Big Starship

Chapter 64 Sir Pierre

Li Fei didn't think much about it later. She pulled Wang Jing, who was still in place, and ran around with Feng Long. The five people rushed into the forest again. Poor Feng Long just rushed out of the darkness and wanted to say goodbye to the long-lost light.

Along the way, listening to the loud sound of the fall of the big tree behind them, the five people told each other about the misfortune after separation.

A dark shadow flashed in the sky, blocking the little sunshine in an instant. The next moment, the huge flying fish finally got what it wanted and stopped in front of Feng Long and others. All five people looked at it helplessly.

"Let's fight." Feng Long had already put on his posture. Li Fei resisted the severe pain under his feet and said, "I have to work hard."

Poor in this perverted test, there is not even a weapon•••••

Feng Long saw Li Fei's trembling feet, and it was difficult to stand. Wang Jing stood steadily with the help of Liu Ting and Yang Xue. Feng Long looked at the huge flying fish in front of him warily: "Xiaofei, if you don't take a break, I'll warm up with it first."

After hearing this, Li Fei bulged and said, "What, do you look down on me? I just don't believe it." With that, Li Fei was ready to make a 'flash' posture, but her weather-beaten feet were really weak, and she was about to fall to the ground.

Liu Ting quickly came to help her up, but the flying fish did not give them time to discuss countermeasures, and a fierce man pressed Feng Long.

A huge shadow on the top of Feng's dragon head covered the sun. Feng Long's face was solemn and his right leg. At the moment when he was pressed by the huge body of the flying fish, Feng Long's right leg suddenly left the ground.

"Bang!" There was a loud noise in the air, and there was a depression in the abdomen of the flying fish, but it soon returned to its original state. Feng Long was shocked by the huge anti-shock force and flew out. After landing, Feng Long felt that his right leg seemed unconscious.

frowned, Feng Long quickly turned his head and said to the four women, "Do as I say now, look for the nearest tree, cut open the bark, and see if there is any purple sticky ** flowing out. If there is, stain this kind of ** with branches and give it to me. The more the better. Go quickly."

The four women wanted to ask something else, but when they saw the flying fish rushing at Feng Long again, Feng Long quickly stamped his feet twice and felt that after regaining a little consciousness, he desperately led the flying fish away in the opposite direction of the four women.

The four women looked at Feng Long's back worriedly. At this time, Liu Ting said, "Okay, don't look at it. Take a snapshot of what Feng Long said, and collect as many branches as possible to bring to him." Only then did the four women wake up and rushed into the virgin forest one after another.

After Feng Long was caught up by the flying fish, the flying fish quickly stretched out its tongue like a chameleon with a suction cup. Feng Long was shocked and quickly avoided the long tongue that he wanted to attack. The long tongue did not touch the prey and quickly withdrew it.

The flying fish hovered over Feng Long for a while, but Feng Long couldn't think of any countermeasures.

Unconsciously, 48 hours were slowly flowing. Just when Feng Long was at a loss, because of the shrinking of the virtual battlefield, someone could hear the movement here. Liu Kai and others also spent a long 48 hours in the process of looking for Feng Long.

Zhang Da had just killed a wounded soldier at this time. After hearing a loud noise, he rushed in the direction of the noise.

Feng Long flashed in, dodged the attack of the flying fish, jumped up, jumped directly above the flying fish, and began to make a big loop in the air, while constantly using the power of inertia to accumulate strength in his right leg.

While Feng Long was slowly falling, he vented with dissatisfaction and said, "Your grandma, big man, I have to have the gun of the starship by your side. You don't know how many times you have died. Now I want to fight with you, thunderous! Leave your fish head for me."

After a heavy fall, Feng Long reported a new move name - thunderous. To put it bluntly, it's just a hard kick.

After kicking the flying fish with a heavy inertia, the flying fish's body, which was ready to cushion and help fly, shook and fell to the ground. Dead? Of course, it is impossible. The flying fish flapped its wings again, brought a large area of dust, and then looked at Feng Long more fiercely.

Feng Long is still in the air at this moment, and it is impossible to avoid its attack. Fortunately, it has not recovered from the thunderousness. After Feng Long fell steadily, he turned around quickly and ran away.

After shaking its huge fish head twice, the flying fish finally recovered from the blow. After a burst of cushioning, it flapped its wings hard, and then its whole body flew into the air, leaving only the dust on the ground that blocked the sight.

Feng Long had already been forced to fight again by the flying fish. Seeing the flying fish rushing over again, he turned around and ran wildly without saying a word. Suddenly, a familiar figure appeared in front of him, and it was Zhang Da.

Zhang Da and Feng Long came to follow the sound and bumped into each other. Feng Long got up and patted the dust on his body. He quickly mentioned Zhang Da and ran all the way. Before Zhang Da could figure out what was going on, he heard a loud noise behind him.

