Big Starship

Chapter 73 Meeting with the President

After hearing this, Feng Zhenxiang chatted with Feng Long for a while, and the latter two hung up the video together.

After the video was hung up, Feng Long changed the plane that went there. After his arms mutated, he abruptly tore the iron sheet at the nose with his arms that were obviously not human, and reached out to pull out the main gun in it.

After the extracted main gun came into Feng Long's hands, there was a twist and change, and finally turned into the appearance of a parliamentary officer with a gun. Feng Long showed a treacherous smile and patted the gun inserted in his waist.

Looking at Sita on this side, he saw Feng Long's cold smile. An inexplicable chill rose from his heart, and a trace of cold sweat oozed under his clothes on his back. He swallowed his saliva to hide his uneasy expression.

When Zhang Da saw Feng Long's behavior, he shook his head helplessly and said nothing more. Liu Ting and the other four women smiled silently.

Then Feng Long remembered something and turned his eyes to Liu Kai and Edward. When they saw him, they squeezed out a stiff smile and looked at him with both hands.

Feng Long pointed to Yang Xue and said, "Let's see what equipment this spacecraft has to eliminate memory and eliminate their memories during this period."

Yang Xue did not speak but nodded silently, and her hands were activated on the virtual keyboard. Liu Kai and Edward swallowed a mouthful of saliva after hearing this.

In the choice of life and an undue memory, Liu Kai and Edward resolutely chose their lives.

When Feng Long saw their decisive decision, he couldn't help but nodded. Then after Yang Xue's processing, their memories were confirmed to have been completely eliminated, so they only kept the memory of coming out to carry out the task and did not remember what happened in the Titan Laboratory.

Feng Long later gave them an emergency escape pod on the tarmac. After entering the coordinates of their barracks, he ejected the escape pod without nostalgia and left their lives, which was regarded as Feng Longren's best.

The waiting time is always slow. After two long hours, a spacecraft marking the whale shark mark finally entered the radar range and sent a video request to confirm the identity of the other party.

A familiar face appeared in front of Feng Long. Tang Long shouted with an exaggerated smile, "Brother Long, I miss you so much. I've been waiting for your contact recently."

"Stop talking nonsense and drive the spaceship behind my spaceship and wait." Feng Long couldn't help waving and interrupting when he saw that he was endless as soon as he met.

Tang Longchong raised a middle finger on the video station and said, "Oh, after staying in the army for so long, it is still so domineering. It seems that the parliamentary army does not train people very much."

His words only made Feng Long roll his eyes and didn't catch it.

After more than half an hour, more than 30 battleships of whale sharks finally gathered nearby. Feng Long opened the video and said angrily, "Brothers, long time no see. Now, I'm back."

"Oh, la la la, Brother Long, just say what you want to do. Brothers are waiting for a lot of fire these days."

Hearing the shouts from dozens of separate projections, Feng Long smiled and raised and pressed down his right hand. Suddenly, the whole audience was silent.

Feng Long heard that there was no more **. He organized his words and said, "Since the brothers can't wait, I'm just going to make a scene in Wu Kra's kennel. Are you ready?"

The silent crowd shouted again: "What did Brother Long say and what should we do?"

Feng Long nodded with satisfaction and smiled with relief: "Okay, in this case, bring me the guy in your hand. By the way, are there any people in the God of War?" After thinking about it, Feng Long asked.

I didn't expect this question to be true. Feng Long looked at the 20 people who appeared and licked his lips and said, "My identity is a major in the parliamentary military region. What you have to do is to pretend to detain me and negotiate with Wu Kra. I have something he values in my hand. When I get to their door, you know what to do. What's the deal?"

After hearing this, Tang Long organized 20 people in the God of War Hall, all wearing whale sharks and unique mechas to fly out of the warship. Twenty mechas surrounded Feng Long's warship and pretended to surround it. One of them went to the parliamentary headquarters according to the coordinates sent by Feng Long.

Feng Long sat in a lounge**, reached out and slowly stroked the starship gun, and then the arm kept changing between the human arm and the beast arm. He nodded with satisfaction and kept the arm in human form.

I don't know how long it took, a knock on the door woke up the sleeping Feng Long. After opening the door, Wang Jing stood at the door, turned her head and looked at Feng Long with a smile, and said with her hands playfully behind her back: "Yang Xue said that there are still 200 universes to reach the destination, and where the defense can be detected in the radar."

After hearing this, Feng Long nodded and smiled, and then put his hand on Wang Jing's head without warning. He touched Wang Jing's surprised eyes and smiled, "I know. The four of you will command here later."

Wang Jing frowned and said angrily, "Well, you always look down on us. Every time you go out to fight, you find a way to get us away from the battlefield."

Feng Long took down the hand on the other party's hair and said, "Hahaha, field command is also very important. I don't trust such a terrible job to give to others."

