Big Starship

Chapter 71 Capture the Ship

Get up and look at Feng Long fiercely and roared, "What do you mean? Are you looking for trouble?" Before Feng Long could speak, Sita looked at the man with pity: "Well, those four are his women. Your boy kicked the iron plate this time."

When the man heard Sita's words, he not only did not apologize, but moved his muscles and bones fiercely to approach Feng Long: "Haha, his woman? That is to say, this boy died unexpectedly in the assessment, and they are my women?

Sita saw that other people had similar ideas. Although she looked relaxed, she still waved her hand and said, "Hey, it has nothing to do with me. If you want to rob the beautiful woman to find this boy, don't involve me."

With that, the group of people saw Feng Long's face slowly produce scales, and a pair of wings on his back. A pair of horns grew strangely above their heads. Everyone retreated one after another. The previous one that was slapped by Feng Long made their legs tremble even more scared.

After that, needless to say, the group of wastes were killed in seconds. Occasionally, one or two people who were anxious to take Sita as a hostage were brutally discarded by Sita, blocked their respiratory organs with things, and threw them on the ground. After that, the two swaggered back.

Seeing Feng Long and Xita coming back, Liu Kai quickly went up and pulled Feng Long and asked, "How's it going? Have you found the aircraft?" Feng Long waved his hand and shook his head helplessly. Sita followed suit and made the same action.

Seeing the two of them like this, the others were also frustrated. At this time, Feng Long suddenly laughed and said, "Hahaha, isn't it just a garbage aircraft? What are you worried about? I'll make one for you. Don't stand still and collect materials for me."

Liu Kai heard it and said happily, "Really? Can you do this?" Sita looked at Feng Long disbelievely and asked, "What materials do you want?" Feng Long thought about it and said, "Power devices, fuel, oxygen supply equipment, it would be better if weapons could be found, and there was a lot of metal."

In this way, everyone went to the ruins of the destroyed laboratory to find materials, while Feng Long went to several rooms to find his starship gun. Half an hour later, Feng Long came back with the starship gun with satisfaction.

Seeing everyone surrounded by a pile of broken copper and iron and looking at the pile of materials, Feng Long nodded with satisfaction: "Those with some mechanical common sense come to help and repair the machinery that they can repair as much as possible."

Others doubted Feng Long's ability, but the four women were convinced of it. After all, they knew that Feng Long had been in the War Dragon game warehouse for two years and learned a lot of technical knowledge that they did not know, so they took the lead in fiddling with the parts they had seen.

Others also held the mentality of a dead horse as a living horse doctor and manipulated the pile of waste residue in a way. Feng Long picked out some metal fragments and piled them up into a pile, which changed into form two. A row of scales grew on their faces and spewed flames at the pile of waste residue.

"Damn it, your grandma, you still have this function." When Xita saw Feng Long's mouth spewing flames, she said enviously. Feng Long gave him a coquettish look and continued his scientific research plan.

After the metal in front of him was burned and softened, Feng Long did not consider anything else. He directly stretched out his hands and pinched the pile of scrap metal like a plane like plasticine. After doing all this, Feng Long went over to help them repair the pile of machinery.

With everyone's efforts, after two hours, several decent mechanical equipment finally appeared in the pile of ruins. Feng Long looked at the things in front of him, and finally picked up the so-called power device and went to the 'plane' to assemble it.

Then oxygen provides equipment, direction equipment, and several laboratory defense guns, which can be installed on the plane, and then take out the gun of the starship and become the 'Dragon Yin cannon' as the main gun of the aircraft.

The last step is to fill the fuel. Feng Long took the lead, and the four women followed him closely and tried to start it. Unexpectedly, they could really start. Liu Kai and others rushed up excitedly, and Sita also smiled.

At this time, Liu Ting came over and asked Feng Long in a low voice, "What are you taking them for? Why don't you just stay here or do it more simply? Do you still want to stay in the parliamentary military area? Feng Long smiled and said, "Yes, the purpose of our trip has not been achieved yet, and I suddenly have a good idea."

Seeing that he pretended to be mysterious, Liu Ting stopped asking more questions. In this way, the temporary aircraft spewed a tail flame and rushed out of the laboratory and flew into space.

At the same time, three light miles away from the aircraft, a unique parliamentary warship: "Report, sir, UFOs have been detected flying out of the target 'Titan Laboratory'."

The man known as the officer was the man in black sent by Wu Kra before, but now he has changed into a military uniform. The man was shocked and said, "What, go at full speed, follow the UFO and detect whether there is any life reaction."

"Yes." The soldier answered and went down to carry out the order.

Feng Long hurriedly put together a spacecraft with various waste. Everyone sat in the spacecraft and escaped from the 'Titan Laboratory'. At the same time, the spacecraft was targeted by a spacecraft painted with the flag of the parliamentary military region in the distant starry sky.