The air seemed to be shaken by the huge force. Zhang Da looked back and saw that a big hole appeared in the place where he had just fallen, which was absolutely enough to bury himself. Zhang Da swallowed his saliva and quickly ran with Feng Long.

The soldier's psychological quality did not make him shout, but there was still a deep fear in his heart. After the two ran for a while, the flying fish was temporarily entangled by the dense ancient trees in the primitive forest and did not catch up.

Feng Long let go of Zhang Da, and the two gasped against an ancient tree. At this time, Feng Long vaguely saw four familiar figures and ran this way. Liu Ting saw Feng Long from afar and shouted, "Hey, Xiaolong, the branches you asked us to collect have almost been collected. What should we do next? ?"

After Feng Long touched his chin and meditated for a moment, he couldn't think of anything but heard the sound of ancient trees falling to the ground. Then there was a huge roar. Feng Long instantly felt a layer of goose bumps all over his body.

With no time to think about it, he flashed in and rushed to the four women, pulled off one of his military uniforms, took the poisonous branches in the four women' hands, tied them with a cloth, and then swung them up.

Zhang Da was about to turn his head to see what Feng Long was going to do, but the huge fish mouth rushed to him. Even the psychological quality of the soldiers made Zhang Da shout. At this time, Feng Long looked at the opportunity and a bundle of branches in his hand flew into the fish's mouth.

The flying fish was stunned for a moment. At this moment, Li Fei flashed into Zhang Da and came to everyone with him. The next moment, the huge body of the flying fish fell to the ground. Even so, the flying fish did not die, but kept struggling and roaring.

The churning body of the flying fish, the earth kept shaking, and this violent shaking also attracted many people nearby.

Liu Kai and Edward Karen also arrived one after another, and then more than a dozen people were attracted by the shock. I saw a bloody man, who was also a second lieutenant. The second lieutenant looked at the crowd crazily: "There are so many living people. This can't be done. Without one person, I will have a glimmer of life. Go to hell."

Crazy eyes, after the cry of Hunsteria, the second lieutenant rushed into the crowd, like a wolf entering the sheep, constantly biting and entangling. Finally, after a soldier fell to the ground, everyone broke out. Of course, Feng Long and others were also involved.

Finally, when there were ten people left, the familiar male voice sounded again, "Very good. You are all elites of the parliamentary military region. After physical strength, mental quality and actual combat trials, you are still standing here. Now, it will be a bright future to welcome you."

Of course, there are Feng Long, Liu Kai, four women and others among the remaining ten people. The remaining two are the crazy second lieutenant and a gloomy teenager.

Liu Kai was bruised all over at this time. Before that, he was almost killed by the second lieutenant, and Feng Long and Zhang Da joined hands to save him. Now the second lieutenant is still murderous and looks at him maliciously.

The virtual battlefield continued to shrink, and the flying fish that was still struggling was compressed into minced meat by space and disappeared in front of ten people. The ten people who watched it were shocked, and Feng Long frowned and waited for the next "test".

A white light flashed. After 48 hours of life-and-death experience, ten people came to a place that looked like a laboratory. A man in a major's military uniform came to them in a small flywheel.

"Good to formally meet you. I'm Major Pierre, your immediate commander in your future military career." The familiar male voice appeared in front of ten people with a handsome face.

"Good to formally meet you. I'm Major Pierre, your immediate commander in your future military career." The familiar male voice appeared in front of ten people with a handsome face.

After seeing the people coming, Feng Long observed carefully but no longer paid attention to what he said. He just looked around the whole picture of the laboratory. What he saw was a huge vessel, which was full of bright red **.

Several pipes connected to other containers are constantly conveying something to this huge container. Looking at the red ** of the container, there is still something similar to the placenta floating, but I don't know what it is.

Just as Feng Long was about to take a closer look, Major Pierre coughed and said, "Okay, attention, the next thing you have to do is to enter the hypnosis warehouse in front of you and have a good sleep. It's as simple as that."

As soon as he finished speaking, the floor in front of the ten people suddenly cracked, and metal boxes like coffins slowly rose. Although Pierre said so, no one moved, just looked at him with doubt.

Pierre hugged the gloomy man closest to him, his eyes narrowed into a dark moon, and the corners of his mouth raised unnaturally. He deliberately lowered his voice and said, "Don't doubt it. Do you doubt the order of the military region headquarters? Soldiers, it is their duty to obey orders, hahaha.

Even the gloomy teenager was hugged by him and sweated a little coldly. He unconsciously took a step and really wanted to enter the hypnosis warehouse, but it was just a step. After that, he reacted, he immediately withdrew which foot.

Feng Long also looked at Pierre vigilantly at this time. Pierre keenly found his hostile eyes and quickly put his smile naturally. He even waved his hands and said, "Haha, don't look at me like this. It makes me feel uncomfortable all over."

Feng Long also withdrew his eyes cooperatively, but he still opened the cordon for Pierre.