Wang Jing's expression was slightly better, and then laughed and said, "Hey hey, why don't you give the field command to Sister Ting and the others? I'll fight with you?" Feng Long was very surprised that Wang Jing had this courage.

But he just laughed helplessly and said, "Little girl, how dare you say it? I don't think it's better. One of the four of you can fight with me. It's up to you two pairs, and the rest of you can go with me. How about that? Hahahaha."

After hearing this, Wang Jing laughed and suddenly stiffened on his face. Then he shook his hand at Feng Long and said angrily, "Well, if you don't let me go. After you go, I will secretly take a small spaceship to the battlefield with Sister Ting, Li Fei and Yang Xue. Let's see what you do then."

Feng Long knew that Wang Jing was the weakest among the four women. He thought that this could make her stay here at ease, but he didn't expect that the little girl still had such an idea.

Before Feng Long finally left, he had to extract all the energy of all the small spacecraft on the tarmac, and after explaining something to the few little brothers left behind, he put on a special fighting mecha and flew out of the warship.

At this time, Tang Long had finished negotiating with Wu Kara. Wu Kara finally agreed to enter the headquarters, but only three people could negotiate with him. He did not have the courage to refuse any conditions of Tang Long.

"Well, when you walk into this door, then the initiative is in my hands, Feng Long, Feng Long? Could it be one person? It shouldn't be•••••”

Wu Kra thought so in his heart, but who knew what would happen to him unexpectedly after the four people walked into this gate?

The three of them mastated to hold Feng Long, walked through the heavily guarded passage, and finally came to the door of Wu Kra. Along the way, even Feng Long raised his heart to his throat.

Tang Long sorted out his expression, pushed open Wu Kra's door and walked in.

Seeing Wu Kara sitting on a floating chair and smoking a cigar with a comfortable face, Tang Long looked at Feng Long obscurely. Both of them saw a joke from each other's eyes, and then Tang Long immediately picked up his expression and sat opposite Wu Kara.

"Ha ha, this must be Mr. Tang Long, known as the whale shark double dragon, who is regarded by Feng Long as the right hand." After Wu Kra saw Tang Long, he said with a smile.

After hearing this, Tang Long did not answer his question, but rudely pulled Feng Long over and pressed him to the table: "I don't want to say more nonsense. How are you going to let me return the person to you?" Wu Kra frowned and then smiled with relief.

twisting out the cigar in his hand, Wu Clara looked at Tang Long and said, "It's very simple. You pirates just want money, so you say a number. If it's worth it, I'll give it to you."

Tang Long narrowed his eyes and looked at Feng Long, as if he were looking at his worth. Then Feng Long took advantage of Wu Kara's inattention and handed him a wink. Tang Long smiled and nodded secretly.

His fingers were still tapping on the table. Tang Long pretended to think for a moment and then said, "In this way, return the two old masters of our whale sharks, and then I will choose three civilized planets in your parliament as compensation."

After hearing this, Wu Kra was stunned and stared at Tang Long again. After making sure that he was not joking, he finally laughed and said, "Hahaha, I thought Feng Long's men were mediocre, but I didn't expect that you were so ignorant of current affairs. Do you think the conditions you raised could be realized?"

Tang Long looked at him indifferently, and then smiled sarcastically and said, "Brother Long often teaches us that nothing is impossible in the universe. Your mother gave birth to you with that little chance. What else is impossible?"

When Wu Kra heard Tang Long's words, he suddenly stopped his words, frowned and was about to get angry, and then suppressed his anger and snorted coldly: "Well, I'd rather sacrifice a major, but then you don't want to walk out of this door."

Feng Long heard that he actually said this in front of him, smiled coldly and broke away from Tang Long's escort. He took two steps back and pointed to Wu Kra's nose and shouted, "Old man, don't forget what I have in my hand. You are going to sacrifice me. Try to see if I dare to tell them."

Looking at Feng Long's stupid behavior, Wu Kra finally couldn't suppress his anger. He slapped the table and shouted, "How dare you, I dare to kill you without waiting for them to do it. As a major in the military region, don't you even have this mental preparation?"

After roaring, without waiting for Feng Long to say anything else, Wu Kra suddenly realized what he thought of and suddenly laughed and said, "Hahaha, so it is, so it is, Feng Long? Feng Long? Major of the military region, the whale shark is in charge, you are really hard enough to lurk.

After hearing this, Tang Long quietly touched his back waist with one hand. Feng Long found that his movements and then stepped on his foot first. Although Tang Long was puzzled, the hand slowly relaxed.

All this only happened in an instant. After hearing Wu Kra's words, Feng Long's face became gloomy for a moment. He lowered his head and said coldly, "Hmm, I didn't expect that the lives of his subordinates were not worth two pirate leaders in the eyes of the president, and he also put such a big charge on his subordinates who had been loyal to the government. "