Big Starship

Chapter 58 Negotiation

Zhang Daman controlled the scope of the main gun with anger. After aiming at an imperial warship, he locked the tracking and launched. A series of procedures were completed in an orderly manner. After Feng Long saw the small-scale explosion of smoke from the imperial warship's buttocks, he smiled and leaned forward and backward.

At this moment, the video station of the first ship sounded a request for communication. After Wang Jing checked, a fat and bloated face appeared in front of everyone. It was Second Lieutenant Sids, the highest officer of the imperial army. Wang Jing looked at Feng Long and saw Feng Long nod and connected to the video.

As soon as the video was connected, the fat man roared ferociously as if he was about to get out of it: "Hey, Terence, what the hell are you doing? Do you know that you are a serious violation of the alliance treaty between our two countries, and you will go to the military court!"

When Feng Long saw that ugly face, he suddenly felt a trace of disdain in his heart.

After finishing his clothes, he walked to the video station and sneered, "Are you talking about the alliance treaty? Why didn't you talk about the alliance treaty when I was chased by you just now? Just like you, how dare you scare me with the military court? You can file a lawsuit. Let's go to the military court in our parliamentary district and tell you that I'm going to arrest the rebel army today, and you must also die.

Siddes, the highest officer of the imperial army, saw Feng Long, who received the video and immediately raised his head and said, "Why are you? You count the bastard from there and ask Terence's son of bitch to talk to me.

"Much, bastard, did you just say these two words?"

Feng Long repeated the word bastard word by word. Sides had violated his reverse scales. Feng Long turned his head and looked at Wang Jing regardless of him: "Jingjing, explain to this legal blind what his behavior just now is."

Wang Jing almost didn't laugh after hearing this, but he still walked forward with a smile and looked at Sides without fear and said seriously, "Sergeant Siddes, please speak with respect. What you just did was already suspected of insulting the top officer of the Allies in the negotiations between the two armies, and your imperial army violated the same We also have the evidence of the alliance treaty, so••”

"What are you? Do you deserve to talk to me? Go back and call your officer." Wang Jing was not angry and wanted to continue to defend him.

Feng Long pulled Wang Jing with a cold face and looked at Sides with murderous intent and roared, "I tell you that you have committed three major crimes today. First, you scold me as a bastard. Second, you dare to let her get out of here. You know, I have never talked to her like this. Third, you just let me It's a good meal in the universe. You just wait to accept the sanctions of Shenwei. Get out of here.

After saying that, Feng Long punched the button to end the call, and this punch directly punctured the steel plate outside the video station, showing that several wires were broken inside.

This was a blow with great anger. Liu Kai and the three of them were stunned, stood still and forgot the work in their hands. They said to themselves in shock, "Is this guy still a human being? No, it's impossible. This force has long exceeded the physical range of human beings.

Feng Long just turned slightly red on the back of his hand, and even the skin was not broken. After all, he was a pervert who had fought with Shura in the training cabin, but Wang Jing looked at his hand worriedly and said, "Oh, why do you have to?"

Feng Long said angrily after smashing the video station, "Who let that bastard let you get out of here? I've never talked to you like this."

After hearing this, Wang Jing lowered her head and blushed on her face. Liu Ting, Li Fei, Yang Xue and other three women also looked at the domineering Feng Long with a proud face.

Feng Long looked at Wang Jing inappropriately and said, "Jingjing, go and connect me to the video of the whole fleet. I have an order to convey it." Wang Jing was intoxicated with relief and was suddenly interrupted. He extorted an anx, but still ran to receive the video call.

When Feng Long saw Wang Jing's helpless expression, he thought he was angry by what Sides said, and suddenly there was another anger in his heart.

After Wang Jing connected to the video of the whole team, Feng Long stood in front of the video station and shouted angrily: "Brothers, just now, when I negotiated with the highest officer of the imperial army, the imperial army made it clear that they had abandoned the alliance treaty and repeatedly insulted me and the parliamentary military region. You said, this tone Can you swallow it?"

A negotiation between the two armies was described by Feng Long. The mob of the parliamentary army suddenly became hot and shouted to go to the Isera Empire.

Feng Long saw that the expected effect had been achieved and immediately looked at the crowd with a smile.

"Very good, comrades are very gratified to have this enthusiasm. Now the whole army has obeyed the order, fired at the main and secondary guns, opened fire on the imperial army, and finally left their first ship. I suspect that their supreme officer has something to do with our goal this time, so I want to interrogate him. As for the application for the termination of the treaty of alliance between the two countries, I will later. Report to the officer."

Therefore, the parliamentary army officially challenged the imperial army. Feng Long had already been angry with Qiao's three brothers. Now the two forces have joined forces to attack the imperial army. In the imperial patrol, some new soldiers suddenly lost their fighting spirit and waited for death.

