Big Starship

Chapter 51 Re-in-Army

After listening to Aolang's explanation, Feng Long listened to other people's opinions.

After thinking for a moment, he said with determination: "Well, I have decided that Liu Ting, Li Fei, Wang Jing and Yang Xue and I will change our identity and go to the parliamentary army to become soldiers and slowly penetrate. It may take a year or two or three years. Maybe we will come back tomorrow. During this period, the whale shark and the family will Uncle Xiang, please."

"What? No, absolutely not. I firmly disagree." Feng Zhenxiang shouted after hearing this.

Feng Long smiled and said, "I have decided, Uncle Xiang, don't stop me. The cousins of the wolf's nest will also go with me. In addition, I am in the God of War Hall organized by Whale Shark, and let them enter the army in batches of the parliamentary area, and we will contact them then."

Feng Long and the four women made a fake face with a skin reconstruction machine, and asked Feng Zhenxiang to give them the identity of a young master of a family in the family-style area. They quickly solved the identity of the wolf nest people. As for their faces, although they have been in the parliamentary district for six years, not many people have really met them.

After that, Feng Long told Tang Long that Zhang Tao, Qiao Yang, Qiao Fei, Qiao Feng and others entered the parliamentary army in batches with the people of the God of War Hall. In this way, Feng Long took four women and took the lead in a small spacecraft and rushed to the parliamentary area.

After several space jumps, the five people came to the long-lost Buck Star again. Feng Long saw the arrangement of the recruitment office as usual and couldn't help remember that when he stole 100,000 star coins from home and came here, the four women had no feelings for this place. Because of their family relations, they were arranged in the army as soon as they were born. In the team.

Under the leadership of the staff in black military uniform, after completing all the formalities, Feng Long and the four women walked out of the recruitment office and saw Feng Long frowning around. Wang Jing asked puzzledly, "What are you looking at?"

Feng Long continued to observe and replied, "Wait a minute, isn't there a parliamentary system with direct officers coming to pick up people after joining the army?

I met Sister Ting as soon as I came out. Why is the efficiency so slow now? After hearing this, Liu Ting smiled helplessly: "That's because I happened to come out and have something to do here. After doing things, I received a notice that a recruit reported to our company, so I took your photo to have a look."

"Oh, that's the case." Feng Long suddenly realized that his hands hit each other, and Liu Ting nodded solemnly and said, "Yes, that's it, so go to the military region to report quickly."

Feng Long laughed and said, "What's the hurry? Hey, let me tell you, that's what Sister Ting said at that time." Feng Long put on a serious look: "Are you Feng Long? Get in the car." All four women were amused by him.

After that, Feng Long pretended to be dissatisfied and pointed to Liu Ting and said, "At that time, I was scared. I thought it was a human trafficker or something." The five people walked to the reported military region with a smile. After walking to the periphery of the military region, several soldiers immediately raised their guns at them. One of them shouted, "Who is this? This is a military place. It is strictly forbidden to enter."

Feng Long took out five documents and went over and handed them to the shouting soldier: "Good sir, we are the recruits to report." With that, a military gift that was not standard was okay. After carefully checking five documents, the soldier took out a machine to scan the documents and said, "You can go in."

The five people quarreled with several soldiers and then walked into the barracks. After several inquiries, the recruits they finally found and reported everywhere. Feng Long knocked on the door with four women and saw two second lieutenants chatting inside.

One of the second lieutenants sitting at his desk saw them coming in, lit a cigar and asked, "Is it a new recruit to report? Take out your adult cards." Feng Long didn't know what he wanted to do for certification, but he still collected five people's certification and gave it to him.

The second lieutenant also took out a machine and scanned the certification of the five people in turn. Finally, his eyes slowly dimmed, and then threw five certificates on the table at will and said to Feng Long, "Your names are already in the recruit column. Now follow this officer. He will assign you positions. .

Feng Long followed the direction of his fingers and looked at the second lieutenant sitting next to the coffee table and chatting with him. In addition, the second lieutenant also stood up with a lazy face when he saw the former's expression: "Ok, you guys, come with me."

With that, he took Feng Long and others out of the room. Feng Long followed him and turned his eyes. Suddenly, as if he thought of something, he quickly stepped forward and pulled the second lieutenant into an alley.

The second lieutenant was surprised at what he was going to do. After looking around, Feng Long took out a card from his pocket and secretly stuffed it to the second lieutenant. Then he smiled at the second lieutenant and said, "Sir, the five of us are together. When it's time to be assigned, please ask the officer to take care of it. There are two million in it."

After the second lieutenant heard the number said, his eyes suddenly lit up. He was going to refuse Feng Long's hand, but he quickly put away the card. This was his one-year salary as a small second lieutenant. After collecting the card, the second lieutenant coughed twice and said, "This doesn't work. The rules are still unbreakable. When I was distributing it, You must follow the rules."

