Big Starship

Chapter 33 The whereabouts of Tang Long

"Forget it." Feng Long interrupted his entanglement and touched Honglian's head and said, "Look at your appearance, you don't look like the eldest brother here. Go and ask your boss to come out." The big man hesitated for a few seconds and was about to turn around and leave when three people came out of the side door of the hall. His whole body was tightly wrapped, and he could only see a pair of vicissitudes eyes.

When Feng Long saw the three people, he frowned and had a strange feeling. At this time, one of the three leaders said, "Brother Long, I haven't seen you for many years. I'm well!" While talking, he took off his hat and face towel, and the other two also did so. With the movements of the three, Feng Long's smiling face gradually appeared, and the weapons in the hands of the four women and Feng Tian slowly landed.

"Qiao Yang, Qiao Feng, Qiao Fei!" Feng Long looked at the three people and read three names with trembling lips.

Qiao Yang squinted and said, "Brother Long, the whale shark died." Qiao Feng and Qiao Fei also looked at the person opposite with a smile. Other people in Zhongyitang, as well as Honglian and a group of younger brothers behind Feng Long, were immediately shocked on the spot.

After Feng Long found Qiao's three brothers, everyone was very happy in Zhongyi Hall, drinking in large bowls and eating large pieces of meat.

The three brothers of Qiao asked about Feng Long's situation over the years. Feng Long also asked them from time to time. Qiao Yang held a wine bowl and asked, "Brother Long, how do you know we are here?" Feng Long stared and said, "by the way, I almost forgot. Why did you smash my sister's store?"

"sister?" The three were surprised. Feng Long put down the wine bowl and said, "Sister, it doesn't matter. Why did you smash other people's store?"

Qiao Fei frowned and thought, "Brother Long, can we meet your sister-in-law?" After Feng Long greeted Honglian, Qiao Fei pressed the video table, and suddenly the detailed figures were projected in front of everyone. Looking for it, he found the photos of Honglian, with detailed information.

Feng Long frowned and said, "What's going on?" Qiao Yang put down the wine bowl and said angrily, "Brother Long, you don't know that there has been no news about Brother Long and the whale shark for many years. Six months ago, he was a little confused, beating, smashing, robbing, burning, raping, abducting, stealing all kinds of evil."

Qiao Feng said, "At that time, the three of us opened a small store to do business and inquire about the news of Brother Long and his brothers. Who knew that those short-sightedly bullied us, smashed our store without saying a word, abducted all the female employees in the store, and finally left the logo of whale shark."

Feng Long stared at his eyes and gasped in his nostrils. Obviously, he was very angry.

Qiao Fei poured wine to several people and said, "Finally, we learned that this kind of thing was more than once or twice, so we only asked those who said they knew Brother Long and the brothers of the whale shark all knew each other. As long as they were not whale sharks, we warned them and let them know what the meaning of "whale shark" was. "In."

After hearing this, Feng Long patted the shoulders of the three people and said, "Alas, you have suffered over the years." Honglian lowered her head and didn't know what to say. Suddenly, Feng Long remembered something and asked, "How did the store develop after it was smashed when you opened the store?"

When the three Qiao brothers heard this question, they all said excitedly. Finally, Qiao Fei explained, "We met Tang Long at that time. He helped us, left some people, and then told us that he opened a gang in Xiangluoxing near the Luowu Star Group to inquire about Brother Long."

Feng Long chewed vegetables and slowly listened to Qiao Fei tell the story. He learned that Tang Long opened a "Longteng Gang" in Xiangluoxing. That time, he came here to inquire about his news. He happened to meet the three of Qiao and were insulted by gangsters, so he came forward to help the three.

Later, Tang Long left dozens of people and said that he would often contact Qiao and the three in the future, but there was no more news that time. Qiao's three brothers also went to Xiangluoxing many times to look for them, but there was no news.

After listening to this, Feng Long swallowed the dish and said, "I'm going to prepare and arrange gang affairs these two days. I'll come here to find you the day after tomorrow. Let's go to Tang Long together. Our whale shark pirate group will never give up a brother." After hearing this, Qiao's three brothers quickly agreed, and then immediately ordered their men to arrange it.

Everyone played until very late, and it was getting dark. Feng Long was saying goodbye to the three of them and took the four women and Feng Tian ready to go back. Qiao Fei suddenly stopped Feng Long and hesitated to stop talking.

Feng Long patted him on the shoulder and said, "What's the matter? I can't bear to part with me. If you are a woman, just marry me, hahaha!" The whole audience was amused by Feng Long's words, but Qiao Fei looked sad and slowly said word by word: "Well, Brother Long, Brother Wen and Brother Wu..."

The whole audience was silent, quiet and terrible, and no one smiled anymore. Qiao Yang came over and pulled Qiaofei's sleeve, but Feng Long took his hand away and said, "Nothing." With that, he took out two thumb-sized containers from his pocket. The appearance was very beautifully decorated, but the inside was: "Zhang Wen and Zhang Wu's corpse cells."

Feng Long looked at the two gadgets in his hand and said with a desolate smile, "Zhang Wen and Zhang Wu, they are here and have always been by my side. I want them to witness with their own eyes the rise of the whale shark again, a footprint, a footprint... Every footprint is what they saw with their own eyes."

