Big Starship

Chapter 83 Forced confession

Feng Long looked at the dazzling light spots, nodded with satisfaction, and then pointed to the point of the electromagnetic shield with a smile: "Ready, three, two, one, fire!"

Hundreds of beams of light fell with the sound and shot at Feng Long's finger.

All the warships of the two forces only caused a circle of ripples on the electromagnetic light mask, but they still could not break them, which was also what Feng Long had expected. After the ripples appeared, Feng Long raised his right fist, and the war armed forces at his fist condensed a huge dark green light ball.

When Feng Long felt that his energy had accumulated almost, he suddenly made a right-handed action to cut his arm and pushed the ball out.

Now he dares not use weapons such as Longyin or roaring casually. After listening to Liu Ting's opinion, he only carries the energy that can support Longyin once, and the energy stored in the war armed forces can only be used twice. It is a very slow process to recover.

But the current low-demand attack method can be said to be inexhaustible to draw energy directly from the surrounding vacuum.

The green light ball completed with Feng Long's arm cutting and quickly shot into the light mask in front of him. The light ball hit the center of the ripples on the light mask that had not yet completely dissipated.

A crack appeared in the electromagnetic hood, which expanded rapidly and finally burst, forming a vacuum zone that allows both sides to enter.

Feng Long took the lead in rushing into the gap of the electromagnetic shield, and then the armed forces behind him also rushed to the big hole.

When Feng Long saw this group of active militants, he smiled and frowned. He lowered his head and said to his headset, "All the mecha came in with me, as well as the 30 warships belonging to the God of War Hall. The rest of the people stayed here and stand by just in case."

Hearing what Feng Long said, those militants who were full of flames stayed in place, and only about 1,000 mecha soldiers and more than 30 warships came behind Feng Long.

Just as Feng Long was about to refer to the map of Isera Didu in his mind, several planets at the border of the empire suddenly glowed. Looking at those lights, Feng Long knew that it was the star guard gun that was accumulating energy.

Looking at the beams that were about to shoot, Feng Long grinned and said, "Well, I didn't expect Isera's defense facilities to be so perfect that it was discovered as soon as I came in, alas! There is no hope of sneak attack."

Looking at the beams of light that finally shot out, Feng Long said to his headset, "All warship shields are fully opened, surround the mecha soldiers in the middle, and the mecha soldiers attack the enemy through the cracks between the warships."

More than 30 warships quickly surrounded more than 1,000 mecha soldiers in the middle, and a layer of dark blue shields were opened, and the mecha protected in the middle was not idle. They raised the artillery on their arms one by one and entered a state of preparation.

Sure enough, after the first wave of attacks was defended, a group of warships slowly flew out of the previously shining planets, and the warships flew from all directions, faintly showing a tendency to surround them.

In the middle of the forces of the two sides, a huge colored projection appeared in the dark universe, and the projection showed a few big words: "You are small. This is the fire ghost fortress on the border of the Isera Empire. You are not allowed to be presumptuous and retreat quickly. We can think that this has never happened."

And the answer to that line of font is a small beam of light from the cracks of the warships. In the first ship of the imperial army, a young but slightly dark man looked at the projection platform and smiled, "Hum, I don't know whether they are alive or dead. Do you find out that they are that side?"

After the young man's voice fell, a middle-aged man knelt on one knee and said, "Sir, there is no first ship that can represent its power in the warships of that group of people, and there is no sign on the warships participating in the battle, so it is judged to be a pirate or a wandering robber."

"A group of garbage dares to pay attention here. Is it true that my Isera Empire has been low-key for several years and has become easy to bully? Humph, let's go on with the notice that everyone will quickly enter the state of readiness and directly defeat them with a thunder attack.

The young man sarcasticly, and the middle-aged man behind him lowered his head slightly after hearing this, and then got up and retreated.

Looking at the imperial warships that were accumulating energy, Feng Long smiled at the corners of his mouth: "All the mecha soldiers quickly dispatched, close to the local warships, broke through their warships, captured their officers, and others, and killed them."

The armored soldiers who heard Feng Long's order quickly flew out of the scattered warships and rushed to the warships of the imperial army with tail flames. Feng Long looked at the five elders around him and the wolf nests, all flew towards the first ship in the imperial warship town.

And after seeing the various tail flames displayed on the projection, the young man frowned slightly and whispered, "Tell below, quickly accumulate energy, give up all defenses, and open the main guns freely after they enter the attack range and attack indiscriminately."

"Yes." After hearing this, a middle-aged man behind him answered, got up and nodded and slowly retreated outside.