The two sides attacked together, and the imperial army was not optimistic for a long time. At this time, at the behest of Feng Long, Qiao's three brothers led the fleet to attack the parliamentary army.

In the current battlefield situation, Feng Long took the parliamentary army and helped the three Qiao brothers fight the imperial army in the name of defending the alliance treaty. Later, when the imperial army was dying, he ordered the three Qiao brothers to attack the parliamentary army on the edge.

Under Feng Long's instructions, the three of them symbolically fired two shots at the parliamentary army, but Feng Long pretended to be in a mess and finally commanded the parliamentary army randomly. Of course, the three of Qiao finally retreated completely.

The people and horses they led did not lose anything, but Feng Long led the parliamentary army and pressed the dying imperial army, intending to take advantage of his illness to kill him.

When the first ship of the two armies approached, Feng Long asked Wang Jing to send a video request to Sides. After seeing that it was Feng Long, Sides jumped his feet and scolded angrily: "You bastard. When the friendly army was on the verge of danger, you did not help, but joined forces to attack the friendly army. Boy, let me tell you today's military law. You are ready to go. Be mentally prepared.

Looking at his arrogant appearance, Feng Long has already prepared more than a thousand ways to die for him.

But he still roared angrily: "Fatty, how dare you let me go to the military court? Do you know that our task this time is to help the Isera Empire quell the chaos? Fortunately, you stood between the two armies when we wanted to attack those rebels. I think you are intentionally violating the alliance between the two countries. Discuss."

After hearing this, Siddes wanted to scold a few words, but Feng Long calmed down and said, "Don't say anything now. I'm going to your first ship, prepare the link, and then discuss how to deal with this matter."

Hearing Feng Long coming to his first ship, Sides said with contemptuous hands around his chest, "Well, what are you? You are also worthy of my first ship. Let me tell you, don't think that your Terence officer is dead, and you can be on an equal footing with me if you are promoted."

Feng Long replied coldly, "Then I also tell you that I never wanted to be on an equal footing with your garbage. I am better than you in all aspects." After saying that, regardless of Sidez's reaction, he shouted straight to Edward Karen, "Prepare a link gun for me and forcibly connect the imperial warship. I'm going to talk to their officers."

Edward received an order from Feng Long, went straight to the console he was responsible for, pulled a handle, pressed a few virtual buttons, and saw that in the universe, Feng Long's warship hit a huge drill, which was linked to a wide corridor and shot at Siddes's first ship.

The protective shield with little energy was suddenly shot through, and the huge drill went straight to his first ship. After a huge roar, the drill deftly penetrated into the body of the first ship. After that, the drill was divided into four strands, and four huge barbs tightly hooked the surface of the warship.

Feng Long and Wang Jing walked slowly into the passage. Liu Kai and three others were also fully armed behind them and on guard. The main and secondary guns of the parliamentary army near the two ships also faintly pointed to Sidez's first ship, and other parliamentary forces also aimed at the few remaining imperial troops.

Just when Sides was anxious, Feng Long finally stepped out of the passage and looked at Sides with a domineering face. Sides was so scared that he couldn't speak for a moment.

"Okay, the famous Second Lieutenant Sides, please explain to me in detail the accidents that happened in our mission." Feng Long said to Sides, and at the same time, a pair of dark eyes stared at Sides' face.

Siddston felt a pressure in his heart and said in shock, "Impossible. How can this guy be so domineering? This is the feeling I only felt when I faced the old man of Isera. Even the previous generation of Victor did not have such domineering. It's impossible."

Although he was shocked, Sides still looked at Feng Long domineeringly and said ferociously, "What are you? Why should I explain it to you?" Before Feng Long opened his mouth, Wang Jing behind him came forward and said annotically, "Second Lieutenant Siddes, please speak respectfully. You are talking to the top commander of the allied army, the special operation team of our parliamentary army."

When Hides saw Wang Jing grabbing his words in front of Feng Long, he immediately smiled and said, "Humph, the supreme commander, will only hide behind the woman? And you bitch, since you know that this is the dialogue between the top officer of the two armies, there is no way for you to interrupt. Get back.

Feng Longqing roared and said, "I stand behind her, which shows that I recognize the ability of my subordinates. Why do you prohibit my subordinates from speaking? I don't think we can talk anymore."

Just as Hides still wanted to deal with Feng Long for a while, he saw several beams in the dark passage connecting the first ships of the two armies, which unpreparedly penetrated the heads of everyone on the warship.

Just as Sides was still shocked, Liu Kai, Zhang Da and Edward Karen walked out of the passage with laser guns and stood behind Feng Long, but the muzzle of the gun was faintly pointed to Sidez in front of him