Feng Long said and choked. Tears rolled down the next moment. Qiao Fei took the two containers, hugged Feng Long tightly, and cried loudly. Without the temperament of the whale shark hero of the civilized universe in those years, Qiao Yang also lowered his brother's hand, and two bursts of tears swirled in his eyes.

I don't know when tears finally couldn't help flowing down. Feng Tian bit his lower lip with his upper teeth, with a sad and sad face. The four women hugged each other and cried silently. A few steps away, Qiao Feng looked at Feng Long, who was hugged by Qiao Fei with firm eyes.

At this moment, everyone's mind remembered the days when they laughed and cried together, and the heroic words sounded: "The head can be broken, the blood can flow, and the red shark's reputation can't be humiliated! Brothers, listen, you can't** beautiful women, you can't accidentally hurt children, we're just here to earn some extra money••• live for war, until we die•••”

They look back on the past, sometimes giggle, sometimes serious, sometimes sad and angry. Finally, everyone's thoughts stop at one sentence: "We whale shark pirates never give up a brother!" Everyone is thinking about the meaning of this sentence.

Qiao Fei finally raised his head and looked at Feng Long with confused eyes and said, "Brother Long, won't we whale shark really give up every brother? Once God of War Hall, Crazy God of War Leopard Hall, War Tiger Hall, War Elephant Hall, Shenglong Hall, Intelligence Hall, Finance Hall, Penal Hall... Will they come back? Are they really, really, alive to fight until they die?

Every question of Qiao Fei was like a sharp blade and inserted into Feng Long's heart. Feng Long helped Qiao Fei, wiped away his tears and said, "Yes, they will come back. They have never forgotten. They still live for war until they die. They are all my whale sharks!"

"Puff!" After saying this, Feng Long pushed away Qiao Fei and sprayed blood on the ground. Then, he covered his heart with his left hand and fell down. His right hand supported the ground and was still spitting blood. Today, he thought too much about the past. Even Feng Long still couldn't stand such pressure.

Feng Tian hurried over and wanted to help him with Qiao Fei. Others also surrounded him. He swallowed a mouthful of blood, pushed away his hand that wanted to help him up, stood up as much as possible, and slowly exuded arrogance, domineering and kingly. Finally, he stood up again under the gaze of everyone.

Under the gaze of everyone, Feng Long wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and took a deep breath. Then, in the vast starry sky, there came a series of roars: "The head can be broken, the blood can be shed, the whale shark's reputation is not humiliated, the whale shark pirate group, death, parliamentary system, imperial system, I live well, I want you to owe Mine, double it back!" This roar spread all over the starry sky.

Everyone was infected by Feng Long's domineering. Qiao Yang, Qiao Fei, Qiao Feng, Liu Ting, Li Fei, Wang Jing, Yang Xue, Feng Tian, all responded to Feng Long's call, raised their right fists and shouted to the dark sky: "To fight, until death! Life for the sake of war, until death! Oh, la la!"

In the universe, three broken starships are sailing in the blocked chaotic galaxy. Feng Long and others sat in the command module. Everyone did not say a word, just waiting for the moment when they reached the target. The direction star, coordinates ZX2360, around the area around the star, is known as the "inaccessibility zone of the chaotic galaxy".

The name alone is domineering enough. It is already a chaotic galaxy or a chaotic zone.

As time passed, the people in the command module still didn't say a word, just waiting for the moment when they reunited with their long-lost brother, Tang Long.

The four women sat ** and looked at the planets flashing outside, but they remembered Feng Long's promise that the whale shark pirates never gave up a brother. At this moment, after years of getting along, the four women also found that they had feelings for Feng Long. They fought secretly, but they didn't want to see Tang Long smile at women other than themselves.

In the distance, a purple planet loomed, and a little brother knocked on the door outside and shouted, "Brother Long, you can see Xiangluo Star." Feng Long said blankly, "Okay, move forward at full speed."

Three dilapidated starships moored outside the atmosphere of Xiangluo Star, released small spacecraft, hundreds of small spacecraft scattered to different places on the planet, and then landed to inquire about the news. A day passed, two days passed, Feng Long, Liu Ting, Li Fei, Wang Jing, Yang Xue, Qiao Yang, Qiao Fei, Qiao Feng and several people sat bored in a small bungalow.

Suddenly, Qiao Yang's video table sounded, and the projection of a little brother appeared in front of everyone: " boss, I heard the news of 'Longteng', coordinates AD230." Before the little brother's video was hung up, Feng Long dialed another video: "Notify all members to go to AD230 as soon as possible."

"Yes, Brother Long." Outside the atmosphere, on a broken starship, a man answered Feng Long's words.

Hundreds of spacecraft and flywheels gathered at the specified coordinates. Feng Long, four women, Feng Tian and Qiao's three brothers were facing a group of people at this moment. Feng Long put his hands in his trouser pockets and asked, "Do you know the news about Long Teng?"

The leader of the group held a cigar and said, "Longteng, isn't it just the garbage that was destroyed by us half a year ago!" When everyone heard this, they felt uncomfortable. Feng Long suppressed his anger, frowned and roared, "Leave their eldest brother, and the rest will be destroyed."