Feng Long led some of his men and horses to rush into the defense of the Isera Empire, and they encountered the border guards. After a short confrontation, Feng Long's side ended in a complete victory and ate the border guard without casualties.

After capturing the other party's commander as he wished, Feng Long, Honglian, Proud Wolf, Huolian Five Elders and other representative figures boarded the other party's first ship and swaggered into the control room. Feng Long looked at the young man who knelt on the ground and was captured by several people.

The young man was wearing a senior imperial officer uniform that matched his age. Feng Long was also shocked to see that he was no more than a few years older than himself. The officer was staring at Feng Long angrily.

If the eyes can kill people, Feng Long may have been in a different place.

Feng Long looked at him as if he had not heard it. He walked to him with a smile and stood in a position very close to him. Feng Long looked down at him: "Name, position."

Two faint words came out of Feng Long's mouth, and after he finished saying these two words, the kneeling person below bit his lower lip fiercely: "Gras * bastard pirate, let me go quickly, otherwise."

"Bum!" A loud noise sounded in everyone's ears, and Feng Long's tight fist appeared in the position of the man's previous head, and the man's head hit the ground heavily at this moment.

In fact, just after he scolded, the people familiar with Feng Long around him were already praying for him. They knew Feng Long's reverse scales best, scolding his mother and calling himself Laozi in front of him. Both of them occupied the unlucky goods.

A magic hand stretched out, pulled a bunch of hair, and pulled up the head close to the metal ground, leaving a faint trace of facial features and several bloody teeth on the metal floor.

The slowly raised head has lost its previous resoluteness in his eyes at this moment. Because he made a fierce posture of biting his lower lip before, now the bloody lower lip is deeply embedded with two front teeth.

Before he recovered, a dark shadow quickly enlarged in front of his eyes. At this moment, he was in a trance and could only watch the increasingly big fist hit him, and he didn't even have the strength to scream.

Feng Long fell heavily on the face in front of him again, and with the arrival of his fist, there was a low roar: "Name! Position!"

Such a heavy fist fell on the deformed face, and the people behind him could no longer press it, so they let a piece of blood fly out of the body. The body hit the wall heavily, and Feng Long's figure followed closely.

After the half-dead body hit the wall, he lay flat on the ground, while Feng Long jumped into the air. As his body fell, an elbow hit the man's stomach, and a mixture of saliva, stomach fluid and blood suddenly spewed out of the man's mouth.

"Name, position?" Feng Long stood up and made a cold sound here. He looked coldly at the person who covered his stomach and kept coughing on the ground.

"Cough, Cough••Fast VIII, captain of the Imperial Guard III." After coughing up a pool of blood, the young officer finally said softly, and Feng Long officially began to interrogate him.

Slowly squatted down and approached Fast's fearful face. Feng Long asked with a strange smile, "How many teams are there in the border guard of the Isera Empire?"

Hearing Feng Long's question, Fast suddenly frowned and was about to make a gesture of resistance. Then he put away his dissatisfaction and said, "Twenty-three teams, each team has a pseudo-starship, 20,000 B-type intermediate warships, legion-level configuration, one million machine-motive armor."

After he finished saying this in a hoarse voice, Feng Long took down his hand around his neck and looked at him with satisfaction. This time, Fast's cooperation was a little unexpected. Unexpectedly, he asked him a question, and he could say so much in one breath.

As for the authenticity of the information he said, Feng Long did not doubt it at all, because Yang Xue stood in front of the console and gave him a vague look. The console can control a large polygraph device inside the whole warship, and at this moment, it is Yang Xue who is mastering the device.

Presumably, Fast also saw this before he decided to tell Feng Long the truth.

After listening to his explanation, Feng Long didn't say anything. He just stood up and looked at him condescendingly. Fast, lying on the ground, saw Feng Long's fierce eyes, and he was so oppressed that he dared not look at him.

After turning his head to one side with a guilty heart and rolling his throat for a while, Fast finally made up his mind to ask, "I've told you what you're interested in. What else do you want?"

Feng Long smiled sarcastically and said, "Ha ha, what else is there that I'm not interested in? Tell me, too, and warn you not to brush any tricks.

Fast's heart was full of excitement when he heard this. Feng Long's words obviously forced him to the end, but if he was not interested, wouldn't he have to tell all the information about Isera in his memory?

He didn't have the courage. Even if he gave him another courage, he endured the pain all over his body. There was a large piece of cold sweat on his forehead. His voice weakly asked Feng Long, "What else do you want to know?"

When Feng Long saw a fear rising in his eyes, it was not a fear of him, but a fear of Isera.