"Report, UFOs were detected flying out of the target 'Titan Laboratory'."

The man known as the officer was the man in black sent by Wu Kra before, but now he has changed into a military uniform. The man was shocked and said, "What, go at full speed, follow the UFO and detect whether there is any life reaction."

"Yes." The soldier answered and went down to carry out the order.

Feng Long and others did not know anything about this. Liu Ting quietly walked beside Feng Long: "Well, are you going to go to the parliamentary military region to lurk, or do you have any other ideas?" After hearing this, Feng Long adjusted the spacecraft to self-driving mode and carefully thought about his future plans.

In an area in the distant starry sky, a warship depicting the symbol of the parliamentary military region was coming to Feng Long's spaceship. A soldier walked from the detector to the man in black: "Report, sir, signs of life have been detected in that unknown object."

"How many people?" The shadow man asked with a cigar. The soldier saluted and said, "Report officer, because it is too far away from the other party, I can't detect the specific amount reflected by life." The man in black spit out a smoke ring and said, "I know, chase them at full speed, and the combat department is ready to fight at any time."

Feng Long rubbed his temples and said after pondering for a long time, "Let's go to the parliamentary system first. If Wu Klana bastard troubles us, we will announce the matter here. I also want to try to take Xita."

Liu Ting was relieved after hearing this, but still frowned and reminded, "Do you have real evidence to prove the existence of the laboratory? And I think Sita is also unruly and difficult to control.

Feng Long smiled confidently and said disdainfully, "Well, the evidence, my own body is the most effective evidence, and when I was still looking for a spacecraft, I took out the parliamentary action plan and relevant documents, which are proved by Wu Kara's three-dimensional projection."

"As for the matter of Sita, I don't have to accept him. It's up to fate. I just need to try my best."

As they spoke, everyone had seen a parliamentary warship coming from afar. Feng Long ignored the video request from the other party and directly turned his head and smiled at everyone, "Haha, we have a new spaceship."

Seeing that Feng* did not accept the video request, the man in black directly issued an attack order to his opponent. Looking at the gun barrel that was gathering energy, Feng Long sneered: "Look for death." After saying that, he flew out of the spaceship and rushed to the opposite spaceship in the form of a demon.

The man in black on the opposite saw the monitoring projection of the big screen, the boss with his mouth open, and the group of soldiers were no exception. Finally, they felt a violent shaking of the warship, and the man in black reacted.

"Damn it, this boy is a fucking human life with Luo Luowu? What is this?" In the end, he didn't figure out what this was. The ship was pierced by Feng Long's two corners, and Feng Long entered the inside of the warship.

Sita controlled the steering wheel of the temporary warship. After waiting for less than a minute, the parliamentary warship released the receiving channel and linked to the temporary warship. As for the original owner of the warship, it goes without saying that everyone knows what's going on.

Feng Long evolved into a demon form, breaking through the shield of the opposite warship, piercing the hull, using thunder means to kill the people on the warship, and then connecting the broken aircraft he made with the link track on the warship.

Everyone boarded the warship along the link track one by one, with different expressions. The expressions of the four women were very ordinary. Sita was just inexplicably sad, and then he looked ordinary. Zhang Da seemed to be very timid, and Liu Kai and Edward did not dare to come up.

Feng Long frowned and looked at the two people's unbearable appearance and flew directly to a knife behind them. Their eyes turned white, and then fainted.

Feng Long kicked the two on the warship and gave Yang Xue, who was responsible for opening the battleship, an ok gesture.

Yang Xue gave him an OK gesture, and the warship spewed out a tail flame and went away.

Feng Long pulled Liu Ting and several other women to discuss the future itinerary. While thinking about how to get the news of Feng Qinghai and Feng Qingyu, he thought about the future of the whale shark and how to win over Sita.

At this time, Sita frowned and looked around the inside of the warship, as if he had thought of something. He looked at Feng Long with complicated eyes, and then turned his head and pretended not to know anything. Feng Long was keenly aware of his eyes and pretended to be nothing.

Liu Kai and Edward Karen are still in a coma. They don't know whether they are really faint or fake. Their eyelids beat a few times from time to time, and their faces are abnormally crimson.

Just as Feng Long struggled with his brains and was exhausted, a video request came from the warship where they were located.

Everyone stared at each other warily, and Liu Kai and Edward also jumped up, but no one dared to connect to the video.

Seeing that the video request was about to be interrupted, Feng Long stepped forward to pick up the video request.

"How's it going? Nothing happened, did it?" As soon as the video was picked up, such a question came from the other end. Only the projection shown in the video was the president of the parliamentary district, Wu Kra.