After hearing this, Feng Long smiled and said, "Ha ha, that's for sure. The officer is an upright person at first glance."

In this way, an invisible transaction was completed by Feng Long and walked to the four women with a proud face. Facing the confused eyes of the four women, he just pointed to the second lieutenant who looked left and right and said, "Okay, it's okay. Let's go with the officer."

When the four women saw that he refused to say more, they didn't ask anything. They just listened to him and followed the second lieutenant. After a while, the crowd came to a building. The second lieutenant pointed to the building and said, "This will be your dormitory in the future. Remember to train on time every day, sort it out first, and then come to me to report."

The five people saluted the second lieutenant and ran into the dormitory to sort out the internal affairs. This was a piece of cake for the four women who were originally elite arms, but for Feng Long, it was a big problem.

When Feng Long was frowned at the bedding of a bed, the governor assigned to the previous office and shouted as soon as he entered the door, "Damn it, what a broken machine are you? How did you check those people*? That young man stuffed me with a million as soon as he went out. This is not a simple person."

After hearing this, the second lieutenant in charge of reporting the recruits stood up and shouted, "What? One million? I don't care, at least 30% of me. After hesitating for a moment, the second lieutenant who received the money still gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I'll give you 300,000 yuan. Who will let us have a strong relationship? Repair your broken machine next time."

Just as the two were preparing to divide the accounts, the video in the office was forcibly picked up. When they saw the projection in the video, they quickly saluted, "Your Excellency." The man known as the commander said nothing but looked at the two fiercely.

After a while, the second lieutenant who received the money immediately understood something, quickly ran forward, took out the card given to him by Feng Long, and swiped it on the video machine: "Your Excellency, this is the harvest this time. I have sent you 600,000 yuan. Please pay attention to sign for it."

The commander saw the second lieutenant's fat body and a charming smile, and then withdrew his serious expression: "This time I'm here to inspect your work. You did a good job. Keep working hard."

The first day of Feng Long, Liu Ting and others came to the army has passed. They have just adapted to the life of a strange army. After the first training, Feng Long lay exhausted in the dormitory** and began to quarrel with his new roommates.

Of course, the four women are not in the same dormitory as him. There are four people in the military dormitory in the parliamentary area. After Feng Long's relationship, the four women have been divided into a dormitory, and the other three people in the same dormitory with him are all from families* and ordinary civilians.

At this time, a thin and seemingly stunted man lay on ** and asked, "Brother, what are you going to eat?" A man next to him replied while fiddling with his black military uniform, "I don't know. Let's go to the canteen later and then watch it."

Feng Long said lazily, "Alas, in this year, the officer embezzled military assets, the food level of soldiers has been greatly reduced, and everything they eat is the same." A burly man next to Feng Long complained unevenly, "Yes, yes, my mother has taught me to be honest since I was a child. When I become an officer, I must improve the food of my subordinates."

The thin man laughed and said, "Haha, let's talk about these words after you become an officer. Now, I'd better go to dinner first."

The four said that they were about to go out. At this time, a violent alarm sounded uncomfortably, and only heard a voice from their dormitory: "All new recruits, gather, those who have not arrived at the training ground within a minute, will be dealt with by military law."

After hearing this, the four people didn't have time to think too much about it. They left their meals and so on. They grabbed their military uniforms and ran to the training ground. After the four people ran to the training ground, Feng Long saw that Liu Ting and other women were also there. After greeting, they went to gather.

Just as a group of recruits were talking, they only heard a series of loud noises behind them, turned their heads and saw warships resting neatly in the open space behind them. One of the warships walked with dozens of officers behind them.

I saw the stars walking to the recruits like the moon: "Listen, everyone, now the first task assigned to you since joining the army, the difficulty factor is D."

"A civil war broke out on the Xuanfeng Star of the Isera Empire, which was his family matter. However, after investigation, we found that the mastermind behind the civil war is likely to be related to an important criminal we are chasing. Now I order you to go and capture this organization."

The man said, and the three-dimensional images of Feng Zhenxiang, Feng Huoyan and others were projected on the training table in his hand. After Feng Long saw it, he felt a burst of distress in his heart and thought that this was a big game. Just when Feng Long was worried, the officer began to assign warships according to the group.

After the incident, all the recruits boarded the ship. Fortunately, Feng Long's group and Liu Ting and the four others were together. The five avoided Feng Long's roommates and discussed what to do about this matter. Yang Xue frowned and said, "Xiao Long, let's play big now. What should we do?"

Feng Long replied sadly, "I can't help it. What good advice do you have?" Liu Ting pondered for a moment and said, "There is no other way now. In this way, Xiaoxue is the correspondent of this warship. After leaving the atmosphere, she will try to find out whether she can contact them."