received a video message and said two words of sudden joy. At this time, Feng Long was still rolling **. Zhang Wen said excitedly, "Brother Long, I'm dead. Some little brother said that he found a big fish. They didn't dare to make the decision and want me to go."

Feng Long sat up and straightened his messy hair and said, "Oh, go ahead. Remember, no matter where they are this time, let them come to me if something happens."

"I know." After hearing this, Zhang Wen hung up the video with a dry smile, leaving Feng Long crazy about what medicine was sold in the gourds of the old guys in the parliamentary district.

In the presidential office of the parliamentary district, an old man with a cigar in his mouth held a young girl and said, "What! That guy just took the army away? How could those four old guys agree? Forget it, you take another armor regiment to support him immediately.

"Yes, Dad." It was Wu Long who replied. The old man with a cigar said angrily, "You guys are useless. How many times have you told me to call me officer or the president in public!"

At this moment, Wu Tao has taken an armored regiment through several space jumps to Feng Long's galaxy. At the border of the blue wave galaxy, Wu Tao ordered his men to connect Feng Long's video band. Wu Tao, dressed in a black military uniform, said harshly, "Feng Long, what you are doing now represents that you are against the whole parliamentary district, do you know?"

Suddenly, a group of people gathered in front of the video like watching a rare beast.

Li Fei laughed and said, "Sisters, look, the second son of the president, it's me!" Feng Tian put his hand on Feng Long's shoulder and just looked at the video with a smile. Feng Long pulled out his ear and said, "Ah, what are you talking about? I didn't hear it clearly. And who are you?

Wu Tao's heart was deeply devastated and didn't know what to say. At this time, Wang Jing blushed and whispered to Feng Long's ear and said, "When you took us out, you were chased to Lankan by this guy."

Feng Long suddenly realized and smiled with each other, "So who is it?" Wu Tao's forehead burst into blue veins and said angrily, "You and other pirates dare to invade our territory, hurt our people, and the four of you, as Chinese officers, but you are mixed with these pirates. If I remember correctly, you are the officer of the third unit of our Ministry of Defense, Feng Tian."

At this time, Feng Long said impatiently, "Well, you are full of nonsense. If you want to beat the young master, you can shoot, or roll home to eat milk. You don't look like watching the play." Wu Tao completely lost his mind and roared at the video, "Okay, you have guts. The whole army will obey the order and quickly line up to attack."

Seeing this, Feng Long also shouted to the video: "Brothers, they are all close to the first ship and have work to do."

In the vast universe, a regular army fleet is arranged in a sharp cone formation, with the tip facing various warships in front of it. The starships are semi-encircled, and a galaxy is separated by a semi-encirclement circle.

Wu Tao ordered to the video: "Keep the breakthrough formation, vow to break through the siege of pirates, inform officials at all levels of the Blue Wave Galaxy, stabilize the hearts of the people first, suppress*, and the army is coming with all its strength." One of his men answered and went to carry out the order.

Feng Long also said to the video: "Surround the battleships in the middle of the circle, concentrate firepower to attack the head of the enemy array and the enemy's first ships, the edge warships, aim at the enemy array with full firepower, and carry out indiscriminate attacks to prevent them from bypassing outside the encirclement, and all starships leave the camp and replenish energy and standby."

"Oh, la la!" In the video, there were bursts of roars responding to Feng Long's order. In the dark universe, the fierce firelight illuminated the depth around.

Just when Wu Tao was worried about not being able to break through the encirclement, Wu Long sent a video message. Wu Tao asked with a little annoyed, "What's the matter?"

Wu Long frowned and replied, "Dad asked me to bring another armored regiment to support you and send me the coordinates of the battlefield." After listening to Wu Tao, a dark cloud above his head suddenly dissipated and sorted out his mood and said, "Okay, I'll send it to you."

An armored regiment in the parliamentary district is equipped with six starships, that is to say, after the round of Wu Long and Wu Tao, the council will have twelve starships, while Feng Long's side, including the three brought by Feng Tian and three from home, the gap is exactly double.

After the two princes in the parliamentary zone met, Feng Long's side was obviously unable to stand it. Seeing that the encirclement was about to disperse, Feng Long shouted anxiously: "All the warships dispersed, sneaked into the enemy camp, and covered each other to disintegrate them from the inside. All the starships obeyed the order, and the two joined hands to attack an enemy's starship, and all the gunpowder weapons were all Open it, call me until it's finished."

"Yes!" There was a roar from the video of the battlefield.

At this time, Wu Long arrived at Wu Tao's first ship. Wu Long frowned and asked, "Brother, why are you so embarrassed?"

Wu Tao gritted his teeth and said, "Don't mention it, their warships are equipped with unknown weapons as secondary guns, and the starships are equipped in large quantities. Although that weapon is not fast and powerful, it completely ignores our shield." Wu Long was meditating after hearing this, and suddenly the doorman came to report.

After hearing the doorman's report, Wu Tao grabbed his hair and roared: "All the members obeyed the order and formed the formation of the encirclement circle on the periphery of the battlefield. The battlefield slowly leaned closer to the periphery to improve the encirclement, so that these pirates would never return. All the starships turned off the shield, allocated energy to the main gun, and prepared to shoot in zily."

"Yes!" Another roar came from the battlefield. Feng Long's warship was fighting a guerrilla war on the battlefield, but he did not notice the changes of the enemy ships at all.

Finally, the warship of the military headquarters completed the encirclement. When Feng Long found that it was too late, there were three warships in the middle of the two sides and sailed towards the encirclement. The battleships of the whale shark were full of fire, and a beam of lasers and fire were fired at the three warships, and the power unit of one warships was destroyed.

The captain of the warship ordered the crowd: "It is impossible for us to enter the encirclement. All the members will obey the order and cover their comrades-in-arms to enter the encirclement at all costs, turn around and fight back!"

Seeing the behavior of the warship, the captains of the two warships entering the encirclement ordered at the same time: "All of them take off their hats and pay tribute to their dead comrades."

With their order, a warship blew up perfectly in the starry sky in the distance, as if a flower was blooming in the dark starry sky. Through the telescope of the reconnaissance system, all the members of the two lucky warships saw around the flowers. One person floated in the universe with his mouth open, and one leg just flew out of the sea of fire. He was caught back again and gasified in an instant•••

Feng Long stood on the watchtower of the first ship and saw this scene and stood still. After a long time, Feng Tian asked, "Xiaolong, what are you thinking?"

Feng Long took a deep breath and said, "I admire what they have done." Feng Tian lowered his head and said, "However, the war will continue. If you are soft-hearted, the next moment, it will be our own brother who becomes like that." Feng Long frowned and said sadly, "I know. Let's mourn for them in a pirate way."

As soon as Feng Long and Feng Tian went back, a younger brother shouted, "Brother Long, can you answer the video of the parliament?" Feng Long did not hesitate at all and simply said, "Take it."

The video was connected, and Wu Tao stood arrogantly in front of Feng Long. Feng Long smiled helplessly and said, "What do you want to teach, Mr. Wu?"

When Wu Tao stared and was ready to scold, Wu Long pulled him to stand in front of Feng Long and said with a serious face, "Feng Long, I will give you another chance to hand over Liu Ting, Wang Jing, Yang Xue and Li Fei. I guarantee the safety of all your members." Feng Long simply replied to him two words: "Dream."

Wu Long exhaled angrily with his nostrils, "Are you really not going to surrender?" This time, Feng Long answered his question in a more direct way and roared at the video: "All the starships act as planned. The warships fight separately, mainly rushing out of the encirclement and play freely."

Wu Long smiled and said, "Well, since..."

"Bang!" Feng Long directly cut off the communication. Wu Long gritted his teeth and said word by word, "You have guts."

In the vast starry sky, a beam of laser and a pillar of fire interspersed the universe. Feng Long said to Yang Xue behind him, "Xiao Xue, release all the mecha, control them to break through the enemy's encirclement from the outside, and at the same time control all the fish on the first ship and throw it to the enemy starship group."

Yang Xue fell over her hair and said with a smile, "Okay." Feng Long stood there in a daze, recalling the fragrance that floated by, and infinite aftertaste surged into his heart.

The six starships acted according to orders, and all the warships played freely in the encirclement of the parliament, fighting separately and covering each other. Tactics emerged one after another. Within the leader of the parliament, Wu Tao and Wu Long were eager to kill.

is also a starship. It is twice as many as the other party, and it is still a standard excellent product, but it can't withstand a joint attack by the other party's main gun. Wu Tao hurriedly grabbed his hair and sat on the ground and scolded. Wu Long also turned around in the command room.

At the same time, Feng Long laughed in the first ship and said, "Haha, it's not a waste of so much energy to transport so many goods on the earth."

The four women also giggled, and Feng Tian also showed joy in his eyes. At this time, a younger brother knocked on the door and shouted, "Brother Long, the video from home." Feng Long raised his right hand and said, "Take it."

Feng Long, who wanted to show off his achievements with his family, never thought that Isera would go to his hometown at this time.

On the other side of the video are Feng Qingyu, Feng Qinghai and Mamaka. They learned that the situation in their hometown was not good. Isera raided with a large number of intelligent mecha, and the chaotic mecha was basically taken away by Feng Long.

It was a little difficult to resist only by the Luoluo people who had just calmed down the civil strife and the troops at home. Now Feng Long couldn't laugh and returned the video sheet to the little brother and said, "Go and call Qiao Yang, Qiao Fei and Qiao Feng, and send 1,200 ordinary mecha soldiers on standby, only many of them."